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Alien Cigar Shaped 'Spaceships' In The Solar System? Try Debunking This!

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posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by lewtra

I like your avatar. Haven't seen that album cover in a while...

10,000 and more years ago this planet was a more desirable one for an advanced (enough) spacefaring people than it is now. Not only was there no polluting and depleting human industry as we know it, the amount of desert terrain was less or far less (especially if the Sahara once didn't exist) than it is now. There's no good reason to believe the ones who discovered this once-Paradise planet would have completely erased this place from their records and memory, and I would guess there are at least a few of them, their descendants, involved in some way(s) in matters here.

Sometimes a cigar is more than a cigar. (Sorry, can't resist).

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 05:41 PM

The triangle shaped UFO:s are man made crafts, supposedly US military.
Some call them TR3B Astra.

Wow!, have you been living under a rock. The first "triangle" in the video posted, the one that shines the Red laser was the winner of an RC UFO contest. Sheesh it was all over ATS about 9 months ago.

I used to believe in UFO's, but seeing some of the footage and pictures posted here is quite laughable.

I still watch the UFO Hunters every Wed. night though on the History channel.

Try as they might (last week to prove the O'hare airport incident) they ended up debunking it.

Almost all of thier shows despite the Redelsham Forest incident(one of the ones I am still on the fence with) they usually end up debunking these things as normal atmospheric phenomena.

Objects hiding in the rings of saturn, heh. that's good. Too bad they aren't doing a "good" job of hiding.

The curved cigar, obviously one of saturns many moons.

Cropping images and inverting them, and greyscaling them is also a fine way to lose ones credibility. This is not the first time the OP (although I do sincerely enjoy his efforts)has been caught doing this. and no i'm not digging up threads where this has happened, because frankly it means very little to me. Enough to make a post, but not research bunk material.

If your interested (which I' was but am not anymore after seeing these images), search for yourself.

Again no hard feeling MikeS, as I do appreciate your hard work, and contributions to the site as a whole.

But this thread is really weak.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Here is some info on the TR3B

Also I see ATS has a thread on it:

And then there are the X-planes.

Here is a summary of x-plane date.
Note the dates of operations and tell me if you think there have been improvemtns since then.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 06:38 PM
The truth from what I have been told, is that the 'aliens' are human in origin. In other words, aliens are our race but from the future. These crashes on earth like Roswell are from humans thousands of years advanced from us. The exact date is not well known, but they are human. Humans are always interested in the past. So they are coming back to study the planet as it was and correct issues that became known in a time farther ahead from now. This is all that I know.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by mikesingh

What, you guys never heard of the Deep Space Weather Balloon program?

Usually I would call a sighting of a cigar shaped UFO some sort of Freudian phallic projection but many of these photos are unexplained. Some might be explained by debris in Saturn's rings, or an asteroid passing through them. And that one on the moon looks dangerously like a ballpoint pen, but some of them do have me scratching my head

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
Edit to Add - The best evidence I've seen of the Cylindrical Objects was a video similar to this one, (I'm having trouble finding the video I'm specifically thinking of) that shows a pilot chasing one. I think it was a Russian video... If anyone can find it, I would appreciate it.

Hi Jay-in-AR, perhaps you meant this one.

Russian Jets following a UFO.

This video is as real as it gets.... comes from a military source...... notice how the cigar shaped craft left the migs in the dust!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot

This video is as real as it gets.... comes from a military source...... notice how the cigar shaped craft left the migs in the dust!!!!!!!!!

The video may be real but the story attached to it is not.

The First movie is has an aircraft that uses the ACESII ejection seat. It is not a Russian jet. There are no cockpit cameras mounted behind the seat of a combat aircraft on a daily basis. The info that you want to record is from the sensors on the a/c and the HUD neither of these films show real intercepts but the do show real flight. I suspect they are very fake. I have worked on the F16 for more than 20 years and have plenty of experience in the the fighter world. The silver sausage looks like a form of TowDart used in airial gunner practice. Some look like darts, some look like long tubes, they are towed behind Lear jets and shot at to give pilots a bit of real world practice shooting at moving targets with the gun. Normaly they just get to blast away at ground targets.

The first video with the cylinder is a fake. The video was taken from the back seat of an F-15A or F-15D. You'd see the HUD if the video was taken from that perspective from the back seat of the F-15E (the F-15E HUD has a much wider field-of-view than the F-15A/B/C/D). The Soviets didn't fly any aircraft equipped with an ACES II seat and that's the back of an ACES II seat shown in the video. I spent 23 years as a USAF fighter pilot and the F-15 is one of the fighters I flew. I also have several hundred hours in the MiG-29 (as an exchange pilot with the Luftwaffe), have flown the MiG-21 and sat in both the MiG-23 and Su-27. That's definitely not any of those cockpits.

[edit on 2/15/2009 by Phage]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Phage
BTW, the Phobos II "object"? Internos covered that quite thoroughly here:

Surprising you haven't mentioned what he concluded. This...

"Anyway, the end of Phobos 2 hasn't been conclusively clarified, as far as I know.

And I suggest you have a peek at this if you have the time:


posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Originally posted by Phage
BTW, the Phobos II "object"? Internos covered that quite thoroughly here:

Surprising you haven't mentioned what he concluded. This...

"Anyway, the end of Phobos 2 hasn't been conclusively clarified, as far as I know.

And I suggest you have a peek at this if you have the time:


Internos' conclusion was that the "cigar" is a imaging artifact, not an object.

The mission ended when the spacecraft signal failed to be successfully reacquired on 27 March 1989. The cause of the failure was determined to be a malfunction of the on-board computer.

The death of Phobos 2 resulted from a failure in the control system of its
onboard computer. this caused reorientation of the solar cells such that
they did not receive sunlight power. The storage battery was drained of its
charge, and all the spacecraft's subsystems lost power.

Here the computer failed and the probe lost its orientation to the sun. Its batteries went dead soon after.

This time the problem had to do with the redundancy and error checking system the probe used. It had threee processors. Each operated independently then each processor would vote on what the the probe should actually do. One of the three failed early on but the craft continued to function close to normally. However as the mission progressed the second started to fail. What most suspect happened is that the second failed as well. As a result the third which was still functioning normally could not get any of its instructions carried out because it did not have quorum.

Deimos and Phobos are not space stations, they are rocks. There is no face in Cydonia.

[edit on 2/15/2009 by Phage]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Phage
Deimos and Phobos are not space stations, they are rocks. There is no face in Cydonia.

It doesn't matter how many times those claims are refuted, mangled, and frankly pummeled into oblivion, you're still talking to a wall that doesn't have the common courtesy to remain inanimate. There's no place for science on these boards, at least not the type which requires skeptical scrutiny.

The "Donuts" (STS-75) Mike talks about have been explained by one of the least skeptical groups in the ENTIRE FIELD and yet he goes on to fuel the fire. Yes, I'm talking about the infamous UFO Hunters. These guys believe anything and everything that comes by, their skeptic can't explain jack and Birnes would believe me if I told him I'm the Easter Bunny. However, they're able to clearly and definitively disprove claims that those simple artifacts are intelligently controlled spacecraft hellbent on observing NASA's muckups.

Anyways, I commend your efforts at facing the tireless horde.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Phage

I gave this post a star.

I also thought that the ejection seat looked like an ACES II. I was a crewcheif on F-15s and the ACES II has pitot tubes on each side of the headrest that gives it a very distinctive look. I have no experience with Soviet built aircraft and so, I can't comment on what their ejection seats look like.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by spitefulgod

The mechanics of the sun do not need to be tampered with when you have virii and plagues to wipe out an entire species. That just seems like a senseless approach and besides the sun is just a big ball of water. The center is not the hottest point. Humans are so devolved. I wouldn't be surprised if those idiots have nukes armed underneath cities by now. But that's besides the point. There are more masterful challenges like harnessing the power of quasars and maintaining dominance of quadrants. Black triangles can only be straight forward from the bow which leaves the line open for ignorance, error and failure. Most pilots end up dead from their meek brain power. Someday these so called scientists will learn by creating mass for artificial intelligence that has plagued the galaxy. All these photos suck and have already been debunked countless times by the very same people that have originated from them. It's not important creating clones that dissect their own stupidity anymore. It's irrelevant in todays day and age when your on the ground trying to focus in on something so far away with a poor quality cell phone or camcorder. The zoom ratio will never be good enough to capture the distance and neither will the focus be able to maintain it. The best possible way to stop them in their tracks is to form a network with a readily available task force to take to the air. If you think your going to stand there filming your evidence your an idiot. Act quick and get on the phone so they can get up close and personal. Otherwise if your in doubt of these technologies start searching the web for plasma reactors. Advancement is taken from the top academic level.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 04:07 AM

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:23 AM
How do you know its not a floating turd?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:47 AM
this is probably one of the best inormatives, and collection of Alien graphics that i've seen on here so far. Congrats, and if I didn't believe in the outer Life, then I definitely do now.

Peace people

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:57 AM
meteors, shop, parts of the telescope lens...

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

You telling everybody off the bat, this is fake already. So try to debunk it.

It's too easy. These are really old and have already been debunked by
the debunking commitree and debated by the .... Debating Committee

I will give 1.5 points for effort though.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

the ships are not that size(not to say they are not large) its the space time distortion you are seeing NOT THE SHIP............

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Phage

Deimos and Phobos are not space stations, they are rocks. There is no face in Cydonia.

Oh Phage, how I would love to be sure as you are upon these issues. Next time you take a trip to Mars can I come with you?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by theufologist
reply to post by Phage

Deimos and Phobos are not space stations, they are rocks. There is no face in Cydonia.

Oh Phage, how I would love to be sure as you are upon these issues. Next time you take a trip to Mars can I come with you?

Not rocks as in *A* rock but a loose conglomeration of rocky material held together by gravity and a slowly deteriorating orbit. Rubble is the word used by astronomers and astrogeologists...

The particular class of asteroids that share Phobos’ density are known as D-class. They are believed to be highly fractured bodies containing giant caverns because they are not solid. Instead, they are a collection of pieces, held together by gravity. Scientists call them rubble piles.
European Space Agency

Deimos is also 'D-class' and has a similar mass per gram as Phobos. Another pile of rubble doomed to become a ring of debris around Mars. Universities Space Research Association

As for the Cydonia thing? Even Hoagland has cleared his throat and shuffled towards other 'enigmas.'

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