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Should Magik Be Used Responsibly?!?!

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posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 03:18 AM
I also liked that story, Tamahu, and felt that its moral has a most resounding lesson that all people can learn.

It was truly a pity, however, that the yogi only learnt of his misgivings upon reprimand. I was also amazed that the man didn't, at the very least, cure the ailment plaguing the body being projected. It's wrong to steal in the first place, but if you're going to take, the very least you can do is to give back something in compensation.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 03:24 AM
Peace guys.

If you didn't check the link, you may want to, because I only posted part of the story.

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
I was also amazed that the man didn't, at the very least, cure the ailment plaguing the body being projected.

It's been a minute since I've read that chapter of the book myself. What are you referring to here?


posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 03:31 AM
I'm talking about that I am shocked that a Yogi, who undergoes a good amount of training that involves karmic laws and things like that, didn't take the time to heal the source of the other man's limp

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 03:33 AM
Caught the link and read that too, may by the book.

Good stuff

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 03:43 AM
Yeah it is a good book. Find the unaltered version if you can. There's a reprint of the original version that indicates so on the cover.

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
I'm talking about that I am shocked that a Yogi, who undergoes a good amount of training that involves karmic laws and things like that, didn't take the time to heal the source of the other man's limp

It's because Afzal had become so egotistical from abusing his powers for so long; that he didn't even care to heal the man. I thought it was messed up too when I read that sh*t.


posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 06:29 AM
magic should NOT be used by anyone!

it is playing with the forces of nature , the very knowledge of how to do this comes directly from Satan, and thus is an un natural thing.

its impossibe to not reap what you sow regardless whether it is magic or anything else as God is not mocked, and the fruit,crop,reward for practising magic is a HARSH reward leading to TOTAL enslavement.

there is also no difference between good / white or black magic it is all forbidden by all monolethic relgions.

finally one thing to remember about magic and the occult..99.9% of severly mentally ill people from bi polar to schizophrenia all have one thing in common (this is a documented fact) and that is the involvment at some level of magic/occult. Thats the lose your mind.

As for people who use magic against others they have EXTREME things on their path. Things worse than death itself.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:57 AM

Where do you draw the line between what phenomena is considered "magic" and what is not?

Like somebody else has said in this thread; if somebody were to demonstrate electricity a few hundred years ago; they would be burned at the stake because they were using the power of "the devil".

What would be wrong with someone utilizing divine given 'psychic powers'; as long as they aren't used for selfish/egotistical ends? For example(if this is possible that is); a Yoga master who would be able to materialize an astral projection of his self somewhere, as to prevent a disastrous event from happening.
Say he did it to warn one of his students about carrying out a certain action?

There's a difference between the latter and say; mediumship or "black magic"; of which is pointed out by the Theosophists.

But I mostly stress my first question that was posed in this post.

I do agree that close to 99% of people would fall into abusing "magic". It would be better for it to only be utilized by those of self realization.

You will reap what you sow and pay for your wrongs; but that doesn't mean you're going to "burn in Hell" for eternity.


[Edited on 13-4-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:10 AM
There is only one real, true magic. That is the wonder of GOD. IF you invoke GOD then you have open to you the power of the entire universe. IF however you do not give GOD credit for this power, you will surely open the gates of damnation. You will be corrupted by greed and power and lust.

Magic is a dangerous knowledge that should serve only the purpose under GOD. Magic is very real and when manipulated by humans who lack the foresight needed to control it completly can cause more harm then any benefit magic will bring them.

ALL your gifts, all your talents, all of your "supernatural" abilities, everything that makes you feel "connected" was given to you by GOD. For GOD's purpose, not yours. Wiccan's, Practioners of White Magic, Druids, Pagans, Neo-Pagans their powers exists only because GOD allowed them to exist. Realizing that GOD allowed you to have that ability is the first step in gaining a better knowledge of the universe and will give you insight that the gifts you have been given are not to be used for personal gain. This single idea is what many "crafters" miss, thus they are led astray and down the path to madness.

Be weary of magic for it unlocks the perils of the universe.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by robertfenix
Be weary of magic for it unlocks the perils of the universe.

That's about the only part of your post I almost agree with, though I'll presume you meant "wary" instead of "weary."

I see no problem with someone training themselves to utilize the gifts they have been given, whether you believe it is given by some divine power or simply part of the nature of the mind. Without training and attempts to harness these gifts, we risk the possibility of more harm befalling us.

Using the gifts of psychic or magick origins however does open up a doorway to another view of the world. Once you see what is in the shadows, you will never be able to see the world as you did before. Once your mind is opened to the possibilities, you can't help but begin to see a bigger picture.

So yes, using supernatural gifts and abilities can open the door to a much darker picture, but just as our ancestors learned to carry lanterns, torches, and, eventually, flashlights to deal with the world after the sun went down, we can learn to deal with the shadows we find.

Can it be a scary deal? Yes.

Is it something everyone should feel the need to do? No. Not everyone is up to the task or even shows the interest to try.

Does that mean we should all just run away and hide, never to explore the potential we may have within us? Not by a longshot, in my opinion. Follow your calling. Follow what's in your heart, in your soul. That's the only way to know where your path lies.

There is no single right answer that automatically applies to everyone in this case.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:54 AM
to answer the question of the original post.

Of course magik should be used responsibly, for every spell performed there is a price that the person casting the spell must pay. if spells are cast with selfish or negative motives, the price will be higher and more damaging to the person performing and the person requesting the spell.

if your motives are untrue, the spell will likely backfire.
best not to play with magik unless you are trained well and ready to accept the consquences.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 02:36 PM
I don't have any quarell with the use of magick. I've been known to use it on a few occasions. However, the three(+)fold law does generally apply and all power you use towards personal gain will usually backfire on you. If someone has no fear of the consequences, then go ahead. The world is yours, use it accordingly.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 03:53 PM
Of COURSE it ought to be used responsibly. But that's the beauty of magik... It's neither good nor bad.

Only through the user can it be good or bad. It's like having a gun, or a sword, or a microwave oven.

Use it intelligently, use it responsibly, and everything will go alright. You don't want to summon daemons either, because that's just stupid. It's like inviting trouble...

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 04:08 PM
I think of course magick should be used responsibly..

If you ask for too much, the universe gives you much more than you asked for..
For instance, if you get greedy with money spells, fate might see fit to get someone injured so that you get insurance money..

In small doses, magick is a powerful and useful tool. (No, not evil) However, you should try to change things by yourself before you turn to magick. .. When you cant physically change the outcome, thats when magick comes into play.

For a website who's subtitle is "Deny Ignorance" there sure are a lot of uninformed people here. "MAGIC IZ EVOL!!!111 DONT DO IT!!!!1" .. Intent can be evil, but nothing in this world is innately evil or good. Its all neutral.

What do you think christian ritual is? Candles.. Prayer.. Holy water.. incense.. idolic representation of God.. all just borrowed practices from Pagan traditions.


posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by shidge.
For a website who's subtitle is "Deny Ignorance" there sure are a lot of uninformed people here. "MAGIC IZ EVOL!!!111 DONT DO IT!!!!1" .. Intent can be evil, but nothing in this world is innately evil or good. Its all neutral.

So true. I brought up the ouija board one day at school, and everyone started flipping out. "Isn't that the tool of satan?"

As to the topic, yeah magic should be used responsibly. I have never successfully cast a spell or anything like that, but I practice manipulating ki (or psi, whatever you perfer). I treat all psychic powers with the utmost respect, probablly so I don't get burned

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 05:26 PM
After all that I have studied, I do agree that Majik is inherently neither good or evil. I would classify it as a tool, with which good or evil can come.

In the same breath though I would ask all of those who are railing against Majik to look back into their own religions, the major phophets and all of the saints needed to preform miracles, and in fact the Catholic Church now requires the proof of miracles to considder one for sainthood. Now someone in certain Eastern religions, Neo-Pagans and Satanists would call these things Majik. They would also call anything gotten through prayer as a form of Majik, and so as such, most of the world uses some form of energy manipulation every day, weather they know it or not. Most of which is on a very minor level, but once in a while you will hear of something much more major.

One of the very few things I agree with Anton LaVey with was his assertation that science is Majik as well. So as such, unless one is by chance a Christian Scientist or from another religion that forbids it, most of us would have no problem at all with the use of medical science. If someone from 1800 saw what we do today in a modern hospital they would call it Majik or a Miracle. Much the same I believe would happen if someone from today's world went 200 years into the future and saw that which people could probably do with their mind.

Whatever you call it, Majik, Prayer or whatever, it should be done with only positive goals, after all the Bible never says to pray for God to inflict pain or suffering.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 05:37 PM
By the way it is really nice to hear that there are some people in here who do deny ignorance, and have open minds.

I do think there is a great amount of fear left over from the middle ages and the things that the Catholic Church did in what was not their proudest hour. Many of the modern conceptions that all Majik is evil and from the devil came from the propaganda that was sent out by the Church and it's officials in an effort to convert and stamp out the last vestages of European paganism.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by urbanmastermind
After all that I have studied, I do agree that Majik is inherently neither good or evil. I would classify it as a tool, with which good or evil can come.

In the same breath though I would ask all of those who are railing against Majik to look back into their own religions, the major phophets and all of the saints needed to preform miracles, and in fact the Catholic Church now requires the proof of miracles to considder one for sainthood. Now someone in certain Eastern religions, Neo-Pagans and Satanists would call these things Majik. They would also call anything gotten through prayer as a form of Majik, and so as such, most of the world uses some form of energy manipulation every day, weather they know it or not. Most of which is on a very minor level, but once in a while you will hear of something much more major.

One of the very few things I agree with Anton LaVey with was his assertation that science is Majik as well. So as such, unless one is by chance a Christian Scientist or from another religion that forbids it, most of us would have no problem at all with the use of medical science. If someone from 1800 saw what we do today in a modern hospital they would call it Majik or a Miracle. Much the same I believe would happen if someone from today's world went 200 years into the future and saw that which people could probably do with their mind.

Whatever you call it, Majik, Prayer or whatever, it should be done with only positive goals, after all the Bible never says to pray for God to inflict pain or suffering.

It's even gone to say that Jesus was a Magick user. I would say something much like David Blaine...street magic (which is not magick).

posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 01:11 AM
Okay, two books...I hope I don't get TOSsed for this.

Text777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Alister Crowley


The Keys of Solomon The King by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers

If you ever wondered whether or not two people existed that took magik VERY seriously, this should settle it.
By the way...they're not bad reading either!

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFictionfinally one thing to remember about magic and the occult..99.9% of severly mentally ill people from bi polar to schizophrenia all have one thing in common (this is a documented fact) and that is the involvment at some level of magic/occult. Thats the lose your mind.

Ok, this is assuming that Magick was the CAUSE of their illness, and not A SOCIAL EFFECT. Schizophrenia leaves CLEAR signs of the illness AS EARLY AS 2, before these people GET INTO THE OCCULT. Often, those who wind up in the occult and sometimes even in magic were misbalanced long before they touched the matter. (As I�ve said in earlier posts, I have a Skitzo friend. He was like that since BIRTH, and his parents saw the signs when he first started showing them personality at about 2�only son; they didn�t get him help until this year. He looked at magic as a way to keep from seeing # that was not there�another effect of skitzo.) Bipolarity IS THE SAME.

Honestly, the majority of the nut cases I�ve ever known were IN MY FREAKIN CHURCH�my dad tried to isolate his children from the worst of what can be out there. I�ve known people with several disorders in church. (One woman was insane�has never gotten help; has had a huge amount of control over her kids. She either drove her youngest insane, or he has the same imbalance through genetics�I don�t know.)

The reason people who do have problems already JOIN EITHER is because they are looking for something to stabilize them. They often try more than one thing. As for losing your mind�you only loose your mind if you Chose to, barring genetic problems. Accepting something into your head IS chosing�maybe that could make you a nut job.

Just remember, people, that there are such things as irrelevant data correlations.

Originally posted by urbanmastermind
I do think there is a great amount of fear left over from the middle ages and the things that the Catholic Church did in what was not their proudest hour. Many of the modern conceptions that all Majik is evil and from the devil came from the propaganda that was sent out by the Church and it's officials in an effort to convert and stamp out the last vestages of European paganism.

It�s worse than just being ingrained in their traditions. It�s a part of the scriptures.

Exedous 22:8 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
Deut. 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an encanter or a witch.
Leviticus 20:6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
Revelations 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable , and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

The whole of the scriptures does not support spirituality of anything other than following GOD and asking GOD for his help, etc. I personally believe that it has to do with those who follow after magick OVER God, but that�s not something to support through the scriptures.

I�m still undecided as to what I will practice. Scriptures do not speak of spirits that come to find you, dream interpretation, etc. Much of those words that are translated witch and sorcerer are often used for the priests of other deities, and I�d probably have to go back to the original Hebrew or Greek to find out exacts, but this is what the English translation states.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Toelint
Okay, two books...I hope I don't get TOSsed for this.

Text777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Alister Crowley


The Keys of Solomon The King by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers

If you ever wondered whether or not two people existed that took magik VERY seriously, this should settle it.
By the way...they're not bad reading either!

Crowley was a black magician. Sorcery is for the ego and only contributes to the imprisonment of souls.....

Samael Aun Weor's "magic" is far superior to all of that ego driven stuff.


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