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The Best UFO Case Ever! JAL Flight 1628 Over Alaska

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Why is it that noone on board took a picture? Did the crew have a camera? Did anyone on board other than the crew see this? Seems strange that the crew saw it and reported it, 29yrs experience is great, but what about the maybe 100+ passengers that were on board? Were they all asleep? And not one of them, on a JAL flight had a camera? This is very odd considering the Japanese people are supposedly avid photo buffs and they missed an opportunity like this.

The best evidence? No where near. There is only the crews word and a supposed radar blip that appears to follow them. This only leads to believing their word and that a 29yr pilot is incapable of lying. Everyone is capable of lying and, being a 29yr vet of anything doesn't mean you can't lie or be misled by someone else.

Look at ATS as an example... most of the trolls are a great example of all that experience going bad...

**ADDED**** Someone stated that RADAR doesn't lie..... They inserted false images on the radar during 9/11. RADAR is a display that gets its information from a program that analyzes the return from the pulse which is sent out in the direction of the intended aircraft. This PROGRAM can be manipulated by writing new code.... Much like the code they used to have their hijacking scenario being played out while they attacked the WTC with missles... RADAR gets its data from people who tell it what to look at. It is not a god that is all seeing and never manipulated.... blind people on ATS lately...

[edit on 11-3-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:31 PM
This is definitely one of the best cases I have seen.

Japanese pilot.. The Japanese are well known for there honour and integrity so you would not doubt his testimony., knowing he might be discredited back in his own country is no small thing.

Military radar locks.. confirming the pilots commentary.. a 2nd sighting by a military aircraft in the same region..

Very genuine and very real!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
reply to post by SLAYER69

Why is it that noone on board took a picture? Did the crew have a camera? Did anyone on board other than the crew see this? Seems strange that the crew saw it and reported it, 29yrs experience is great, but what about the maybe 100+ passengers that were on board? Were they all asleep? And not one of them, on a JAL flight had a camera? This is very odd considering the Japanese people are supposedly avid photo buffs and they missed an opportunity like this.

I wont get into the whole 9/11 thing but as per your query it was not a commercial airliner but a large 747 Cargo hauler that means there were only 3 men, the pilot, copilot and I guess the engineer/navigator if such a position still exists?

99.99999% of the time there is nothing to see in the dead of night no need for a camera until that night.

What I think makes this the best if not one of the best is the fact that it basically comes down to Radar detections and the pilots describing what they are seeing and then the shear size of it. IF he was making the whole thing up why say it was twice the size of a modern aircraft carrier come on that alone sounds so bizarre unless they came across a mother ship.

Which if they are intergalactic travelers they would need some sort of mother ship the saucers are way too small for that type of trip even if they are thousands of years ahead of us in technology.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:01 PM
this is certainly another great case. there seems to be quite a number of reports from pilots, civilian and military, of unexplainable objects in the sky. The disclosure project is chock full of them:

John Callahan, FAA Head of Accidents and Investigation from Wash. DC. speaks about this particular incident in brief..pretty interesting.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Very well presented, as usual Slayer. I've definately heard of this case several times and have always believed it to be one of better cases of UFOlogy. Those drawings of the ships are pretty strange! I'm curious as to whether or not there's any pictures or video evidence showing "craft" similar to those drawn by Capt. Terauchi. Any idea?

- Strype

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:19 PM
Yeah. Great thread Slayer and great case! S & F. And made all the better by Internos' amazing contribution.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Malcram]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:19 PM
Very well presented, as usual Slayer. I've definately heard of this case several times and have always believed it to be one of better cases of UFOlogy. Those drawings of the ships are pretty strange! I'm curious as to whether or not there's any pictures or video evidence showing "craft" similar to those drawn by Capt. Terauchi. Any idea?

- Strype

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

No passengers... How convenient for them. With all this DISCLOSURE that is NOT happening I'm a little skeptical. This is still all reliant on a Japanese pilot of 29yrs experience and air traffic controllers who work hand in hand with NORAD and other military entities that work for a government that has been proven to provide FALSE information to serve their purpose.

All this does is help to fuel the debate about UFOs and the DISCLOSURE that is apparently coming.

Why are most of the current UFOs seen being still photographed with a blur? could it be that they are holograms being projected from satellites above or maybe from unknown places on the ground? Project BlueBeam plans on using satellites to project images of the messiah... The new messiah has stated that he will be accompanied by UFOs or Space Brothers... Their words, not mine.... Too coincidental for me. With our technology today I'm surprised we don't see more clear footage of these ships....

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
reply to post by SLAYER69

No passengers... How convenient for them. With all this DISCLOSURE that is NOT happening I'm a little skeptical.

OH I get it now

You didn't know that there were no passengers because you didn't bother reading the info or watching the videos I get ya now

Yeah it's hard to see the truth if you don't bother looking at the details. I understand buddy.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yah beat me to it, SLAYER!!!

Your response to the posting about none of the 'passengers' having a camera...purely a case of reading comprehension failure, plus a bit of racism thrown in to boot.

Yes, in 1986, as to a question you wrote, there would be at least three pilots, since it would have been a B747-200 at that time.

Very glad you started this, and thanks also to Intrepid for the usual brilliant contributions. to 'best'? That is too subjective to rate, but this one DOES have great exposure that wasn't clamped down immediately....and civilian sources....and John Callahan!

[edit on 3/11/0909 by weedwhacker]

EDIT again....based on my re-visit of the YTube video....and if the computer graphics are accurate, it depicts a B747-100....only three wiindows per side, on upper deck....striving for accuracy.

[edit on 3/11/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:01 PM
They supposedly had two cameras. One, the guy had borrowed it from a friend or something, and couldn't figure out how to use it in the cockpit during the event. The pilot also had a camera, but he was unable to get the auto focus to work, so gave up. It was a cargo plane. Why is that convenient? It is what it is. It was still caught on more than one radar, and while sure, they entire crew could be lying... but why? The pilot was suspended for a long while. I'm sure not the result he wanted.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I've looked at the info and I've seen this story years ago.... So I forgot they didn't have passengers on the aircraft.... Does that negate what I've stated in this thread?

Your still relying on info from a source that is tied with the US government... Do you believe everything they say? Do you believe that they are completely truthful about 9/11 and what they had on their RADARS then? I don't believe the government and never will.... They are liars and have been caught thousands of times falsifying data for their good. And pilots and other 29yr vets of whatever career have also been shown to have lied.

I served for 26yrs in the military and I lied almost everyday I was part of it. It's called a COVER STORY and many military men and women will use whatever COVER STORY they are told to say. To believe someone simply because of their position and years experience doesn't go a long way in proving much.... Most politicians have years of experience and they are proven liars. You only get better at lying with experience. Years of it... 26yrs....

I'm merely stating that I would sooner believe a photo before I would believe this story because we have a pilot stating something.... People lie and so do the Japanese. Their honor is no different than my own when I served under a military ruler. They will do what they are told or that will discredit or dishonor them.

I now speak against what I was part of because I realize that everything I fought for is false. The only terrorists are those in yours and my government. Now if maybe the pilot and ATC personnel would get a conscience like me then all would be clear.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

plus a bit of racism thrown in to boot.

I think the word you may be looking for is Stereotype..... Racist is a little strong ...


1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.


1. a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
2. a plate made by this process.
3. a set form; convention.
4. Sociology. a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group: The cowboy and Indian are American stereotypes.

Both from

but thanks for proving you really don't understand what I'm talking about and that it's over your head.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Star and Flag!

Had the chance to review this incident in another thread but this one adds some additional details.

I would have #ted my pants if I was the pilot in that 747, watching this unimaginably huge thing with that eerie texture and lightning darting out in front of me out of nowhere and then flying in such a provocative way in front my "ships bow".

Interesting behavior from the unidentified objects. Certainly they were under intelligent control, if the video 3d reenactment is close to being accurate, also their weird texture and lighting accompanied with the peculiar effect (turbulence and shaking) when approached the civilian jet at close distance, give the feeling that these things were harnessing a lot more power than what was at display there. It immediately gave me the feeling they might were military in nature.

Their behavior relevant to the 747 was made unarguably in a provocative manner, but yet no other lights or displays were present against their intended target of interest, at least none that could be perceived as a deployment of some kind of weapon. It was like they had non peaceful intentions or were generally pissed but they couldn't for some reason harm the airliner. I wonder if that was of fear of any possible reprisal from someone else against their hypothetical actions. They were probably aware that airliners flights are constantly monitored and communications between these airliners happen often. Anyone else with an advanced technology as theirs would be logical to assume might have access in someway of what events are being recorded on our terrestrial air controller system.

Keep these reports up!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:57 PM
I still cannot figure out what incentive this pilot would have to lie. Usually, the lying happens afterwards, when the coverup begins. If the pilot is part of this "production", they went through a lot of trouble to orchestrate something which provided little or no benefit toward an agenda.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
reply to post by SLAYER69

I've looked at the info and I've seen this story years ago.... So I forgot they didn't have passengers on the aircraft.... Does that negate what I've stated in this thread?

Your still relying on info from a source that is tied with the US government... Do you believe everything they say? Do you believe that they are completely truthful about 9/11 and what they had on their RADARS then?

No I don't believe everything "They" say if you're refering to the US Government but I do believe this Japanese pilot who later was rediculed by his own people back in Japan and he knew that was a real possibility, He came forward anyway!

And for the record this is not a 9/11 thread that dog wont hunt!!!!!

I served for 26yrs in the military and I lied almost everyday I was part of it. It's called a COVER STORY and many military men and women will use whatever COVER STORY they are told to say.

So the very same Government I'm supposed to believe that says it was swamp gas or Venus told him to come up with this COVER STORY of a giant UFO

I'm merely stating that I would sooner believe a photo before I would believe this story because we have a pilot stating something.... People lie and so do the Japanese. Their honor is no different than my own when I served under a military ruler.

I would hardly call JAL a military unit. He was a Cargo hauler on a flight and saw something and gave a good description of the event. Which by the way was collaborated by Technology I thought somebody with your mentality and desire would thrive on this because it doesn't reply on a human being making a mistake in identification.

I now speak against what I was part of because I realize that everything I fought for is false. The only terrorists are those in yours and my government. Now if maybe the pilot and ATC personnel would get a conscience like me then all would be clear.

Confession is always good for the soul!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by AllTiedTogether

No apologies, I was struggling to think of the word 'stereotype', had a brain fart....doing too many things at once.

'racism' is a terribly loaded word....and not something one should accuse another of, unless one has actual personal knowledge of said behavior.

But, we've's over, I hope. My bad.....

This case is important.....because of the pilots, and the FAA controllers....and the way the info was disseminated throughout the FAA, and got away from attempts to clamp it down, as I've already said.

It is disappointing that the 'Disclosure Project', that John Callahan of the FAA was participating in, has fizzled....

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:15 PM
What I still can't figure out is why with all this technology display and probably very superior firepower aliens seem to have, we are still here.
They do appear as cocky doing much showoff but mostly that's all there is for some strange reason.
The primal motivation for their inaction must be fear, not fear of us though, so they just do an occasional show every now and then. Also I do believe some of them might not be so civilized as we would like to thing but thanks to whatever mysterious and unknown circumstances we seem to enjoy a relevant safety.
Besides God I would like to know who else I would have to thank for these circumstances.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

SLAYER....I'm posting again for you, and others, just in case.

I remember seeing that History Channel episode some time ago...brings back memories. Watching it again, the narration was a bit over-zealous, but what sticks in my mind is the actual tapes....the FAA recordings.

For those that listen again, a 'Primary Target' is basically known as a 'skin paint'....radar reflecting off of something.

Right around the 5:50 point, there is tape of the Military radar controller talking to Anchorage ARTCC (ZAN) when HE mentions that he has primary targets around "...your 1550 squawk..."

What this refers to is the transponder, on the B747, that is 'squawking' code 1550. That would be JAL.

I have minor beefs with some of the visuals, in the clip...they sometimes have a CG JAL B747, sometimes a B757 silouhette, from below, one time I saw a British Airways B777!! This is prevalent, though, when so-called 'stock footage' is needed to pad a program....after all, CGI is expensive!

Still...the recordings, when you listen carefully, and fully comprehend, are compelling. AND, since they are the property of the FAA, they are public.

sidenote: I applaud that Captain for daring to come forth. I believe pressure is put upon pilots to clam up. Military pilots, follow orders. For civilians, the pressure is nasty...the Company they work for is afraid of negative publicity, and try to censor as a result.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
reply to post by SLAYER69

Why is it that noone on board took a picture? Did the crew have a camera? Did anyone on board other than the crew see this? Seems strange that the crew saw it and reported it, 29yrs experience is great, but what about the maybe 100+ passengers that were on board? Were they all asleep? And not one of them, on a JAL flight had a camera? This is very odd considering the Japanese people are supposedly avid photo buffs and they missed an opportunity like this.

The best evidence? No where near. There is only the crews word and a supposed radar blip that appears to follow them. This only leads to believing their word and that a 29yr pilot is incapable of lying. Everyone is capable of lying and, being a 29yr vet of anything doesn't mean you can't lie or be misled by someone else.

Look at ATS as an example... most of the trolls are a great example of all that experience going bad...

**ADDED**** Someone stated that RADAR doesn't lie..... They inserted false images on the radar during 9/11. RADAR is a display that gets its information from a program that analyzes the return from the pulse which is sent out in the direction of the intended aircraft. This PROGRAM can be manipulated by writing new code.... Much like the code they used to have their hijacking scenario being played out while they attacked the WTC with missles... RADAR gets its data from people who tell it what to look at. It is not a god that is all seeing and never manipulated.... blind people on ATS lately...

[edit on 11-3-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

Sorry to say this but I believe you are just nit picking and bickering for the sake of it.

And as far trolling goes you have just shot yourself in the foot.

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