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Worst Case Scenario: The Countryside

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:22 PM
A look into how the countryside, or other rural regions will be affected in the event of a worst case scenario.

for the effects on food, look here: Worst Case Scenario: Food

Any input will be greatly appreciated


  • Rural communities, in particular, will be destroyed as migratory groups pass through. Any and all resources will be taken and when there is nothing left, the group will move on.

  • Any farmland that has been come across will be devastated as thousands of people attempt to settle on its land, and in the process render the once fertile land useless. Existing crops as well as livestock will be eradicated and the introduction of disease and crime will wipe out any previous inhabitants.

  • National parks will be stripped of their trees as millions cut them down for firewood, rivers are cleaned of fish and all wild life is either removed by action of the two prior effects, or are hunted for food.

  • By combination of pollution, over-exploitation and mismanagement of resources, loss of ability to maintain land (agriculture) and an overall overpopulation of previously sparsely occupied regions, the means in which to live sustainable lives on the agricultural countryside are lost resulting in the combined deaths of most of those that made it this far.


  • Usage of rural areas is mostly agricultural, or light industrial and as a result is generally sparsely populated.

  • Agricultural activities are aimed at providing for the urban regions either domestically or internationally and are operated by means of very complex and hi-tech techniques in order to utilize vast areas of land at any one time.

  • Natural wilderness reserves serve no purpose to the general public, at least not actively; however they may be utilized for recreational hunting or fishing.

  • Climate will in all cases dictate the usage of rural regions, in colder climates; agriculture is limited, or at least differentiated to that of temperate or warm/sub-tropical regions. Colder climates will usually raise livestock, while temperate climates grow grains and other crops and tropical climates will produce fruits, rice and sugar as well as material crop such as cotton, rubber and tobacco.

  • The climate will deduce the usage of the land as refugees migrate onto it, for instance there could be larger instances of animal hunting to sustain a population in colder climates, as opposed to varying levels of agriculture in temperate to tropical climates and communities will develop accordingly.


  • As previously explained, the countryside is the primary location for all agriculture, and as is known in the general population that means growing food products, be they livestock or flora.

  • It is also known that it is generally lacking in large population, and therefore an individual or small group could support themselves with what is at hand, which in most cases is plenty.

  • It would be deduced that the countryside and its food production will provide a far more sustainable lifestyle than if one were to remain in the metropolitan areas, which would be polluted, infested with disease, probably in the process of burning down or otherwise degrading, or just that any form of life is impractical in such areas. The open country will give a better chance of survival overall.


  • After the refugee migrations have either passed through, or have settled in/on rural regions, there would be a major deterioration in conditions in that area, and subsequently the whole countryside of any given region.

  • Actual effects depend on the expanse of rural regions, the United States , Canada and Western Russia , for example contain large tracts of unoccupied land that can be exploited one way or another and therefore can allow populations to spread over it more, whilst in the United Kingdom or Western Europe it is the exact opposite as there is far less open country, the same sized population will be forced into a smaller area increasing the density, which will over populate the region, and most likely stripping it bare or resources within a short space of time.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by funny_pom
in the United Kingdom or Western Europe it is the exact opposite as there is far less open country, the same sized population will be forced into a smaller area increasing the density, which will over populate the region, and most likely stripping it bare or resources within a short space of time.

If you ever want to get a flavour of what kind of a nightmare that will be like, it would be part August Bank Holiday in Windermere, part Glastonbury campsite, part refugee camp...and it wont be pretty

[edit on 9-3-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Thats why its just best to stay where you are, in your homes and prepare for the worst by having stocks of food, water, and alternative energy. Having a gun wont hurt either.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:21 PM
Yes, I think this is true. I get a good laugh when I read about how many people are going to take to the wilderness and live off the land when TSHTF. Now, I know some of them camp, hunt, and live where this is possible, but others are dreaming.

I live about 40 miles south of downtown Houston, TX. There are large pastures and tracts of farmland down here. Also, rice irrigation canals and bayous with nice fish. Can you imagine what will happen when a good million hungry, crazed people leave there looking for food? After about day number 3 without food, your brain really starts to think differently. There won't be a fish, cow, chicken, goat, food stash, or garden left. It will be like human locusts ravaging everything in their path.

People talk about the Great Depression, but back then there were less than half the number of people as now, and a lot of people back then weren't nearly as spoiled as today. Of course they didn't have the conveniences we will miss either.

I only hope that none of this comes to pass and a year from now I am laughing about the precautions I have taken.

+11 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:39 PM
I hear a lot of survivalists say that their plan is to run to the countryside. I guess people who live in densely populated cities assume that there's one or two farmers out in the countryside, fattened cattle just waiting to be shot and barbequed, etc. I assume this because I live in the country and people are always dumping their unwanted pets out onto the road and driving off. They do occasionally shoot cattle (or tip them-lol)

People in the country are aware that city dwellers intend to invade them during situation x. People in the country are extremely well armed and if they don't recognize you (or your truck) the assumption is that you're a "suspicious character". If you're not 3rd generation born and bred there, you're a "stranger".

Anyone thinking that countryside "offerings" are easy pickin's might be really surprised to find how well guarded and tight knit the communities are and just how many angry dogs they all have.

While I don't think the above listed warning will scare off anyone who's desperately hungry, I would like to offer a primer in countryside etiquette.

If you do decide to descend on the country folk and their property and avail yourself of the fruits of their hard earned labors, I suggest you do so with your gun either not showing or in a non-threatening position (strapped across back).

An honestly worn-out, weary gentleness will go further in establishing trust than a plastered on dinner-party smile. Offer to work for your food; people in the country can always use a hand. It's usually hard, dirty, sweaty labor and lots of it. Be thankful they let you work for food rather than just shoot you and feed you to their pigs.

Offer to barter. You might have some skill or item they can use. They're pretty resourceful so don't discount something you think is of no value. Bailing wire and duct tape is like a whole tool box.

Don't talk down to them like they're stupid and have never had an electric appliance or watched the same episodes of "Lost" that you have. Country folk are not stupid. Many are quite educated. They're just plain. Like vanilla ice cream. No sprinkles.

If you're pleasant, polite, helpful, and thankful they may even give you the benefit of their vast knowledge of the terrain, flora and fauna. They may even teach you how to survive on your own without getting killed by their next door neighbor.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by whitewave
Sage advice! All you city slickers should pay very close attention to what the lady has to say. Could save your ass.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

This wouldn't be the safest thing to do under martial law, especially not in the cities! Aren't law enforcement and the military allowed to barge in and take anything they deem necessary to the "cause" under martial law? Not saying anything against you but would a homeowner with a gun be able to stand up against a platoon of soldiers ransacking their house for supplies?

Scary indeed, however, I don't agree on how this scenario the OP suggests would play out. Common sense seems to say this isn't how it would work. I mean, if you settled on agricultural land, and it plays out how the OP says it would, that means people would actually live ON the land being used for agriculture?? What sense does that make? Farms have ample room for settlement (tent cities, etc.) other than the land used for growing crops. I just don't see migratory groups of people destroying everything.

You would think, if a group of people stumbled upon a farm that they could use, they would try to save it and not terrorize it, especially as it may be their last and only resort for food and shelter in a SHTF situation. At least I would try not to rape the land

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by RcknShdw

The reality of a sit x occurrence is some people will not have much common sense going for them.

Some will fall into the Mob rules attitude which doesn't lend some of these people to think for the long term.

I have survived at least one more day will prevail among many.

Many people will not even have enough common sense to plan for even a 72 hour emergency.

If the SHTF in a large area, chaos will ensue. The ones that survive will spread out of the cities if it's a long term situation.

The question isn't how civilized you want it to be or dream it to be.

Survivalists plan for the worst case situations. You have no choice.

The smart ones have their location,know their neighbors already and interact with like minded people.

Most people don't know that they have 2 to 10 days to live without water depending on temperature and exertion,seriously.

Look at the poor, war torn area's of the world and study the results and events. It's not pretty.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 05:05 AM
Good article, it just confirms what I have been saying about people who plan to flee to the West Countty Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Cornwall etc when TSHTF. The place is already maxed out and does not even have enough water in good times for the tourists never mind anything else.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by RcknShdw

Just to confirm, and to emphasize the situation I am theorizing here:
these migratory groups will a. number in the hundreds of thousands, at least (that’s after a fair amount have died from other causes) and b. will by this time be well into being starving, and will eat corn straight off the plant, or eat raw meat from a freshly killed cow.

they won’t think ahead, as several have noted, and will in fact terrorize and over exploit ALL resources they will come across. The people who will come across a source of food be it agriculture or anything, will be exhausted from walking for miles upon miles away from cities and metropolitan areas, will be on the verge of starvation, will be riddled with numerous forms of disease throughout the group and will, as a result be lacking in common sense.

In conclusion, a group of 100 or less people can work together to some degree to help preserve their source of food, be it a farm or otherwise; however, 100,000 people is a whole different story.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by RcknShdw
Aren't law enforcement and the military allowed to barge in and take anything they deem necessary to the "cause" under martial law?

Good point, and one that would need a bit of reading-up of the legal statute books in the city library for a primer on what you could and medical gear will be supplies that would certainly be requisitioned

I just don't see migratory groups of people destroying everything...You would think, if a group of people stumbled upon a farm that they could use, they would try to save it and not terrorize it, especially as it may be their last and only resort for food and shelter in a SHTF situation.

I'm half-way inclined to believe the same, but mob-mentality and individual human resentment at the percieved notion of you having what others dont (in terms of skills and abilities, equipment, provisions, etc) in a dire situation
when all the trappings of modern mechanised production and convenience are either barely or non-functioning will be enough to push people over the edge into acts of violence to take by force, or destroy and render useless.

The notion of entitlement seems to run deep in modern society...whether it be a percieved 'right' to food, heat, power, shelter, security, or all of the above, will be the biggest threat to contend with, and if word of your preparations gets out, you will need to be on the defensive from those who feel that they will be entitled to whatever you have that they dont

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by RcknShdw

I think the OP lives in Europe, somewhere (probably England), where the population density is much higher, and farmland more scarce and infertile.

I'm sure that Americans are VERY well set up to survive anything. We could even easily fend off any invasion attempt. The people who should be worrying are the stupid Europeans and Asians who have overpopulated, overused, and overstretched their resources, irresponsibly.


posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:23 AM
I am a city man, born in London, probably die in London, But should the S ever HTF then my ideas for survival for my family and me is this.
Plan for the worst, its all well and good having skills but as others have said on this thread , skills are no match for a rampaging starving mob.

Yes should it ever kick off in the cities then the masses will head on out to the suburbs, grabbing what they can, my advice to negate too much loss on your part to the mob is to hide it somewhere unexpected, most people wouldn't think of looking for food in a dirty cardboard box in your garage, they'd head straight for your kitchen.
Store dried pasta and rice, in a well sealed container and then hide in a really , really dirty oil covered cardboard box.

Most people wouldn't even look in the garage,

Tools are good to have in your BOB , ( Bug Out Bag ) for the uninitiated, knive, foldable saw , tent , sleeping bags, those foil heat sheets ( I saw they retain 90% of your body heat, ( you see them on marathon runners).
cooking supplies, torch , radio and walkie talkies,.
Wind up are best but if you have the money to invest a solar charger for whatever you have.
There are lots to think about , but only so much you can carry should you have to move fast.
In an emergency on a city scale most people wil try to drive or motorcycle they're way out , some will make it , but the rest will juist clog the roads, then realise they've made a mistake and dump their cars and try to walk out the danger zone.
No good if you have a 30-40 kg BOB on your back having to weave your way round dumped cars with their doors open.
I think I'd stay in my flat for the longest time I could, Leave some supplies above the garage door, so when and if they try to loot the garage they cover up the BOB with the garage door.
Try to have at least 3-4 days supplies of food in your BOB or get the family to carry their own BOB, I'm building up a BOB for both me and the wife, 1 each, ( only she don't know it yet

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by whitewave
I hear a lot of survivalists say that their plan is to run to the countryside.

A survivalist knows that flight is usually not possible and therefore 'shelter in place' is what you need to keep in mind. Prepare for flight .. yes .. but prepare to shelter in place because that is what the probably will be.

Trying to leave .... highways jammed ... no where to go for shelter ... massive amounts of people all scrambling for the little food ...

Running for the countryside in a major event won't work well in most instances.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by organism315
reply to post by RcknShdw

I think the OP lives in Europe, somewhere (probably England), where the population density is much higher, and farmland more scarce and infertile.

I'm sure that Americans are VERY well set up to survive anything. We could even easily fend off any invasion attempt. The people who should be worrying are the stupid Europeans and Asians who have overpopulated, overused, and overstretched their resources, irresponsibly.


You forgot to add, = For the american people to live their comfy lives. Without China, america wouldnt be what it is today, good or bad. Visa versa. You are so ignorant.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 11:01 AM
I have no doubt in my mind that the "countryside" will not be the greatest English location in which to be. I saw some countryside at the weekend and it's all farmland. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

I would suggest that there are plenty of urban locations to hide. 'm just not happy with rampaging locust-like hordes moving from dwelling to dwelling, stripping everything out.

I would rather be long gone and explaining my presence to the barrel of a 12-bore shotgun than a hungry mob.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by organism315
reply to post by RcknShdw

I think the OP lives in Europe, somewhere (probably England), where the population density is much higher, and farmland more scarce and infertile.

I'm sure that Americans are VERY well set up to survive anything. We could even easily fend off any invasion attempt. The people who should be worrying are the stupid Europeans and Asians who have overpopulated, overused, and overstretched their resources, irresponsibly.


Yeah I mean the Americans are completely unaffected by the banking crisis, the reccesion does not bother them, everyone is buying US made cars and trucks, Plenty of mortgages to go around, no homes have been repossed, 30,000 Americans a year are not getting shot, US banks and Industry are booming. the US is so well prepared to fend off invasions that the world trade centre towers are still standing and a million latinos a year do not walk into the US unchallenged. Theres not nearly 10% of the workforce out of work, Its a lie that 47 million Americans do not have health or dental cover.. Its also clear you have no idea and the geography of the Uk or its agriculture. Yup you come across to us as a great example of a modern American.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:15 PM

I think the OP lives in Europe, somewhere (probably England), where the population density is much higher, and farmland scarcer and infertile.

I actually live in Australia, where the farmland is extensive and infertile

However, just to put forward the basic premise of this scenario:
Although it is a generic account of the worst that can happen, I would like to point that here all electronic devices will have been destroyed, by most likely a solar event. Since it is perhaps the worst case scenario to occur on a social aspect, which is as opposed to a global nuclear exchange, meteorite impact or super volcano etc.

I have no doubt in my mind that the "countryside" will not be the greatest English location in which to be. I saw some countryside at the weekend and its all farmland. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

I did however live in a English country town for 10 years, and yes it is all farm and a few cows, and only a small amount of forest if any.

Also, just to add, when people decide to leave the metro areas they will be hungry and sick already, because they will firstly have attempted to live in the suburbs. Unfortunately the suburbs have only a finite amount of available resources and very soon they will run out. Also conditions within the suburbs will deteriorate exponentially over a brief period of time, so within a few weeks to a month there will be mass exodus out of the cities to the promist land of milk and honey that is agriculture. And they will do this in their millions. I mean think of the Unites States north-east coast, and its entire population moving inland in a massive migration.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Northern Raider

Most of the population here in the good old USA, 53%, are dim bulbs on the tree and a darwinian event will take a great toll. Most have their heads in the sand about whats going on and the idea of ever ever taking their Hummer off the oil is unthinkable. That said there are a lot of people here that are getting ready, what for they are not sure but they are getting ready.

I have thought about the hoards of city folks streaming out to the hills but I take some comfort that I am over 200 km from the nearest population center over 100,000 and that 200 km is some hard tough country. That said when I was with search and rescue people when lost and afraid always headed for the highest point in the country. The dim bulbs will head up hill or drive till there Volvo runs out of gas. What you do for these starving masses is to knock down a cow in front of a few thousand of them so they can eat. That should thin the herd.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:55 AM
Wow, a few responses so let me break it all down in one post

First off, to The Utopian Penguin:
I will agree with you on mob mentality of things. However, if you look at America, I don't think you'll see large roving groups of people. I talked with some fellow employees at work today and most said they would hunker down in their homes and gun any feds or military out if they had to (Northern Ohio is not a place to screw with people!). Most of them said that they are already planning for something, canned foods, water, etc. Which was odd, all of them have heard about the FEMA camps/coffins and the possibility of martial law!! My question, if I thought this was pretty low key conspiracy buff stuff, why are people that I know never watch the news/etc hearing and talking about the FEMA related SHTF??

To funny_pom:
I agree with you more or less
, I think your ideas are sound when you explain it that way! I do have to repeat that if US citizens were to start roaming, it would be in smaller groups.

To citizen smith:
I'm inclined to agree. If it got to the SHTF here in the states, I do think people would automatically run to the survival of the fittest mode. It's a scary proposition, but one of the realistic ones. However, I know I would not be inclined to forcefully take something from another citizen, from the feds, probably
! But my question, are you talking about entitlement from the feds/gov't or from other displaced people?

Lastly, to organism315:
Yes, but we also have begun to do the exact same things here in America. Maybe not on their level but pretty dang close. Also, even with it's population density Japan seems to be better off than most these days, well... Not really with their import/export economy going to holy hell. Whoops, I take that one back then!

Whew! Okay, there we go! Has anyone else noticed public confirmation of these scary SHTF stories besides myself? I was literally taken aback and shocked that my manager had heard about (IN DETAIL) the FEMA camps and coffins. Though she is a ROBAMA... She went on and on about how Obama would never initiate martial law and the FEMA stuff is scary but from the Bush era and would never happen

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