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Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

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posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 01:20 AM
The document discussed has been confirmed.

A.J. discusses this document in length, including names and confirmation of this document by the MIAC.

This is in addition to the previous confirmation as mentioned in this thread.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by DarksDeception]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 01:59 AM
The fact that they made no comment raises suspicion for me as well, so I will believe it is true. But ultimately what does that mean? This isn't a legislative bill or executive order, or even a command from the attorney general or CIA...
If I hear any of these agencies or the Obama administration talk about such things, then I well get vary worried...and just may start building a bunker

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:37 AM
This does a greet job of explaining the NWO's plan for America.
Now Alex needs to make the link to the detention centers,and the

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 02:00 PM
Many posters seem to be missing the entire point here.
Yes, the document is REAL. Now, how many have actually READ the entire document?
The document DOES NOT SAY what Jones claims it says.

HERE is EXACTLY what the document DOES say about the titled OP:

Militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former Presidential candidate: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

IT DOES NOT SAY that Constitutional Party members, Campaign for Liberty members, or Libertarians Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr are terrorists!

A implies B DOES NOT MEAN THAT B implies A.

All females are human, does not mean that all humans are female.

As with most disinformation agents, they take a kernel of truth and pop it up into an explosion of lies.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

So if the government is not allowed to profile muslims as terrorist then the same should aply here!

Thats why you always see granny being frisked in the airport......

I googled today several other pamplets that were given out that profiled christians, white males with children, people buying gold and so can google it yourself.....cheers

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Thanks for pointing that out professor.
Fallacious reasoning. Slippery slope. Dishonest.
In fact, I would say that it is borderline criminal fearmongering.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

So if the government is not allowed to profile muslims as terrorist then the same should aply here! Thats why you always see granny being frisked in the airport...... I googled today several other pamplets that were given out that profiled christians, white males with children, people buying gold and so can google it yourself.....cheers

What does my post have to do with your statement above? Did I ever mention profiling, or Muslims? This thread merely discusses the MIAC document, and the Alex Jones disinformation, and that is what I addressed.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

Fallacious reasoning. Slippery slope. Dishonest. In fact, I would say that it is borderline criminal fearmongering.

Yes, In my humble opinion, AJ is an expert at that. He takes a kernel of truth, then blows it up. In fact, if you look at almost all of the articles on his sites, and then read his "interpretation" or commentary, they virtually all fall into that modus operandi.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
Many posters seem to be missing the entire point here.
Yes, the document is REAL. Now, how many have actually READ the entire document?
The document DOES NOT SAY what Jones claims it says.

HERE is EXACTLY what the document DOES say about the titled OP:

Militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former Presidential candidate: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

IT DOES NOT SAY that Constitutional Party members, Campaign for Liberty members, or Libertarians Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr are terrorists!

A implies B DOES NOT MEAN THAT B implies A.

All females are human, does not mean that all humans are female.

As with most disinformation agents, they take a kernel of truth and pop it up into an explosion of lies.

I agree that the title is deceiving, as are most MSM articles, but the article's content is accurate and should not be dismissed. The article does NOT suggest that the party members are terrorists, ONLY the title.

This topic and article is not about Alex Jones so I wish everyone whould focus on the content of the article instead of straying and focusing on Alex Jones. Dont we all have better things to worry about then ninnying about Alex Jones, like the propaganda they are trying to push in the official document?!?

On a different note, you have to admit, if you were a patrol officer and merely read the official document, you would be more inclined to have the assumption that anyone you see that has one of these bumper stickers on their vehicle may very well be one of those scary (said with sarcasm) militia members. And we all how the MSM frequently portrays the militia as nut case gun toting weirdoes...


posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Need_Truth

The problem is, it isn't propaganda. It is the truth.

This is why the Police were issued a report on it. Alex Jones took it and blew it out of proportion. As per usual.

And no, I'm afraid that only the paranoid will be unable to see this for what it is.
Yes, there are people who are even OPENLY talking about revolt against the Government. OF COURSE the Government is going to prepare in case that actually comes to pass and OF COURSE they are going to try and identify them.

Yes, revolutionary types are most likely libertarian leaning (the entire philosophy is dead set against this country as it stands now)... However, not all libertarians are going to BE revolutionaries. The Police will understand this simple idea. Only people like Alex Jones thinks it is the end of the world.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Wow, I can't remember the last time I voted for a political candidate that won. But now this, it appears Bob Barr won a spot on the post office wall, go figure!

I'm certain you've all noticed the increase in let's just say "alternative" planning and discussion on sites like this and even leaking onto the MSM, Glenn Beck for example. (I know, Beck could be with them! Don't judge too soon.) Don't for a moment think that the Obamanationals are not monitoring every outlet to see where any friction resides. Consider he was the first Internet savvy presidential candidate. He knows how this works and what the hot spots are, at least Emanuel and Gibbs do. The uptick in the last few weeks has them worried.

The outrage against the "porkulus" spending has risen and if you've followed it, the stock market has had a small resurgence the last four days. Why? Me thinks it is to quell the brainwashed masses who were starting to listen to the alternative crowd. Too many were starting to believe the unbelievable and by that I mean Kenyan Jesus has no clothes. Now you ask how? I think an NWO bagman like George Soros could temporarily inject a little money back into the market. A little of our recently stolen money. With a minor market resurgence the masses would fall back to their "see it's working, let's give Obama a little more time" position and the immediate threat to the Marxists would be quelled.

The G20 summit is coming and that's likely when we will get hammered.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:30 PM
Thomas Knapp (Knappster) wrote a great piece on this, that I just found. He talks about how MIAC came into being:

MIAC describes itself as: a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities that will collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence to the agencies tasked with Homeland Security responsibilities in a timely, effective, and secure manner.

Knapp then translates it. Catch the humor, it's great (but true):

Translation of MIAC's mandate into English: There was a bunch of "Homeland Security" money blowing around a few years ago, and Missouri's politicians wanted a cut of it. So, they created a makework bureaucracy with a "Homeland Security" angle and employed a bunch of bureaucrats (and perhaps some cops that even the MSHP didn't really care to risk putting on the streets with cars, firearms and !authoritah!) to churn out "intelligence reports" using the same methodology your third-grader employs to generate class papers on dinosaurs, aliens and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [TM], i.e. trolling the Intarweb looking for cool stuff that sounds really important.

Then he really gets into high gear:

That's the mandate. The manifestation of the mandate takes two main forms: - Providing photo opportunities for politicians; and - Churning out the aforementioned third-grade class papers frequently and furiously enough to justify periodic renewal of their funding.

Then he hits upon this "document" of the OP.

The problem with the second manifestation, of course, is that occasionally -- probably very occasionally -- someone actually reads one of those papers. Probably not the people who are supposed to (most cops, good or bad, have better things to do than sit around reading bureaucrat porn), but people.

This time, one of those papers mentioned two demographics. Both of those demographics have high overlap with the audience of a C-List radio shock jock who just happens to be releasing a new movie this weekend and really, really, really wants to get his name in front of those demographics as much as possible right now. And the tinfoil hat talker in question, one Alex Jones, happened to get a copy of the current third grade class paper.

Not content to go with the damning truth about the paper, our intrepid conspiracy theorist decided to spice it up a bit. Scratch that: He decided to lie like a rug about what the paper said.

He then hits on the audience. Based upon many of the responders here, if the shoe fits....

Unsurprisingly, many in his gullible audience slurped up the lies like so much coffee, then sprayed them around like the coffee drinker who suddenly realizes he's accidentally picked up his tobacco-chewing co-worker's spit cup instead of his own mocha latte. Equally unsurprisingly, this happened in spite of the fact that Jones included scanned images of the MIAC "what I did on my summer vacation" piece, making it a matter of a few minutes' reading to discern that it said one thing while Jones said it said something completely different. Hint: There's a reason you never hear Alex Jones listeners cited as exemplars of keen analytical skills.

Finally, he takes some parting shots:

....militia bubbas wouldn't be militia bubbas if they were happy with the status quo (see Observation #1 above if you don't immediately understand the reversal Jones is trying to pull here, though -- while the reverse could be true, the yank-jobs at MIAC didn't say that). Oh, and the report includes no "instructions" for Missouri police at all. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Bupkis. Apparently when Alex Jones lies, cogitation dies, at least in certain people. Unfortunately, several libertarian writers who should know better have also picked up the Alex Jones Football of Untruth and tried to run it down the field. Jim Davidson and Steve Newton, to name two. Even more disturbing, some Missouri Libertarian Party officials are biting at the same wormy hook and wringing their hands about "profiling" concerns and such -- not because of what the paper says, but because of what they seem to have convinced themselves it says. (See Observation #2 above for relevance) Yes, the MIAC "report" is a poorly written, factually challenged piece of bureaucratic legerdemain -- your tax dollars at work, folks. Yes, the Davidson and Newton pieces demonstrate that it is possible -- even for people who aren't stump-stupid, under the immediate influence of a bad batch of blotter, or caught in the Alex Jones Sheeple-Manipulation Beam[TM]'s line of fire -- to fall into some sort of weird paranoid dyslexia when reading MIAC-style material. I suppose it's even possible that the MIAC paper is potentially dangerous. Some cop might be bored enough to pull it up, print it out and read it during a donut break, might be gullible enough to read things into it that aren't there (as non-cops already have), and might be stupid enough to not react rationally to that misreading (the rational reaction is "well, guess who won't be pulling over the speeders with Ron Paul stickers -- this job ain't worth a heightened risk of taking an AK-47 round for 60 in a 55"). But why lie (even to ourselves) about what the thing says, and why extrapolate the least likely plausible outcomes from those lies? There's plenty of real stuff to go after here, starting with "why the hell are the taxpayers paying these MIAC jokers a salary to surf the web and try to pass off their Tom Clancy fantasies as 'intelligence?'"

All in all, in my opinion, it's one of the most level-headed blog analysis that I've seen it quite a while, and one of the funniest.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Wow Prof. I am glad you cleared all that up.

Now I can forget all about this NWO stuff and Hope Obama fixes
everything. I was starting to get all bugged out on this stuff.

I can go back to what the Govt. says is ok again.

I know now that everything that Alex Jones says is a complete lie, so anybody that says that stuff is just lieing.

I knew the history they taught me in school had to be right.
The Fed. Res. Bank has to be Federal. The IRS deal sucks, but we must
own that two.

Bilderburger, I am glad that is a hoax, that would change alot if that were true.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:31 AM
Just to be clear, was this set up in the last 7 weeks? With all the disinformation, propaganda and fear mongering going on these days I think it's important to be accurate.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
Many posters seem to be missing the entire point here.
Yes, the document is REAL. Now, how many have actually READ the entire document?
The document DOES NOT SAY what Jones claims it says.

HERE is EXACTLY what the document DOES say about the titled OP:

Militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former Presidential candidate: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

IT DOES NOT SAY that Constitutional Party members, Campaign for Liberty members, or Libertarians Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr are terrorists!

A implies B DOES NOT MEAN THAT B implies A.

All females are human, does not mean that all humans are female.

As with most disinformation agents, they take a kernel of truth and pop it up into an explosion of lies.

I will have to say if we made this document say, instead of presidential candidate supporters and libertarian party, we made it say mexicans, blacks, and asians...It's offensive and draws attention to a large amount of people that wish nobody harm. The categorizing of an entire group, notwithstanding the fact that militia's are legal under state and federal constitution strikes me as irresponsible to focus on legal groups simply by making a blanket generalization that some may belong to a militia.

We might as well make a "highly sensitive document" stating to all the nations police officers that poor people (higher crime rate) tend to live in the ghetto. The police may notice a poor person as they wear clothing that is dirty sometimes, or clothing that they leave the tags on them to give the impression that the cloths are brand new.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 02:33 AM
So this is How they Brainwash the police?
I'm willing to bet that half of the cops out there have never even heard of Bob Barr or Chuck Baldwin. Therefore there association with those names is that of criminal activity and applied to their conscience with the trigger word "terrorism".

I think it's time I take that Bob Barr sticker off my truck now, didn't much like him anyway.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 02:47 AM
I actually live in the state of missouri,kansas city to be exact.
and was pulled over by state patrol the other weekend coming home from eating dinner with a couple of friends.
And i was reading the thread of the other thread that directed me here.
My cousin has an american flag magnet on the back of my car, turned upside down, not illegal as far as i know.
So going down the highway with 2 of my buddies we see sirens behind us,
so we look at each other like ummm weren't speeding, not swirving, so we just slow down thinking they want to pass us. After about 30 seconds a 2nd state patrol car turns on his sirens next to us, and flashes his nifty bright light at us, so we stop. Confused, on the highway, waiting for whats next.
So, according to the police officer we are behaving suspicously, and are required to show ID, all of us in the car that is.
About 5 minutes later the officer tells us to immediately step out of the car, so he had us form a line about 10 feet between each other, and we were padded down. Still not knowing what we did wrong. So we get searched, handcuffed, sitting on the grass on a very cold windy kansas city I29 highway, waiting once again.
He then asks my cousin who was driving, if he had permission to search the car, at that point we were all pretty angry and he immediately said no way. At that point the officer grinned, and told us that because he has probable cause. So he searches the car, and in my mind im thinking oh crap. I have my loaded 1911 in the glove department. But then i was like well i have done nothing wrong, the gun is registered, and has all the matching numbers to prove it. So mr. supercop comes out like OH...!! OHHHH WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE MISTER. WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE TO YOU PAL?!

i kind of wanted to start laughing and say i dont know a F'in doughnut?
but i reserved my anger, and told him that the gun belonged to me and that it is completly legal...." OH YEA WE WILL SEE ABOUT THAT"
so about 20 minutes later im placed in the back of the car, and was started to be questioned by the supertrooper.
So i said, according to Missorui LAW, i am allowed to have a firearm, in my house and car, loaded or unloaded, anywhere in the car/house, as long as it is not concealed on my body, (which it never has been dude to me being 22 not yet legal for ccw), so unless when u ran the numbers and they came back bad, you have no right to hold me.
So long story made short, know your current laws in your states for whatever circumstance. And fight to keep them that way.

Oh yea so once we were released and about to leave on the way back to his car the trooper took the magent off and slammed it back on upright....
good times...

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 03:34 AM
Alright so I'm not going to read through the entire 9 pages of responses so forgive me if I'm repeating a point already made here.

This document looks like a pretty bad fake.

First, i did a quick google search for the MIAC and the only thing that came up was stuff on sites like infowars and free republic.

Second, the entire document reads like it was written by someone sympathetic to the militia movement. It's obviously a primer on the subject.

Third, the documents have numerous signs of a poorly done Photoshop job. Did anyone notice those? They're pretty obvious. You don't even have to zoom in on the file. Also, they named the .jpg files scan0017 and so forth to lead people to believe they were scanned documents. It's pretty clear they arent.

Honestly I don't know how anyone gets worked up about anything Alex Jones says.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 05:36 AM
This is something the government have been gearing towards for some time. It's what the whole 'war on terror' propaganda is about. They can't control the majority of their citizens anymore through fear of religion, and more people are becoming aware of the truths, due to exposures on the internet etc. This leaves a real percentage of people that they can't control through fear, so labelling them as terrorists allows the government to detain them, silence them. This document doesn't surprise me because it's been clear this is what the government have been working towards, it's their last hope of trying to control an increasingly aware population and a way of protecting themselves if a revolution did kick off. I just hope that exposure like this will make more of the population lose trust in the government and perhaps awaken some awareness into those who are being controlled through fear of a false enemy.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by milesp

All your questions have been previously raised and answered, and the document has been confirmed as true.

It might be a good thing to read through the last few pages and see what others have said and go to the links given, and if still not convinced, ring the MIAC and ask them the question. Others have.

[edit on 14-3-2009 by DarksDeception]

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