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Ok so a true christian wouldnt believe in dinosaurs?

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posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by JPhish

I side with the scientific community on this one. Keeping in mind the scientific definition of 'theory' there is only one pertaining largely to dinosaurs in palaeontology. After all, that is how science works.

[edit on 3-3-2009 by Welfhard]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Welfhard

Science like religion is determined by what you think is real, less what you know to be real. You then seek your answers in that limited zone. Civilization is what occurred when early man couldn't find his way back to the cave. Intelligence is not how much you know, but how easy it is for you to learn more.
Picture this........another dimension that coexisted with ours and the Creator of all things made a conscious choice to have all the creatures that died there shift into our plane of existence for the edification of Man, perhaps to create a sense of wonder for his chosen Creature. Us. The physical evidence does not prove that dinosaurs lived here, merely that they were found dead here. Anything beyond that is opinion........

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Welfhard

only one? then tell me, what caused the extinction of nearly all of the dinosaurs?

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 02:52 AM
God (or whatever name you want) - the Creator exists, Jesus exists (as a man on earth definately - and as God's son - maybe (whatever you want to believe) - and dinosaurs existed, created by the Creator.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by JPhish

The world turned on its axis - as I believe will happen soon to us.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:03 AM
I haven't been a practicing Christian for nearly 6 years now, but the way that I always interpreted the Bible and the Dinosaurs, was like this:

The earth was created in 7 days, a day to the lord is like a thousand years, all animals were created on the 6th day (or 5th? - sorry as I said, not a practicing Christian), so there is a gap of 1 or 2 days (1,000 - 2,000 years) between Humans and the Dinosaurs.

What caused their extinction between the time Adam first walked the earth and the last time a dinosaur did...? I'm not sure... but I believe there were dinosaurs here at one time - whether or not they were placed here by god (as we may or may not have been) is a question I don't think I'll ever know the answer to.

When I was a practicing Christian - I did not believe that the bones were planted by demons or evil spirits... I believed in Dinosaurs then as well, and that there was the same gap (as suggested by Science) in time between Humans & Dionsaurs...

- Carrot

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by Skinon

check it...

dinosaurs existed.. then went extinct..
the world goes through a phase o complete sanitary anihilation.. nothing lives..

then "creators" . the "elohim" .. come and create man .. and that can be used as the starting point for christian world history.

there !!

see it's a win-win situation!

now shake hands and kiss and make up.


posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by JPhish

There are many theories that attempt to explain the event. But there seems to be a consensus that the significant asteroid impact contributed mainly to the mass extinction, other possible (although minor) factors have also been found as well though.

But I can't tell you exactly what happened, it's something we can't know at this stage. But the current known evidence points clearly in one direction.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Welfhard

a giant asteroid hit the planet killing most of the dinosaurs but nearly none of the mammals? that's a neat trick.

It also managed to leave the lizards alive along with all the other cold blooded creatures.

Pretty sure the asteroid theory somewhat worked when silly scientists thought that dinosaurs were cold blooded. But common sense should tell them otherwise. Oh wait, scientists don't use common sense because common sense doesn't require funding.

[edit on 3/4/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 06:43 AM
Most religious people I've talked to state that God put the dinosaurs here as his "construction workers" for the earth.

When he was done with them, they were taken away by the ice storms to start with mankind and the rest of the animals.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by JPhish
reply to post by Welfhard

a giant asteroid hit the planet killing most of the dinosaurs but nearly none of the mammals? that's a neat trick.

It also managed to leave the lizards alive along with all the other cold blooded creatures.

Pretty sure the asteroid theory somewhat worked when silly scientists thought that dinosaurs were cold blooded. But common sense should tell them otherwise. Oh wait, scientists don't use common sense because common sense doesn't require funding.

[edit on 3/4/2009 by JPhish]

Interesting thread Skinon. I always wanted to ask this particular question to the devout christians. Hard to believe that an adult human being with access to books and computers can believe that the earth is only 6000 years old.

JPhish, when the asteroid hit the Earth it wiped out nearly all the plant life. The dinosaurs that weren't killed by the initial impact starved to death. Not enough plants for the giant herbivores, and then not enough giant herbivores for the giant carnivores.
Lizards and small mammals survived because they required very little sustenance and could hide in burrows underground.

Yes some scientists make stuff up so they can get funding but most are very passionate about their work and would never stoop that low. They use scientific method to attain their answers.
I think you should use some common sense fool.


posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand

Originally posted by Skinon
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

I do realise the point in that 'WE' (man) also come up with dinosaurs and science etc.

Exactly what would be the point of making up dinosaurs? Unlike the bible, anyone can read a few books and look at the geological timeline and figure it out for themselves. "MAN" couldn't embeb dinosaur fossils deep underground, without it being obvious that they did so. You can't hide bugs in ancient amber. You can't hide human bones in a cave that has existed for millenia upon millenia that no one has seen.

If you look up the word History, you will find the definition has nothing to do with truth.

Think about this. How many Ancestors of yours do you know past say 5 Generations Back? We don't even know our own families history, but we are indoctinated to know George Washingtons Birthday, the inception of our country on and on.

If you actually do the research, you can find quite a bit. A few family members in mine do it, and I can tell you, we can find far more then five generations. I can be a daughter of the American Revolution on both sides of my family if I wanted. America is harde because of all the hodgepodge. But I am sure if you go to an older country like the Middle EAstern countries or Europe, people can trace their families back hundreds of years.

Kids know Dinosaur names, but not the Great, Great, Great grandparent that without them would render them non existent. Kinda odd to me, but not even considered to teach our children. All the info other then observable data, as is real science, is nothing more then conjecture yet taught as "unquestionable", but we can't name people in our family's back more then a few hundred years....weird

Again, that is an American problem. Many cultures insist you know your ancestors, and many pay attention to them in ceremonies every year.

My son is named after a few ancestors, that is simply about interest and hobby, nothing more. I hope to have my son interested in his heritage.

Aboriginal means "From the beginning". You ever wonder why aboriginal peoples are killed off who are usually peaceful people? When you want to project an image, you put up a white sheet.

Just like any society who want s to take land from a native population. Has nothing to do with the people themselves, but those who want to further their agenda.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by JPhish

a giant asteroid hit the planet killing most of the dinosaurs but nearly none of the mammals? that's a neat trick.

It also managed to leave the lizards alive along with all the other cold blooded creatures.

it would be a neat trick if that were true. Just because mammals and cold blooded animals survived and exist today doesn't mean they all survived. It doesn't even mean most survived. It means what was left alive was mostly comprised of them. Keeping in mind that in that particular extinction event, almost all the epically huge creatures died out. Asteroid hit, and in the proceeding years the oxygen levels dropped- large animals can't breath properly. Small creatures are far more hardy with great change.

It's never all down to one factor.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus

Originally posted by JPhish
reply to post by Welfhard

a giant asteroid hit the planet killing most of the dinosaurs but nearly none of the mammals? that's a neat trick.

It also managed to leave the lizards alive along with all the other cold blooded creatures.

Pretty sure the asteroid theory somewhat worked when silly scientists thought that dinosaurs were cold blooded. But common sense should tell them otherwise. Oh wait, scientists don't use common sense because common sense doesn't require funding.

[edit on 3/4/2009 by JPhish]

JPhish, when the asteroid hit the Earth it wiped out nearly all the plant life. The dinosaurs that weren't killed by the initial impact starved to death. Not enough plants for the giant herbivores, and then not enough giant herbivores for the giant carnivores.
Lizards and small mammals survived because they required very little sustenance and could hide in burrows underground.

Yes some scientists make stuff up so they can get funding but most are very passionate about their work and would never stoop that low. They use scientific method to attain their answers.
I think you should use some common sense fool.


Hmm common sense? thats something that doesnt exist in the bible, i mean im not religous simply through what i have read and experienced i have decided that a book requiring me to 'just believe' with absolutley zero evidence and words and stories written by hundreds of different people, and the most amazing stories that they just expect you to believe and have come up with a laughable excuse 'faith'.

The bottom line is people can believe what they want, someone can believe the sky is actually a giant sea from a parrallel universe, and thats fine. As soon as he starts forcing people to believe and causing wars torture death and suffering to non believers THATS when its gone too far. Christianity should of ended along time ago. At the very least it shouldnt be intergrated into society so much. Do you think a non christian could ever be president?? why do i have to swear on the bible? it means nothing to me i may aswell swear on a roll of used toilet paper wouldnt make a difference. There should be a neutral plane of understanding where everyone can be happy with whatever people believe.

Of course it will never happen tho, if christianity took 5 steps back to the poihnt where it is out of the political system and legal system etc. I think the world would be a better place.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 11:26 PM
Hey everyone, new member here thought I'd throw in my two cents from what I've heard.

I don't necessarily believe this just have watched and read about it. The word dinosaur literally means giant lizard, some evangelical baptists believe (and I'm mainly referring to Dr. Hovind and his theories in this post) that dinosaurs were lizards who in the atmosphere of the ancient times grew to enormous sizes. It is his theory that Lizards never stop growing through out there life span and in the biblical days animals and humans alike were living for hundreds of years like Abraham for instance. Humans maxed out of their size and reptiles kept growing. Its his belief that dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

Finally he believes that during the great flood the pressures of the rain waters and subsequent mud slides created the abundant amount of skeletal remains we call dinosaur bones. He cited trees going through several different layers of prehistoric time periods as proof that the remains didn't happen at different times.

I'm a Christian and this is not necessarily what I believe, but an interesting and different theory none the less. If you're interested in the actual video I got this information from or any of Hovind's other stuff. Check him out at

Thanks for reading, Skunky

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Curious Skunk Ape

If there was a permalayer of waterice around the globe pressurizing the air, when the water came down, the rapid depressurization would kill everything with blood. Hovind is so full of crap, it's shocking.

Dinosaurs are not the same as lizards, they're very distinct. "Giant Lizards" is the meaning of Dinosaurs but it's not exactly apt.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 03:10 AM
I'm surprised that no one has surmised that the fallen angels known for mating with human females (think cross-breeding and genetic engineering) might have created Dinosaurs, their shenanigans were so severe they had totally disrupted God's scheme of things. 4 There were agiants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 ¶ And God saw that the awickedness of man was great in the earth, and that bevery imagination of the cthoughts of his dheart was only eevil continually.
6 And it arepented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it bgrieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will adestroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. There were giants "in" the earth, not on the earth........Considering the topic of the thread it seems a re-examination is called for. At this juncture of time God has repented of this current crop of being and is preparing to eradicate them.....taken in this context, it could mean that God had erased mistakes before or that the experiment was over and it was buried in order to make way for this creation. People put an awful lot of faith in carbon-14 dating. The Book of Enoch in the pseudograpia of the old testament is an interesting read.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
the asteroid hit the Earth it wiped out nearly all the plant life. The dinosaurs that weren't killed by the initial impact starved to death. Not enough plants for the giant herbivores, and then not enough giant herbivores for the giant carnivores.
Lizards and small mammals survived because they required very little sustenance and could hide in burrows underground.

That’s an interesting THEORY that you’re attempting to pass off as a FACT. Try again.

Originally posted by Welfhard
it would be a neat trick if that were true.

Exactly my point.

Originally posted by Skinon
Hmm common sense? thats something that doesnt exist in the bible,

Who’s talking about the bible?

Do you think a non christian could ever be president??

I don’t think anyone should be president.

why do i have to swear on the bible?

You don’t have to do anything. If I had to make a guess for why others think that makes sense; I’d say they’re just silly.

There should be a neutral plane of understanding where everyone can be happy with whatever people believe.

I think the first step is admitting that we’re all already on the the same plane. None of us know anything of any worth. Push your ego aside and you might catch my drift . . .

Of course it will never happen tho, if christianity took 5 steps back to the poihnt where it is out of the political system and legal system etc. I think the world would be a better place.

Why not kill two birds with one stone? I think the world would be a better place if there wasn’t a legal system.

my thanks to all who have been able to participate in this discussion without resorting to name calling. To the few that felt it was necessary, i pity you.

[edit on 3/5/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by JPhish

Originally posted by Welfhard
it would be a neat trick if that were true.

Exactly my point.

....But not my point. There was more post after that '.' you know.

[edit on 5-3-2009 by Welfhard]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by debris765nju

(think cross-breeding and genetic engineering)

I'd just like to point out to people who must have flunked biology in school, that it's impossible for something to breed outside of it's species. Humans can't breed with anything but other humans.

People put an awful lot of faith in carbon-14 dating.

Radiocarbon dating is a radiometric dating method that uses (14C) to determine the age of carbonaceous materials (not fossils) up to about 60,000 years old.

It would be a pointless venture to use carbon-14 dating on things that you know will yield no results.

[edit on 5-3-2009 by Welfhard]

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