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Obama vs. Rush: A Conservative Perspective!

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posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

Many fine points there...

I'm not too concerned with one PARTY doing better than the other....right now in my life...

Just some stability in our country...

Poster, I think most of your points supported the OP...

OT out

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by amari

amari, well thought out post...some great points...I'll go over in more detail later and respond point by point if I may?

Prayin for Rush, for sure!


posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
reply to post by OldThinker

You're still missing the main point here.

All the positive thinking and rhetoric in the world will not take a plan as destructive as the one passed by Obama and make it work.

The constant criticism of it isn't' helping anything, but it sure isn't making the bill any worse either.

What is this plan destroying that has not already been destroyed by your boy Jr???

Please tell me how extending unemployment insurance to laid off and out sourced Americans is destructive?

Please tell me how MODERNIZING our communications and energy grid is destructive?

Please NYK tell me how greatly reducing AMT is destructive, from a conservative stance?

And tell me who in the private sector is going to swoop in and invest in anything US now?

Please answer these specific questions

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by OldThinker
reply to post by mental modulator

Many fine points there...

I'm not too concerned with one PARTY doing better than the other....right now in my life...

Just some stability in our country...

Poster, I think most of your points supported the OP...

OT out

My point is... you seem to be very reasonable in that you can step beyond the party play book. However a great majority of ATS conservatives are not thinking this way.
Instead of giving a rebound a shot, they are facilitating a lack of confidence, NO DEFERENT THAN "EMBOLDENING OUR ENEMIES..."

In essence they are continuing to shot more holes in the ship the W helped sink.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

Remember NEO and the COUNCIL HEAD-DUDE on the porch inside Zion....

The old dude looked at NEO and said...."I used to try and make points...I'm too old now, what's the point?"

This country needs not Rhetoric, nor Ideology....this is not a black/white issue in terms of answers...these are desperate times...we need direction and leadership...and OT is praying for those that were elected, for better or worse...



I'm no naysayer....but could WE BE the ones who bring about the 'sorrow' Glenn Beck speaks so somberly of...because we couldn't make this thing work?

[edit on 23-2-2009 by OldThinker]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 07:55 PM
Rush Limbaugh gets paid $200 million a year to tell the right fringe what they want to hear. Thats his audience.. the rightwing fringe.. and he will appeal to them regardless or facts or truth. To further put point this man supported the lie of a war and president in 2003 and still supports it today (although these days his much less vocal), considering he was a drug addict in the past and his staunch support for an administration that backed away from true conservative values. Look theres a long list of why the guy is full of crap.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I think it's 400 million a year...

I'm not ready to minimize him to the right fringe...he's very powerful...


posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by slicobacon
Rush is an entertainer and its easy pickings for him right now. Rush's job won't get much easier than it is right now. Why should he back down with the dems claiming "we won" every chance they get? It doesn't meant they're right, and you count on the msm to point that out.

Hmmm.... I'm suddenly having a flashback to 2004, with neocons saying "we won, you lost, get over it".

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by OldThinker

Rush is Right! Politically…for sure!

Rush is right….many times for sure!


Rush is a total hyppocrite, so why would you care what he has to say?
Would a true "conservative" live on a compound of five big houses on one piece of property for just him and his cat? I think not. Not that I'm against him spending his money, but to preach conservativism and live in such excess just smells bad to me.

And I won't even get into the whole drug addict thing...

As far as him and others keeping quiet about their "opinions", that's just not how it's supposed to work. Everyone, including loud-mouthed pundits working in the entertainment industry, has a right, nay, a duty, to voice their opinions on governmental policy. How else are our elected officials supposed to know how the people they represent feel about the issues? (not that they listen, or care, what their constituants think, but that's for a different thread).

Rush is, after all, doing the same thing he has always done. Praising the Republicans and bashing the Democrats. He is practically a mathematical constant on these points. I think he's full of crap, but I defend his right to spout it 100%. As does the Constitution.

I also think that the "economic stimulus" proposal is crap, as much as it pains me to agree with ol' Rush. I thought the last "bail-out" deal was crap, too. Giving more money to the same system that couldn't be responsible with it in the first place will never fix anything. That much should be obvious to everybody.

The fact that Rush, and all the other pundits, consevative or liberal, play such a big part in forming public opinion is another thing I find sad. Thay are part of the entertainment industry, for cripes sake! It's pretty much the same thing as forming opinions based on those voiced by Archie Bunker or Barney Fife! How pathetic is that? I think it speaks volumes on how sad our society has become, but again, that's a matter for a different thread.

It may be true that a house divided against itself can not stand, but I think that as opposed to the masses going along with the leaders for the sake of unity, the leaders should go along with the masses. Nobody I know is anything less than apalled with "bail-outs" and "economic stimulus" bills, and I think the majority of the public thinks the same way. Our elected officials should start listening to their constituants and come up with a policy that the majority can get behind.

Even if it doesn't work, it would be the will of the people, and that's what democracy's all about, last time I checked. It gives us the right to make our own decisions, whether they be good or bad, and not have them made for us by the PTB. That's kinda the whole point of the system, otherwise we may as well have a monarchy or a dictatorship.

As an aside, I find this an interesting quote from the guy who was questioning whether religion was designed to control the masses.

In Scripture we are instructed to respect and obey government authorities and ordinances and to live honorably within our communities. National leaders and local officials are to punish evildoers and honor those who do well. (See I Peter 2:13–17 and Romans 13:1–5.)

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
Rush should keep doing exactly what he is doing.

He's a private citizen, doing the job people pay him to do.

You are suggesting he set aside his true feelings and principles and not speak his mind for a year?


I'm sick of everyone chanting this mantra about "coming together" and "giving Obama a chance".

Rush Limbaugh may be a hypocrite, show me someone who says he isn't in some regard and Ill show him a mirror. Rush for all intents and purposes, is doing what he was put on the air to do and as much as the OP has a right to speak his mind, Rush has that same right.

If I were to tell you nine years ago, that the most inexperienced, un known, un-quailified, un-tested, rookie senator who got his seat un-opposed, stabbing one of the people who helped him get in politics in the back,,, if I were to tell you that he also had a somewhat checkered past whose friends all seem to have been either radical terrorists that those who supported him were many socialist and communist leaders that his mentors were all extremists and his backround for the most part was sealed and if you wanted to know anything more about this guy you would have to SUE him to see it. If I had told you all that nine years ago and that this man, is also, a Kenyan American, that he would be the next President of the United States, if I had told you all this, nine years ago,

ALL of you would have said I am NuTzZ!

We didn't vote for Obama, we Voted against the Republicans, pure and simple. We swept the democrats into the house and senate in the year 2006. Then we made another statement out blind anger without the benefit of impartial intelligence to sweep in Obama.

The Democrats created the free money loans for all those who couldn't afford to buy a house. It was Barney Frank and Obama's finance manager Franklin Raines who buried a 6.9 BILLION Dollar baby while getting a bonus upon resigning from fannie and freddie and it was Mcain who tried to stop it with the Democrats shutting the bill out.

You might say that it was the Republican that got rid of regulation but then I would remind you that it was JUST THAT KIND OF REGULATION MCCAIN WAS TRYING TO PASS! This was as far back as 2002 we had seen this trouble being talked about. We have seen BOTH party have control, but BOTH have failed miserably. So we get a new guy and what does he want to do with all the problems with Debt attached to them??


Rush has not liked ANY of this guy's Policy has predicted his cabinet would fall apart before they ever got started and they DID. He has predicted he would have us paying for Abortions as birth control over the entire globe and he was RIGHT.

He has said Obama will create a national debt that will far surpass anything we were currently blaming Bush about AND,,, he will blame that on Bush too and Rush was Right.

How the National endowment for the arts will stimulate the economy is anyones guess, how nationalizing mortgages for people who won't be able to pay for them three months from the time they get some help for theirs,,

is anyones guess.

Telling Rush to back off?

Back off what?

What is he saying that isn't already been proven time and time again as true.

Rush is just trying to remind ALL republicans, INCLUDING those democrats posing as republicans like Arnold and many more, that this is insanity.

That not only do we need to hope this guy fails, I hope he gets impeached and the sooner the better.

Then we need to do what we SHOULD have done the first time.

We should purge the system clean of every single solitary incumbent Democrat and Republican OUT of office!

Now THAT, would be the change THEY, can believe in.

They will be the Change we need, NOT for hope, but for IMPROVEMENT.

"Yes we can", should be YES WE WILL!

That is what we will tell them happens if they ever forget who they REALLY work for. If they ever forget again, it is ALL their asses FIRED!

That if they don't start doing the business of Governing rather than doing business as usual, they are GONE!

That if their colleagues are doing something spurious or illegal, that they get turned in by their own co-workers!

Because it just might mean THEIR own Job getting lost if they don't.

I don't care whether you think they are the illuminatti, the NWO the Billderburgers or the Masons, I don't buy any of that crap.

Even if I were wrong, the act, in and of itself would tell ALL of them, their secrets, their cloak and dagger subterfuge, their sinister situational politics, and everything they have worked for and everything they represent, voting ALL of them OUT this time will send a message with Richter Scale ramifications. That WE WANT OUR INDEPENDENCE!

But most of all we want America BACK, because she belongs TO US!

Not the Dremocrats or the Republicans, the Banks or the Unions, Not Hollywood, but US!

YOU, ME, US and WE.

Yes WE THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES of America and for the Republic for which it stood, OUR NATION, UNDER GOD and the Constitution, that we want our Liberty Back because That is Justice and Justice for ALL.

That this is a Nation of American Voters, by the Voters, FOR the Voters and we are SICK of it being a country of its subjects, subjected to the tyranny of Banks and Greed and we are SICK of Rich Fat Cats making it utterly impossible for the common man to earn a living without having to pay for those who don't.

I don't mean those who can't but those who won't!

That the media can take their political opinions and shove it.

What Brittney and Saturday nite live thinks of the current candidates may make for some one sided entertainment but they risk losing as many as they have won over and those they have won over has nothing to do with them anyway.

But the NEWS, NOW THAT,,should remain the NEWS.

Without pundits and poilitical satire.

What they think should be NONE of our business and that they better start reporting the News rather than giving us their Opinion OF the news.

That if they don't, we won't vote for another incumbent so the CFR can kiss my BUTT!

It is long overdue, and the CFR should be a footnote in our national history

We can wait till the end of four years where creating more debt on top of the mess we already have will bury us,

OR we can act now and start impeaching all of them one by one in the order of their years in office and their complicity to the worst debacle the worst mess we have ever seen a bunch of bimbos claiming to be public officials ever have created.

No matter what you might think of Rush Limbaugh, the fact is it doesn't matter WHO it is saying this message, the FACT is,

It is the RIGHT thing to do and we ought to do it NOW

We don't get another chance after Obama

None, because I'm afraid it's over

after this

[edit on 24-2-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Rush Limbaugh gets paid $200 million a year to tell the right fringe what they want to hear. Thats his audience.. the rightwing fringe.. and he will appeal to them regardless or facts or truth. To further put point this man supported the lie of a war and president in 2003 and still supports it today (although these days his much less vocal), considering he was a drug addict in the past and his staunch support for an administration that backed away from true conservative values. Look theres a long list of why the guy is full of crap.

Yeah and YOU are the epitomy of everything that is wholesome and good in America! Gimme a break Guardian I have seen your posts and you are the mirror reflection of the man you assail. Drug addict? You ever watch American Television?

It is this country's Entertainment Agenda to get everyone addicted to some drug. Whether its the children in our grades schools taking drugs for ADD or ADHD or woman on prozac, people who can't sleep, people who can't stay awake, people whos legs are restless and people with acid reflux, people who can't get it up and people who can't put it away. We have pain killers that you trust your doctor won't get you addicted by taking them and they are legal.

That is until you get addicted to them. Souther,, You paragon of virtue you. I wonder what sordid skeletons you have,,

hiding in YOUR closet.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Aermacchi

I've got two words for you


posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by subject x

As an aside, I find this an interesting quote from the guy who was questioning whether religion was designed to control the masses.

In Scripture we are instructed to respect and obey government authorities and ordinances and to live honorably within our communities. National leaders and local officials are to punish evildoers and honor those who do well. (See I Peter 2:13–17 and Romans 13:1–5.)

I think apples and oranges...the other thread was about my experience of faith not controlling people...and this verse is encouraging good citizenship...did you have an opinion or just find it interesting

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by OldThinker

I've got two words for you


That's the best you got? suggest I am manic in some silly ad-hom failing to make any other point but my lucid and apparently caffeine crazed thought process may seem too fast for you. Then I saw your name and said Oh that's why, "Old Thinker"

[edit on 24-2-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Aermacchi

Good one....I'm kinda busy tonight....I'll get back later if i may....


btw, brevity of life will sneak up on ya...

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