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Be Prepared! FEMA National Level Exercise 09: Starts July 27, 2009

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posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 10:56 PM
Yeah I can't believe already that we aren't seeing citizens labeled "Home-grown terrorists". These drills worry me because if they're performing such intense drills like this now, why weren't they doing them before? Sounds to me like the governments gearing up for something. FEMA already has a bad wrap from Katrina...and with all the talk of prison camps they stand no chance of any kind of resistance to public chaos.

We can all blame Jimmy Carter for founding FEMA

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by AceOfAces

And FEMA was an independant agency from 1970-2003. Under Michael
D. Brown when FEMA was absorbed into Department of Homeland Security.

FEMA came under intense criticism when it was revealed that a press conference on the California wildfires of October 2007 was staged. Deputy Administrator Harvey E. Johnson was answering questions from FEMA employees who were posing as reporters. Many of these questions were "soft ball" questions (i.e. "Are you happy with FEMA's response so far?"), intentionally asked in a way that would evoke a positive response giving the impression that FEMA was doing everything right. In this way, any scrutiny from real reporters (many of whom were only given a 15 minute notice) would have been avoided. Fox News, MSNBC, and other media outlets aired the staged press briefing live.[25] Real reporters were notified only 15 minutes in advance and were only able to call in to a conference line, which was set to "listen-only" mode. The only people there were primarily FEMA public affairs employees.[26]

Verifiable Source

Do we trust FEMA?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by princeofpeace

You people just don't understand...geez and you all wonder why we are starting to act a little crazy because we have been trying to warn and wake people up since I can even remember yet people still stay vast asleep. Sometimes I think about hitting myself in the head lol. Look our government is slaving us, either by them or by foreign debt, they are killing us slowly and driving our freedoms into the ground, how many times do we have to tell you....THEY ARE NOT ON OUR SIDE, did you get that? ok maybe ill say it again without caps so you wont complain....they are not on out side. Things are not going to get better and if we don't wake up soon then our children and the future of our people will be nothing more then pure slaves. Thats all I got to say.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:18 AM
[edit on 6-3-2009 by son of PC]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:45 AM
[edit on 6-3-2009 by son of PC]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:49 AM
You fear mongers fail to realize that FEMA has done this the past 3 years. You better BELIEVE that they are going to stay on top of there stuff after the FAILURE of Katrina. Here's your NATIONAL LEVEL EXERCISE OMG FREAKOUT FROM LAST YEAR....

Release Date: April 24, 2008 Release Number: HQ-08-063 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Exercise Program (NEP) will conduct National Level Exercise 2-08 (NLE 2-08) a combined functional and full scale exercise from May 1 through May 8. NLE 2-08 will merge the objectives of U.S. Northern Command's (NORTHCOM) Ardent Sentry 2008 exercise, FEMA National Continuity Program's (NCP) Eagle Horizon 2008 exercise (formerly known as Forward Challenge), and FEMA Disaster Operation's Hurricane Preparedness Exercise (HPE). The purpose of NLE 2-08 is to exercise national capabilities to prepare and respond to multiple incidents including both natural disasters and terrorist incidents. The exercise was designed to include scenario elements addressing hurricane preparedness and response, national continuity capabilities, and Defense Support to Civil Authorities coordination in response to weapons of mass destruction terrorist attacks. The exercise venues involve a Category 4 hurricane impacting the Mid Atlantic Coast and the National Capitol Region and multiple terrorist attacks in Washington State. Also during NLE 2-08, the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) will test it's response to an accidental chemical agent release at the Umatilla Chemical Depot in Oregon. Canada will also participate through their Staunch Maple Exercise. The exercise allows Federal officials to implement continuity plans, test communications connectivity, operations and procedures for performing essential government functions from alternate locations, and interagency coordination. Additionally, it serves to demonstrate that essential functions can be effectively conducted during threats and emergencies. NLE 2-08 is a NEP exercise conducted within the five year exercise schedule. The NEP is the nation's overarching homeland security exercise program, provides the federal government with a national, interagency wide program and a multi-year planning system to focus, coordinate, plan, conduct, execute, evaluate and prioritize national security and homeland security preparedness-related exercise activities. FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.

Just because FEMA is planning on practicing there response techniques to ensure the peoples ULTIMATE safety in the WORST conditions is NO REASON TO FREAK OUT. ATS has turned into Fear Monger Central

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Chieef

If this is an exercise to test readiness, and it very well be yet another one, lord knows we have enough drills here in the NYC metro area that you almost stop paying attention after a while, then we all have absolutely nothing to worry about.

However.. (there's always a but here) there is a pretty dismal track record of FEMA doing anything right. I mean really "tornado parks" made up of unused Katrina trailers to try and attract tornadoes? While that is the least intrusive and well quite frankly least offensive thing they've done in recent memory, it just goes to show the mentality of the agency.

Not trying to be a fearmonger, just warning that whenever FEMA gets into doing something, you can guarantee that something else will go wrong to coincide with it. Not necessarily deliberately...... (I had to put that)

[edit on 6-3-2009 by vkey08]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:40 AM
FEMA or some branch of the gov does a test or exercise or whatever you wanna call it every year. And every year the same paranoid delusional chicken little's on here exclaim "the sky is falling we're all gonna die-a false flag event is coming!!! yadda, yadda, yadda".

Need i post here in July or August and resurrect this thread ljust to prove a point, AGAIN. Not ONE date thread or prediction that has been made on here regarding any events have ever come true so i suspect this one wont either. Folks are too busy on here spreading fear under the guise of "oh we're just trying to warn people". Yeah right. You know who you sound like dont you? Think about it. One and the same.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Iago18
Great find! This is an important topic and should remain at the top of our minds for the next few months.

You’re completely correct. This Does need to be on the top of everyone's mind!!! But not just for the next few months - For Life!!! You all don't seem to get it, FEMA is here to assist - To do what they can to help the US citizens in times of trouble. Learning from natural disasters is just one way of making things flow smooth when the time comes to assist. And Yeah we need these exercises to gain a perspective of what we're dealing with in terms of casualties & numbers of individuals who need the essentials to live through a disaster no matter the type... Forget the hype and help your emergency state & local communities by offering to donate time to the cause so that you can be part of the solution and NOT part of the problem... From what I have seen in the past when a disaster effects anyone; their mind set is not normal for about 24-48hrs from the onset of the incident happening.. People freak out, some gain composure quicker than others but you have no clue how your going to handle a situation until your there in the trenches where it's all happening.

What we all need to do is get in there and help your fellow man, your family, your community, your state, YOUR COUNTRY by preparing..... With out your assistance in your own toewn or other preparations you make it harder on the system.... If all your going to be is dead weight to the assistance given than you don't need to be.... When your a burden to the assistance and expect everyone to help you out and you don't try to help yourself or anyone else then your the one who is the weak link.. And you know what happens to weak links..... Not to mention there are plenty of them out there living off the system prior to our economic melt down.....

If your willing to help yourself, here is my hand but if all your going to do is cry and moan then go do it somewhere else.....

Feed a man fish he eats for one day teach him to fish he eats for a life time.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 09:38 AM
i call b*** s*** on this. it sounds like something more to feed your paranoia (not saying everyone is paranoid)

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:24 AM
Just to re-iterate what others have said...


A year ago they dumped a bunch of troops and responders out into rural Indiana with no communications to simulate a breakdown of infrastructure for a few days.

What would you have FEMA do? The people who bitch about exercises to prepare for disasters are the same ones that bitch about everything FEMA does.

You need to pay attention. FEMA is not the enemy. There are no FEMA camps or FEMA trains or any of this crap.

There ARE conspiracies that are endangering our lives but too much attention is focused on FEMA. More people should look for the truth and not get distracted.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:29 AM
In response to all of you who simply reply "they do this every year" I would challenge you to do a little research concerning the correlation in timing between the last 10 major terrorist attacks in the western world and these excerzises. You will be shocked.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by cautiouslypessimistic

It is shocking is it not? I too was shocked when I learned just the tip of the iceberg truth.

Too bad the government couldn’t put all its previous intelligence together and stopped the whole thing, seeing how it had been laid out before 9/11. Too bad NORAD fell apart that day. Too bad that five simultaneous terror hijacking drills were going on, that up to 22 planes filled the air controllers’ screens, and nobody knew what the hell was real and what wasn’t. Too bad, right.

You remember O’Neill. He was the FBI chief of terrorist head-hunting who, frustrated by having his Osama-chases foiled time and time again, quit the FBI after 30 years of service. Unfortunately, he died in Tower 2. Yes, O’Neill died trying to help people out of the building, kind of guy he was, and maybe knew too much as well.

Mmmm, gimme that Afghanistan, gimme theme pipelines, gimme Iraq, gimme that oil, gimme da Mid-east today, gimme da world tomorrow. Mmmm. Where’d I hear that song before?


[edit on 6-3-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 12:09 PM
I can promise one thing...."If" a "event" was coming and the government knew about it..They would NOT tell the public untill "Last Warning".
And they would do this is because they dont want panic which is what would happen....They have a structure in place to keep the government in tact FIRST and fore most and protect the public second. Katrina was a "spike" it was used to gage the public reaction over a major event. Our government is just preparing to keep all the fuctions in power.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by cautiouslypessimistic
In response to all of you who simply reply "they do this every year" I would challenge you to do a little research concerning the correlation in timing between the last 10 major terrorist attacks in the western world and these excerzises. You will be shocked.


The reason FEMA exercises is BECAUSE of these types of events.

Having been in the field of public safety for nearly two decades I can tell you that before the 1993 WTC bombing, there was absolutely NO kind of coordinated national response to disasters.

In fact it would not be until years after 9/11 that agencies could even talk to each other on radios, much less operate together.

It is absurd to suggest that FEMA exercises cause terrorism.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by tsloan
I can promise one thing...."If" a "event" was coming and the government knew about it..They would NOT tell the public untill "Last Warning".
And they would do this is because they dont want panic which is what would happen....They have a structure in place to keep the government in tact FIRST and fore most and protect the public second. Katrina was a "spike" it was used to gage the public reaction over a major event. Our government is just preparing to keep all the fuctions in power.

I agree and disagree...

A lot of information will be withheld until analysis is done. This is no surprise because people are sheep and sheep panic. When there is panic then a disaster increases in magnitude and nobody gets assistance, especially the ones who need it most.

Hopefully FEMA recognizes it's shortcomings and uses these annual drills to sharpen their skills so Katrina never happens again.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by emsed1

Originally posted by cautiouslypessimistic
In response to all of you who simply reply "they do this every year" I would challenge you to do a little research concerning the correlation in timing between the last 10 major terrorist attacks in the western world and these excerzises. You will be shocked.

In fact it would not be until years after 9/11 that agencies could even talk to each other on radios, much less operate together.

It is absurd to suggest that FEMA exercises cause terrorism.

There is a big difference between the word "correlation" and "cause".

Cauttiouslypessimistic used the word correlation; refering to a possible relationship of two seperate events.

You are using the word "cause"; refering to cause and effect.

Two words with entirley different meanings...maybe you were attempting to twist words here...

But moving on...were you aware of the correlation of the emergency preparedness drills that took place on September 11th in the U.S? How about the preparedness drills that took place on July 7th, in London?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 04:58 PM
You can draw those correlations on almost anything. I mean these exercises are held yearly if not more frequently so of course if any kind of event happens in that same year then it probably wouldnt be too far off from one of these exercises. Duh!! I think the bigger issue is all the times these exercises are held and nothing does happen.

Its all how you look at it eh?

I mean i can say wow i caught a cold 5 times this year and all 5 times i happened to be eating hot dogs that day. Then i could alos say i ate hot dogs 50 more times this year but didnt catch a cold after doing so. So what does that mean? NOTHING!!!! Same as trying to correlate exercises to events.

Originally posted by cautiouslypessimistic
In response to all of you who simply reply "they do this every year" I would challenge you to do a little research concerning the correlation in timing between the last 10 major terrorist attacks in the western world and these excerzises. You will be shocked.

[edit on 6-3-2009 by princeofpeace]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:19 PM
The new face of fema

"Craig is the right person for the job and will ensure that the failures of the past are never repeated," President Barack Obama proclaimed after nominating W. Craig Fugate to head the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

FEMA, spending our tax dollars on Las Vegas...

Last week, there was a bit of confusion about a FEMA confab supposedly being planned here. Spending hawk Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., saw a mention of such an event in a news story and fired off a letter demanding to know why, in these belt-tightening times, the agency was jetting off to Las Vegas.

Coburn, whose long-held belief that much government travel is a waste of money dovetailed with the president's recent condemnation of Las Vegas junkets, also criticized another federal agency conference in Las Vegas last week.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
I mean i can say wow i caught a cold 5 times this year and all 5 times i happened to be eating hot dogs that day. Then i could alos say i ate hot dogs 50 more times this year but didnt catch a cold are using hot dogs and cold virus statistics to defend your willful ignorance of the most obvious facts.

Here is some additional cold (pun intended!) hard statistical data to incubate on.

Emergency Prepraredness or Martial Law?

Indeed, Washington Technology reported November 10, that the defense giant Northrop Grumman "will conduct a national preparedness drill for the Federal Emergency Management Agency next year under a two-year, $12 million contract."

While $12 million is chump change in Washington, the Project on Government Oversight's Federal Contractor Misconduct Database lists Northrop Grumman at No. 3. With violations running the gamut, from procurement fraud, false claims, installation of substandard parts, violations of the Arms Export Control Act and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, cost overruns, environmental damage--from illegal dumping of toxic waste to air pollution--the company has paid the federal government and private claimants some $465.4 million in fines and levies.

But that hasn't stopped the federal government from doing a brisk business with Northrop Grumman!

The defense giant and their partners, security heavy-hitters ICF International, Battelle Memorial Institute, Alutiiq LLC, L-3 Communications, Unitech and Interface Media Group "will conduct and evaluate the 2009 Tier 1 National Level Exercise, which is the largest and most complex national disaster drill conducted by FEMA's National Exercise Division," the high-tech insider publication reported.

As Antifascist Calling has reported in numerous articles, Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning scenarios are intimately linked to top-secret Continuity of Government (COG) programs to be triggered by a "catastrophic event." Such plans include contingencies for the implementation of martial law and the suspension of the Constitution by Executive Branch fiat.

The primary DoD entity responsible for "civil support," as numerous researchers have averred is NORTHCOM and its active combat component, U.S. Army North. CRS asserts that NORTHCOM is prohibited by The Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. 1385) from executing civilian laws and a police function. But as I wrote in early October, "exercising sweeping emergency powers buried within Presidential Decision Directives (PDDs), unelected officials could suspend the Constitution, declare martial law and create an Executive Branch dictatorship that rests solely on the power of the U.S. military."

But planning and consequence management in the event of a catastrophic terrorist attack or natural disaster isn't all that NORTHCOM's up to. Indeed, back in April, U.S. Northern Command News reported that both DHS and NORTHCOM are planning refine their existing intelligence relationship, said the top DHS intelligence official during a recent visit to USNORTHCOM headquarters.

"We have a number of areas where we've already agreed that we will begin new initiatives together, where we will do joint projects together, where we will do intelligence analysis together, where we will work to understand what NORTHCOM is doing in exercises and training," said Charles Allen, the DHS undersecretary for Intelligence and Analysis.

The intelligence divisions of DHS and USNORTHCOM are "extraordinarily compatible," Allen said, and the organizations have the same goals. (Sgt. 1st Class Gail Braymen, NORAD and USNORTHCOM Public Affairs, "USNORTHCOM, DHS refine relationship," U.S. Northern Command News, April 10, 2008)

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