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They're Killing the Human Spirit

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posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 07:54 AM
There's something that has been playing on my mind for a while now and that is in my lifetime I have seen the steady decline of what I see as the stiflement or restriction placed upon the human spiirit, as though it is actually dying.

It's as though the controlling powers don't want the human spirit to shine as it was meant too, this is evident in the education system or lack of it and the laws that filter into society that gradually curtail, threaten and inevitable seek to control the populace. I am in no doubt also that human experience is on the decline and that conversation is litterlally dying out. That special something which has been passed from generation to generation, the torch of knowledge, wisdom and instict if you like is seriosuly under threat. If something is not done soon we risk the generations to come literally becoming drones or sheep like creatures with no real experience of life, thus leading to individuals with little or no personality.

So where is this most evident. Well for starters the education system, yes they start indoctrination at an early age and what the kids are being indoctrinated with is just enough to enable them to exist in what I call 'the mechanical society' ie they are teaching kids just enough to enable them to fit into the corporate machine and facilitate the status quo of modern society. They don't teach kids about purpose, about goals, about changing society for the greater good, about psycology or practical skills that help in modern life. Other places it is evident is in the laws of the land which instead of promoting freedom, something dearly faught for by our ancestors, laws have been gradually introduced that curtail your rights and at worst threaten to imprison you if you seek to change or challenge a part of the system that is deemed disfunctional, inhibiting, controlling or wrong. So to clarify the very people we introduce into power in this so called democratic society then use that very power to excert control over the very voters that voted the individuals concerned into power. This control mechanism could even result in indivudals being battered and beaten by policing forces, should those individuals seek to challenge the system. A tipical example of where this is evident around the world are riots.

What is lacking is a true understanding of the human spirit and what is needed to facilitate and nurture its growth. Society should be built around this and not greed and commercialism as it is at the moment. The human sprit is undoubtably our way out or at the very least the pointer for all that is right, truthful and resonates with the very core of who and what we are. Nurture this and no doubt eventually we will become self realised as a species inevitable leading to our evolution into becoming the stuff of our dreams and desires. Science is also coming to terms with the possibility that consciousness is all pervading and that energy is interconnected and shapes our reality, if this is true which I believe it is, then everything I repeat anything is possible. Are we exploring the possibilites? Some admitidely are awake yes, but only a small fraction. For the most part we are not.

Like drones most people are living out their lives regimentally in a mechanical system of control and influence, influencing you what to buy and how to think. Everything is becoming procedural and fixed. Step outside of the normal control mechanisms and you risk riducule, alienation, imprisonment. Why are so many affraid to shine????

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:37 AM
People are cowards at heart. Cowards.

They are controlled, and they know it. Plus, they enjoy their miserly Greed gaming too much to be disturbed to 'shine.' Shine means connect to the Spirit. Some do, but even most of these are confused, because it enables them to feel even greater fearful things.

Like their Masters, the Ancient Rulers, the Melchizedek's, whom their 'book' refers to as Satan (in it's many names). Yup, you heard it here correct. Sanat Kumara, Sananda (Spaceeee Jesuuussss!), Commander Ashtar and their Ilk.

These are known as the Dark Forces by dogmatists; Saviors of Man, by New Agers. The Mighty Melchizedeks are working now to capture the lovely mindless believers, and have a place prepared for them, which they call a 'new earth:' it is a new womb, where they will take the 'rapturians,' and train them to control the Next Stage of Evolution for humanity.

Remember, these Super Melchizedeks are mankinds Owners, Rulers, Masters, Guardians, Watchers, Jailers, Consumers...humanity is Their Product (like human's own animals for their product).

Every word spoken here is True. All well known Earth's religions have been Inspired by These Melchizedek 'Lords of Mankind.' They think they believe in their own gods, who are Seperate from Melchizedek's, when they are not:

"Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical Kabalah unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the garden of Eden and the Lord God are identical.
("The Secret Doctrine," H.P.Blavatsky)

Who were the Sources for H.P.Blavatsky, by the way? These Very Same Melchizedeks! The churchists refer to them as Satan, or demons. Watch, Here's Your Demons:

32. Thoth (Gabriel) and his angel hosts formed a circle around about the mortal council, a thousand angels deep on every side, and thence, by a line of light, extending to Looeamong's throne, in Hapsendi, his heavenly kingdom.
33. By day and by night, Thoth and his hosts watched over the mortal council, overshadowing their every thought and word.
34. For four years and seven months the council thus deliberated, and selected from the two thousand and two hundred and thirty-one books and legendary tales.
35. And, at the end of that time, there had been selected and combined much that was good, and great, and worded so as to be well remembered by mortals.
36. As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so they balloted, in order to determine that matter. And the first ballot gave prominence to the following Gods: Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Theo, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla, and Phernes.
(OAHSPE, Published 1884, author John Ballou Newborough)

See Full Excerpt here:
The blasphemous creation of jesu revealed in Truth

These are the Very Same Rulers of Mankind that are Now Enabling the Blockage of Spirit Connection via the Soul of mankind: when the Shift is Enabled, those who don't make it Through will find that they have no place to incarnate but a spiritless dust ball, or the gross Earth (a paradise to dogmatists and immoral scientists), where there Will Be No Soul-Spirit Connection.

I find it funny some doubt that this can happen: and in the same mouth that denies it, from the other side of their cheeks, their tongues will discuss souless races like the Greys, shadow beings, etc.. Talk about deny ignorance: embrace ignorance, is what we have.

Now, You All Know Your Masters. You have now been told that Their Food (yes, your Lifeforce-Souls) will be disconnected in the new dark realm being prepared, and ready for Shifting. If you don't make it to the New Earth, forget it: this Earth will seem like a delight resort in comparison.

Oh, long time Hence, things will get straightened out, thanks to those who seek out these Lost Souls.

Ready for Disconnect? "It won't happen to Me!" 6.7 billion screaming that, while practicing their greed and inhumanity. The Truth comes knocking, and they scream, "Go Away." It Will.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 09:50 AM
I agree, people are being cut off from their true potential by a very, very complex system of brainwashing and soul destruction -however it's not a simple case of 'bad man hurt me' alas we're all at fault and none of us are...

The human system is a very complex biomechanical device, because we had to 'boot strap' ourself up from the swamp we're left with loads of left over chaos in our make up, that killer instinct which got us through the constant battle of survival of the fittest is not so useful now, that desire to mate and move on which burns so strongly in so many men no longer helps us survive,etc ,etc so our evolutionary biology has left us very confused and quite frankly agitated beings.

When we run out of space and had to start living together (in such areas as the banks of the Nile, the fertile creascent and babylon) we were forced to develop social codes, these agreements of how to act offered a great survival potential advantage and soon spread over the world, this put more pressure on the systems and better, more complex systems developed.

Ethics, Rule of Law, Religion, Dictatorship and Democracy all gave different groups different advantages in controlling the natural biological confusion we all still feel and different survival advantages. Again the great mix of world events caused these to interact and grow in complexity, at certain points in development we needed to change old methods into new, small tribes turned to nations and wise men turned into a clergy class but at the same time though local myths got debunked (the gods don't line on that mountain we've been up their now) and new more complex stories got developed (no, the mountain is a metaphore for heaven) but also other power bases confused the issue by absorbing or overrunning others (phew, just got back from the mountain the real god said to listen to me and throw away that idol you're making.) -this left us with a very, very confused world view.

Take Israel as a geographic location, first the golden calf era a small tribe worships the land, then the god of the mountain commands obedience and the power games begin before Jesus invents communism as a reaction to overly top heavy society -however what was once catholic (in the truest sense of the word) soon becomes a power base and an empire - our way of looking at life is like a cathrinwheel spinning out of control.

However now we're nearing the point of being a type one world, everyone understanding everyone and thinking at least within the same frame of reference, if not along the same lines. Not only have the good and strong ideas reached their peek but so too have all the oppressive and destructive ideas reached their zenith. This is probably the most amount of confusion human kind will ever and has ever been bombarded with, not since aprox. 16,000 years ago (i think from memory) when humans took the huge step into art, culture and community and started the long path towards type one have we had such a momentus threshold to pass. We are now choosing how our community and world will work, do we keep religion or discard it? democracy is probably going to survive but will it be socialist, supply side, communist, authoritarian, agrarian, NWO shaddow elites?

so while i agree that certain people are dumbing us down so they can make sure their side 'wins' and they are part of the power base which gains power, i also think that lucky for us the only stable state for a organism is harmony and however hard they try their evil empires will always crumble. We need to think clearly and try to understand the world while creating a firm base on which the next generations can grow and thrive.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:44 AM
People are basically good, loving and shine in many ways. This is an attempt to entrap most people, and ensure there are no escape routes no matter which way they turn, because the only glue that is holding their regime together is unfortunately us, and all we ever have to do is step out and group up in the town square together and say, no more.

I've been waiting all my life for that moment when the sleepy, overworked middle class can actually lift their heads above the torrents in their lives, and the lies in the media, to actually start to act.

Its almost more urgent to reach a critical stage, because if they're truly smart they won't start thinning the herd. Once that happens, we really will need to shine our lights. If you scratch beneath the surface of your life just a little, and start to seek answers, you may find, underneath all the BS in our current lives, we're actually all on active duty. Its time to connect to that assignment.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:52 AM

Thanks for contributing to this thread, very thought provoking stuff. One of the points I wanted to touch on is religion as unfortunatly this may well become an obstacle rather than a pointer in the near future. People have become so fixated by what has been prophesised and how to live their lives according to the word of God, that they have failed to realise that said words are mostly tools handed to us to enable our eventual transcendence into the everlasting. Religion is there to facilitate our own discovery also and our relationship to God and his creation. What I think people fail to realise and this is fundamental is that the anscient teachings are just that 'ancient', they were meant for the simple folk. Obviously we have moved on now and are much more intelligent and know more about our reality. The trap the church have fallen into is that their influence is litterally causing a type stagnation with regards development of the human spirit. Think about your average Sunday service. It's repetitive, cyclical even with the same hymms and prayers recited week after week. Surely common sense dictates that a divine intelligent God would be bored to the bone with hearing the same things said and sung over and over again! The irony is the church has so much power and potential to change the world, think of all those millions of followers that could actually be put to good use and influenced in a way that could change things for the better, I mean radical change not just getting along with your neighbour. The church could instead be teaching people how to effect change in a disharmonious society, how to infleunce the government, maybe even how to rise up against injustices. Instead they have adopted this pasive view of sit back and Jesus will come again. They are clinging to a belief possibly written third hand in the Bible and certainly open to misinterpretation.

Mistiq you mentioned that people could march at their local town square and say no. Well 2 million people did that in London to denounce the last war in Iraq. Nothing happened and it did not chang the Primeminister's decision. So what is left well lets try organised anarchy. The government have this angle covered also and can introduce martial law at the drop of a hat. The troops and policing forces of your country (a minority) can subdue the majority though force. I tell you they are laughing at us, and if this rediculous democratic system potraying the illusion of choice is pushed onto the populace much longer than we risk losing everything........drones forever.

The good thing is we are talking about it, but action has to follow realisation, and we all know that there is a high likelihood that action leads to incarsaration or persecution, Jesus is a good example of this. So yes we need a great leader to come along and motivate the masses to do something before they're to dumb to realise they're being manipulated.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:59 AM

In otherwords the only people that are being stifled are those that BELIEVE they are. Our spirits are only as strong as we choose them to be. If we choose to be "led" it will be. If we choose to stand against being "led" we will.

The whole idea falls back to creating your own reality ...if you do not wish life to be as it is, then change it.


posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 12:18 PM
I think human spirit is entwined with human nature and human instinct. If we could go back 5000 years and study the lives in an average village of maybe 150 people, nothing much would change. A bell curve of intelligence, strength, looks and personality would reflect a similar 150 people sample of today.

Good and bad people, weak and strong, intellectual and average would be present. Some would exploit others, some would work hard for little and somebody would be in charge. Someone would gossip and someone would steal. Some would be lazy, some would be kind.

Conquest, territory and control would be evident. Love, art and happiness would be there too. Some would dream of better things and some would be wishing that X wasn't in love with Y and loved them instead.

Today, we can gather together on a forum and tut tut at the terrible state of the world. We can share ideas of how depressing it all is. We can reinforce ideas of negativity and subsume ourselves in an alternative reality of grey shades and a lack of fee will. It's a dead end.

Modern life can look pretty harsh under a certain light. I like to focus on the idea that most people are getting on with their lives every day. Kids are laughing, the sun keeps shining and we overcome or just get through our problems as best we can.

There's that old cliche that your life flashes before your eyes when you die. If it does, you should do your best to make it the best movie it can be. Life isn't perfect and it's never been fair, it can be a lot of fun if you allow it to be

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 12:21 PM
People like you and me have something to look forward to... 2012. If you believe in that.

Anywho, we are going to be alright. Have faith. I can see Spirit in the eyes of almost everyone. He is still there. It is fact that this simply cant go on. If we continue our destruction of the natural world, a great catastrophe will result. It is inevitable. So you see evil can never survive. It is not fit for reality. When the levee brakes and the tide comes rushing in... we will pick up the pieces and start a brand new. If Spirit remains dead now, which he is not, than we will be given a second chance. If we get it wrong this time, perhaps next time we will get it right.
Hell maybe this has happened a few times before. Im sure it has. And our evolution continues.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
Who were the Sources for H.P.Blavatsky, by the way? These Very Same Melchizedeks! The churchists refer to them as Satan, or demons. Watch, Here's Your Demons:

(OAHSPE, Published 1884, author John Ballou Newborough)

See Full Excerpt here:
The blasphemous creation of jesu revealed in Truth

Constantine did not create Christianity. It would be an easy answer if he did, but the real story is far more complicated. How do you explain the existence of these pre-Nicene texts?

The Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325
Volume I. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
Clement of Rome, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus.
Volume II. Fathers of the Second Century
Hermas, Tatian, Theophilus, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria
Volume III. Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian
Three Parts: I. Apologetic; II. Anti-Marcion; III. Ethical
Volume IV. The Fathers of the Third Century
Tertullian Part IV; Minucius Felix; Commodian; Origen
Volume V. The Fathers of the Third Century
Hippolytus; Cyprian; Caius; Novatian; Appendix
Volume VI. The Fathers of the Third Century
Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dinoysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius and Minor Writers; Methodius; Arnobius
Volume VII. The Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries
Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius, Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions, Homily, Liturgies
Volume VIII.
The Twelve Patriarchs, Excerpts and Epistles, The Clementia, Apocrypha, Decretals, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriac Documents, Remains of the First Ages
Volume IX. Recently Discovered Additions to Early Christian Literature; Commentaries of Origen
The Gospel of Peter, The Diatessaron of Tatian, The Apocalypse of Peter, The Visio Pauli, The Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach, The Testament of Abraham, The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, The Narrative of Zosimus, The Apology of Aristides, The Epistles of Clement (Complete Text), Origen's Commentary on John, Books I-X, Origen's Commentary on Mathew, Books I, II, and X-XIV

Now, as the Oahspe account is blatantly false, perhaps you should consider that it came from those same "demonic" sources?

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Eleleth

No, OASPHE is not false, even if it doesn't fit into your gnostic theology (!).

Notice your posted 'xtian' compilations: most are from the 3rd century, or dated with the compilation of the accepted books of the christian bible, yes? (If no, study theology). While Constantine didn't by any means create xtianity, he certainly Established it's Base, yes? (If no, study xtian theology, only with a clear mind). I've seen xtians' scream about the falsity of the Council of Nicea as to ever having anythign to do with the bible! (pastors). So, I say, clear mind.

False? What would you know fo false, when you reject Truth to fit your belief0system, without any Knowing Within? Say, direct from the Soul Above, hmmm? Do that? Ask it once, if you get a chance. FACT: Jesuwas, is, and always Has Been a Composited Mythological Character, Nothing More, Nothing Less. Play the idiot, become an idiot, like the blind masses everywhere. Yes? Thought so.

Now, H.P.Blavatsky: Explained, yes?

Now, OASPHE: No, not the Melchizedeks! Can you brace up for a litte raw, Real, Hard Truth (if it doesn't frighten too much? The Truth, that is!):

OASPHE was Transmitted (channeled) by Algonquin Masters within the Invisible. Read and study. They were the Enemies of christianity, liek, say, Crowley and Don Juan, and endless others, such as myself.

You go ahead and beleive your Illusion, OASPHE is based on The Mother Light, discovered Within. My opinion of Gnostics has never changed: as I w=once explained to a friend: They think they know, when they only have a few of the facts, and call their 'knowledge' complete. I assure you, I have seen the Very creation of Thsi Universe in Direct Observance, in company with the Silver Serpent Naga radiant silverlight naga being.

All Light is Serpentine in Origin.

Now, you go ahead and believe your Illusion: I happen to have The WORD in my presence, which is the Same WORD that Emanated this Entire Allverse (fullverse).

False? Look in a mirror, you'll see False...or Confusion Within the Maze of Illusion.

I don't mind ignorance, it's everywhere: when I Know something, I'm going to set you right about it, accepted or no. Try the Central Light Core Within, It'll lead you to your Higher Self. Or as someone else how: Years (many) later, you'll learn to recognize the SoulSelf, and not the confusion of others.

Thanks: I've experienced spontaneous cosmic consciousness a number of times: I hardly notice those that obfuscate Truth, and live in denail because of their box belief-structure.

Oh, one last thing: False? Try your bible, eh? There, we have Falsity.


posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Two million people still returned to their homes and kept in the present system.
I renounce all the goverments of the world. When others do this to, and go the town square, it will mean electing our own temporary leaders (that we can easily boot if necessary) and setting up our own system. It means saying NO and GOODBYE to them . It means they come unglued.

As I said, there is not a leader in this world who I consider morally or ethically leading me. They are criminals and traitors beyond the word, and support the cartel group of murders.

Im not talking about a demonstration, I'm talking about the people simply walking out of the system. And the only thing stopping them from doing this, is that they're brainwashed, overworked sleepers right now and hence they're this systems glue.

What they need to do is start to question why they're even here to begin with and start to realize they're probably on active duty.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
No, OASPHE is not false, even if it doesn't fit into your gnostic theology (!).

Notice your posted 'xtian' compilations: most are from the 3rd century, or dated with the compilation of the accepted books of the christian bible, yes? (If no, study theology). While Constantine didn't by any means create xtianity, he certainly Established it's Base, yes? (If no, study xtian theology, only with a clear mind). I've seen xtians' scream about the falsity of the Council of Nicea as to ever having anythign to do with the bible! (pastors). So, I say, clear mind.

If Constantine did not "by any means create xtianity," then we have a clear contradiction with what Oahspe states. Please don't patronize me. The texts we have are indeed from the second, third, and fourth centuries--that is, pre-Nicene. One of the oldest manuscripts being a fragment of the Gospel of John c. 125-160 AD.

False? What would you know fo false, when you reject Truth to fit your belief0system, without any Knowing Within? Say, direct from the Soul Above, hmmm? Do that? Ask it once, if you get a chance. FACT: Jesuwas, is, and always Has Been a Composited Mythological Character, Nothing More, Nothing Less. Play the idiot, become an idiot, like the blind masses everywhere. Yes? Thought so.

I couldn't give a damn whether or not Jesus was a mythological character; it seems quite obvious that this is (at least partially) the case. I'm just trying to point out the facts--with a clear mind.

Now, you go ahead and believe your Illusion: I happen to have The WORD in my presence, which is the Same WORD that Emanated this Entire Allverse (fullverse).

False? Look in a mirror, you'll see False...or Confusion Within the Maze of Illusion.

I don't mind ignorance, it's everywhere: when I Know something, I'm going to set you right about it, accepted or no. Try the Central Light Core Within, It'll lead you to your Higher Self. Or as someone else how: Years (many) later, you'll learn to recognize the SoulSelf, and not the confusion of others.

Thanks: I've experienced spontaneous cosmic consciousness a number of times: I hardly notice those that obfuscate Truth, and live in denail because of their box belief-structure.

You're absolutely right; everything is false in this Maze of Illusion. And this particular book seems to be just another product of the same illusion.

Oh, one last thing: False? Try your bible, eh? There, we have Falsity.


Again, I don't give a damn about the Bible. But it seems that we need to evaluate and re-evaluate our own beliefs.

Edit: this is even more ridiculous because in another place in the very same book, it claims Jesus was an historical person!

51. In three hundred and fifty years after this Jehovih raised up from the Aseneans, one Joshu, an iesu, in Nazareth. Joshu re-established Jehovih, and restored many of the lost rites and ceremonies.

52. In the thirty-sixth year of Joshu's age he was stoned to death in Jerusalem by the Jews that worshiped the heathen Gods.


[edit on 18-2-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:40 PM
Ok nice thoughts, but point me to a time where the human spirit has been allowed to shine, for more than a few decades, and for all levels of society?

I bet you can't find one.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:51 PM
I agree to the fact that I feel my soul dying in this world. I look around and all I see is destruction heading our way. I am sad and weep often.
Serial Killers are in charge of the world and they will stop at nothing to get complete control.
Does it seem strange to you, that the world leaders believe in Lucifer but
Christians are kooks for believing Jesus?
Does it seem strange that "Revelation" says that ALL will have to take the mark of the beast to buy or sell? Isn't it becoming obviously this exactly where we are heading?
Does it seem strange that you can see Illuminati statues, logos and names all around you?
We have been sold a GOOD of LIES! Period!
I use to think the bible was written by people in the desert smoking funny stuff, but with the research of Joye Pughe, Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, David Flynn, Texe Marrs, Patrick Heron, Charles Missler, Jim Marrs. I have come to the conclusion that Jesus is REAL, was REAL and will return to claim the souls of those who believe. He will collect those souls at the GREAT HARVEST!
I have was a new ager, student of astrology for over 30 years, had astral projections and a NDE. I came back to Christianity when I realized that those in power serve Lucifer. Nobody mentions that the elite globalist serve LUCIFER Why? But that's ok? That's normal? Lucifer is real? But Jesus isn't?
They have admitted it over and over in their own writings.
That was the last straw for me!
It's MY OPINION, and those that don't believe it's your choice and I am not going to argue the point!

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Wideawake08]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Eleleth

Ok, sounds like you desire hard proof. Well, you have to do some study into it. Let's watch this, shall we? Hence:

You agreed that maybe the likelihood of jesu being a 'composite' may be possible (it's so). Don't care, one way or the other?

Now, let's think about those biblical, or 'jesu' works, before the Council of Nicea. Hmmm, if he was a composite (which I know), how did that 'jesu' name get in there? Hmmm. Maybe OASPHE had it right, right? Maybe, "I-E-SU" meaning "ALL Knowledge," was actually Interpreted by those translators as "i-e-su" or jesu, yes?

Go back and do your study work: I don't care to dig to correct one who chooses to subvert Truth by quoted books with translations for the word 'jesu' as Facts. OAHSPE Stand, you sit (with illusory beliefs).

Think about what I said, with your 'clear' mind (perhaps, 'throguh a glass darkly' describes what you meant be your perception in this matter?).

Those times are past: jesu was composited. Ever hear the term, "Attributed?" This means the translation works well with a term that could be used to Derive "jesu" from it.

This in nowise alters the Authenticity of the Algonquin channelings, given in OAHSPE. I know, it's hard for materialsts to realize that, during the assemblies of the Council of Nicea, many books and writings were sifted through. There was Also a spiritual, or Invisible event, going on At the Same Time! Stunning, yes? Absolutely stunning, and bearing out the statements: "As within, So without; As Above, So Below:" The Visible Proceeds From the Invisible.

You quote many works of a contrived nature utilizing the term 'meaning Knowledge, which became a compsite meaning for 'jesu.' The writings in many of them indicate the same. You claim to believe these 'ancient writngs' as actual evidence of the use of the word, 'jesu.' Ignorance. Pure and simpel.

Example: the Coptic language was a descendant of ancient Egyptian, and the Gospel of Thomas was written in Sahidic Coptic, discovered in 1945. It is reputed to be a translation or adaptation of an earlier work, possibly [said] from around 140 A.D., which is believed to have been produced originally in Greek, and which was based on even more ancient sources. Presuming each of them called 'jesu' by name, is stupidity, of a cvery Grand christian kind, yes? Thought you might come around, clear mind and all.

I'm saying your ancient writings are contrived, none of which bear the actual named personage of 'jesu,' except as pure knowledge, or i-e-su, or whatever similar each language used as the generality.

So, as you blindly profess evidence which is insubstantial, backed by the fallacious codings and decoding of the church fathers (they wouldn't lie or connive, would they?), I say your wrong. You are obviously unable to substantiate 'jesu' as fact, and being a compsitied myth (mytholgoy), it's be hard to prove that everybody 'knew him quite well, yes, he was a neighbor,' back then.

And I'm not being familiar or patronizing: only with ignorance, which I perceive.

OAHSPE stands. It represents a tellign of the compositing creation of the jesue personage, and the perpetration and perpetuation of xtianity. It even speaks clearly of many persoanges, which perhaps, were quite incredible, and who people spoke readily, even commonly, of.

But please, stop offering as supporting evidence these corrupted translations. You need to open the box up, and look around. There's Light Out Here.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
You quote many works of a contrived nature utilizing the term 'meaning Knowledge, which became a compsite meaning for 'jesu.' The writings in many of them indicate the same. You claim to believe these 'ancient writngs' as actual evidence of the use of the word, 'jesu.' Ignorance. Pure and simpel.

But I didn't quote any of those works.

Example: the Coptic language was a descendant of ancient Egyptian, and the Gospel of Thomas was written in Sahidic Coptic, discovered in 1945. It is reputed to be a translation or adaptation of an earlier work, possibly [said] from around 140 A.D., which is believed to have been produced originally in Greek, and which was based on even more ancient sources. Presuming each of them called 'jesu' by name, is stupidity, of a cvery Grand christian kind, yes? Thought you might come around, clear mind and all.

We have fragments of the Greek Gospel of Thomas from Oxyrhynchus. I am not sure what you mean by "presuming."

But what is interesting is that Jesus is actually abbreviated as "Ies" (Ἰης). So yes, the name has many variations. Marcion also called him "Iesous Chrestos," i.e., "Jesus the Good"--later conflated with "Iesous Christos". So there is some truth to what you are saying.

I'm saying your ancient writings are contrived, none of which bear the actual named personage of 'jesu,' except as pure knowledge, or i-e-su, or whatever similar each language used as the generality.

So, as you blindly profess evidence which is insubstantial, backed by the fallacious codings and decoding of the church fathers (they wouldn't lie or connive, would they?), I say your wrong. You are obviously unable to substantiate 'jesu' as fact, and being a compsitied myth (mytholgoy), it's be hard to prove that everybody 'knew him quite well, yes, he was a neighbor,' back then.

I am showing only that Christianity existed prior to Constantine. The actual historicity of the person of Jesus should not be a factor in establishing that much. And if we agree about that much, then hopefully needless Internet arguments and bickering can be avoided. :^(

OAHSPE stands. It represents a tellign of the compositing creation of the jesue personage, and the perpetration and perpetuation of xtianity. It even speaks clearly of many persoanges, which perhaps, were quite incredible, and who people spoke readily, even commonly, of.

But please, stop offering as supporting evidence these corrupted translations. You need to open the box up, and look around. There's Light Out Here.

Really? The only quote I offered was from Oahspe itself, which speaks of an Essene named Joshu of Nazareth, born of Joseph and Mary, who preached of Jehovih's kingdom. And here is another excerpt from Oahspe of the same sort:

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:14 PM
In self realization we can see that we are free. We are sovereign. We are infinite. This is a danger to the ones that control, manipulate, and instigate.

Fear can only become a tool in which to learn from. Not something to embrace or dwell upon. There are very dark forces indeed looming. More and more become aware of this every moment in now. Because of this, we can understand the important of those dark forces. Something to overcome, something to not be. Something that we aren't. This is very vital to who we are re-emerging with.

We are encouraged to forget ourselves more than ever before, to turn away in fear of what we are. What we always have been. To rely upon everyone but ourselves for comfort and peace, happiness and love. This is the way of growth, and not all grow at the same rate. Not all understand equally, but we will always be equal.

We will not always find ourselves in these types of situations if we can learn this time around. The soul is something they want us to think they can take away and destroy, but they cannot. This is the way to freedom, the way back to love, creation, infinity.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Eleleth

(Unnumbered Plate, between page 172/173, OAHSPE)

I've had years with the book, and know the stories well. There is no variation on what I stated:

The personage they quote (Joshu = jesu) was supposedly a true living being, but was not the actual one chosen to represent the compiled bible by Emperor Constanine.

So, c'mon, Eleleth: the personage of Joshu (see your post quotes attributed to him) is found On Page 709 of OAHSPE: the quotes about Constantine creating the Composite jesu in the Council of Nicea bible compilation that I gave, are from Page 714 of OAHSPE. Note the quote: (page 714, verse 37).

"Besides these, there were twenty-two other Gods and Goddesses, that received a small number of votes each."
(from OAHSPE)
(Joshu was one of those considered)

You Refute yourself, which is absolutely Clear to All with any mental perception. Joshu was not the 'jesus' chosen by Constantine, as I clearly give in my OAHSPE links (see original link under argument here).

Obviously, some of those Proofs of OAHSPE being False, are absolute BS, which you cannot come to terms with. The ancient sources you quoted as predating the Council of Nicea (325 AD), could easily have been written about this personage, Joshu, who, again, was not who was selected by Constantine's Council of Nicea Assembly for the 'savior' of the New Testament of the xtian bible. I don't refute this, plus it helps explain the 'jesu' terminology you see found in those many old sources (you gave).

So, You are declared False in your statement and 'evidence' that you gave, and believe declared OAHSPE as False. What you believe isn't always true, and here you are shown that. You've been blown out of the water, and your mind or pride won't admit it. Carry On, with that: it'll serve you well. RUN.

The bible we know to be corrupted (at least available versons), and is a mass of hypocrisy, contradictons, and mayhem (some good, of course, thrown in for effect).

As for invalidating something easily provable, regardless of 'colours,' which many early books used, it hasn't been thought out carefully. Climb the Ether -ic Core, and you'll see other things, beyond dogma, thats 'secret.' Reading about them doesn't do it: it's a fallacious experience.

. . . . . . . . . .

In the sense of this thread, a view on the dying spirit:
Eaten by the Two Prime Archetypes, who's voracious appetites consmes all, the energetic structure of humanity sustains itself, but barely, as a renewable source for it's masters. Too many; too many, these days.

Apparently, the price of soul value has dropped, and nobody cares about the overstock anymore. The human spirit withers in the face of the situation, exactly timed with it's own masscre.

The Spirit must be stalked.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by SS,Naga]


posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
OASPHE was Transmitted (channeled) by Algonquin Masters within the Invisible. Read and study. They were the Enemies of christianity, liek, say, Crowley and Don Juan, and endless others, such as myself.

Crowley is a proven worker for the Black Occult, how have you got him mixed up as being for good or your good?.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Jn

I'm no fan of Crowley's. I made the comment that he was an enemy of christianity, which he was, as I am, and many others are. That doesn't make me his supporter!

However, it is a very confusing issue without the Inner Light to Reveal the way Free of this Maze.

If you've read my posts, you see who is behind Both the New Age teachings, and the christian teachings, which are one and the Same. Try to dissemble as humans will, and they quickly get trapped within their belief-structure boxes.

But, I am not here to convince the rigid unknowing: they must wander the Maze of Illusion until they are ready for the Captstone Path (Central Light Core, Middle Path)...which leads away from the blinding light of Illusion, dissolving it with the Light of the Inner Sun, or Real Within/Above.

I can actually do this: no words exist to describe it to someone who hasn't experienced It Directly.

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