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Read here if you want the TRUTH about aliens and alien technology

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:46 PM
So please explain to me how the FBI can do all these things, read and monitor anyone's mind etc, and yet your friend the "FBI Agent" was able to tell you all these secrets (the greatest secrets in history) without being found out?

This is the jokiest most farcical thread I've ever read on ATS. What a joke.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:48 PM
I guess the sheep love a good BS story. Is this some setup for the first of April?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:49 PM
we need a new board. Beyond top secret for stuff that is so out there (like this) only the truly enlightened would be able to grasp it. You know so they dont have to deal with the whole proof thing.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson
reply to post by soygreen2k

oh for god sakes why does the disinfo always get lathered with praise!?,how many stars for utter nonsense?

[edit on 4-2-2009 by welivefortheson]

Thats right commander. I started to read it then moved over it quickly as I have seen this type of blather before. Then took a dump.

And no thanks didn't learn anything was not enlightened at all.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:57 PM
why aren't the mods shutting this stupidity down? It's clearly garbage his facts contradict his story. Maybe he was on un prescribed medication. And why hasn't he replied I'm pretty sure this is just a stunt and the mods should close it.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Aw man, I love stuff like this. True or not it's always a good time to read! It'd be neat if it were all fact, but I'm not so sure that it is.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:01 PM
To answer your questions I can give you a personal testimony.

Over the last nine years I have experienced something which, to my knowledge is not often publicly addressed with any seriousness. I feel the subject is volatile, complex and secret to the extreme but is, in my opinion, of titanic importance to every human being.

The issue I am speaking of is synthetic telepathy. In a nutshell it is mind-to-mind contact over distance. I do not know if we (humans) came up with this technology or if it has come from somewhere else (an alien source). I believe I have been a subject of this technology. This came about after an indirect association with people close to Dr. Dan Buricsh. I don't know if this association is the reason for what happened. All I know is that it started after my electronic communications with a fellow named D.D., who conducted a series of interviews with Dr. Burisch.

At this time I wish to remain anonymous because I don't want to subject myself to ridicule or perhaps even other more grave repercussions. I am not an insider or a government employee. I am an artist, musician and a free thinker on a quest to better understand the nature of reality. For at least two decades I have been an avid researcher of UFO phenomena, metaphysics and the paranormal and consider myself quite knowlegable in many esoteric areas. I nevertheless try to keep objectivity, knowing that there could be many ways interpreting the phenomena I have experienced. All I can do is relate to you my experiences, my impressions and what I feel to be a likely assessment of the situation.

I have sat on this information for quite some time due to #1 - fear, #2 - the fact that I have no personal physical evidence. For awhile I thought I could perhaps be incorrectly interpreting my experiences, turning what was actually a personal mental phenomena into something more broad-reaching. As stated, I didn't want to alienate myself or cause concern in others unnecessarily. Recently, I have come across the testimony of others that replicates the specific details and experiences I thought only I have undergone. These people mentioned details that I could corroberate and that I have never seen published anywhere, leading me to believe that what I have been experiencing over the last eight years is in fact a real phenomena and not some aspect of a mental illness.

Here's the background: I and a handful of others received from D.D. what was purported to be pictures of an alien being in captivity in a location where Dr. Burisch is said to have worked. I do not know if this story or the pictures were authentic - they were said to be video surveillance camera stills screen captured and sent to D.D.. To my understanding, D.D. conducted several interviews with Dr.Burisch, and his own independent investigation into Dr.Burisch's claims.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Soon afterward I was bombarded with "voices" in my head. I can say unequivocally that these "voices" seemed of a human nature - -and distinctly different to my own internal thinking "voice". I cannot emphasize this enough. Please also know that I have no history of mental illness. What I experienced appeared to be several perpetrators working in shifts of about six to eight hours apiece. They had distinctive characteristics, accents or twangs, personality and speaking characteristics. For the first two years I endured round the clock surveillance by these methods and willful mental attacks by perpetrators unknown. This would consist of scare tactics and verbal assaults. I speculate that their goal was to cause extreme mental discomfort and imbalance leading to suicide. Over the years what was so incapacitating gradually lessened. I believe that since I dropped my UFO research, after a time I was handed over to a different unit. The volume of the voices dropped and they no longer seemed to be as intent on disrupting my life. I have carried on mental conversations with these voices of persons unknown all throughout this time. I can say this -- they do not appear to be "evil" per se, it is more like they are just people doing a job. That job is a sort of experimental surveillance. Some have been even what one might term sympathetic to my plight. Some tend to look at themselves as heroes. They have told me that they are now here for my protection, like policemen monitoring the airwaves so to speak, to make sure I am not harmed in the way that I was in the beginning. I hear conversations they have with each other from time to time. Often these are mundane, like bored mall cops bull#ting with each other in front of the security monitors.

That first year, I was forced to erase my computer hard drive by forceful coersion. Therefore I am no longer in possession of the video captures of the "alien". After I was forced to erase my hard drive I was instructed by those surveilling me to have no further contact with D.D. and a few others. I was also warned never to speak of this to anyone under penalty of torture leading to death.

Years have passed since that time and now I feel more courageous.

As to why this has happened to me I do not know. I am an ordinary person. I postulate that I could have been brought to the attention of said parties due to my interest in UFO's and suppressed information (I have signed petitions on the behalf of uncovering UFO secrecy that went to members of Congress. In retrospect I feel that was naive and a little dumb. I also avidly pursued such information on the internet, and then there is the association, albeit limited, with parties attached to Burisch (who may or may not have anything to do with it). I have always personally felt the Burisch story to be weak at best.

To many people, this would be easy to write-off as a mental illness which is why I haven't talked about it. At one point I tried to have myself committed to a mental hospital but the doctors would not do it. They said I was not schizophrenic and though I may have felt "delusional" I was simply too lucid to warrant such actions. I could mention hundreds of details that have happened over the years but honestly, I don't have the energy right now to go through all of that. Here are the main points I want to communicate -- information I have gleaned through direct mental "conversations" with certain sympathetic parties or from snippets of conversations between two or more individuals that I overheard mentally:

1. There are devices that can produce signals which bypass the ears but are distinctly audible in the mind. Look to to work done by Dr. Nick Begich and Dr. Richard Sauder (Sauder who has not only uncovered patents for similar devices but has experienced the auditory phenomena himself).

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:02 PM
2. To my knowledge these devices allow the operator to see though the eyes of whom they are tapped into as well as hear thoughts and broadcast their own thoughts/voices.

3. No implants are needed, thats old technology. There is some sort of biometric signature that can be tapped into.

4. Perpetrators can go into a human mind like a computer terminal can log into the internet -- many at once. If you have the right equipment and the subjects "address" you are in. I have had up to five at a time inside of my mind. I cannot tell you how excruciating this is.

5. This is being conducted by many agencies in several countries. At the time of this writing it is my belief that my particular "crew" are a special branch of the U.S. Army stationed in England, perhaps at a base in Menwith Hill.

6. As it was explained to me -- they are very afraid of this getting out. They believe that if said technology fell into the hands of "rogue" nations it would mean the apocalypse for mankind. I am inclined to believe them. You cannot escape this because it is experienced internally. To my knowledge it is not capable of being blocked. This is the most highly classified WEAPON in existence.

7. The technology is being tested/used at this time on a broad range of American citizens as well as other citizens of other nations.

8. Beyond purely experimental use I have reason to believe that they are using it to hypnotically program individuals during sleep. Dreams can be manipulated by the operators of such technology, guiding the sleeping persons dreams with verbal cues and suggestions. I have had a dream in which figures in the dream are trying to communicate something to me, only to have suddenly awakened while the voice continued to speak.

9. This may be happening to many individuals unbeknownst to them as it is often broadcast at sub-audible levels. When I first realized what was happening to me the "voices" seemed stunned to realize that I could hear their conversation. I addressed them. I got the feeling they did not know what to do and subsequently were replaced by more authoritative individuals who demanded to know what I knew. Then they really turned up the volume and started in on me. I am an electronic musician and have composed music in the headphones for many years. I think I was initially able to discern what was taking place because I am accustomed to listening to small sound variations.

For the record: I do not experience any violent thoughts and I have never in my life done anything violent. I have never wished harm upon another human being or animal. I am a pacifist. I am not a revolutionary, I do not wish a violent overthrow of the government of the USA or any other country. I am not a spy or a disinformation agent, nor am I an associate of any agencies governmental or otherwise. I am a citizen of the USA and I love this country. I have no intention of committing suicide. I do not claim to be a trance medium or a channeler or any of that stuff, either. I do believe that we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all one. I have only life-forward thoughts for humanity as we push through this maze toward a new understanding and unity. May God, The Great Spirit, The Universal Mind awaken within us and keep each one of us mindful in our awakening that what we do unto others as we do to ourselves.

All I have related to you is true, I really experienced it. The technology I am describing does exist, as anyone with an interest in uncovering the paper trail can discover for themselves, though at this point I may caution anyone from doing so.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:04 PM
What about the earlier forms of humans, like the Neanderthals? I was taught in Old Testament that the story of Adam and Eve was a myth and now I'm starting to change my mind.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:06 PM
I don't think this forum was made so people can express their creative side. This should be in the fiction section or removed.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by MuVoVuM

Just making it clear you are now talking about voices in your head this is BEYOND TOP SECRET material right here. did you forget to switch back over to soygreen? I call them the way i see them and this thread is hogwash.

[edit on by YoungStalin]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:06 PM
I didn't read the entire thing but I found the manipulation of what you see on the TV very interesting.. there have been many times over the years Iv turned the tv on a news channel and it seemed like the anchors would react to certain things id do.. one time I pulled out my penis in front of one of the females and she briefly acted surprised and disgusted then suddenly went back to normal.. another time I commented on how pretty one of them was and they acted shy.. iv smiled and had them smile back.. Nothing that any of the other anchors did or said should have caused these responses.. its like they could see me and were reacting to me.

I know.. I'm insane.. probably.. but its still creepy yet interesting at the same time.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by Raverous]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:08 PM
This is the kind of thread I 'love'. The one where the OP posts his believes and is never heard from again. I am sure he's got people around him laughing at all of us. Don't give me wrong, the information was well put and researched, whether is real or not I can't say, I don't have the proof, but one thing for was a good read!

Hopefully he'll be back to answer some questions!.....after he stops laughing!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:08 PM
Very entertaining but I'll wait for the public disclosure and the aftermath to see why this is being promoted as the truth. Creative though...

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:09 PM
Wow...this guy and his "fbi friend" knows the "goody-shoes truth" and wants to "help us" in accepting our "wonderful future" which begins on december 21, 2012...

Yes I am quite certain that most, if not all, of the technologies you mentioned exist thanks to the traitors working at dulce, montauk, pine-gap and god knows whatever facilities exist...

All this "super-duper" information classified under "national security" in our "wonderful" fascist states of america and every country and every citizen of this planet is supposed to "simply and happely" open their arms with "pure admiration" say "thank you" for *snip* us over so thoroughly!

Why have you run away OP? Are you scared of debating exopolitics and answering any "questions" we may have? I don't blame you "sir", thats all expendable drones can do!

P.S. Please don't post such "
on this board because you might get good and honest people banned for "poor conduct" when in reality it is people like you who deserve it....

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:09 PM
It isn't fiction. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I realize that it will sound preposterous to many. I can't help that.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:10 PM
That was an enjoyable read... Its a shame that I don't believe 3/4 of it.
Either your incredibly gullible (Likely) or you have watched alot of TV. When you talk of the alternative future, sounded alot like an Episode of Star Trek... Infact... Most of it sounds like something from Star Trek...

But, good read none the less

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:10 PM
Does Trent Reznor know he's an alien?!
Also does he tour the Galaxy?!
Suddenly a world tour seems so boring.

Good read. I would asume your friend knows
you posted this and your identity would be known
at this point by TPTB.

Do you fear for your life, or will they just trigger the kill switch?!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:12 PM
I just want to back up what the OP was saying. I know there are many other quite sane people who have similar experiences. It is weirder and more frightening than you can imagine.

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