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Experiments with Pyramid Energy

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posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 11:45 AM
Back in the mid seventies I became rather interested in Pyramid Power after reading a book called “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain” by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. That particular time of my life (18 years old and onwards) was very much spent with my nose in books about UFOs, the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, The Bermuda Triangle, Aliens (as in ekstraterrestials) and religion. I read the Bible, Talmud, Mahabaratha (all of it) and many other books about weird and wonderful things. If it was a mystery and put in a book I read it. Back then I called my self a true skeptic but later I have realized that I was very much under the same thumb as many others. Rereading new editions of the old books showed me that many proven hoaxes was still kept in the new edition even though the author in interviews had admitted that he/she might have been to cavalier with the truth. Or that they might have been misled. But they still kept the misinfo in the book as if it was fact. I learned that many people don’t care for fact. They like publicity and money better than facts and truth.

On with the story.

My paternal grandmother was half gypsy and dabbled in fortune telling, Tarot cards, tea leaves, hand reading and dowsing (the clever bit where you tell innocent women what gender their next child will have). And she taught me many tricks of the trade. I use the word tricks because most of it was nothing but clever tricks and reading of body language and subconscious “give aways”.
Most of it but not all.

Anyway, back to Pyramid Power.

Someone called Drbal had apparently found out that a pyramid shaped cardboard model could keep your razor blades sharp longer than if you kept them on the shelf. He even commercialized the idea. Maybe even a patent (as far as I remember).
And another guy called Antoine Bovis has reportedly observed animal carcasses inside the Great Pyramid that didn’t seem to decompose.

Bovis later claimed that he in fact never had visited Egypt and it was a tall tale. But I didn’t know that then.

And then there came this book about building your own model pyramid. It even had the formula for finding the correct angles and apogee and what not. Geometry never was my strong side but I managed to employ the formula in a sensible way and soon had three different sized pyramids standing in my bedroom. And I set to work with razor blades, dead mice, apples, oranges and whatever else I could find. My notebook eventually became filled with interesting facts. This is where I should write this 200+ page book, but I didn’t. I should have kept my notebook, but it was lost along the time line of my life.
But I do remember my findings quite clearly.

There were clear instructions in the book about keeping the alignment true North/South. Just to be sure I did the same experiments with True North as well as Magnetic North.

Does a pyramid preserve a dead animal?
NO it doesn’t. But what it does is that it keeps the flies out and the maggots and bacteria have a harder time getting rid of the corpse.
A control test in a cubic cardboard box confirmed this.

Does a pyramid preserve or even sharpen a razor blade?
NO it doesn’t. But what it does do is keep the razor blade from the humid air in the bathroom and thus delay the rusting of the blade, making it seem as if the pyramid shape did the trick.
A cubic box did the same.
Please note that an 18 year old hardly has the correct tools for checking the sharpness of a razor blade. That particular test was very subjective I admit.

Does a pyramid placed under your bed make for a more relaxed sleep? Even invigorating?
NO it doesn’t. To be honest I found that it made my sleep less deep and less relaxing. Maybe it was because I wanted to feel a difference and kept waking up to analyze my feelings and emotions.

These experiments lasted more than three months and my mother was a bit miffed with the state of my room and not least the smell. I never noticed.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 11:46 AM
But is this Pyramid Power then pure lies?

No it isn’t. There are definitely something odd going on with cardboard model pyramids.

Remember my grandmother? She taught me to dowse with a pendulum. Swear to Gods it works. Telling women what gender their next child would have – even before they were pregnant – was part of my everyday life way into my forties. My positive hit rate for this particular party game is around 92%.
Dowsing is also used to find power lines in the ground (Ley lines) and I was a dab hand at that as well. When I visited Stonehenge I was in weirdo heaven. We used dowsing for a type of Feng Shui, where we advised people about the placement of their beds and comfy chairs.
But it was dowsing for energy lines that showed some mysterious power in the cardboard model pyramids.

One of my pyramids was about two foot high and I came upon the idea of dowsing inside the pyramid. After several tries of placing the pyramid on chairs so I could lie on the floor and reach up into the inner of the pyramid, I finally got a reading.

Inside the pyramid the pendulum started turning clockwise in a small circle. The further up the pyramid centre line the larger the circle. It turned out that when the pendulum was almost exactly two thirds up inside the pyramid there was maximum diameter (about three inches).

Then I tried from outside just above the point of the pyramid. Not a lot, but a small circle clockwise was evident. I called in my sister to witness this amazing thing and while she was looking I slowly raised the pendulum higher.

And THAT my friends is when I got a gist of what they meant by Pyramid Energy.

If you then care to imagine a second pyramid placed on top of the first one POINT TO POINT. Only an imagined pyramid mind you. It doesn’t have to be there. As I raised the pendulum it stopped and started to circle again. The pendulum had maximum circle at the point which corresponded to the “power centre” of the bottom pyramid.

Another imagined pyramid higher it turned clockwise again.

So there my friends. Yes there is a thing we can call Pyramid Energy. What it does is beyond me. None of my experiments ever showed any significant “goings on” that I couldn’t replicate in a cubic model or even use for anything remotely useful. EXCEPT for the energy shown by dowsing. THAT only worked on the model pyramids. I still need to find a use for this energy. None came forward back then.

And before I meet with too much criticism about dowsing. Yes it does work. No not all can do it. Yes I know it is ME that makes the pendulum “do something”. I have made extensive experiments with pendulums as well. But that is for another thread if anyone wants me to make it. In short though – I found that many claims are untrue or unsubstantiated. I also found that it does work in mysterious ways. I never found gold and I never found the winning lotto numbers. But I have a theory on what makes it work for me.

92% hit rate for pregnancy predictions?
In this case it means that out of the 56 (I keep numbers) predictions I've made 52 turned out to be correct.

[edit on 20.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Interesting story. I don't doubt your claims. And surely the pyramid shape has some significance, one that perhaps is hidden knowledge or that mankind has yet to discover.

Thousands of years ago they built massive pyramids all around the globe - it's logical to assume the deeper meaning (or power, if you will) is real.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
Does a pyramid preserve a dead animal?
NO it doesn’t. But what it does is that it keeps the flies out and the maggots and bacteria have a harder time getting rid of the corpse.
A control test in a cubic cardboard box confirmed this.

I'd really love to see proof of this. Double-blind test.

Does a pyramid preserve or even sharpen a razor blade?
NO it doesn’t. But what it does do is keep the razor blade from the humid air in the bathroom and thus delay the rusting of the blade, making it seem as if the pyramid shape did the trick.

I'd love to see these results. Pictures included.

Please note that an 18 year old hardly has the correct tools for checking the sharpness of a razor blade. That particular test was very subjective I admit.

Thanks for the admission.

Any tangible proof of these experiments will boost your
credibility, in my eyes.

No proof will (in my eyes) make you look like another hippie
touting "pyramid power" truth touter.

I like pyramid stuff, don't get me wrong. But, to advance
claims requires proof.

Please, indulge your anxious audience.


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 06:55 PM
Hi OP,

Regarding pyramids, you might want to look into this book: Patrick Flanagan - Pyramid Power - The Millennium Science, and also the works of Les Brown. They have both shown that there's much more than you have yourself discovered regarding "pyramid power" and could change your mind about the whole thing.

Geometry is an issue and so if you do not follow the precise measurements you will not get the expected results, simple as that.

Also, there is a plethora of works in the Europe (Eastern parts) regarding pyramids and related subjects, though some of it is probably still in its original (untranslated) version.

About dowsing, no question about it, the art has been among the people for centuries. Perhaps it's just less known in the Western World, or more looked upon as a quasi-discipline and thus quickly regarded as quackery.

Though you don't really need to dowse to determine the sex of the baby in later months of the pregnancy. Women who "carry high" (ie. shape of the belly is such that the "heavy" portion is at the top) will have a boy and those who "carry low" will have a girl.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by amigo
Though you don't really need to dowse to determine the sex of the baby in later months of the pregnancy. Women who "carry high" (ie. shape of the belly is such that the "heavy" portion is at the top) will have a boy and those who "carry low" will have a girl.


My mother used to say: Like a football - a boy, like a sack of potatoes - a girl.

I often did my predictions BEFORE the woman even got pregnant. Also the number of children, as in: First a girl then two boys.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by amigo
Geometry is an issue and so if you do not follow the precise measurements you will not get the expected results, simple as that.

I'm afraid you are only partly right.
If we want to attribute these special powers to more than one pyramid then we need to allow for a flexible geometry.
There are no pyramids that I know of that are EXACTLY the same geometry (for lack of better word).
The "broken pyramid" in Egypt also strongly sugggest that the angles are more of practical value than anything else. had they not changed the angle of the "broken pyramid" it would have collapsed due to vertical stress.

But claiming that one need exact geometry is a convenient way of explaining to people why their experiements didn't work.

for clarification

[edit on 21.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by Two Worlds
I'd really love to see proof of this. Double-blind test.
I'd love to see these results. Pictures included.
Any tangible proof of these experiments will boost your
credibility, in my eyes.

A double blind test should be carried out by someone else. Just like in the real science world we need it to be verifiable.

You do the Double-blind test.

As to the results. No pictures are available. It is too long ago and an ugly divorce 25 years ago left me we very little of my personal history.

No proof will (in my eyes) make you look like another hippie
touting "pyramid power" truth touter.

Well. I do have long hair in a ponytail and I did buy the original Woodstock album.

And do please note that I do not tout Pyramid power as such as I specifically denounce most of the popular claims regarding this mysterious power.

What I DO claim is that there is SOMETHING that is weird about the pyramid shape.

I like pyramid stuff, don't get me wrong. But, to advance
claims requires proof.

If you have read the books and still believe then you have already seen proof just as valid (or invalid) as mine.

My claims are exactly as valid as those claims put forward in books. Only difference is - I don't make money on my claims.

Please, indulge your anxious audience.

Only double-blind test from me is information that I have worn glasses since I was ten years old. Without my glasses I'm almost blind on both eyes.
We don't get closer to double-blind than that.

[edit on 21.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

Please, do a thread about pendulum's. I would like to hear what you have to say. I actually believe in this stuff about predicting a gender (some of you who know me will now propably jump out of their chairs though

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
I'm afraid you are only partly right.
If we want to attribute these special powers to more than one pyramid then we need to allow for a flexible geometry.
There are no pyramids that I know of that are EXACTLY the same geometry (for lack of better word).
The "broken pyramid" in Egypt also strongly sugggest that the angles are more of practical value than anything else. had they not changed the angle of the "broken pyramid" it would have collapsed due to vertical stress.

But claiming that one need exact geometry is a convenient way of explaining to people why their experiements didn't work.

I really do not wish to start yet another debate because both sides of the Atlantic had conclusively proven, in my mind, that the geometry is an "issue." Just read from those two sources I provided and perhaps look up some papers done by Russians as well.

Granted, there could be other pyramid shapes that produce (some) effect, but the "standard" 51.51.14 is definitely the one to employ for easiest and fastest obtainable results.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by rawsom
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

Please, do a thread about pendulum's. I would like to hear what you have to say. I actually believe in this stuff about predicting a gender (some of you who know me will now propably jump out of their chairs though

A really good book (if you want to get a definitive one) on dowsing is Supersensonics from Christopher Hills. Some people refer to it as The Diviner's Bible, covering almost everything on practical pendulum usage. It's a thick, large format book with good illustrations and photographs, can't go wrong.

Amazon sellers usually have it, but I've also seen it on eBay from time to time (actually there is one available right now, I just looked it up). Otherwise, used books stores might have it as well...

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by amigo
A really good book (if you want to get a definitive one) on dowsing is Supersensonics from Christopher Hills. Some people refer to it as The Diviner's Bible, covering almost everything on practical pendulum usage. It's a thick, large format book with good illustrations and photographs, can't go wrong.


The same guy as the one with
"Christ-Yoga of peace: including a proposal for a World Peace Centre and a working method for evolutionary living"?

If so I'm afraid his approach is too much "Higher Being and esoteric."

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 10:12 PM
OP: Thanks for this. I appreciate your candor and your explanation of your experiments.

I simply love experimenting, and hearing about others experimenting. I call it "layman research". I've done some experimenting with dowsing over time, specific to binary questions based on doubleblind 'targets' or questions. Unfortunately this is apparently not my gift since pure chance would do as well as I have done with it. :-(

There is a whole world of stuff attributed to the paranormal that is clearly not belonging there at all, as your examples demonstrate. (Note: a frame-only pyramid, compared to a frame-only cube, would have made the issues you listed with deterioration and humidity non-issues.)

You could experiment with the precise vs. differing geometry to SEE if it make a difference for your experiments.

Thanks to Amigo for the book ref, I ordered it from amazon.

I haven't really read anything about the nature of the pyramid as a geometry, in part I admit because until a few years ago my eyes would have rolled up in my head just at the suggestion. I'm a little more mature now, more open minded, and have observed a number of 'anomalous' things repetitively enough to understand there's more to reality than what a test tube shows us, and sometimes the only way to get that kind of education is to suspend disbelief and 'allow' it and then evaluate it in the colder light of logic and feedback later.

OP I'd like to hear more about your pendulum work. And separately, anybody else who knows something about qualities attributed to pendulums, I think it'd be neat to hear about that, too.


[edit on 21-3-2009 by RedCairo]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

HolgerTheDane I really enjoyed reading about your perspective and the reasons why and the experiments you performed on pyramids. I think you are right about pyramids, they really have no more power than a box.

Did you by any chance preform the same exact type of experiment inside a box and above the box to find out the truth?

Do you realize that in one man's book, he wrote that someone had told his grandfather that the ancients had built the pyramids as weights on the Earth at specific points to balance the Earth. The pyramids are just like lead weights on a tire, in order to balance the tire; according to his book.

I thought it was absolutely absurd, but who knows; hahahaha.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists

Did you by any chance preform the same exact type of experiment inside a box and above the box to find out the truth?

All my experiements back then was made on one or all of my three pyramids and my "control cube" (about a cubic foot).

The largest pyramid was about two foot (feet) hight. Do you realize how difficult it is to locate cardboard boxes of a sufficient size to build these things?

Now we have everything packed up in boxes and two flat screen tv boxes would give you enough.

Things are so much easier now.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by RedCairo
OP I'd like to hear more about your pendulum work. And separately, anybody else who knows something about qualities attributed to pendulums, I think it'd be neat to hear about that, too.

Experimenting with pendulums

There are no qualities to attribute to pendulums. The way they move is by micro-movements of your own muscles. You can use just about anything as a pendulum and any type of string, chain, thread or other means of dangling it.

The only important bits are 1) you must be able to carry it by tw fingers without having to strain your muscles and 2) the pendulum must weigh enough to tighten the string and hang down (you could not use a helium balloon as a pendulum).

And while I know it is my own muscles that makes the pendulum move it is still unclear what triggers my brain to make it move in a certain way.
When you read on the internet please concentrate on the facts, don't get sidetracked by "higher being", "cleansing the pendulum", "dialing in the pendulum", "spirit world" and such like.
The pendulum works just fine without any mumbo jumbo to explain it or to lend credence to the dowser.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

i would of loved to heard your explaination to your mother as to why you have pyramids in your room containing dead mice

pity you never recorded that lol

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by mr smith123
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

i would of loved to heard your explaination to your mother as to why you have pyramids in your room containing dead mice

pity you never recorded that lol

I was pretty much left alone in my room. Alone with my "inventions" and experiments. I also did chemichal experiments that didn't smell too well. Only solid rule was "Keep your door closed".

My only problem was my little sister who had an overdeveloped cleaning gene. Once in a while she would go through my room like a tornado and when she was finished I'd have problems finding anything. She was afraid of mice and kept out during this phase of my experiments. She did spread the rumour that I was going insane.

My petname in my family was "The Hat Maker". That was a funny name I thought.

It took me quite a few years to realize that it was because hat makers worked with quicksilver vapours and that it made them slightly doolally.

[edit on 22.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 04:59 AM
Thanks. I was having a right-brain attack and worded that completely wrong. I actually know a decent bit about pendulums and have used them off and on for years--though so far, works ok for intuitive known-questions but sucks for doubleblind protocol. I meant to say "pyramids" not "pendulums" LOL. PJ

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 07:04 AM
I know it´s been a while but I just found this thread here and several others. While reading I found this here:

Look at the picture. He wrote that the direction of the pendulums rotation changed in every "imaginal pyramid" on top of the cardboard one. Now look at the picture.

I need to get a thread started about this.

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