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Greys - good or bad?

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posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

If you look at it from a purely neutral standpoint it is no different than how we treat the animals around us. Particularly when we want to learn something about them. Humancentrism wants to call it evil, but is it really? I rather doubt it, otherwise we would most likely already would have been wiped out.

Right. The Zionists, the Talmudics, think we "Goyim" are like animals and they have a right to do whatever they want to us. This is why they have no mercy and why they lie to us and use us and exploit us as they do.

Study their Talmud and Cabala and you will understand why they are the way they are, the Talmudics, the Zionists working to bring on the Fourth Reich, why they are eugenicists, cold-hearted and calculating, carrying out our murders each day by soft kill and by war and by poisoning and any way they can find, including abducting people and children to torture and kill them.

When I see the pics of those young Palestinians about 13 or 14 being led off by the Israelis I think, oh God, those poor boys. They will be tortured and raped and killed.

The old saying "money talks" -- Jesus said the love of money is the root of ALL evil. And the foreign banksters (ie Rothschilds, et al) have corrupted the entire planet with their trillions. They own everything including the black ops military, and they traffick with demons. These aren't aliens. They are demons, slimy, vicious, ugly demons, and with Lucifer himself, who all these vile people worship as their God, when they are not worshipping themselves collectively as "god on earth." Between stealing all the technology of topside inventors and between being clued in by these malevolent spirits (demons) who share their knowledge with their minions in order to build the technology to enslave and corrupt and kill the rest of us -- the Zionists own it all. Their money talks and they use it to buy up all the local officials, to install their Freemason brothers in all positions of authority, and to infiltrate the goverments of mankind.

These are the ones directing the underground breeding and torture chambers where people's children are taken, most abducted children. Furthermore, they are also breeding more children underground.

And they not only create Frankenfoods for Montsanto and mix the genes of plant, animal and bugs topside, but underground what they do is worse than any horror movie we could imagine.

When they start WWIII and billions of people die, they will be underground in these places, places where people like Dick Cheney prefer to spend their time rather than be up in the sun with the lowly goyim serfs.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Salt of the Earth
That was one of the most inspired posts I have read. It neatly braids together threads from all manner of conspiracy into one prejudiced rope with which to hang itself. It's offensive and tasteless on several levels and you should feel some element of shame for your ability to believe such things and then to actively try and spread them. I'm glad the internet came to fruition so that people have an outlet for their eccentric ideas. Who knows what might happen if they kept them to themselves

To the OP (on topic)...Who really knows? You could be discussing the morality of a collective misinterpretation or delusion. If they are real, they appear ambivalent, neutral and removed from good or bad. The whole phenomena of Greys is fascinating. A brief study guide is here. I also recommend reading John E Mack MD, he felt the phenomena called for more serious study. He was investigated by his University (Harvard) over questions of credibility and methodology and found to be rigorous in his studies.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Salt of the Earth
It's offensive and tasteless on several levels and you should feel some element of shame for your ability to believe such things and then to actively try and spread them.

It's not a matter of belief. It's all fact. It's just a matter of connecting the dots. For example, Child Protective Services under Jeb Bush stole millions of children from their parents, thousands of these children disappeared and nobody knows where they went.

Read up online on Montauk, MK Ultra, Ted Gunderson, watch the Conspiracy of Silence (documentary prepared for Discovery Channel but spiked by the government) that showed the trail of abducted kids from Boys Town in Nevada led straight to the Reagan/Bush White House. Check out Phil Schneider's testimony online (for which he was murdered a few months later).

The testimony of the people who have been abducted by grays is all too similar. They all have their eggs and sperm stolen, or the babies growing in their wombs. This is the common thread throughout these abductions.

We also know of the existence of the DUMBs and of advanced aircraft that is antigravity. We also know of the government's plans for Operation Blue Beam.

We also know the Zionists own the media, which is why we call it a CONTROLLED media, and that they have inundated us with movies on extraterrestrial travel. We had a steady diet of Star Trek for how many years? I know Mormons who think those shows were documentaries, not just silly TV shows.

We have a whole generation of young people who are taught to snear at anything spiritual and to believe science can do anything, even build spaceships capable of travelling through space at distances that are so huge they are impossible to calculate and that somehow all these aliens "out there" are all honed in on wanting to visit Planet Earth.

There's probably not a person reading these threads who doesn't have a "ghost" story to tell, of when he personally saw a translucent being, but yet we have so many people here who believe in pseudoscience, in evolution, in X-men, in a great leap forward in evolution according to the latest evolutionary theories of punctuated equilibrium.

So maybe these "ghosts" are also "aliens?"

The greys are solid creatures flying in solid aircraft that look like flying saucers and are antigravity. These are real and solid. They also have ability to zap people using some kind of waves, so they are powerless and in a dreamlike state. We know science has the technology to do this, and the antigravity, who knows if it even is antigravity or what it is. But the black ops mlitary obviously possesses technology we are not allowed to have here topside.

We know hydrogen power could fuel an entire city with a cup of water, and that every inventor dealing in this area is either bought off or murdered.

Just connect the dots and don't be afraid to consult the Bible as the plumbline. We know angels can and have materialized, that demons at one time mated with humans and that the Nazi eugenicists are focused like a lazer on genetic research and in revamping life as we know it.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Salt of the Earth
I profoundly disagree with your certainties. What you regard as bald fact, I regard as minor possibilities and improbabilities. My world-view is very different from yours. If we walked side by side down the same busy city street our experiences would be unrecognizable to each other.

I once entered into a friendly discussion with another member who shared your views (including the alien bases eating babies), it was a waste of each others time. He still thinks that aliens are eating humans in a base beneath New York. I understand *how* you view the world, I struggle to comprehend how you arrived there. Although I hold the view that the beliefs you share are dangerous, I would fight for your right to keep them on ATS.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by Kandinsky]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:37 AM
Greys are good?? No chance! Those little reptilian decendants are as malevolent as a creature could possibly be. They are the ones behind the so called "shadow covernment" and they consider them selves as lords of this world. From what i have read we humans are originally a mixture of ape and sirian dna. created by our early annunnaki masters to serve them. The greys had originally nothing to do with human kind, even though they are here now serving their own agenda.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Salt of the Earth
I profoundly disagree with your certainties. What you regard as bald fact, I regard as minor possibilities and improbabilities. My world-view is very different from yours. If we walked side by side down the same busy city street our experiences would be unrecognizable to each other.

I once entered into a friendly discussion with another member who shared your views (including the alien bases eating babies), it was a waste of each others time. He still thinks that aliens are eating humans in a base beneath New York. I understand *how* you view the world, I struggle to comprehend how you arrived there. Although I hold the view that the beliefs you share are dangerous, I would fight for your right to keep them on ATS.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by Kandinsky]

I gave you examples of all the dots I connected. Have you checked out those dots? If not, then don't dismiss what you are ignorant of. I think your belief in aliens flying here from planets in the cosmos are dangerous and will lead to the NWO and the extermination of most of the people living on the planet by deluded people such as yourself who think you are linking up to some super beings who want to help you leap ahead in your evolution to become a superman. You have no proof for what you say, and I have much proof. Your speculateions are based on wishful thinking. Mine are based on what has been observed and documented.

We both agree the creatures exist. You don't agree that DUMBs exist or that they live underground, many of them, or that abductions of millions of children are taking place not only by the greys but by the CPS and government pedophile rings, the CIA, Mossad, other Luciferians who need children for their diabolical plans. Children are also stolen from hospitals, parents told their children are dead when they are not dead.

There is an unlimited supply of children from Gaza and Iraq and other countries under attack by the Zionists.

Have you ever listened to Ted Gunderson's testimony? You really think the world is sweetness and light and that science is capable of doing what you say? You are the one who is into magical thinking, very dangerous, very destructive, and it will end up killing a lot of people.

Typical New Age Zionist Nazi Superman belief. Pure crap. Pseudoscience. Materialism, believing this is all there is, that matter is self-existant, not created, that dead matter is capable of forming itself into life forms and infusing life into itself. Pure pseudoscience going against all the known laws of science, of physics, that we see. Alchemy, witchcraft, and pure unmitigated crap.

So who's dangerous here?

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:53 AM
I had never connected the dots on my sitings of both a grey or the crafts, and actual memories. In fact I believe I was programmed not to until a certain time.
That was after beginning the second search for information regarding a siting of a craft my friend and I had seen near an observatory. The first time I searched led me to string theory and interesting physics articles. This one led me to project camelot and Jim Sparks and something started moving inside of me.
Then I saw his et script and that was my wake up moment.

This video is very good. I've long suspected the greys in question where the same as the ones he experienced. He also has hybrid children. Even nordics do this.

Bill Holden was asked if he feared them, and replied at no time did he fear any of the encounters, he looked forward to them. I myself do not know if my initial reaction was one of fear, but I do know it soon became on of warmth and love when I was a child. In fact in one of my memories I didn't want to return.

Bill Holden says he wasn't extremely environmentally sensitive until his experiences, and now has changed.

Jim Sparks was given a mission or concern over the rain forest and preserving it from destruction as it is the lungs of the planet. And both of them did concerning creating an amnesty bill where black ops could come forward voluntarily without legal prosecution (as the law has been circumvented by them) and reveal what they wish to in order to save this planet, without prosecution.

Jim Sparks talks about that we have a chance of evolving this time versus self destructing, and that the amnesty bill would help this.
There is a part in the video where Bill Holden shares what they told him:
Tell them to stop destroying mother earth. Tell them to learn to love one another. Increase your mental and heart to a higher level. (we only use a small amount of our brain.)

Ufology is about cosmic citizens, not demons. Though there are medical procedures, these are done even by nordics in many cases. There are hybrid programs, even nordics do this. There are different agendas amongst various species. I myself believe greys share a common ancestor with dophins, not ants, though as a child, I though I had seen an antman.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
I had never connected the dots on my sitings of both a grey or the crafts, and actual memories. In fact I believe I was programmed not to until a certain time.

Bill Holden was asked if he feared them, and replied at no time did he fear any of the encounters, he looked forward to them. I myself do not know if my initial reaction was one of fear, but I do know it soon became on of warmth and love when I was a child. In fact in one of my memories I didn't want to return.

Emotions can easily be manipulated electronically and by drugs, by music, by smells, and also hypnosis. You cannot judge truth or falsity by emotions. This is a favorite technique, to link evil things and lies together with pretty music, with manipulated emotions, so that subconsciously the person accepts the evil and the lies as being good. It's Pavlovian.

We humans must be able to weigh the good and evil, truth and lies for what they are. It's shocking to see the large numbers of people posting on these threads who have embraced evil as being good, who flaunt their evil with pride in their avatars.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 10:13 AM
Its amazing that there is a huge disinfo campaign concerning something that is so incredible and inspiring as the cosmic visitors who by the way are working to change things on this planet, because they are concerned for both it and us.
There is a very bad group of bloodlines ruling this planet, and have done so for countless years, with unending sorrows and traumas for people, and these same bloodlines are running this planet into the ground. And the religion you are bringing up is a part of the problems we are having here and a part of the slave race we've been created to be, divided and conquered and fighting their wars. Our bloodlines have ties to renegade ets.

I am not looking at this from one side, and am so happy to know there are better planets and worlds where babies don't even cry, who live in moneyless societies where no one is hungry, all are provided for, and roads don't even scar the surface of the well cared for planet. Whatever goes down here on earth, and I'm hoping for positive turning point to occur due to our galactic watchers and friends. However, nonetheless, in or out of body, I'm going home.

You're the one who is not applying logic. I've had many people try to demonize the ets, both greys and nordics I've experienced, and in the end, I'm running with my heart, and the mission they've given me, and thats to promote the moneyless resource society and cooperative compassion between people so that we may evolve and not be depopulated enmasse as our bloodline leaders are doing, and in a sense already have done with the megatons of depleted uranium they've bonded to our atmosphere. We're breathing in 50,000 particles with each breath and its performing millions of nuclear events at cellualar level. Pure evil runs this planet.

There is more than one side to the experiences people have had and are sharing. You should actually open your eyes.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
Its amazing that there is a huge disinfo campaign concerning something that is so incredible and inspiring as the cosmic visitors who by the way are working to change things on this planet, because they are concerned for both it and us.
There is a very bad group of bloodlines ruling this planet, and have done so for countless years, with unending sorrows and traumas for people, and these same bloodlines are running this planet into the ground.

They are definitely working to change things. More wars, more torture, destroy the economies of the world, kill most of the inhabitors of the planet, and build a world government. Build 1,000 concentration camps right here in America for most of the people, take us all there, cull us out and program through mind control the rest and send them out to take the microchip and kiss the feet of the antichrist and get all warm and fuzzy over slimy demons who will materialize and crawl up from the depths of the earth to dwell amongst men who have been programmed to think they are cute or sexy or whatever.

Originally posted by mystiq
And the religion you are bringing up is a part of the problems we are having here and a part of the slave race we've been created to be, divided and conquered and fighting their wars. Our bloodlines have ties to renegade ets.

This is New Age X-Man lies, the new religion that seeks to make Satan the ruler of the world and get everybody to worship him, and to kill all the Christians and other people who aren't in a hurry to worship the devil.

Originally posted by mystiq
I am not looking at this from one side, and am so happy to know there are better planets and worlds where babies don't even cry, who live in moneyless societies where no one is hungry, all are provided for, and roads don't even scar the surface of the well cared for planet. Whatever goes down here on earth, and I'm hoping for positive turning point to occur due to our galactic watchers and friends. However, nonetheless, in or out of body, I'm going home.

You don't know there are any such places except that you have been programmed to believe it, and human nature being what it is there will never be peace anyplace, on this earth or any other, until God takes us to Heaven, those of us who he deems fit to spend an eternity with him. This life is just a blip on the radar, a test, a gauntlet to run. The Heavens were created by God to declare his glory, to give us light, and show us the seasons, not so some planets can have a utopia and others WWIII.

The coming New World Order "utopia" will be a hellish utopia, an illusion, trading stolen technology and holograms and Wizard of Oz shenanagans for people's allegiance to Satan himself, the arch deceiver. The Bible says that people will fall for a great delusion. It says those who take the mark by which you cannot buy or sell, all those who do and worship the antichrist, will suffer the plagues of God and will lose their souls. Snear and mock and ignore at your own peril.

We know that the only way to travel the great distances is by spiritual means, not by physical means. Yet you claim these creatures are just humanoids who live on a planet of peace and have come to help us. This does not compute, especially since they rape women and steal their children.

Originally posted by mystiq
You're the one who is not applying logic. I've had many people try to demonize the ets, both greys and nordics I've experienced, and in the end, I'm running with my heart, and the mission they've given me, and thats to promote the moneyless resource society and cooperative compassion between people so that we may evolve...

Right. So that you may evolve into X-men. You must kill most of us goyim slugs who don't believe this claptrap so you can eliminate our low vibrations that are hindering your jump ahead to become X-men, [punctuated equilibrium as the new evolutionary theory describes it, of evolution happening in giant leaps rather than gradually, since the evolutionists have given up ever finding one single fossil proving gradual evolution of anything, let alone a monkey into a man.]

Originally posted by mystiq
There is more than one side to the experiences people have had and are sharing. You should actually open your eyes.

I believe in the experiences. I know they have happened. I'm trying to warn you not to judge them by your emotions, that emotions can and are manipujlated by these people, that they are master liars and illusionists, they have been studying mind control and mind manipulation for centuries, and they are master liars. They are not your friends.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 10:47 AM
You can choose to believe a person is programmed to believe something when they have experienced, since the age of 4 or 5, something positive, as have others as well, and only run with the most negative stories if you wish. But I will say again, this is one sided and disinfo. My experiences are real, my son's are real and he concurs with me as to the nature of the visitors that we and others have experienced. I'm not programmed to believe there are better planets out there, I know there are. There are many experiencers here on ats alone by the way. This thread is amazing:

As to the bible, and the scriptures, they're not about the real Creator, but a war mongler that has roots all the way back to sumaria. The Terra Papers discuss the whole renegade et, enki/enlil thing. They've done a lot of damage to this planet already and massive trauma to its people.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
I'm not programmed to believe there are better planets out there, I know there are. There are many experiencers here on ats alone by the way. This thread is amazing:

If there are better planets, why not just go back there with them and live there? Take me with you. Why are they here raping women and stealing their babies if they have a utopian planet to live on someplace? Phil Schneider had a run in with some of them when he was digging a DUMB and about 40 of his fellow workers were killed by these 8 foot smelly slimy org creatures and he barely escaped with his life, only to be murdered less than a year later (garroted) for telling his story. You can google his story online and hear him tell it in a video.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Salt of the Earth
Hiya Salt of the Earth

I think your belief in aliens flying here from planets in the cosmos are dangerous and will lead to the NWO and the extermination of most of the people living on the planet by deluded people such as yourself who think you are linking up to some super beings who want to help you leap ahead in your evolution to become a superman.

I don't believe that aliens are flying here from planets in the cosmos. You mistake me for someone else. I'm attracted by the possibility. The evidence that is often used to support concepts of NWO doesn't satisfy me. The veracity of the proponents of NWO is wanting by my standards. It's a house of cards. As I stated, I don't believe aliens are flying here and therefore make no assumptions that they are super beings. That assumption belongs only to you.

You have no proof for what you say, and I have much proof. Your speculations are based on wishful thinking. Mine are based on what has been observed and documented.

Hearsay and written hearsay is not proof.

You don't agree that DUMBs exist or that they live underground, many of them, or that abductions of millions of children are taking place not only by the greys but by the CPS and government pedophile rings, the CIA, Mossad, other Luciferians who need children for their diabolical plans. Children are also stolen from hospitals, parents told their children are dead when they are not dead.

I profoundly disagree that millions of children are being abducted. If your deductive reasoning can't understand why it is a fallacious idea, I won't try. Do you read what you write? Aliens, CIA, Mossad, Luciferians, Govt. pedophile rings
I'd ask for any evidence of these claims, but I already know that a "cover-up" has buried it.

Have you ever listened to Ted Gunderson's testimony? You really think the world is sweetness and light and that science is capable of doing what you say? You are the one who is into magical thinking, very dangerous, very destructive, and it will end up killing a lot of people.

Ted Gunderson exhibits traits of clinical paranoia. His information isn't credible. Whatever I have or haven't said science is capable of is all checkable. Apart from art and literature, I have no time for magical thinking.

Typical New Age Zionist Nazi Superman belief. Pure crap. Pseudoscience. Materialism, believing this is all there is, that matter is self-existant, not created, that dead matter is capable of forming itself into life forms and infusing life into itself. Pure pseudoscience going against all the known laws of science, of physics, that we see. Alchemy, witchcraft, and pure unmitigated crap.

This last paragraph is like you're having a conversation with yourself. It makes no reference to anything I've written here. It's a stream of consciousness that offers indications of your thought patterns and unusual outlook. What exactly are you trying to say?

The beliefs I described as dangerous aren't your beliefs in baby-eating aliens. That is harmless, although I imagine when you are in a busy bar you can turn with arms outspread and not touch another person
It's the hatred implied in your references to 'Zionists'. Espousing hatred towards a large section of the human race is always dangerous. There's a tone of aggression running through your post that I hope you don't find in mine.

People that adopt your outlook are rarely very happy people. I hope you are an exception and can enjoy a normal life. The certainty of NWO domination and underground bases where the lives of babies are forfeit to the whims of aliens would make me a bit crabby too. Take it easy brother

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 11:10 AM
I wasn't raped by ets, though I did have 2 episodes of missing cylces that lasted 2 1/2 months each. Their hybrid program does exist. Nordics have this as well.
However, I have never stated that all ets are good. Look at our leaders, they work for an ancient set of renegades. I have pointed out that all ets are not evil however. Only the renegades are, and there is a huge galactic presence involved with this planet, as earth and its people is one of many projects ets have conducted. We were meant to evolve peacefully, but instead have allowed evil ruthless warmonglers to control and manipulate us. Even in democratic countries we keep choosing between the small group of bloodlines they offer and vote in psychos, and thus are co-conspirators. What we have allowed done to earth and its people to benefit just the few is outrageous. If we were to be put somewhere else, I doubt we will be given such a wonderful responsibility as this jewel planet was.

As to going home, yeah thats been showed me for some time. Though there's work to be done here, so don't know if its in this body or out. And really don't care.

The point is, that only discussing the most negative stories or demonizing ets in a religious way is not exactly being open minded. I consider that to be the programming here.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
I wasn't raped by ets, though I did have 2 episodes of missing cylces that lasted 2 1/2 months each. Their hybrid program does exist. Nordics have this as well.
However, I have never stated that all ets are good. Look at our leaders, they work for an ancient set of renegades. I have pointed out that all ets are not evil however. Only the renegades are, and there is a huge galactic presence involved with this planet, as earth and its people is one of many projects ets have conducted. We were meant to evolve peacefully, but instead have allowed evil ruthless warmonglers to control and manipulate us. Even in democratic countries we keep choosing between the small group of bloodlines they offer and vote in psychos, and thus are co-conspirators. What we have allowed done to earth and its people to benefit just the few is outrageous. If we were to be put somewhere else, I doubt we will be given such a wonderful responsibility as this jewel planet was.

As to going home, yeah thats been showed me for some time. Though there's work to be done here, so don't know if its in this body or out. And really don't care.

The point is, that only discussing the most negative stories or demonizing ets in a religious way is not exactly being open minded. I consider that to be the programming here.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by mystiq]

You say twice you suspect you were impregnated. That means your child was stolen from you, right? Yet you go by warm emotional feelings that you associate with these creatures from when you were too young to form rational opinions about them.

Have you ever read up on or studied hypnosis to see how powerful a mind control tool it is, that if you can get past a person's conscious mind you can embed any strange belief. I challenge you to go online and look at some of the You Tubes on hyponosis, of the amazing power that any hypnotist has over his subject. It's just incredible. One little girl, looked about 100 pounds, volunteered herself to a stage hypnotist, nad he turned her into a board, placed her stiff body between two chairs with the back of one chair digging into her neck and the back of hte other into her ankles, and then he proceeded to stand up on her belly. The guy was a big old man with a pot belly.

This is just one example. Check out these links: (covert hypnosis) (covert hypnosis test) (this one shows the hypnostit will retain power over the subject for decades to come, be able to put them into a sleep trance in an instant, with one word).

Also, check out to find out some more about mind control, what the Zionists, Satanists are doing, not only to their own children, but to millions of others who are abducted and tortured and programmed.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 12:05 PM
I'm not as judgmental of something that is over our heads, and ets are truly over our heads. This planet is a project for many different species and has been since the beginning of life. And what I know, and my family has experienced, including the actual sitings of a grey that both my son I have had, I'm not even going to leap into the cabal hypnosis agendas. I've looked at this issue from so many sides in my own research, but in the end, I know my heart is telling me the right response to what we are going through. To only see it from one side is not comprehending that currently, with the non-interferrence contracts coming up, and possible et intervention at hand, the cabal are mounting a huge disinfo campaign, not that they already havn't this.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
I'm not as judgmental of something that is over our heads, and ets are truly over our heads.

You have a right and a duty to judge something that played with your mind and emotions from the time you were 4 years old, who impregnanted you twice and stole your babies.

Instead of crusading for these creatures, you should ask yourself why you would be willing to, and look into the possibility that you have been manipulataed in your mind in a very diabolical way.

Check out this link:

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:02 PM
I'm an experiencer, and one thing I do examine is everything I know about what I've gone through, its a core need. I've examined this issue from every angle known to mankind. I finally have to run with what I know about the specific groups of ets that we are familiar with, they have set up a protocol so that only their script will reach us, and layered that with further signatures. This is done because not every group has our best interests at heart, and to help protect us from the wrong ets, particularly those related to the enki/leader renegades.

I have always been psi and ping on crafts whenever I sense them, sometimes when they show themselves and sometimes not. These ets, both greys and nordics are very concerned with the state of this planet, and abhor our leaders and their massive control and mistreatment of the citizens of this planet, all life here, and the ecology of this world which is gasping its lasts breaths under their agendas. The mission I get is one of grass roots cooperation and community.
gl2 and his more alien like economy thread hits the mark very well. This group of ets honors and respects the natives who for over 10,000 years lived this economy and walked lightly on the planet. So I'm afraid I completely must run with my heart and my memories and the response the give me.

You imagine I've not read and examined the issues. I have. I see the evil fascist renegades behind our leaders, and that our leaders are not only their spokespeople but actually are related to them genetically.
What you're not doing is examining the issue from all the information that is out their and hearing testimony from those who do not concur with your own.
Between our leaders and the ets I know, my loyalty will never be with the pure evil running this planet into the ground. I am so grateful for the experiences I have had so far.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by spacecowgirl
reply to post by pikypiky

What experience have you had with aliens may I ask?

Some in person and in dreams but mostly in my mind subjectively, of course. Most are good but not 'greys' because my 'personal' experiences have been nothing close to horror but of healing or to nightmares but of learning.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by spacecowgirl

Your postings were amazing. Can you tell us more about these creatures?

For example, did you only see greys?

How did you come to know the moon landings were a hoax?

How are they able to incubate the babies outside their mothers' wombs?

Please share what you know?

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