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Young love kinda sucks!! ='(

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:47 PM
Why does life have to be so cruel when it comes to love?
Last summer, my dad's job had us move over a thousand miles away from where we were living at the time...This whole year at school I have tried to stay happy, but at times it has been so hard...I just want to move back... I fell in love there, and now that I moved away from him, it hurts so bad. Im always thinking about the times we were together and the memories from there.
And Im not just sad cause we just moved away, Im used to moving.... like every year, sometimes, several times that year... I was fine with moving, until now.

I'll be 16 in two months. He'll be 17 in four.. I love him with all my heart. Technically, we've been together for almost a year. About 8 of it, has been long distance.. Within those eight months, we have talked every day, at every moment we've been able to basically. We've commited to each other.
Ive only got to see him twice since I moved, the first time, for one day about a month after i moved, and the second time, he came for a weekend to spend Valentines with me. He can't come often because he has to pay his own way here, and his job wont let him take off much time.

It's so hard be so far from him, we spent basically every day together until the day I moved. Its been terrible being away from him like I am.
I know I love him, and I know he loves me.

I want to be with him again more than anything. We will prove all the people who think its not real between us, wrong.
And I know, its gonna be very has been... its a struggle at times. But its worth it all.

The distance causes a big problem our relationship though.
Like for instance, when we were together, we NEVER got in a single arguement or anything, everything was great. Now we get in stupid lil arguments, 95% of the time are about the relationship an distance. But when we're together again, even though its always a short amount of time, things are perfect again. But when were this far apart for so long, it hurts both of us a lot...
I miss the way he holds me close, how he looks at me and softly smiles, how he playfully flirts with me, how he kisses me, how when he leaves for the day, my clothes still smell like him.. I miss everything about him.
Like the other day he was talking about how now, he can never see me, touch me, feel my skin, nothing...he can only hear me..Its so depressing..We went from being in each others arms every day, to never seeing and being with each other, only hearing..

I wish and pray so much that we could just be together again soon...
Even if we end up letting go of all of this, we have both decided, to try and get back together after school and start back where we left off. But thats if worst comes to worst and we separate...

If I would have never moved, I'm like positive our relationship would last forever. But for now, we just have to get past these two more years of highschool, then we can be togeter, and I know a lot can happen in two years..but I think we can make it work. The wait will be worth it when I'll be able to be in his arms when ever I want.

*sigh* Right now, the distance has been tearing this apart, but were holding on to what we have left.
I don't want to lose him, and he doesn't want to lose me. We both love each other very much, and everyone who has known me or even seen us together, can see our love for each other. Its not something one would just let slip away from them.

Ugh...I could go on forever about this...but i'll shut up now....

I don't really know why I'm even posting this really....

But if you have any advice or something, I'd appreciate it!


[edit on 6-3-2009 by minnie]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 12:49 AM
How others perceive you is a reflection of how you perceive them my friend. You seek to attain that which you cannot have for reasons you do not understand and thus the universe will always find a way of working against you.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by nekawa

Well....I had it......but then I lost it...not completely, but a major part.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:01 AM
And what is it exactly that you had?

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by nekawa

I had him...and like thats all I wanted and needed, that was enough for me.

[edit on 7-3-2009 by minnie]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:12 AM
What do you mean by "I had him"?

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:18 AM
I still have him. I just mean, when i was there, I had all of him I guess ya could say...
Being toegether constantly, like never apart, then all of a sudden, never seeing each other, its such a big difference..

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:29 AM
I don't suppose any light I could shed on the situation would be to any real significance at this moment due to your emotional state of mind but if you ever need any questions answered or true insight offered you need only to ask

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:38 AM
Minnie, the only thing you can really do is try to get a job for yourself and arrange to send him some money to help get accommodation/transport.

I know it is a poor comparison, but I've never even met you and managed to really get to like you, long distance does work
, you don't really have the luxury of choice here, you either have to wait until you can go back to him or divorce your parents, which I think is a stupid idea.

Sorry if I made you feel bad, but there isn't much you can do other than love him and try to make it work.

Good luck.


[edit on 7/3/2009 by roswell1]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by roswell1

He wont take the offer of me helping him pay for trips,
I think he should, because Im not allowed to take trips there, but he can come here, so its not fair on him that he is the one who has to pay all that money everytime...I have offered to help, but he wont accept it. ugh...guys and their pride =/ lol

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:59 AM
It is what it is I suppose

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 02:21 AM
I'm sorry to hear this, I can feel how powerful you feel!

I hope everything turns out well!

Another problem with young love is the fact that people change a LOT, I see this a alot
, at this age, falling in love can be VERY hard, because people change, and relationships change, situations change, life changes, more than other ages, in my opinion. That's why so many at this age doesn't work out. Even thou the feelings are true.

But you do see a lot of people meet at this age and they live together happily ever after, get married, that's always nice to hear.

Whatever happens, happens! Always remember that these experiences shape you, you learn from them, it makes you become the future person.
If it's meant to be, then in 2 years time, or even another time, it will all come back together again!

Good luck, stay strong! And keep me up to date if ya feel like sharing!

Have a nice day!


If you see each other soon, maybe you can go to disney land for a day out for fun

[edit on 7-3-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by nekawa
How others perceive you is a reflection of how you perceive them my friend. You seek to attain that which you cannot have for reasons you do not understand and thus the universe will always find a way of working against you.


posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by nekawa
How others perceive you is a reflection of how you perceive them my friend. You seek to attain that which you cannot have for reasons you do not understand and thus the universe will always find a way of working against you.


I'm just as confused as you.


posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 03:38 AM
Just a thought from one who has loved and lost many times.

I was young once and in love exactly as you are now. It did not work, for whatever reason and I thought my life was over.

Guess what?

It wasn't...

I went on and can honestly say I have been in love a number of times. I know that this wont make too much of an impact, but trust me when I say that years down the road you will think of this and see what I am saying.

Many of us fall in love and believe with all of our hearts that "This is the ONE" and for that moment in time, it is. But you will love again if this does not work out.

You will love as strongly and as deeply as you do now, perhaps more so.

Again, I know that this will not impact you right now, but later on, please remember this.

I will always love those that have been in my life, but I love the woman I am with now as much or more than I have ever loved any in the past, and I never thought I would love again.

Just some words from an old lover...


posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:27 AM
"Hugs* lil sis,xxxxx

How you doing today?

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 10:08 AM
love is a tricky thing. those times you spend together when you don't "see" one another often, those are the highs, and everything is happy and perfect then, because you're in a reality shift, it's falling in love all over again every time.

the distance thing is hard, I've done it. and yet you can share a lot of truths, really get to know the inside person, and that can be pretty wonderful if you're not always focused on the negative of "being apart"

but if it works out that you can be together all the time, or most of the time (you're too young, I would say, to get married or live together... tho I have to say my Mom got married @ 15 and is still in love 45 years later)...

anyways, that's the real test of love, because it's not all holding and sharing, it's also fighting and grumpiness, sickness, vulnerability... sometimes he'll drive you crazy and you'll wonder why you're with him... it's seeing the real person, all the time, in all their human imperfectness, farting and pimples and occasional irrationality, laziness and deliberate obtuseness... getting through all those things and still loving one another, that's when you know it's for real.

it's knowing yourself and your needs, knowing him and his needs, and working together so both your needs are met.

it's getting beyond pride (if you have the money to buy him a ticket to come see you, tell him to get over that male pride crap because it gets in the way, and "it's a modern age honey").

so I wish you the best, but like other older people will tell you, the love you feel when you're young, intense and real as it may be, can pale in comparison to the love you can feel when you're older and your love of and with someone has overcome the tests time will bring.

best of luck to you

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:34 PM
You'll get over him. You're still a very young girl, your view of "love" is still pure and innocent.

I won't be surprised when you don't even think about this guy 3 months from now. You'll no doubt find someone just as good as him if not better.

Theres millions of dudes out there for you. Just don't miss any opportunities because you think this one guy isn't "replaceable."

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 02:09 PM

I remember back when I was sixteen (a good ten years ago now)

Dont stress over this, if it was meant to be, you two will find a way to reconnect sometime in the future

I hope it does for you....but dont be sad, just be optimistic that you will find each other in the end

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
But you do see a lot of people meet at this age and they live together happily ever after, get married, that's always nice to hear.

Whatever happens, happens! Always remember that these experiences shape you, you learn from them, it makes you become the future person.
If it's meant to be, then in 2 years time, or even another time, it will all come back together again!

Good luck, stay strong! And keep me up to date if ya feel like sharing!

Have a nice day!


If you see each other soon, maybe you can go to disney land for a day out for fun

That would be amazing to be able to live happily ever after like a fairy tale lol.

I know a lot can change, thats why I said a lot happens in two years....

In my opinion, when two people are together, over the years they do change, but toegether, so being this far away it might be a little harder, Im not exactly sure..But yeah, thats how we think of it, if its meant to be, we'll be together.
Oh, and about the Disney thing...haha, Thatd be SO much fun....I love amusement parks and its always so much more fun to go when with him. lol. It makes waiting in those terribly long lines actually fun.
We went to Universal Studios for a day, thats when I got to see him a month after I moved. It was a lot of fun

Thanks for replying!

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