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Ed Dames predictions.

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posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Two days ago Ed Dames appeared on the Art Bell show once more and he gave some new insights to his predictions.

While some of the predictions covered in sunday morning program he had made in the past, there were some new ones.

He has not been 100% right in all his predictions in the past, but he has been right in so many that it is worth to take notice and follow up on his predictions. I am not sure if this will happen like he says but i am posting them as he said them.

He actually said before it happened, avian diseases and bovine disseases. I have been listening to Art Bell, on and off since there are things he covers i don't listen to, since 1998 and many predictions of Ed Dames have come to pass. He said the jetstream will drop down long before it happened, he predicted a mother of all tornadoes will happen an F5. He said then there will be a shot across the bow which will be the biggest ever solar flare. In October last year he said the sun was about to go on a rampage and in November we had the shot across the bow which was an X45 or so flare.

I do beleive it is worth to note and see what happens, more so if many of his predictions have come to pass. I am posting these to see how accurate his future predictions are and to have them recorded in a forum.

In this last interview he said:

This year there will be global superstorms. The tornados will be huge and will cause great catastrophe.

Ohio will be hit this year by a huge tornado.

The next use on a "battlefield" of an atomic bomb will be done by North Korea, according to him it will be detonated in the North Korean peninsula. He also said the bomb is already in place in the Korean peninsula not far north from the DMZ. A bigger war would ensue but because a big natural event the war will not go too far.

There will be a space shuttle which will be forced to land due to a meteor shower and a couple of months later or so disaster starts.

He doesn't know the exact time this will happen. He says this forced landing is the nearest event to this big natural event.

Shuttles will resume flights at the beginning of 2005, right now they are grounded. (The grounding of the shuttles is not a prediction or the day when they will resume flights)

After this, very soon after, not years but some months later the sun will begin to send killer shots to the Earth. The sun will get pockmarked by solar flares. The killer shots from the sun will come one after another taking down all satellites and the power grid will shot down.

He doesn't know if these killer shots are produced because of the passing planet, but they will be very close together. He says it will pass us, its planet size, and will go around the sun and will pass us once again.

We would have around three months in advance before the passing of this planet because it will be seen.

When you see this forced landing it will be the beginning of all this. He said to go to high ground by this time and if possible to go underground for a couple weeks, 3,000 feet above sea level, or far inland from any coasts, or if you have a large sailboat with a very heavy keel it will right itself. He also said to get out of the cities, that anything is better than being caught in any city.

As this planet passes there will be waves of 2,000 feet because the Earth will wobble and a shift will most probably also occur. 300 mph winds will sweep accross the Earth. After the wobble a couple of days later after the kinetic energy is passed to the atmosphere the wind will pick up.

He said because of this passing there will be many nuclear reactors broken and this will cause a lot of problems. Many of the coastal reactors will end up in the bottom of the sea like the structures that were found off the coast of Cuba.

He said a couple billion people will die because of this passing space object causing all of these catastrophes, and a couple billion more will die in the aftermath as we will go through a mad max scenario.

He also said that people have been getting and more people will be having more dreams of planet X, and these catastrophes and what they would do to Earth. He has seen the same through remote viewing for some time now and he did not want to believe this was possible even thou he and other remote viewers had seen this planet passing.

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 11:07 AM
Billions of people dying, thats sad. I hope it doesn't happen.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 11:09 AM
I sure do hope the same. I am not sure if it will happen as he said or that soon, i am just reporting what he said.

Isn't actually funny to see people like leveller or whatever his name not post "one single" original post and just being an ass, as he just showed, in topics he clearly doesn't seem to believe in?

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 11:32 AM
Thanks for reporting it. I'm taking it I'm pretty screwed if this all comes to be, I'll be stuck in boston for quite a while. I hope this doesn't come to be, 2,000 foot waves, unsurfable. but it seems to be he's estimating half the world's population dying. what a downer..

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
I sure do hope the same. I am not sure if it will happen as he said or that soon, i am just reporting what he said.
Isn't actually funny to see people like leveller or whatever his name not post "one single" original post and just being an ass, as he just showed, in topics he clearly doesn't seem to believe in?
[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Muaddib]

I listened to most of the Dames interview over the weekend too. I had heard another one earlier in the year as well.

Didn't he mention that he cannot "see" past a certain year? IIRC, it was not too far off? I think he called it a "Wall?"

Anyone recall this?

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:03 PM
Art was the one to call it a wall, what Ed said was that there was a point that there were so many things happening at once and there also seemed to be some sort of void that he couldn't explain what it was.

Now he seems to be able to see it more clearly and it is these things happening at once he reported on sunday morning. The "shot across the bow" as he called it, he has been saying for some time now and some other predictions he accurately said. I have recorded earlier interviews done to him as I have been trying to log all his predictions.

Last time he said that this year we would see also many crops failing due to bugs and other stuff and that one of the first, or the first (can't remember which), crop failure would be cotton. I would have to check on this one thou.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:11 PM
hey man the locusts come this year, that could wipe out alot! well in maryland i know the Locusts are comming every 7 years they come out in a frenzy to feed then they borrow back into the ground an sleep. pretty weird creatures i think

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Art was the one to call it a wall, what Ed said was that there was a point that there were so many things happening at once and there also seemed to be some sort of void that he couldn't explain what it was.

But can he see beyond this void?
I got the impression that he could not see beyond the void. He also stated that it has given him problems in the past.

If he can't see beyond it, then he is contradicting his previous predictions..... such as, microbes outlasting mankind, Chinese supremacy, etc. Those were predictions many years down the is he able to predict anything past that void he mentions?

Or is it one place in time that get's confusing? But that still does not make sense, because he could just look past that time and try to deduct what happened from what he sees past his "void."

Just a thought....

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:24 PM

Or is it one place in time that get's confusing? But that still does not make sense, because he could just look past that time and try to deduct what happened from what he sees past his "void."

This is what i think he was trying to convey, that so many things he saw happening he and other remote viewers did not know what to make of them. As for China he said that the nuclear cloud from the nuclear explosion on NK will go over to China and they will be involved in this war. He said there might be some exchanges as the battle escalates but he said that this natural event overshadows anything any war could ever do. That the war won't get too far off, as in a total nuclear war, when this natural event will happen it will stop the war.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:33 PM
Im gonna go an hide in Ned Flander's Bomb Shelter!

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:57 PM
I've heard a lot of people that claim to be psychic have a certain point they can not see beyond. Most of these people say that it's the year 2012(2013).

I find this odd as it is also the year that the Mayans talk about as well...

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 02:35 PM
i think the world is gonna give itself a firm Cleaning soon, an rid itself of all the crap we have thrown off of the highway so to speak. lol.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 08:43 AM
I would wait to hear from the other remote viewers first before i got caught up in all this armagedon stuff .Ed dames is just one of many qualified TRV viewers and it has been implied in the TRV community that he has been kind of a PR seeker. It would be interesting to hear from others such as Joseph Mocmoneagle,Mel Riley and Skip Atwater as to what they think of his theories first, as these people in my mind are far more reliable.
and are not as glory bound.
Wait before you crack out the rubber dingys

Check out Joseph Mocmoeagles "Time Machine " book where he gives times and dates as to what he has seen happening to the earth, both weather and political predictions.


posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:27 AM
I've been studing various events the world over for the past 3 yrs. now. From a historical does seem to be speeding up(as according to i cheng-timewave zero). This is also caused by technologies leading to new techs or a method of creating new techs.

This sun HAS been more active than the past yrs. But Science has only studied the sun for the past 75-50 yrs...So whose to say this is actually the worst it has ever been even in a civilizations lifetime. (yes...CIVs have lifetimes to).

Earthquakes...Earthquakes are increasing cause unknown.

2012...don't know...I personally think the earth is headed for a big change. So be prepared. I'm thinking more along the lines of a pole-shift event (CAUSE:UNKNOWN)

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 12:22 PM
For thousands of years man has cried doomsday. When are we going to learn that if we are always preparing for death how can we live life?

This is just what the ragg newspapers print.

I believe that mankind has at least another 3,000 years to go before a definite change happens.

Most of the predictions are based on past history, severe storms, earthquakes and etc. The only reason it seems more prevelant now is because we have a more sophisticated form of communication.

The Bible Code is another type of scare. In actuality you could take any book put in a mathematical code and make it say anything you want. It is interesting, but that is all.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

He said a couple billion people will die because of this passing space object causing all of these catastrophes, and a couple billion more will die in the aftermath as we will go through a mad max scenario.

He also said that people have been getting and more people will be having more dreams of planet X, and these catastrophes and what they would do to Earth. He has seen the same through remote viewing for some time now and he did not want to believe this was possible even thou he and other remote viewers had seen this planet passing.
[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Muaddib]

This is very interesting. A while ago I was reading various prophecies and came across one that spoke of
The Ball of Redemption. I posted a thread about it in BTS (see link), because for some reason it struck a chord within me. I believe that the ball of redemption is the space object mentioned by Ed Dames.

posted on Apr, 16 2004 @ 06:16 AM
Correction The book i refered to is "the ultimate time machine" by joseph mcmoneagle. I pulled out my copy and under the heading planetary issues. Sometime in the year 2016 an asteroid will bypass Earth missing our globe by less than 1.3 million miles .It will be large enough to cause a measurable electromagnetic effect on the Earths surface ,This will be the first of 4 that will visit our neighborhood over the next 100 years.
He also goes on to say that planet X the tenth planet in our solar system will be verified in the year 2015.
There is much more he goes on to talk about. One other part of this book i found facinating was when he was still employed by the goverment with project stargate/grillflame ,When tasked by Mel Riley to go off planet (he did not know at the time) He went on to describe what happend to Mars About 1 million years ago. A near collision with a passing asteroid very large and very close to the planet was responsible for "Swipping" the atmosphere from the planet, An ELE and that all life on the planet, water plants, and yes people.were basicaly desimated from this encounter.hopefuly this is not what Ed dames is talking about . the book is a very good read and covers too many thing to list here i highly recomend it.


posted on Apr, 16 2004 @ 12:37 PM
Ed Dames brings some interesting information to the table in that last interview with Art. As you said, he has been right about many "major" events, enough so to take notice over some others who make predictions. I know he and Aaron Donohue do not see eye to eye, but check out some of the stuff Aaron talks about...

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 02:39 AM
To keep Ed Dames predictions in one thread i will post a new prediction he made tonight, January 2nd.

According to him there will be a 9+ earthquake around March this year, just off the NW tip of New Guinea.

Here is an excerpt of his prediction from Coast to Coast, although it will not be there in two or three days.

Remote viewing expert Major Ed Dames believes he has found the location of Earth's next major catastrophe. According to Dames, a 9+ magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter just off the Northwest tip of New Guinea (Eastern Indonesia, 0.5 degrees S/131.5 degrees E), will occur sometime in March 2005.

Excerpted from.

He also said something about Hawai, but i missed it.

[edit on 2-1-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 06:13 AM
i listened to ed dames last night on a british radio station which broadcasts over the web (i did post a link to this show which has now been deleted as the show was only on for 3 hours)

strange that he mentioned nothing at all of that type of dire prediction on this particular show. the only two he made were that new guinee would suffer a 9.5 earthquake in march causing big catastrophies and that a japanese power station would have a big problem. i think he also did mention something about solar flares but only briefly and didnt make a big thing out of it.

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