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An Obama Secret Revealed!

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 09:32 PM
Ever heard of NLP... it's Neuro Linguistic programming:
The word Neuro linguistic programming can be broken down to three distinct words:


linguistic and


Neuro refers to the brain and neural network that feeds into the brain. Neurons or nerve cells are the working units used by the nervous system to send, receive, and store signals that add up to information.

Linguistics refer to the content, both verbal and non-verbal, that moves across and through these pathways.

Programming is the way the content or signal is manipulated to convert it into useful information. The brain may direct the signal, sequence it, change it based on our prior experience, or connect it to some other experience we have stored in our brain to convert it into thinking patterns and behaviors that are the essence of our experience of life.

Our experiences and feelings affect the way we react to external stimuli. Let me illustrate. I am afraid of snakes. The impulse I get if I see a snake or even hear a sound close to resembling that of a snake is a feeling of total fright. This is because, I was born in an area infested with several deadly snakes. One day a boy from my neighborhood came to our house. He knocked on the door. I opened the door. He had a snake in his hand. He wanted to show me the prize catch he had. He was holding it like we hold a pet cat. For him it was a pet. So, it gave him lot of joy to hold one. To me, it gave a migraine headache!

Do you know where it was developed?
Neuro linguistic programming (NLP for short) was developed in the early 1970s by an information scientist and a linguist at the University of California at Santa Cruz

Now take a look at Obama's MAIN CONTRIBUTOR!

Enough said!

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 09:41 PM
Which of these techniques exactly do you think Obama used to "hypnotize" us?

There's a lot more to NLP than what you're implying, he can't just say certain words and move his hands around. Like this:

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Do you think he does it intentionally? There are a lot of people out there who seem to have this power over other people and they don't mean to do it. It's just part of their personality.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 10:27 PM
Snap Out of It - Obama is using Clinical Hypnosis on You! is a great resource to view on this topic. Numerous commentaries in that post show issues worthy for deeper analysis.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 11:22 PM
The technology has moved far beyond NLP. The US govt now has mind control technology where in they can read a person's mind from the satellite and can also control people's mind from the satellite. They do this by sending Extremly Low Frequency electro magnetic currents from the satellite to a person's brain and it does not recognize that these are from outside. A person's emotions, speech, thoughts and physical actions etc can be controlled via the satellite. If carried out on a mass scale this is worse than hynosis, isnt it?

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Do you have any information links to your comments?
Or is this your opinion? I'd like to read up on this technology.

[edit on 29-1-2009 by Muundoggie]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Muundoggie

I'm not sure how much of this mind control stuff is fact or myth. I believe that there are some areas of the government is invested in mind control research like the CIA, but, I doubt they are as far ahead as Sunny suggests. I don't think people are brainwashed by Obama. I think people just want a change from Bush and politics as usual and that's why they voted for him and like him.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by sunny_2008ny
The technology has moved far beyond NLP. The US govt now has mind control technology where in they can read a person's mind from the satellite and can also control people's mind from the satellite. They do this by sending Extremly Low Frequency electro magnetic currents from the satellite to a person's brain and it does not recognize that these are from outside. A person's emotions, speech, thoughts and physical actions etc can be controlled via the satellite. If carried out on a mass scale this is worse than hynosis, isnt it?

Are you aware that frequencies below 60Mhz tend to "bounce" off of the stratosphere? Have you ever heard of the radio phenomena called "skip"?

When radio signals travel great hearing a station from somewhere in Europe all the way into USA, those radio waves are "skipping", or bouncing off of the stratosphere, which extends the radio wave's propegation..or reach.

A good example of that is a CB radio running on 27Mhz at 4 watts output power talking to another CB'er 3 thousand miles away when the "skip" works to that frequency's advantage.

So..the theory of satellites sending down VLF/ELF frequencies doesnt jibe at all. Now they CAN send VLF/ELF frequencies across land and fact that is how the Navy communicates with submarines when they are deep beneath the surface of the ocean..on VLF and ELF frequency bands.

Hence if there is any VLF/ELF mind manipulation signals going on, its from land based antennas and transmitters. And those antennas would be extremely long.

Frequency/Wavelength Online Calculator

To calculate the length of 1 full wavelength antenna at a given frequency you take 432 multiplied by the frequency in hertz and you get the full wavelength. The root number varies with frequency band, plus or minus 5 percent or so.

So lets say you got a VLF frequency of 100Khz. Using the frequency calcluator from the link above the antenna length in feet would be 9,840 feet!!!! I dont think any satellite up there, including the ISS, would have an antenna hanging off of them that are 9,000 feet in length!!!

But a mountain side would make a perfect location for such an antenna.


[edit on 29-1-2009 by RFBurns]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Sorry buddy, but if this is the case then what the hell are we doing on this site. If that was true we wouldn't be on here posting what we feel is going on. We all would be posting what big brother wants. In my opinion.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Based on my experience it is real.

Here is more information:
Military AI Supercomputer Mind Monitoring: What I have learned

I don't know if this system transmits using ELF as sunny_2008ny suggests but I think it is some signal(s) within the electromagnetic spectrum.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by tmk81
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Based on my experience it is real.

Here is more information:
Military AI Supercomputer Mind Monitoring: What I have learned

I don't know if this system transmits using ELF as sunny_2008ny suggests but I think it is some signal(s) within the electromagnetic spectrum.

As the article points out, as I have pointed out..using ELF/VLF is impractical for the purpose of sending mind control frequencies in the 8Hz range (brain wave range).

There is a part of the EM spectrum that can be used.

Can you guess what they are? (2 of them..hint both receptors are located on your head)


[edit on 29-1-2009 by RFBurns]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by RFBurns

There is a part of the EM spectrum that can be used.

Can you guess what they are? (2 of them..hint both receptors are located on your head)

No, I will leave that up to you to share if you know what the frequencies are. Enough with the mind games--this isn't some game or joke; real people are being affected by this system daily.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:31 AM
LoL hahahahahahahahahah this is ridiculous ..

That's like saying birds on power lines cause power outages.

It's a correlation, I happen to know who the co-creators of NLP and many of the first people to develop the material are.

Your presupposition is that NLP is bad, and it isn't... we are operating in all systems all the time, they modeled those systems, anyone could have a section on the news and examine what other people are doing when they give speeches and conduct themselves in public most of which is MAINLY UNCONSCIOUS because we are all doing similar things, other people who are particularly public speakers especially politicians are taught how to maintain themselves in the public, I would love to see some people stand up in front of a crowd without turning red and becoming embarrassed.

This witch hunt has to stop now, as people should properly educate themselves regarding NLP because whether they know it or not they are utilizing many of its tenets positively or negatively all the time in their day to day life & becoming educated on advanced communication skills helps create that distinction.

Understanding nominalizations and presuppositions are one thing.

But a person should understand and learn more than about linguistics if they are going to analyze speeches because another key thing is how someone conducts themselves physically, we all do things unconsciously that get a conscious response from either ourselves or someone else.

There is no secret here, just a correlation, I don't believe ANYONE who co-founded or developed NLP is even affiliated with the University of California at Santa Cruz anymore.

[edit on 1/29/2009 by PuRe EnErGy]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Total Reality

Your avatar says there's no God, yet you post a video clip that accuses Sean Hannity of using "sorcery?"
Do you fail to see a disconnect there?

I fully believe in NLP, I do not believe that the nut talking over that clip has any clue what he's talking about outside of Hannity looking disinterested and condescending towards the "guest." I don't blame him, I tend to look at those people with a vague disinterest and condescention myself... if that's NLP, then apparently I'va managed to somehow osmosify how to do it into my head while sleeping because I've never taken any classes or formal instruction in it.

Back to the OP, I'm guessing that the simple fact the guy who developed NLP was a prof. at UC Santa Cruz tells us all we need to know about why he was an Obama supporter. UCSC is another liberal cog in the California state liberal training centers (AKA 'universities') and they are staffed with extremely liberal people, the very same types that were so gung-ho to elect Obama.

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