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Encounters For Real

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by sirric
reply to post by Ilyich


Thanks for your story. I fully believe you and your experiences. I too have seen a shadow person and still can't wrap my head around their existence in my friends house. He too has confirmed he has seen strange shadow people but has dismissed them as any "sane" person can.

I don't want to hijack this very good thread OP but I'd like to share my "vampire" spirit video with you and have you comment on whether you have seen this type before.

I think these stories and threads help make some sense to our crazy events and provide a good forum to freely discuses the social taboo that is this unseen world to most.


Well, at first this appears to be much like many of the " orb " type ghost or spirit videos out there, but when it moves up on the bed, and it almost appears as if it's an arc or triangle shape of some sort I am intrigued. It definitely moves as most " Shadow people " do. Very jerky, and spastic almost random in nature. I notice that as it appears to dip under the covers it looks the covers move with it as it passes to the foot of the bed and out. very very interesting, can you tell us anything else about the experience ? Has this spirit taken shown itself in any other form, or have you never seen it before ? Is this the only video evidence, if so that's fine. I find many spirits shape and form are influenced more by our emotion than our actual sight.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Mad dog

Well, I wrapped it up quickly but I did cover the basic events, but there are more details that could be shared, but for the sake of keeping things as brief as I could I cut out some details. If there is something you would like me to elaborate on more so, please ask questions and I will do my best to answer it to my ability. I'm not claiming any expertise here, so I can only answer as to my personal experience.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 12:48 AM
Seems like most everybody has something or other attached, but those with the least complications are those with the most positive outlook and the most caring for others. It's like that book and video called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, if you can put your mind to something positive you can change your life eventually. I love Egyptia's signature which shows her faith. Faith has helped me so much too. When I turned my back on my faith is when I suffered most. People sometimes attract things into their lives just like Ilyich says due to emotional pain, betrayal, deceit by others, others' mental illness, etc. Ilyich, we all want to know how it turned out!

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Ilyich

Thanks for you reply.

It is the only video I have of this and have tried to capture more but haven't to date. As I said on the utube channel, I was feeling drained after waking up each morning so I thought I'd try to film to see if it was my cats wake us up and this is what I caught.

My wife can see things in the house that I don't and this leads me to believe it is a spirit or energy nymph that was feeding on my energy.

Anyhow, thanks for your insights.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by FifiLamoreaux
Seems like most everybody has something or other attached, but those with the least complications are those with the most positive outlook and the most caring for others. It's like that book and video called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, if you can put your mind to something positive you can change your life eventually. I love Egyptia's signature which shows her faith. Faith has helped me so much too. When I turned my back on my faith is when I suffered most. People sometimes attract things into their lives just like Ilyich says due to emotional pain, betrayal, deceit by others, others' mental illness, etc. Ilyich, we all want to know how it turned out!

Alright, I'm sorry for holding out, I had no idea this would catch so much interest I'm a little flattered
! I will continue the story. I'm going to try to pick up around where Alita, came over because I condensed much of this and left out some details as well kind of dropped my story once I brought her up. I'll put my family duties aside to present my story.

Okay brief recap, After Alita came as I said, I started to try to do whatever I could to keep my spirits up. Talk to friends, watch anything I found to be funny anything to distract myself of my current relationship situation. Of course the obvious, didn't come to mind. I'm not sure if I was afraid of the outcome, or I truly thought there was some good in my partner but alas that will be saved for later in the story. As I was saying this experience would teach me to be an optimist. Okay, so I take what I've learned and I try my hardest to keep my head out of the gutter so to speak, but there is only so much I can do to avoid my relationship. After all, she did tell me she was pregnant and that was something we needed to figure out immediately. Well, as I had said a close friend of ours I will call her Liberty had messaged me on a then popular social media network for my area and had told me of my partners infidelity. I will now call my partner, M. So as I was saying, Liberty sends me a message and tells me that when I'm at work, M goes out on the town. She frequents parties and bars pretty much going all out leaving people like Liberty, or Bonnie ( another confidant in this situation) To baby sit M. So after this I quickly lose my drive to stay positive and again slip into the clutch of my recently discovered doppelganger. However, I figure since it fuels my nightmares as of late and that was surely much more damaging because I figure there is no way I can keep myself safe when I'm sleeping, I stop sleeping. I confront M, about the information that Liberty has brought forth, and M denies denies denies then like most other female friends in my life tells me I'm to no longer speak to her, as she is obviously trying to get between us and steal me away from M and Slap slap she's pregnant now. I need to start thinking as We, and what's best for our situation. Hmm, not looking so good. I start to feel worse, and I try to find comfort in M. I start babbling, like a psycho. I'm talking about My mother and Alita, I go into Detail about a horrific nightmare about a small Feminine look indo asian boy who is being tormented by these figures in red robes. I tell her about how they sexually mutilate this child, and all the other equally grotesque and disturbing things they do to him. I talk about the herbs and talismans the hooded beings wore. I babble like a truly crazy individual. I felt as if there was something seriously wrong with me if I really had dreamt this up with out the influence of this dark spirit trying to disturb and upset me. I look like absolute death, my eyes are sunken I'm whiter than white I constantly shake, my skin and hair is greasy. My bloodshot eyes accent my green iris' making my pupils look like a deep dark pit of death. I looked like a crazed drug fiend who was on the edge of death, the fact I hadn't slept in a few days didn't help this either. M Doesn't believe that such a thing could happen or exist and begins laying into me for making up some sort of excuse and starts pressing me for keeping some kind of secret or that I must be doing drugs. Why else would I say such horrible things ? I literally break down balling and find myself Apologizing for saying anything at all, and that I was upset about everything that was going on. I'm not ready to be a father, and with Liberty trying to say you would do such horrible things to me. Then Bonnie, saying that you thought it was Matt's kid and not mine I'm just losing my head I'm not sleeping. I have nightmares. At that moment, M asks me what did I say ? She caught that I had been talking to bonnie and it was a conversation that they had, had in private and one Bonnie told me not to bring up as she would know exactly who had told me. At this M goes nuts, She starts screaming at me for going behind her back saying that I don't trust her. ( I didn't ) She says that I don't believe her, that she's the one person I should be able to trust with everything especially this. She will be the mother of my child and that we will be all I've got. ( which thanks to her manipulation and controlling ways, was exactly the truth). Now as much as this makes me sound incredibly pathetic and weak ( which I was ) I break down in tears, crying hysterically and I follow her as she collects her things begging her to stay apologizing every step we take when I grab her and turn her to face me and just as I do this when I met her eyes, full of absolute panic and rage It shows itself to me. For the very first time, I see that something is living in my room. Something Is, feeding off my energy. This thing this dark disgusting thing is behind the woman I love. I thick oily smoke in a vaguely humanoid shape, I say oily because it seems like it has a shine to it, but at the same time it's so black that no light can escape. I freeze dead in my tracks tears and snot all over my face. Her, eyes change from rage to confusion, she turns quickly to try to see what I'm staring at but she doesn't see it. Now, I say I see it, clear as day, but it's not really much to me. The way I think this is, as I said it doesn't want me to see it and in our very heated argument I think it got excited or over eager and either let it's guard down or tried to release or influence more negativity thus I saw it. I will describe what I saw, it was about 5 + feet from top to bottom, it was vaguely humanoid in resemblance. It had no features I could distinguish, not sex not race or facial features. It had a head shoulders, and looked almost as if it was leaning forward towards me, it had legs which looked like a trunk because they were together, same with the arms appeared as though they were part of it's mass as they were at it's sides. So a shadow of a person really, but it was this DARK oily smoke ? At least that's how it acted in the air, it looked as if it sort of moved with in the mass. I know it doesn't sound like much but that's what I saw and I don't know how to stress this enough I was literally scared solid. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink, I didn't even breath I felt as if all time stopped. I know it doesn't sound like much, but when you see proof that everything you believed up until now was absolute bull#. The boogie man is real, he's standing behind my bed, and he can and is hurting me. I'm sicker than I have ever been and the doctor doesn't know why, the only person that gave me any kind of explanation that didn't involve trying different horse pills that give me the runs was right. Just as I have summoned the courage to try to tell M what I was seeing * Wham* She Slaps me. Again, she starts in with every insult she can think of trying to break me down further. I think this girl equally enjoyed making me miserable as she did partying. I never brought this up to M again, why the hell would I after what just happened. With my new evidence solidifying the existence of my capture I began to take things very seriously. I began praying and I'm not religious, but I was willing to try anything. I asked for Angels to watch over me, I would ask my guides ( wolves, in a past life I was a wolf and three of my pack have stayed with me as my guardians and guide.) to watch over me as I slept and to give me the strength to overcome this thing. I would smudge with sage to clense my home every couple of days, I began to collect various crystals in hopes of amplifying my positive energy. I started to become very involved Wicca, as well as Norse magick, I mainly focused on protecting myself, but I became obsessed. I made bracelets and necklaces from hand made beads with all sorts of crystals, stones, and even wooden runes on one. I made habit of meditating regularly, and releasing my negative energy rather than letting it build up. I did start to get over being sick in about a course of a week, but I didn't lose the lethargy or get over my depression for about a month. I continued being as optimistic as possible, and every night before bed I would ask for Angels to watch over me, one for each corner of my room, and I would do this with a candle in hand and asking an angel to come stand guard and keep out all negativity, only allowing positive white energy in this space and allowing only beings who are pure of heart into my room. I had a piece of white quartz on my desk in one corner, on my dresser in the other, on the head of my bed in the third corner and on my night stand near the fourth corner. I would go clockwise around my room at night. Then as I got into bed I would thank them for joining me and watching over me, then I would ask my guardians to watch over me and keep out anything that wasn't pure of heart. Then, when I lay in bed In would take some long deep breaths and visualize white light coming in with my breath and then I would breath out my negativity and imagine it leaving my home and dissipating into the worlds energy. After 4 or 5 breaths I imagine that my breath in and out are white warm positive light. I then surround myself with, this light in a sort of bubble, when I don't want any sort of spirit to bother me I imagine that this bubble makes me completely invisible, white on the inside but from out I'm invisible, sort of a two way mirror of invisibility. This works wonders for me, and I still practice basically the same principle today, minus walking around the room asking for the angels, I only do this in times of great need. Oh, in the mornings, I unseal my room in the opposite direction, thanking the angels for watching over me. I also like keeping my quartz in a dish of an earth salt ( I use sea salt) I sort of think of it as a temporary home for the angels while they watch over me. A place their energy can reside, I remember waking up in the middle of the night one night and I felt as if the crystals were glowing white, it was a very comforting and humbling experience. This ends this encounter with a malicious entity, there are two others that take place a month, and then two months from this one that I will write out at another time. I have a few things I need to do, then I will come back and continue, this story. If I can I will finish all three today then any questions anyone has I will answer if you wish. If you are or have had a similar experience I can try to offer you some advice or reading material. I have a few books I feel helped me hone the tools I use today to keep myself safe. Meditation, and positive energy are by far the best tools for these things, so once you cleanse your space I find those are the best things you can do to keep yourself safe. Remember to block, what you can't see. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. I don't always see things, but I still know they are there. We all need to learn to listen to our bodies, and try to see by feeling.

edit on 8/18/2011 by Ilyich because: I clicked post before I was finished.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by sirric
reply to post by Ilyich

Thanks for you reply.

It is the only video I have of this and have tried to capture more but haven't to date. As I said on the utube channel, I was feeling drained after waking up each morning so I thought I'd try to film to see if it was my cats wake us up and this is what I caught.

My wife can see things in the house that I don't and this leads me to believe it is a spirit or energy nymph that was feeding on my energy.

Anyhow, thanks for your insights.

I don't know to much about Nymphs, I always kind of grouped them in with Fay, and other Fairy's, so unless you guys dug up your garden or claimed some forest I don't know if Fay would come sap your energy, but they can be very mischievous little things at times. If that is the case, you could try planting a garden or buying a small hanging basket or something and offer it to them. You don't have to say " Hey little guys here you go. " That would make you look crazy. Just, get one. Think of it as a silent favor. It would be like you walking down the street and finding 20 bucks. Or going to work and realizing someone already did your work, or you had someone bigger or better at your job help you do it. Couldn't hurt, maybe if you appease the fay they will help you remove the leach. just a thought. If it turns out to be something else, it doesn't hurt to have an ally. I sound insane for saying this lol. I'm no guru. errrr. yeah umm fast cars and uhh manly stuff. Ehh ehmm

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:54 PM
They might be real but these
are not being from another world.

They are simply demonic entities..

from another planet>?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:54 PM
They might be real but these
are not being from another world.

They are simply demonic entities..

from another planet>?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by drfeelme
They might be real but these
are not being from another world.

They are simply demonic entities..

from another planet>?

We were talking about beings from this world. Don't be so ignorant, read the whole thread. This thread is called encounters for real, doesn't specify what with and the OP invited us to share our stories about the paranormal.
edit on 8/18/2011 by Ilyich because: I was inpolite

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Ilyich
Hi llyich

I'm enjoying your posts but to be honest the "slabs of text" without paragraph breaks makes them (the last one especially) difficult to read. Could you please go back and edit in some paragraph breaks in your post referred to in my heading so that it is readable? If the editing time has run out could you repost it with paragraph breaks?



Btw Egyptia, wow, I'm really glad that you are posting in this thread again, I look forward to learning more of your experiences. Lots of similarities, pieces to a great puzzle, thank you, STM

edit on 8/18/2011 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by MegaCurious

They said they were named Dr. Green, Dr. White and Dr. Brown. No answers were given to me.

I'm sorry... so you were treated by doctors from the film Reservoir Dogs?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by WhiskyKisses

I was 14 years old and the movie reservoir dogs was not made until years later. The names obviously aren't real because they had no intention of telling me who they were. It was a way to keep me quiet and keep the unknown exactly in the unknown. They weren't exactly the sharing type.

You will find that the theme of using colors for names is common. Although I knew it was a lie, I was too sick to care. I felt like I was dying and I just wanted to live. I watched it all happen and saw them pack up and leave without a word, with the exception of telling me I would need to have routine blood tests for a year. Within that time I should go back to normal. And then they were gone.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Ilyich

Thanks Ilyich, love reading your experiences.
It is my hope that we all contribute and write down any experiences regardless of knowing or not knowing what they were. Together we will try and reach a conclusion with the information collected and respond afterwards with what we each have come to conclude.

This is indeed a sharing place for all of us. In this way we can all keep learning and see where we end up at the end of the rabbit hole.
edit on 18-8-2011 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:31 PM
I hope you don't mind Ilyich that I took what you wrote and just included paragraphs to make it easier for people to read as requested.

Ilyich's Experience Below:

Alright, I'm sorry for holding out, I had no idea this would catch so much interest I'm a little flattered ! I will continue the story. I'm going to try to pick up around where Alita, came over because I condensed much of this and left out some details as well kind of dropped my story once I brought her up. I'll put my family duties aside to present my story.

Okay brief recap, After Alita came as I said, I started to try to do whatever I could to keep my spirits up. Talk to friends, watch anything I found to be funny anything to distract myself of my current relationship situation. Of course the obvious, didn't come to mind. I'm not sure if I was afraid of the outcome, or I truly thought there was some good in my partner but alas that will be saved for later in the story. As I was saying this experience would teach me to be an optimist.

Okay, so I take what I've learned and I try my hardest to keep my head out of the gutter so to speak, but there is only so much I can do to avoid my relationship. After all, she did tell me she was pregnant and that was something we needed to figure out immediately. Well, as I had said a close friend of ours I will call her Liberty had messaged me on a then popular social media network for my area and had told me of my partners infidelity. I will now call my partner, M. So as I was saying, Liberty sends me a message and tells me that when I'm at work, M goes out on the town. She frequents parties and bars pretty much going all out leaving people like Liberty, or Bonnie ( another confidant in this situation) To baby sit M.

So after this I quickly lose my drive to stay positive and again slip into the clutch of my recently discovered doppelganger. However, I figure since it fuels my nightmares as of late and that was surely much more damaging because I figure there is no way I can keep myself safe when I'm sleeping, I stop sleeping. I confront M, about the information that Liberty has brought forth, and M denies denies denies then like most other female friends in my life tells me I'm to no longer speak to her, as she is obviously trying to get between us and steal me away from M and Slap slap she's pregnant now. I need to start thinking as We, and what's best for our situation.

Hmm, not looking so good. I start to feel worse, and I try to find comfort in M. I start babbling, like a psycho. I'm talking about My mother and Alita, I go into Detail about a horrific nightmare about a small Feminine look indo asian boy who is being tormented by these figures in red robes. I tell her about how they sexually mutilate this child, and all the other equally grotesque and disturbing things they do to him. I talk about the herbs and talismans the hooded beings wore. I babble like a truly crazy individual. I felt as if there was something seriously wrong with me if I really had dreamt this up with out the influence of this dark spirit trying to disturb and upset me.

I look like absolute death, my eyes are sunken I'm whiter than white I constantly shake, my skin and hair is greasy. My bloodshot eyes accent my green iris' making my pupils look like a deep dark pit of death. I looked like a crazed drug fiend who was on the edge of death, the fact I hadn't slept in a few days didn't help this either. M Doesn't believe that such a thing could happen or exist and begins laying into me for making up some sort of excuse and starts pressing me for keeping some kind of secret or that I must be doing drugs. Why else would I say such horrible things ?

I literally break down balling and find myself Apologizing for saying anything at all, and that I was upset about everything that was going on. I'm not ready to be a father, and with Liberty trying to say you would do such horrible things to me. Then Bonnie, saying that you thought it was Matt's kid and not mine I'm just losing my head I'm not sleeping. I have nightmares. At that moment, M asks me what did I say ? She caught that I had been talking to bonnie and it was a conversation that they had, had in private and one Bonnie told me not to bring up as she would know exactly who had told me. At this M goes nuts, She starts screaming at me for going behind her back saying that I don't trust her. ( I didn't ) She says that I don't believe her, that she's the one person I should be able to trust with everything especially this.

She will be the mother of my child and that we will be all I've got. ( which thanks to her manipulation and controlling ways, was exactly the truth). Now as much as this makes me sound incredibly pathetic and weak ( which I was ) I break down in tears, crying hysterically and I follow her as she collects her things begging her to stay apologizing every step we take when I grab her and turn her to face me and just as I do this when I met her eyes, full of absolute panic and rage It shows itself to me. For the very first time, I see that something is living in my room. Something Is, feeding off my energy.

This thing this dark disgusting thing is behind the woman I love. I thick oily smoke in a vaguely humanoid shape, I say oily because it seems like it has a shine to it, but at the same time it's so black that no light can escape. I freeze dead in my tracks tears and snot all over my face. Her, eyes change from rage to confusion, she turns quickly to try to see what I'm staring at but she doesn't see it. Now, I say I see it, clear as day, but it's not really much to me.

The way I think this is, as I said it doesn't want me to see it and in our very heated argument I think it got excited or over eager and either let it's guard down or tried to release or influence more negativity thus I saw it. I will describe what I saw, it was about 5 + feet from top to bottom, it was vaguely humanoid in resemblance. It had no features I could distinguish, not sex not race or facial features. It had a head shoulders, and looked almost as if it was leaning forward towards me, it had legs which looked like a trunk because they were together, same with the arms appeared as though they were part of it's mass as they were at it's sides.

So a shadow of a person really, but it was this DARK oily smoke ? At least that's how it acted in the air, it looked as if it sort of moved with in the mass. I know it doesn't sound like much but that's what I saw and I don't know how to stress this enough I was literally scared solid. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink, I didn't even breath I felt as if all time stopped. I know it doesn't sound like much, but when you see proof that everything you believed up until now was absolute bull#.

The boogie man is real, he's standing behind my bed, and he can and is hurting me. I'm sicker than I have ever been and the doctor doesn't know why, the only person that gave me any kind of explanation that didn't involve trying different horse pills that give me the runs was right. Just as I have summoned the courage to try to tell M what I was seeing * Wham* She Slaps me. Again, she starts in with every insult she can think of trying to break me down further. I think this girl equally enjoyed making me miserable as she did partying. I never brought this up to M again, why the hell would I after what just happened.

With my new evidence solidifying the existence of my capture I began to take things very seriously. I began praying and I'm not religious, but I was willing to try anything. I asked for Angels to watch over me, I would ask my guides ( wolves, in a past life I was a wolf and three of my pack have stayed with me as my guardians and guide.) to watch over me as I slept and to give me the strength to overcome this thing. I would smudge with sage to clense my home every couple of days, I began to collect various crystals in hopes of amplifying my positive energy. I started to become very involved Wicca, as well as Norse magick, I mainly focused on protecting myself, but I became obsessed.

I made bracelets and necklaces from hand made beads with all sorts of crystals, stones, and even wooden runes on one. I made habit of meditating regularly, and releasing my negative energy rather than letting it build up. I did start to get over being sick in about a course of a week, but I didn't lose the lethargy or get over my depression for about a month. I continued being as optimistic as possible, and every night before bed I would ask for Angels to watch over me, one for each corner of my room, and I would do this with a candle in hand and asking an angel to come stand guard and keep out all negativity, only allowing positive white energy in this space and allowing only beings who are pure of heart into my room.

I had a piece of white quartz on my desk in one corner, on my dresser in the other, on the head of my bed in the third corner and on my night stand near the fourth corner. I would go clockwise around my room at night. Then as I got into bed I would thank them for joining me and watching over me, then I would ask my guardians to watch over me and keep out anything that wasn't pure of heart. Then, when I lay in bed In would take some long deep breaths and visualize white light coming in with my breath and then I would breath out my negativity and imagine it leaving my home and dissipating into the worlds energy.

After 4 or 5 breaths I imagine that my breath in and out are white warm positive light. I then surround myself with, this light in a sort of bubble, when I don't want any sort of spirit to bother me I imagine that this bubble makes me completely invisible, white on the inside but from out I'm invisible, sort of a two way mirror of invisibility. This works wonders for me, and I still practice basically the same principle today, minus walking around the room asking for the angels, I only do this in times of great need.

Oh, in the mornings, I unseal my room in the opposite direction, thanking the angels for watching over me. I also like keeping my quartz in a dish of an earth salt ( I use sea salt) I sort of think of it as a temporary home for the angels while they watch over me. A place their energy can reside, I remember waking up in the middle of the night one night and I felt as if the crystals were glowing white, it was a very comforting and humbling experience.

This ends this encounter with a malicious entity, there are two others that take place a month, and then two months from this one that I will write out at another time. I have a few things I need to do, then I will come back and continue, this story. If I can I will finish all three today then any questions anyone has I will answer if you wish. If you are or have had a similar experience I can try to offer you some advice or reading material. I have a few books I feel helped me hone the tools I use today to keep myself safe.

Meditation, and positive energy are by far the best tools for these things, so once you cleanse your space I find those are the best things you can do to keep yourself safe. Remember to block, what you can't see. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. I don't always see things, but I still know they are there. We all need to learn to listen to our bodies, and try to see by feeling. edit on 8/18/2011 by Ilyich because: I clicked post before I was finished.
reply to post by Ilyich

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by seentoomuch

Egyptia beat me to it. Thank you very much, I really do appreciate that.
edit on 8/18/2011 by Ilyich because: I was beaten to the punch by a friend.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by WhiskyKisses

I was 14 years old and the movie reservoir dogs was not made until years later. The names obviously aren't real because they had no intention of telling me who they were. It was a way to keep me quiet and keep the unknown exactly in the unknown. They weren't exactly the sharing type.

You will find that the theme of using colors for names is common. Although I knew it was a lie, I was too sick to care. I felt like I was dying and I just wanted to live. I watched it all happen and saw them pack up and leave without a word, with the exception of telling me I would need to have routine blood tests for a year. Within that time I should go back to normal. And then they were gone.

When you make up names of course it's going to sound like you made the people up !! lol, I agree with what Egyptia says, and I do the same thing. I leave people's names out of my story for their sake, I have no idea who may be reading this and I don't want to embarass anyone or share their dirty laundry with their friends.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Ilyich
Wow llyich! That was an intense experience. I hope all is well now and I agree with the positive thought method that you use, though with variations. I'm at the age now that I "know" that I am safe at all times, no doubt about it. Those dark entities have the strength of a fly once your faith is full blown. When I was younger my faith would come and go and have to be looked for in times of need. I learned so much during those times, it was all necessary. Now as I walk further on the path it is always in me and I feel as if it is now expanding and will continue to with time as it will with you.

So wow again on the exceptional post, thanks again for sharing, oh and be sure and get a dna test . . . . . . . . . 'kay?


P.S. to Egyptia, thanks for fixing the post, looking forward to yours when you have the time to, no rush this time, you've already gone out of your way to answer my earlier questions, All My Best, STM
edit on 8/18/2011 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by seentoomuch
reply to post by Ilyich
Wow llyich! That was an intense experience. I hope all is well now and I agree with the positive thought method that you use, though with variations. I'm at the age now that I "know" that I am safe at all times, no doubt about it. Those dark entities have the strength of a fly once your faith is full blown. When I was younger my faith would come and go and have to be looked for in times of need. I learned so much during those times, it was all necessary. Now as I walk further on the path it is always in me and I feel as if it is now expanding and will continue to with time.

So wow again on the exceptional post, thanks again for sharing, oh and be sure and get a dna test . . . . . . . . . 'kay?


P.S. to Egyptia, thanks for fixing the post, looking forward to yours when you have the time to, no rush, All My Best, STM
edit on 8/18/2011 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

Oh boy, well as I said there are two other experiences I have had the second, involves some sleep paralysis and wraps up the pregnancy with that Ex, this event took place almost 5 years ago.

So I have told of that experience in great detail and I will keep this second one short as it's important but I don't want to take up so much space in this thread. Okay, well this first bit is going to stir up a huge amount of # as many people are quite divided on part of this issue, but keep in mind this is the close encounter thread and I'm not looking for your opinion on a choice made by M.

Okay, so here goes. The first encounter was December 2006, I got better about the end of December and Beginning of January. As I had said M had come out and said she was pregnant. Both her family and my own were less than impressed with this news. That is to say, my family saw M for the scum she was and felt the need to draw a line as to how things were going to go down. Her mother had very strong feelings as to what was going to happen, as a certain manipulative controlling mother wasn't much different than her daughter.
Well with out getting into this part too much Mother M, we will call her Satan, Reads M's Diary and discovers M may have played a huge role in this pregnancy happening. On her birthday, early December she stopped taking her birth control. However later I will learn the date of conception and know I wasn't with M for a week on either side of the day. Which screwed me up even more, and Satan as well as my parents push M towards ending the pregnancy late January. To be exact, January 25th 2006. A day that forever #ed up a few people. As well as made a terrible situation oh so much fun for yours truly.
Now, to make my position clear I'm against abortion and having to live with that as well is deal with my crazy ex I would rather have had a kid with her, than deal with her after. The Next month of my life was a bloody nightmare. Between my own guilt and depression, wishing I had stood up to our families and insisted things would go differently and M's depression and guilt I was a wreck. I don't know how to help M get over things when I myself can't find the strength to move on. On top of this I question myself daily, was this the other guys kid or was it my own ? What if it was mine ? What if it was the little boy I had dreamt and considered in my near future. Did I just allow his life to be stopped before it could ever start ? Even worse I then toy with the thought, what if it was the other guys kid. Would I have raised it as my own as I know I would never stand up to M and demand a test. Then I get to thinking that because I thought it could be did I allow a life to end because I thought it wasn't mine. Did I think that made it okay ? I was disgusted with myself.
To make things worse, M starts drinking heavily, and going out all the time. I have finished my graveyard duties and I thought things could get back to normal, and now this ? I couldn't believe the things that were happening. I felt cheated, and betrayed. I blamed everyone and everything for what was happening to me. M is quite probably going through the same feelings and on any normal day I'm the punching bag she takes it out on and this isn't any different. She begins to blame it all on me, starts calling me a murderer and any time I try to talk about how things were affecting me, she would call me a liar.
I couldn't help it, I lost my faith in both myself and the fact any good could be in this world. Then I remember the thing that just happened to me and how that thing used to try and influence me to remain negative and I blame all of what happened on it. I Called it out, I swore and cursed and screamed. I truly thought that whatever was tormenting me a month or so earlier had brought this upon me for it's own pleasure and benefit. I gave in completely I felt it had already beat me why not roll over and let it have me. I didn't believe in any good anywhere. I felt no matter what I was destined to suffer, and no body ever did anything good with out expecting payment and that everyone was hear to use and walk on me.
I lost touch with everyone, I ignored my friends and family. I stayed in, all the time playing games on my computer, or watching random youtube videos usually of fights or other violent or disgusting things. I watched beheading videos, slayings and horrific accidents caught on tape. M was out partying and drinking and would disappear for days on end and when I'd ask she'd scream and fight with me, then leave again. I didn't do anything, I didn't trust anyone. I'd stay in my room, on the computer alone I wouldn't bathe or eat and soon enough I'd stop sleeping as well.
It or something came back, but this time I called it. I gave in to it completely, and it took over immediately. I may not have realized what I had done or that it had even happened. In fact I actually felt even worse because for a while I didn't even think it was there. I had felt that even this was no reason for what was happening to me, so I blamed myself even more and fell deeper. I cut the insides of my thighs, my stomach and chest. As deep as I could go with out bleeding too much, I didn't want anyone to see them after all and the only person that would see me with out clothes wasn't around anyways.
February goes by in what feels like a blink of an eye. My own birthday passes with out any notice, I get up go to work, come home play alone on my computer, all night sometimes. If I didn't do that, I'd go to sleep, get up and repeat. It wasn't until March that I started to feel strange again, I started to feel tired no matter how much I slept. I didn't want to eat, I only bathed if something looked infected. Which to my surprise happened less than I thought it would, I could have got really sick if I did. I can't remember a date but I believe it was the end of the first week of March that I'm getting into Bed and just as I'm about to go to bed I start hearing an intense ringing in my ears. This ringing was incredibly distracting and I tried to do everything I could to keep it out of my head but I couldn't. I would get up and go for a smoke, or get a drink of water. Watch some more videos online or play some video games, but I was exhausted and wanted to sleep. So I lay down and the ringing just won't leave, so I just listen and give in. The ringing is sooooo intense, it feels like my ears would break it sounds like it's all around me. It doesn't cause pain, its just overwhelming and frightening.
At this moment I have had enough and I want to get up, but can't I'm paralyzed. I lose it, I start breathing heavily and trying to scream. I can't even open my mouth or my eyes, I'm stuck what the hell is going on. I manage to break free and I shoot straight out of bed turn on the light and shake violently. What the hell was that ? So I stay awake for the remainder of the night to face the next day completely exhausted. I get home and carry out my usual day and eventually I pass out and sleep until the next day.
A couple of days go by before this happens to me again, and I can't pick out anything in particular that could be triggering this. I get on the computer and start researching what had happened to me and I come across all sorts of useful information about sleep paralysis and what some people believe to be their causes and what I can do to try to prevent it from happening. Well, I didn't like the experience at all so I go to war, trying to SP proof my room and bed being sure to avoid all sorts of " Triggers." I finish with a sense of pride being this is the very first productive thing I have felt I've done. I feel safe and secure knowing what happened and what I had done was sure to stop it from happening. I had some control in my life again. It felt good, but it was short lived.
The very next night, after I thought I had solved something terrifying from ever happening to me again, it happens once more. So I get back online and read other experiences and thoughts as to why it happens. I read that along with the paralysis some people feel a presence. So, I figure maybe this is my tormenter playing with me. The next time it happens I think " Do you think this is funny ? Do you enjoy this ? I don't care what you do, If I know it's you it won't bug me so much." Well, now this may or not have been connected but the next time it happens I feel the pressure on my chest and a sense something is there. I panic and manage to open my eyes, and I swear I see a hooded figure in front of my bedroom door. This freaks the effing poop out of me. I immediately shoot up and let out the weirdest nose I've ever made.

I have to quickly do something then I will come back and continue !!!! Sorry folks !

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:14 PM
Now the thought that runs through my head next, is something many people have or do think when something they are terrified of happens and they don't know what to do. I call my mother, lol. I tell my mother what's happening and that I think I may have invited the dark thing to come back. I begin to notice i feel a bit fuzzy since I was scared awake and when I do sleep ( during the day short naps) I have dreams about this girl. I usually see her standing at the end of my bed or near by just looking at me. I find this odd but it's also something important I've come to induce as a tool.

Of course since I called for reinforcements, my mother with the cavalry in tow, invites me into the living room. Alita, begins by telling me she senses that something is deeply troubling me. Well, duh I called you guys about what just happened to me. Well, Alita goes in to tell, me as well as my mother and Aunt much everything that has happened to me. From the Abortion to the self destruction I was inducing, with out so much as a word from me. Now, she wasn't bang on word for word, but impressive none the less. She then, decides the most important thing to talk to me about is the girl I had been seeing. Now when she brought her up she talked as if this was a real person in my life. A friend a potential love interest. That this girl had seen me and been drawn to me as if I was something special. She goes on to tell me this Girls name is Daphne, and that she's worried for me and just wants to help. I'm blown away by this and we continue talking about more of my life and what I'm doing.
After Alita leaves, my mother goes about her doings. Pushing out the negativity and filling my space with warm loving light. She smudges and says her little prayer and comes back to the living room with me and my aunt. My mother and Aunt are drinking wine and chatting, we all go back and forth to some of the happenings and then regular conversation. Again, I keep much of the events from them as I don't want to let on I let this happen or may have in fact caused it. Well, I go out for a smoke and I notice the drowsiness come on and I feel fuzzy is the best way to put it. As I'm having my smoke, I look over to my right at the lattice in the fence and from the other side it appears a long blond haired individual is looking through the fence. They look as real as day, and after I kind of stare back for a bit I feel strange thinking here I am staring right back at this person smoking. Maybe they think I'm the weirdo. So I break the eye contact and continue with my cigarette shortly before I go in I look up and they still seem to be looking at me, so I go inside.

When I tell my mother and Aunt about what had just happened they seem interested at first then we pass it off as nothing. ( in the room we are sitting we have heard what sounds like footsteps go across the ceiling but there is nothing above that room. Just the roof. ) We continue on with our conversation, and light chit chat. As my Aunt becomes progressively drunk, she starts acting strange and I realize my aunt is almost tilting her head a little and has her eyes really wide with a strange expression on her face. It's my aunt, but she's so unfamiliar. I decide to bring up what had happened outside and my aunt talks with me a little bit. So I start asking why I was seeing someone at the fence? She tells me they were there because I asked them to come. I said I absolutely did not, that doesn't make any sense. She says well I asked why they are there so they are here. They're here to answer. I was absolutely confused I explain, this is the first time I have seen this person. I didn't ask why they were here until I saw them, nor did I ask them to come. She says exactly. I am absolutely confused, she turns to face me directly and says. When you see them, you want to know what they want. It's natural, to see someone look at you and go what ? Well, they know you saw them, you also asked them what and they want to answer.

This is absolutely insane, I must be crazy. This can't be right ? Well, remember I woke up while paralyzed, when I saw something. Well, I sort of stayed in that state of mind. That's why I feel fuzzy, my mind is running at a different frequency. I changed the channel, just a little. Now I am seeing things, I normally would not see. Now from what my aunt explained, which later when I ask her she has no memory of. Because I saw this thing, and had the natural reaction to think what ? Or to be curious as to what this thing is or wants it wants to answer. The reason, I am later explained by Alita that it stood behind the fence is I had not let it in. So it appears to me as such, behind the fence off my property, or in this case outside of my bubble. The reason I can see it, is because it wants me to, and unless I invite it in it can not come any closer, and because I am not blocking it can see me. Now this is interesting I'm learning more about how this works.

Now taking this, I saw what was bothering me because it wanted me to. It can hide itself from me all it wants because, it hasn't let me in. How ever, I let it in, so it can see me all the time and because I let it in, it can communicate with and manipulate me. Now, when I say communicate I don't mean it talks to me, it absolutely does not. I have had experiences where I have heard things and I do believe them to have paranormal origin but in this case it showed me. It would communicate in picture or thought, as well as emotion. This combination of Feeling and seeing is a form of communication. Have you ever imagined something and felt feelings and had no idea why you experienced that ? Our minds are an amazing thing, but the thought it's completely private and nothing can hear them is extremely foolish.

I had all sorts of horrific nightmares, and I was depressed irregardless of what I tried. I was an extremely social person. I was affectionate with my friends and family. I hugged everyone, and always had a smile on my face, and I had turned into a very dark scary person. This thing had so much hold over me it was terrifying. I continued having sleep paralysis, and the crushing and figures would come more frequently. I was losing touch with reality. I would see more people on the other side of the fence. Across the street, behind the trees or bushes. Always behind something unless they were already in. I would see my guardians at time. I would see Daphne, and my mothers guardian Galen. I was in dire need of saving, and I had to find the strength to do it myself. I was so scared and I didn't know how to save myself. So I wept and I prayed, I begged my guardians to save me. I tried cleansing I tried meditation nothing was helping.
I was close to giving up. So very, very close. I went to bed, exhausted I didn't know what to do but I was going to give it another try. I asked my guides and guardians to help me please help me. I asked for angels, anything to help me please. I laid down and I felt as if I would slip into paralysis as soon as I closed my eyes. I would wake myself by wiggling my toes or my fingers, or rubbing my tongue on the roof of my mouth until I could move then I would sit up for a bit, then lay down and close my eyes and it would happen again. I did this a few times before just giving in repeating help me, help me in my head. At this point I feel like I dropped right out of my bed. It was like I sunk right through it. When I "woke up" I was in some place I'd never been. It was a bright day, I'm in a forest or something. There is a creek. Next to me is a wolf, with steely eyes. It's just looking at me. I'm not afraid, I feel very safe and I feel calm for the first time in a long long while.
We're just sitting here on this rock. It's calm, and it's warm. We get up and we run, so fast I'm barely touching the ground. I run through the trees. On the trees, through fields over hills and mountains. I run and I run and I run. After what feels like weeks, I wake up in my bed. I feel Amazing, the first thing I do is stuff my face. I eat everything and anything I can (wasn't much I hadn't really shopped in a while). I felt great, I tell my mother everything ( lol ) my dream how I felt after. She later talks to Alita, and she tells me she thinks that I had an out of body experience. That I had Astral traveled. Now I have looked into Astral Traveling and I don't think this was a successful OOBE. I feel it was more a Lucid Dream, but the message was still the same.
I feel my guardian had answered my call and reminded me that I'm free, I'm as free as anything can be. I'm alive, and as far as the rest goes that they have me covered on the spiritual plane. That I have the choice as to what happens to me, if I let it happen it will happen and if I say no, that's all there is to it. I learned a great deal from this experience. I learned I am not alone, and I feel everyone is the same. Regardless of who you make your guardian out to be, they are always there. If that person is Jesus, then it's jesus and he is always there. If you believe, and have faith they will answer. I feel that in this moment rather than me lose all faith and let my life end they showed me they are their saving my faith and putting the fight back in me.
From this point on I have lived a very different life. I'm happier than ever, I don't let anything bring me down like those things did. This is not to say I don't get sad when I think of them or that bad things don't happen in my life I just look at those things differently. There are some things that are just beyond our control, and that we aren't to blame for them. This also started me meditating regularly to learn to bring on that state of mind at will so I can see spirits or entities and I am not perfect at doing this and have only brought it on intentionally a few times. Quite often I will fall asleep while trying to meditate on it because I am so relaxed. I'm comfortable, I'm sure many others have done this lol.
This event also sparked my interest in Lucid Dreaming, and Astral Travel because both of them fascinate me, and if I could replicate that experience on will I would be an even happier individual. It's addicting in a way lol. Well I'm going to stop this one now, I could go on forever.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:38 PM
Man thats bizzare so many questions and blanks
. Its strange how the damn MILITARY showed up for one 14 year old boy to lock down the entire hospital for one operation
. And the doctors were terrified to speak of the incient. Also the government took your medical records and they wouldnt tell you absolutly anything of your operation ??? Perhaps your a hybrid ! maybe Because I dont understand why the military would come. Have you met with any government officials? well thats for posting this great story !!1

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