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What Could be Such a Devastating, Life Altering Secret That'd Stop Disclosure? Aliens/Humanity/God

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:49 PM
We all know cloning via test tubes is the real secret we need disclosure about. Our govt's made a race of clones to do their bidding, the greys. Do you think they would stop because of ethics?

What have our government(s) been secretly working on?

If the masses knew, it would be the end of govt as we know it. We all know there is a percentage of people who would sell their souls along with this world for their short term gain.

If and when ET does disclose themselves, it will be to step in and end this madness we are caught up in.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:49 PM
Why "no disclosure"?

Take from observable facts:

0) ETs aren't disclosing themselves, as in actively landing and introducing themselves and explaining who they are and what they're all about.

A few explanations:

1) Governments have nothing useful to disclose, many 'ufo sightings' are their own secret projects.

OR, there are ETs and they know it, and then

2) Governments who have a little bit to disclose don't do so because it gets them in more trouble. People would demand "answers" and "do something about it", when there aren't any answers and we can't do anything about it.

When it comes to a government bureaucracy, always assume "what's in it for them?" Always assume CYA self-interest, but rarely assume widespread, competent, conspiracy.

3) ETs have told governments: do not disclose OR ELSE.

#3 would certainly motivate quite a coverup, and it would be something that most people involved in it would honestly and patriotically agree to do.

[edit on 9-2-2009 by mbkennel]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:55 PM
I wonder if there is a possibility that if people knew what the future holds, it might affect how they live their life? Say for instance, if we all found out that our bodies are just a shell and when we die, we leave one shell and are given another one to live life somewhere else, on another planet or such. If people thought there might be something better, how many of them would say, "Screw this life, it doesn't matter if I rob, steal, be a bum,or whatever, in this life, because I'll be given another one when I die. The government would keep it a secret because they couldn't handle all the crap that would come from it. People just wouldn't care about anything anymore.

Just something I thought of.

[edit on 9-2-2009 by Schleprock]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 07:53 AM
I think maybe a few people take that attitude now, they feel what's the point if all we do is die and that's and end to it, so it makes no difference what we do.
If you are touching on Sleepers statement that we get put back here, well I think he also said that if we are bad then we are put back here into a worse situation proportional to how bad we have been and I also think he said that if we are really bad we may not be put back but kept forever in some holding bin.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ChewBacky
I think maybe a few people take that attitude now, they feel what's the point if all we do is die and that's and end to it, so it makes no difference what we do.
If you are touching on Sleepers statement that we get put back here, well I think he also said that if we are bad then we are put back here into a worse situation proportional to how bad we have been and I also think he said that if we are really bad we may not be put back but kept forever in some holding bin.

I hope he is wrong because the worse case scenario would be a "Groundhog Day" scenario. It is easier to live with the idea that when you are gone you are gone but to have to keep reliving this same life over and over again, well that knowledge would prove that we are already sitting in hell.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by win 52
We all know cloning via test tubes is the real secret we need disclosure about. Our govt's made a race of clones to do their bidding, the greys. Do you think they would stop because of ethics?

What have our government(s) been secretly working on?

If the masses knew, it would be the end of govt as we know it. We all know there is a percentage of people who would sell their souls along with this world for their short term gain.

If and when ET does disclose themselves, it will be to step in and end this madness we are caught up in.

So you think cloning is the secret huh? That is a very good reason I would say considering how cloning was such a big deal a while back (perhaps to feel the masses of sheeple out) and then suddenly there is almost no media coverage of this topic anymore.


posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by anathema777

Merely one of many.

It is a strange thing about human nature. If you think you are immune to being caught, the sky is the limit as to how much ethics is lost.

What we need is complete freedom to scrutinize all areas where our tax dollars (and all expenditures made on our behalf by all arms of the government who represent our wishes), rights and freedoms are involved so that there is no security clearance needed to review our employee's actions. That includes military and black ops budgets. If they don't work for the government but are secretly protected under a govt, well that stinks also and needs disclosure.

That is where the bulk of disclosure will need to come from.

This is one way to lessen the shock of what we will be going through.

Trying to hold secrecy will only cause greater suffering, needlessly.

Oh, this secrecy at the controls of a nation like the usa will always lead to evil. That is why it can not be sustained. Taxpayers will always be on the hook and not knowing why will not create confidence in anything that the govt tries to do.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by caballero

Revelation 4:7
And the first living creature is like a lion, and the second living creature is like a young bull, and the third living creature has a face like a man’s, and the fourth living creature is like a flying eagle.

No, finding strange shapes in a poor quality photo is not proof of anything. Cause I gurantee if we were to go to cydonia on mars those mountain ranges would look nothing like what they do in the photograph.

thats why photographic evidence is so difficult to prove because one thing can look like many other things especially when you want it to look like a lion or a bird. They brain is trying to make patterns out of a seemingly patternless picture.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:47 PM
I agree w/ what some others have said. Even if we are petri dish experiments, that does not negate God. I can plant the corn. I can help it along, but in the end it is something quite beyond me that brings it Life.

As far as why no disclosure. Sometimes I think we think too hard about it. Maybe it's something as simple as human nature. Even though there may be use of alien tech. and communication w/ them by higher gov't. officials, there may be that element that is still overwhelmed and frankly scared by the whole thing.

Sometimes a secret is kept not because it might overwhelm everybody else, but because it is overwhelming to the individual that knows it.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 08:09 PM
What bothers me is a scenario such as:

The entire world, past, present & future, is a lucid dream all produced by zillions of "hive minded" ETs. The spooky part is that their dream only lasts 20 Earth seconds. Then their REM cycle restarts 90 minutes later. Here we go again...

**Postee reaches for another tranquillizer...**

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 08:30 PM
some may assume that the BIG secret is something negative and would cause everyone to give up on life, but if you look around you alot of people have already given up on life.

I think the secret is that we are God and that we do not need authority, leadership, or money. These are illusions and the aliens know this.

The elite want us scared and ashamed thinking that our only salvation will come from a powerful leader turning us into slaves. Though the truth is that this life in relation to you is so much more beautiful and significant than they want you to believe.

The bigger truth is that the universe is an illusion. Life itself is a dream... so you shouldnt fear, worry or fight AT ALL about ANYTHING. This is just a ride... have fun! All is love!

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Wisen Heimer
some may assume that the BIG secret is something negative and would cause everyone to give up on life, but if you look around you alot of people have already given up on life.

I think the secret is that we are God and that we do not need authority, leadership, or money. These are illusions and the aliens know this.

The elite want us scared and ashamed thinking that our only salvation will come from a powerful leader turning us into slaves. Though the truth is that this life in relation to you is so much more beautiful and significant than they want you to believe.

The bigger truth is that the universe is an illusion. Life itself is a dream... so you shouldnt fear, worry or fight AT ALL about ANYTHING. This is just a ride... have fun! All is love!

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

If life is an illusion its a scarey one and if its a dream I have alot of nightmares!!


posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 02:09 PM
There are alien species.

Some have come by.

They are playing some game and our side of the contacts are playing that game trying to figure out exactly what is going on.

The alien species are not more advanced. They pretend to be. They seem to have actually stolen their tech from other species, or have somehow inherited it from a species that is no longer around.

That is why the keep coming here. They've run out of ideas, and aren't good at creating new ones. They are technological scavengers, and they've been hoping that they can steward us into being their innovators and industrial workhorses, without actually having to share anything with us so that they don't lose their advantages.

Some or even many people would fall for their "false god" or "advance higher being" bs. So, our best negotiators and mediators and policitical wonderboys are playing out the encounters or some engineering types are reverse engineering the tech they can get ahold of to get as much out of them as they can before these "higher beings" become undeniable.

And the visitors start playing their mind games to consolidate their power and interests, disrupting human socieites of all types. Even up the play field a bit.

[edit on 2009/2/18 by Aeons]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
There are alien species.

Some have come by.

They are playing some game and our side of the contacts are playing that game trying to figure out exactly what is going on.

The alien species are not more advanced. They pretend to be. They seem to have actually stolen their tech from other species, or have somehow inherited it from a species that is no longer around.

That is why the keep coming here. They've run out of ideas, and aren't good at creating new ones. They are technological scavengers, and they've been hoping that they can steward us into being their innovators and industrial workhorses, without actually having to share anything with us so that they don't lose their advantages.

Some or even many people would fall for their "false god" or "advance higher being" bs. So, our best negotiators and mediators and policitical wonderboys are playing out the encounters or some engineering types are reverse engineering the tech they can get ahold of to get as much out of them as they can before these "higher beings" become undeniable.

And the visitors start playing their mind games to consolidate their power and interests, disrupting human socieites of all types. Even up the play field a bit.

[edit on 2009/2/18 by Aeons]

I think thats an awesome way of putting it. I dont see it being true but would be very interesting if true


posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 04:06 PM
The government has it's secrets, and it's going to keep them until it sees fit. Maybe for national security measures, who knows? Maybe we (the US) are the only nation with the knowledge that people think we have, and doesn't want anyone else to know. And that selfishness may be the underlying reason of why the EBE's will not just flat out land in the middle of time square and say "hello". Because it thinks we aren't mature enough as a species to accept something of that magnitude.

I've read some other posts saying that some people, and I say some sparingly, could accept the fact that we aren't alone and that makes the likelihood of God existing diminish. Others need some sort of religious aspect in their life.

As Bill Mahr put it, I can understand someone in a jail cell who has nothing else in life but God.

But as for everyone else, I, and many others, don't think it is time yet for complete disclosure. Yes maybe the masses could handle it as a whole, but think about the repercussions. All of a sudden our race is shown all this magnificent technology that gives us free energy, zero-point propulsion, space travel, etc. Now what? There goes trillions of dollars in industries who have a huge say in what goes on as far as technology. For instance, whatever happened to that welder who found out how to make fuel from water? Not in the news anymore is he?

I just think that there will be a time when we will need to know and that is when disclosure will happen. We don't need to know now; people are happy in their little bubble, driving to work (if they still have a job) every day, sitting in their crappy cubicle, making something that will make someone else millions.

But one day that will all be trivial. We will grow out of this adolescence and that is when disclosure will happen. When greed and selfishness is a thing of the past, and by the looks of it, that time may be considerable.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:55 PM
I, like many of those who use ATS, doubt the validity of the information provided by the government. Remember those WMDs which failed to materialise? So if Obama disclosed alien visitation, would we believe it? Would we then be debating if he is telling the truth on this very thread?

I would like to see disclosure and I think we need it but be careful what you wish for!

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:54 PM
This is an easy one ,UFOs are really manned by humans and have always been.Sure we have clones doing our grunt work,and they are grey.The humans in the ufos are from our past ,not our future.They implant us to learn about us.We co-exist on the earth.Our older race of humans has a lot more KNOWLEDGE than we do about the cycles of weather and solar events that the earth goes through.This is partially why there arent 6 billion saucers flying around.

We are not all going to survive the earth changes that are beginning to occur NATURALLY.Our pollution doesnt dictate what happens on this planet that is merely our vanity as a species talking.Our government is aware of what is going to happen,they have maintained contact for many years with our fellow humans.As many humans as can be saved will be saved,our governments arent stupid just decietful.Mass panic will ensue if everyone is told and the disaster CANNOT BE AVERTED BECAUSE WE ARE ONLY SURE OF SCOPE AS IN GLOBAL NOT SPECIFICS AS IN WHERE AND WHEN.We are going to be left to our own devices when this happens.It will happen fast and the governments around the world have blitz-crieg plans to save the number of humans they can house in the undergroung communities they have been building for fifty years.

The important fact is that NO ONE KNOWS WHAT AREAS OF THE PLANET WILL BE SAFE ZONES.Except that is for ABDUCTEES who seem to have been given a LEMMING LIKE sense of where to be at a specific time in our near future and this knowledge was NOT MEANT TO BE PASSED DOWN SO THIS EVENT WILL HAPPEN WITHIN THE NEXT TEN OR FEWER YEARS.

Yea I know its hard to grasp but grab yourself anyways because we are the babies of the family in terms of races of humans on this planet.We will be here in numbers great enough to survive as a species as long as the earth is inhabitable and if we already have a DNA bank full of life in space orbiting us now we may even survive a long time period when the earth may not be inhabitable.

This is what has stopped disclosure and this is why we need to step up the pressure on our governments to disclose ALL THEY KNOW.The reason we need to pay attention to is this "we play better as a team,we wont melt down if we get bad news we will band together and make a stand it is our nature to survive.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by one4all
This is an easy one ,UFOs are really manned by humans and have always been.Sure we have clones doing our grunt work,and they are grey.The humans in the ufos are from our past ,not our future.They implant us to learn about us.We co-exist on the earth.Our older race of humans has a lot more KNOWLEDGE than we do about the cycles of weather and solar events that the earth goes through.This is partially why there arent 6 billion saucers flying around.

Ive wondered many different times if UFO's are piloted by humans of our current generation, or humans from generations ago that live under the ocean or crust and we are descendents of them or if they are just aliens. Either way it's an interesting topic to think about.


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by anathema777

Great post! I too have wondered this ever since I was little and saw my first UFO. I have read enough to know that IMO they are here and the Govt is hiding it. I figure they must have a good reason to hide it but then again what it is? I think that if people knew Aliens were really here many would freak out. It would be something they are not use to and not what they were taught. It could cause world wide hysteria which would not be good. On the other hand it might not. Who knows. Maybe that's why they havent told anyone the truth. They have thought of the possible scenarios to what could happen and maybe decided it wasnt right yet. I do agree that with more and more media type stuff, TV and movies, people are becoming more accepting of them. I have friends who use to make fun of me for my beliefs but now they are curious themselves. I do hope that one day, hopefully in my life time, we get to see the truth.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 05:08 PM
Perhaps in the far flung future, our descendants and their genetically modified servants will travel back in time to observe and record their own history! Of course there can be absolutely no interference with what is as this would only lead to paradox. Our governments and scientists being aware of this are powerless to act or interfere. This too can never be disclosed as any attempt at disclosure is immediately pre-empted by said time travellers!

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