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Anything is possible

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posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 09:14 AM
Hey, This is my first thread so apologies if you don't like it.

Anyway......I recently had a conversation.....actaully more of a debate with my friend on the statement "Anything is possible". Now in my eyes i believe this not to be true, My friend, the opposite to me.

I'd like to know what you think about this statement.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 09:24 AM
I believe im the friend he was talking about

basically the other night we was having a "debate" well you could call it an argument
about possibilities and so on I was debating that anything is possible or eventually will be possible he was debating that certain things are indeed impossible

the way I see it we are living in such a special place this universe that we are living in is such a strange and bizarre place where anything is possible the main reason I believe this is because of ATS and because I have been here a fairly long time now and have come to realize what we can really do in this world

now my great friend here Newcommer92 was debating the obvious statement that is anything is possible why not go out and blow a house down yourself but IMO that’s just irrelevant from the argument because its just completely unrealistic and a silly point because what im arguing is that the universe is full of strange happenings that has blown my mind over the last year

I mean before I found ATS I was close minded aswell I would have probably said the same things as NC but now I truly believe that the world and universe is just too bizarre for us humans who when you think about it probably don’t know even 1% of the worlds secrets yet to make statements like "that’s not possible" anyway I’ll leave it up to ATS also for this debate

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Disagreeing with something you postulate does not make one"close minded".From what position do you declare yourself unimpeachable?( obviously he has proven "anythings NOT possible"at least (in all cases
for that one instance;Which completely invalidates the "anything" (after all there are physical laws at work).

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:24 AM
im always floating around with this argument, i believe in the yes and the no (a very anoying point to place myself in i know,lol)

Physics has taught us that yes, anything is possible, we just dont know or understand the ways of performing certain tasks yet.

However, were does this "anything" end? If you say "anything" is possible, why is it not possible for me to build a TARDIS (ive always wanted one of those) right here right now. You may say yes, it is possible, you just dont know how to build it Then why cant i know how too now? If anything is possible, it should be possible for me to learn how to without even doing anything. It would be possible to make popcorn out of potatos and eggs, but it is'nt, but then again it could be, but we just dont know how to, so there for the argument goes around in circles.

I think the problem with this the word "anything" and "possible". People see words differently, when someone says the word "anything" they could mean with in reason, outher people would see is as absolutly anything.

And the word "possible" is'nt a concrete word. For example, "there is a possibillity that the suspect commited the crime" does'nt mean that the suspect did comit the crime, just they he could of, or a sentence such as "it is possible that it could work" is not the same as "it will work", there is a posibility that it would fail.

Posible is a word like maybe, only a bit stronger on the side of success, but never the less, doesnt mean definate.

[edit on 15-2-2009 by Trolloks]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:24 AM
[edit on 15-2-2009 by Trolloks]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:27 AM
ahh a subject dear to my heart


then add limitation = some things are only possible

works both ways


have a nice day

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:33 AM
Interesting topic, OP....the more I learn about quantum physics (rather, the more I understand quantum physics...I'm by no means a genius, so for me, the "A-HA!!" moments are few and far between, but when they do happen, it's exhilarating!), the more "connected" I feel to everything around me.

To my understanding, it looks like quantum physics is telling us that everything AND anything is possible.

Whoa...I blew my own mind. Time for a cup of coffee!


[edit on 15-2-2009 by ezziboo]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:49 AM
In some ways i beleive quantum physics are right and wrong because science isnt always right. I think that the third post on this thread is right, but even people that do believe anything is possible, just think "Anything".

Btw thanks for replying.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:52 AM
There's a nice paradox here isn't there?

While I believe anything is possible, like "theresult" said, it depends on limitations.

It IS possible that the next sentance I type will begin with a "G"......

But I decided to elude that possibility although it WAS possible.

We could go on for ages, so I'll just say this:

Anything that is possible is also not possible and vice-versa.


It's possible for a box to have only 2 sides.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by newcommer92
Hey, This is my first thread so apologies if you don't like it.

Anyway......I recently had a conversation.....actaully more of a debate with my friend on the statement "Anything is possible". Now in my eyes i believe this not to be true, My friend, the opposite to me.

I'd like to know what you think about this statement.

I think anything is possible, for the following reason....
Here on Earth live the human race. The humans have eyes and ears to take information in, right? The humans can only see a very small part of the light spectrum, he cannot see X-Rays, Gamma Rays,and so on. A human hears what other people say is possible, such as scientists, and are forced to believe it, because everyone does not have the intelligence or education to know what they know. The humans have religions that supposedly tell them how the Earth, and the Universe was created, but they have but one book to see it from. Further, people have been dumbed down with MSM, films, radio and TV broadcasts, books, schools, video games, and other things. So yes, anything is possible, but everything is not probable.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by newcommer92

Depends what you mean by anything.

anything = $5.75 per hour at McDonalds.
Impossible for many. That is a dream job in many countries.

anything = $1 per day in a sweatshop.
Impossible for many. Think Somolia.

anything = A grain of rice per day
Yes! Anything is possible! Even in Somolia it is possible for everyone to have a grain of rice per day.

anything = stuff we have seen, but applied to us
No, just about nothing is possible except under a few very strict conditions! What we can do is usually limited to the laws of physics. I refer to the people on drugs who totally were 100% convinced they could fly without mechanical assistance, and decided to test their idea by jumping from 10+ stories up. We have seen planes fly, but we cannot apply that principle to us. Just because someone or something else does something does not mean we all can do it.

Anything = stuff that can happen and stuff that *can't* happen.
No! If (fill in the blank) is not possible, it is impossible. Therefore, it won't happen. If it can happen, then you can't say "it can't happen". Therefore, no, stuff that can't happen won't happen and stuff that can happen may also never happen as well.

I think what you mean to ask is "Is everything possible."
I dare say nobody on Earth knows the answer to that! Even if yes, it does not mean it will happen just because you want it to. It does not mean there is something you can do to make it happen.

I do suspect everything is possible, but that is totally irrelevant! What matters is what we can actually make happen by choice!

Can we make anything happen that we wish for? Try wishing for $1,000,000 on your porch tomorrow and see what happens.

[edit on 15-2-2009 by truthquest]

[edit on 15-2-2009 by truthquest]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 12:09 PM
Given humanity's limited knowledge of the universe, I'm inclined to say anything IS possible.

Most things just aren't likely.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:30 PM
"What you meant to ask though I think is you mean to ask, is everything possible."

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:38 PM
In response to truthquest i think that the two words 'Anything' and 'Everything', can be seen as the same thing in this area of conversation.

i do stand by my statement that things are impossible to do, For Example, it is impossible for an average man or woman to breathe a 2 story brick house...whole.

My close friend, who uses the name Anti-Government says that this statement isn't plausable as i am not open minded enough, and that it is possible just not probable....... But i put it to you, the open minded, How open minded do i have to be to believe that an average man can breathe a house whole.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Thelast

I think I will agree with that one I believe that certain things just aren’t going to happen like for example a person blowing a house down but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen but im not saying that it ever will because I don’t think it will but that doesn’t mean that it ABSOLOUTELY won’t ever happen

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by newcommer92

I mean by open minded that you shouldnt just accept that its not possible for it to happen because technically it is possible just incredibly unlikely for it to happen

i dont think it ever will but doesnt mean it wont happen

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 02:05 PM
You mis-read, i said breathing a house out from our lungs, not blowing a house down, i believe that could happen but i think breathing a house is impossible

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by newcommer92
In response to truthquest i think that the two words 'Anything' and 'Everything', can be seen as the same thing in this area of conversation.

i do stand by my statement that things are impossible to do, For Example, it is impossible for an average man or woman to breathe a 2 story brick house...whole.

My close friend, who uses the name Anti-Government says that this statement isn't plausable as i am not open minded enough, and that it is possible just not probable....... But i put it to you, the open minded, How open minded do i have to be to believe that an average man can breathe a house whole.

I believe though you actually have to get incredibly specific or restrictive before you can say any specific thing is impossible. Take your belief which is basically that it is impossible for an average man to breath in a whole house. Really you have to specify: "An average human on Earth." Firstly it may be in the realm of possibility that trillions of men exist on other planets but they are 10,000 times larger than us and therefore they can breath a house. And perhaps the reason for this is that most men in live on lower gravity planets where gravity does not limit size quite so much. I actually have thought of plausible hypothesis to support this but won't get into it. Or maybe the very laws of physics do actually limit that to where the average man may not be 10,000 larger than men on Earth, or that there are no other men but those on Earth. Yet other universes may have different laws of physics. It may be within the realm of possibility that most men live in other universes, and in those universes time and space itself could be highly manipulated, and therefore it would be possible to breath in a house in those universes.

I don't think it is so much an issue of open-mindedness as a fundamental question about knowledge and knowing things. I mean, until you know absolutely everything there is to know, then perhaps one of the missing pieces of knowledge that you have is how to do the very thing you declare to be impossible. In other words, lets say the entire realm of knowledge consists of information X1, X2, X3, ... then finishing at possibly never! How can you possibly know that information # X345,235,903,453,475,347,345 isn't the exact and precise directions on how an average human male living on Earth can swallow a house? What gives you the absolute 100% knowledge that when you learn that information it won't have any application in swallowing a house, or any application about how the laws of the universe can be changed at will?

[edit on 15-2-2009 by truthquest]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 09:52 PM
Im a firm believer in magical things. Because I believe that there is absolutely no laws in the universe. Not a single one. There is nothing governing the universe, there is no authority in the universe and nothing at all is set in stone. There is free will for all matter and things. Anything can do anything.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 03:07 AM
Ok i will refine my point, An average man on earth cannot breathe a house.

An average man is what 5"11, weighing about 12st, now for him to breathe a house starting from his lungs, i still think it is impossible no matter how open-mindedness you are.
If you think about someone breathing air, the oxygen is brought in and then carbon dioxide is let out...right, well in this case the 30"ft by what..25" house has to go in at which the person would have blown up upon even attempting this, then dont forget, it has to come back out after, plus where is the house going to stay in the body because im not sure the lungs are going to be able to take the capacity of the house.

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