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Have they left!

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posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:04 PM
Have the Extra-Terestrial race none as the Greys left. There has been much less sighting of U.F.O or flying saucers lately even the british U.F.O magazine has stop printing. Many belive that they were here to create a hybrid race if this theory is correct does that mean, they have succed and left permantly or will they be back if they have succed will they return again. I would like to hear your views.

apoliges for the spelling

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:16 PM
I don't believe so,there are as many sightings as ever.Check for updates.The phenomenon has peaks and lulls,but it never seems to stop completely.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:23 PM
im talking about photos and videos that cant be called fakes just like that im talking about the good stuff you no

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by shorty
im talking about photos and videos that cant be called fakes just like that im talking about the good stuff you no

Check out There are a few links to recent photos and videos taken.It's really up to people like you and I to help in gathering that evidence in the end though.
I think I see the gist of what you're saying though,that no MAJOR event seems to have taken place recently.Perhaps we're due for something big.Let's hope so.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by shorty
I would like to hear your views.
Maybe, just like terrorists, they have all their hybrids in place for their eventual takeover of humanity. I don't think they have left and we may soon see actual proof of their existence.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:03 PM
It's not that sightings have stopped, it's just that public interest has. In the 90s, we had shows like The X-Files and Millenium. We had Fox specials every other week about UFOs. Everyone and their brother was interested.

But the 'Big Revelation' never happened. The government never cracked and admitted they had contact with ETs. The Mothership never settled over NYC, the Martian ambassador never landed on the whitehouse lawn. Like most fads, it came and went.

It'll be back, once the mythology gets more interesting tidbits. However, much like the "Contactees' of the 50s and 60s, UFO nuts kept on saying that "All would be revealed very soon." It never was revealed. They got everyone riled up for something extraordinary, and then nothing, not even a puff of smoke.

The evidence and stories of UFOs keeping coming it at a steady pace. But the public isn't interested in piles of papers. It's interested in flashy lights.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica
It's not that sightings have stopped, it's just that public interest has. In the 90s, we had shows like The X-Files and Millenium. We had Fox specials every other week about UFOs. Everyone and their brother was interested.

But the 'Big Revelation' never happened. The government never cracked and admitted they had contact with ETs. The Mothership never settled over NYC, the Martian ambassador never landed on the whitehouse lawn. Like most fads, it came and went.

It'll be back, once the mythology gets more interesting tidbits. However, much like the "Contactees' of the 50s and 60s, UFO nuts kept on saying that "All would be revealed very soon." It never was revealed. They got everyone riled up for something extraordinary, and then nothing, not even a puff of smoke.

The evidence and stories of UFOs keeping coming it at a steady pace. But the public isn't interested in piles of papers. It's interested in flashy lights.

You've got a good point, but it's not the public. It's the media. Once the media show something, the public is interested. I admit though that it's going both ways: what the public buys they sell. If no one's buying, they change.

Still... I think that people are more and more interested, but if the (mainstream) media don't show anything, the (common) people wouldn't know. The same old question: if everyone wants to know, will at last people know?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 05:22 PM
Has who left? UFOs? As mentioned above, that does not seem to be the case at least with regards to UFO sightings reports. With the media pretty much completely ignoring it these days, you won't hear much about the subject other than online in niche areas of public interest like ATS.

If there actually is a decline in UFOs coming to this planet, and I have not noticed that at all, it could mean that our governments are getting more adept at keeping them away from the planet and away from public view.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by heelstone
If there actually is a decline in UFOs coming to this planet, and I have not noticed that at all, it could mean that our governments are getting more adept at keeping them away from the planet and away from public view.

Not from the planet, from the public view...

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 05:49 PM
The greys got into underground hip hop an they are making platinum albums with shug knight.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:30 PM
I don't really think that UFO sighting is lesser. Mainly due to lesser faking photos and government threat to people to saw UFOs (In another word, cover-up). OR all their UFOs had been gunned down.. unlikely..

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:33 PM
The magazine stopped printing?

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 12:12 AM
If for any reason alien sightings have Stopped, It would probably be because of increased media coverage. If ya'll dont remember; Peter Jennings did an article on nightline ( i think?) a while back. PRetty big coverage if I say so myself.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 12:27 AM
In November 2005 a very underreported major sighting happened that was posted on ATS, MUFON of Georgia, and TV station WSBTV of Atlanta, GA.

Original ATS thread located at:

The area where the information was posted to (no longer there, though):

The below information originated from the WSBTV website, but has since apparently been truncated. Now its posted to MUFON GA's website.

"String of Pearls" Over Atlanta - Nov 10, 2005

"Last night, at 10:30 PM I received several phone calls about a strange object over the downtown Atlanta area. Thinking it must be Venus or Mars, I went outside and looked up and saw the most strange thing I have ever seen in the sky. What I witnessed was a ribbon-like feature with bright lights. It looked like a broken string of pearls. I counted 19 lights. I estimate an altitude of 15 to 20 thousand feet. There was no sound. The object was moving against the upper wind flow, from south to north. I watched the object for several minutes, then, and this may sound pretty strange, it "phased" into a dark gray cloud that looked almost like an airplane wing without the fuselage and then began moving rapidly northward. It went out of sight in minutes. It was the strangest thing I have ever seen and would have never believed it if I had not seen if for myself."

BIG UFO events still happen. As you can see here, the aparatus to silence discussion of this event took place and nearly kept it out of the public's attention. Even then very little noise has been made over it.

I still don't get how a TV station doesn't get video of this type of thing, but thats the UFO conspiracy for you. You're kept in the dark even when the media actually reports on it.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 02:35 PM
I think that the aliens are far more advance than we think. I think the "craft" we see are at least a few dozen years old. They new ones are probably invisible in sight, touch, smell(?), taste(?), and of course hearing. They could be looking over your shoulder right now.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 03:25 PM
Our government is driven by extreme right wing evangelical Christian types. I am not try to start a spitting match here. But that is the way it is. They were really expecting Armageddon in the 90's and the return of Jesus. It looks to me as though they showed their cards to us and what they planned on doing. They dont want to lose control of the planet and they were trying to figure out everything they thought the aliens were going to do and then "take it over" and do it themselves. Much of the shows we saw in the nineties were government propaganda as far as I'm concerned. They even self-fulfilled Nostradamas 1999 prediction about the king of terror coming from the sky with their air war in Yugoslavia. The only thing that didn't happen was a whole generation of people disappearing in the rapture and you can hear them asking the aliens to fulfill that for them. They have a lot to learn.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by grasshopper
Our government is driven by extreme right wing evangelical Christian types. I am not try to start a spitting match here. But that is the way it is. They were really expecting Armageddon in the 90's and the return of Jesus. It looks to me as though they showed their cards to us and what they planned on doing. They dont want to lose control of the planet and they were trying to figure out everything they thought the aliens were going to do and then "take it over" and do it themselves.

I don't agree with you at all on your premise and here's why:

the left, loving physicality and believing in social engineering and embracing science unquestioningly would just adapt to the aliens designs to make them happy and ensure peace...

that would mean the destruction of humanity as we know it.

The right on the other hand believes in the RIGHT of humanity to survive and would be more likely to fight back or resist the invasion of the aliens.

Not saying that the right or christian's have all the answers or do not have delusions of their own but the left look like they would just bend over to appease the evil wanting the destruction of mankind.

Also there is the elites which would sell us out in a minute to save themselves. The rich and powerful being very selfish to begin with often would not be expected to behave any differently than they ever have.

[edit on 30-4-2006 by denythestatusquo]

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 04:12 PM
Yes we do disagree completely. One thing the "right" always does is try to create false dichotomies. Whatever they are doing at the time that is "evil" they then point their finger at the "liberals" as they call them, and claim it is them who believes that way or does that. You absolutely nothing about so-called liberals and are just slandering them. You need to learn the concept of projection. All you "right" people do is talk about your own "sins" when you claim to be talking about liberals. I'm sure, all people who are right wingers will resist and all liberals will give in and embrace them. Don't drag the conversation down to a radio talk show host level. They are morons. It's only because they have the ability to screen their callers and let people on the air who believe the way they do and also the fact that they pretty much gotten any "liberal" off the air (except for liberal women who only talk about women's issues) that they appear to be mainstream. They are not mainstream. In my generation we let them know that. We weren't brought up on Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Laura.

[edit on 30-4-2006 by grasshopper]

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 04:49 PM
So the government wants Christians or somethin'? I think that's comunist. Also they thought all computers would crash at the start of 2000. And well, they didn't. They would not ask aliens to furfill there myths because the aliens would(probably) as slavery.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 06:09 PM
I follow the conversations closely through their spokesmen and their statements. There is a second level of conversation going on. That is how they choose to communicate among themselves and with the aliens as well. You see a lot of this when you hear statements coming from the Pentagon. Lot's of times they are aimed at aliens. They are trying to maintain control and at the same time selffulfill what they mistakenly believe the aliens are here to do. I may have been misreading but it sounds like they want to see the rapture fulfilled now. They think they've done everything now to see Jesus return. Everything we've seen since the 90's has been pretty much self-fulfilling what they believe is supposed to happen. From the peace talks that started in the mideast at the time that they believe the 7 year tribulation was supposed to begin. Sure enough about 3 and1/2 years later they tried to "break the treaty" and violence erupted in the middle east again. It's not a republican versus democrat thing. They are all walking in lockstep in this. It's all lying signs and wonders and self-fulfilling of what they believe no matter how many people get killed in the process. It is an abomination in my opinion. The aliens just humor them and even tell them that what they believe is true. I think Ptaah even made the statement that it is the tribulation a few years ago.

[edit on 30-4-2006 by grasshopper]

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