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Do I 'look into the future' ?

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posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 08:38 AM
Hey there.
Has anyone ever tried to kinda, look into the future in dreams ?? Well actually not much.
I have many times dreamt something, suddenly my dream changes to something else etc. once my dream changed to a bright light started to shine at me and then it got very bright and then I heard my door open and my mother came in and the light from the room outside my room blinded me with a bright light...

A few times I've dreamt something where i suddenly fall of a cliff etc. and then i wake up almost falling out of my bed. But my dream allways wake me up before it happens... Kinda weird ?

Any knows this ?


posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 08:52 AM
I too have had some dreams like that, but the simplest (and therefore, I guess, the most probable) explantion is that right before awake, your subconscious becomes aware of your surroundings and so it tells you what's really happenig arround you interfering in your dreams.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 08:58 AM
when you are dreaming, your dreams can suddenly change from one thing to another. usually this happens because there was a change in the physical world.

while you were asleep, you started to fall off the bed. your body got the sensation of falling, and your mind (still dreaming) translated it into something that is a real fear.

im going to take a guess that you are afraid of falling off the edge of something very high?

your brain in its dream state, quickly translates the feeling of falling off the bed and creates a visual of falling off a cliff, which is scary enough to wake anyone. all this happens so fast that you dont actually fall off the bed.

as for the bright light, the sun was shining in your room, into your eyes, and your brain sensed the bright light, so it was created in your dream too. when you woke up the sun was still there.

i am not saying that was i said above is absolutly true, it is just a logical explaination to those occurances.

one other thing. when you go to sleep, you toss and turn for 4 hours. the period when you dream is during REM (Rapid Eye Movement). REM lasts only 45 minutes. when you dream doesnt it seem like hours and hours of dreamtime? time is somehow distorted, since hours of dreams are fitted into only 45 mintues. so a half second of REM could feel like 30-45 seconds, and thats why it doesnt feel like instantanous. it may feel like you are looking into the future in that sense.

*EDIT* i found a link to the brain, REM, and sleeping...Here

[Edited on 19-4-2004 by TreyFlipAWS]

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 09:03 AM
I've had a few, maybe 3 dreams where I dreamt into the future..I'll describe the most memorable..

I dreamt that my dad, 2 of my aunts, my grandma, and myself got off an elevator, in a building with brick walls. On it was a bulletin board, with various stuff on it, and near it a picture, can't remember what it is anymore... we filed out in this order : granmda, aunt, aunt, dad, me.. and all went right.. then the dream ended.

about 3 months later, my sick uncle was moved from a hospital in miles city, to helena.. helena is I don't know.. 200 miles from my city (just a guess) so they decided to go see him. Well my dad really wanted me to come so he could have an excuse to go in a seperate car.. so I went.. once we got there.. nothing seemed out of the ordinary.. go into this hospital, that I'd never been in before... get in the elevator.. nothing..

elevator opens.. and the scene played out exactly like my dream.. the people, the walls, the papers on the bulletin board, everything.... my only response to this was once I got off the elevator and it hit me.. I said, not particularly loud, but loud enough for the others to hear.. "Holy #." they turned and looked.. and I didn't pay to much mind to it.. but shortly after (few weeks) my uncle died
and I could sort of "feel" it coming..

So there's my story. 100% true.. so it doesn't much matter to me if anyone here believes me or not, because I know what happened.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 09:22 AM
Well, I actually am afraid of heights but the dream with the sunlight I saw my mother open the door before the light shined in... That is the weird thing...

Why when you just dream 45 minutes why does it allways have to be just before you wake up so it ruins your dreams ???? :/


posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 09:23 AM
Well, I actually am afraid of heights but the dream with the sunlight I saw my mother open the door before the light shined in... That is the weird thing...

Why when you just dream 45 minutes why does it allways have to be just before you wake up so it ruins your dreams ???? :/


posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 09:31 AM
Not only am I there in sight, sound and smell, I felt a warm humidity that i personnally described as slowly and peacfully dying of radiation poisening.

Scientists would proberly look at situation, like bed, surrounding and crap we take on the TV. But given they have just managed to scratch the surface. A simple answer is not enough. Seems eveyday we wake up slightly different, who knows how these dreams can affect our waking lifes?

Oh a lot of the time I can wake up in my dreams, I know I am dreaming, I can walk down the road knowing it is a dream, it all proberly lasts a short time, but its great to sometimes have this control.

I am really walking around the place I grew up in a post-nulclear state, breathing the radioactive air, looking up into the orange dark sky with what appears to be red laser beams across the sky, like cuts to skin. Yet am totally aware its a dream.

Also when I am aware I am not always looking out of my eyes, I can see me like I am looking at me.

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