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The Sirius Mysteries

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

The Independence Day connection I was unaware of. Thanks for bringing that to blazing light.

Pretty interesting TWISI.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I wonder if your : (Although... I suspect the Sirians are not three-eyed...)
Is the third planet of the Dagon peoples ?

Might it also correlate with "The Third Eye"?

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 01:32 AM
How about some other folkes intrested in The Brighest Star

Native American, Wallace Black Elk and Sirius

The Cherokee, Kiowa and the Crow /Dog Star

The Seri and Tohono O'odham peoples called Sirius
'dog that followed sheep'
The Pawnee
'Wolf Star'
'Moon Dog'
The Chinese
'celestial wolf'
'Dog' and Mayan conection is very intersting also.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:56 AM
Thanks for the list of hints...see...never heard of em. Learn something new here every day.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Thanks for a thought provoking thread. It's been a long time since I've read about Sirius and forgotten how steeped in mythology it is. It got my mind going and I had a quick look around for other references to Sirius as a dog. The almost universal association with the term dog or wolf (the dogs ancestor) seems remarkable. Looking at other cultures for further examples reveals that the Thais also have a dog-based mythology of Sirius...

... in Thailand it is the sleeping dog star, Dao Mah Lap. Some elder Thai folks say that it is also called Dao Jone , the robber star and that children born at the time this star rises will likely become a member of a robber gang! They say that when this star is in the night sky, dogs fall fast asleep and are not easily wakened, making the life of the robber much easier.

The Greek meaning of Sirius threw me slightly, it means 'searing/scorching' probably due to it's brightness. Despite this Procyon means 'before the dog' as it rises before Sirius in the Northern Hemisphere.

So why dogs? We can speculate that Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and like a constant companion. As humans developed the symbiotic relationship with dogs and began to observe the stars and their movements, maybe it was natural to compare to the dog? To an ancestral hunter/gatherer, one can imagine a trained dog being as new tech as a rifle is to a hunter now. The dog was security, warning system, hunter, defender and companion.

The Chinese are well known lovers of the domesticated dog and arguably the worlds first 'scientific' astronomers. They have always called Sirius The Heavenly Wolf.

It seems like most of the human cultures that have domesticated dogs use the term in association with Sirius. The Inuits are an exception, with hardly a mention of Sirius.
They instead describe the Pleiades as 'five dogs attacking a polar bear.' Although there are links for Australian Aboriginal names for the Dog Star, they use the term Warepil, male eagle.
The Ancient Egyptians named Sirius, Sopdet, a woman with a 5 point star on her head. They also had domesticated dogs, but they are thought to have been second class to cats.

Inuit, Aborigines nor Egyptians have a strong culture of domesticating dogs, which perhaps explains their lack of reference points? It still leaves quite a strong connection with dogs. The more obvious reason seems to be that the dog is an obvious reference point to Sirius.

Out on the left field for a moment, there are some ideas that we've been visited by people from that part of the stars. Maybe, it attracted the dog terminology because they can protect us. I'm sure we had a term for dog before we developed the concept of good and bad. In that sense, when trying to define something that is good (before we had the language) we used 'dog' as an abstract term? I'm sticking with the original idea, but who knows??

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 01:38 PM
I hope I am not repeating information that has already been posted - sorry I skim alot when reading. In Greek mythology, Orion, the great hunter, had a dog named Sirius who can be seen in the constellation of the same name.

The Egyptian god of the Underworld, Anubis, is often depicted with a jackal's head, but he can be associated with other dogs as well.

And in Ireland

Sirius shared the same declination as the Winter Solstice sun around 3,150BC,when Newgrange was built, and it is possible the people who constructed Newgrange were well aware of this coincidental alignment, and therefore they may have used the passage of Newgrange to watch the precessional drift of Sirius over long periods of time. Viewed from Newgrange, Sirius set over a hill called Réaltoge, which is an Irish word for "star". In folklore, it was said there was gold buried under the ringfort on the top of Réaltoge Hill, a possible reference to the fact that winter solstice sunset occurs there too. In legend about the Boyne River - the earthly Milky Way - Bóann was washed out to sea with her lapdog, Dabilla. This could be a reference to the Dog Star.

Mythical Ireland

Orion has long been seen, by many people in many nations, as a giant man in the sky, sometimes a hunter, sometimes a warrior, sometimes a god. It is one of those few constellations which actually looks like what it is supposed to represent. Its belt stars point to Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the entire sky. His rising heralds the arrival of that most luminous of stars. Again back in the Stone Age, Sirius was important because it shared the same rising and setting positions as the Winter Solstice sun.

Mythical Ireland

This means the Dog Star would have been visible from the chamber of Newgrange every night as it rose over the hill of Redmountain, a fact not lost on author William Battersby who refers to this fact in his book about Newgrange. We’ve often wondered if this was why three dog skeletons were found in the chamber of Newgrange during excavations? At Millmount, Sirius would have marked the location of Tara when it was setting.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:34 AM
The origin of dogs - biogenetic engineering?

Only an excerpt:

Prior to DNA studies conducted in the 1990s, the generally accepted theory posited that dogs branched off from a variety of wild canids, i.e., coyotes, hyenas, jackals, wolves and so on, about 15,000 years ago. The results of the first comprehensive DNA study shocked the scholarly community. The study found that all dog breeds can be traced back to wolves and not other canids. The second part of the finding was even more unexpected – the branching off occurred from 40-150,000 years ago. Why do these findings pose a problem? We have to answer that question with another question: how were dogs bred from wolves? This is not just difficult to explain, it is impossible.

Do not be fooled by the pseudo-explanations put forth by science writers that state our Stone Age ancestors befriended wolves and somehow (the procedure is never articulated) managed to breed the first mutant wolf, the mother of all dogs. Sorry, we like dogs too, but that is what a dog is. The problems come at the crucial stage of taking a male and female wolf and getting them to produce a subspecies (assuming you could tame and interact with them at all). Let us take this one step further by returning to our original question, what is a dog? A dog is a mutated wolf that only has those characteristics of the wild parent, which humans find companionable and useful. That is an amazing fact.

More at the source.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Good point. Others see a progression that coincides with diversity brought about by breeding with other sub-species. The wolf represents several sub-species from different continents and regions within the continents. There's a very good article that explains how divergent breeds were created...

Although all wolves belong to the species Canis lupus, there are (or were) many subspecies that had developed a distinctive appearance, social structure, and other traits. For example, the Japanese wolf and the Eastern Timber Wolf posses different distinctive colouration, hunting and social structures.

The Indian Wolf is thought to have contributed to the development of more breeds of dogs than other subspecies. Many of today's wild dogs, such as the dingo, the dhole and pariah dogs, are descended from this wolf. The Indian wolf is also thought to have bred with descendants of the European wolf to create the Mastiffs and eventually leading to the development of such diverse breeds as the Pug, the Saint Bernard, and the Bloodhound. The Tibetan Mastiff is an example of an ancient breed.
The Dog Encyclopedia

I read an anthropological article several years ago that highlighted the importance of dogs and cats to Mankind's development. I should have kept it. The basic gist, as I recall it, was that they have defined our behavior as much as we have theirs. It was a symbiotic relationship that elevated all parties to a higher step on the food pyramid. The increasingly domesticated dogs provided a warning of predators (Nocturnal) and a guide for prey (hunting). I imagine that sleeping at night became a LOT more relaxing when a dog was providing the alarm. The article probably says it better than my dodgy recollections...

It is also now generally believed that initial domestication was through mutual desire. Wild canines who scavenged around human habitations received more food than their more skittish or fearful counterparts. Canines who attacked people or their children were likely killed or driven away, while those more friendly animals survived. Canines would have been beneficial by chasing away other vermin or scavengers. With their sharp senses, they would also be valuable as an alarm against marauding predators. The relationship is theorized to have developed in this way.
Same as above.

Maybe I have a confirmation bias dogging me (sad pun:@@
, but it would be fascinating to read an archaeolinguist's take on the matter. Several posts show evidence of Sirius being associated with the dog. Early man would have a minute vocabulary in comparison to ours. The dog was protector, guide and companion.Why then, would the brightest star and the dog become synonymous?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 04:20 PM
The 50 year cycle of the stars of Sirius would almost correspond to the cult suicide described...just one year off.

Also, just wanted to point out that 3150 B.C., when Newgrange was supposedly constructed, would roughly fall at one-fifth of the precession or long Tzolkin, wouldn't it?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by beebs
Also, just wanted to point out that 3150 B.C., when Newgrange was supposedly constructed, would roughly fall at one-fifth of the precession or long Tzolkin, wouldn't it?

Would it? Tell more.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:05 PM
Well the amount of time it takes for a full cycle of precession is around 26,000 years. 3150 B.C. would be 5159 years ago(2009 + 3150), which if multiplied by five gives us a figure of 25,795.

Now, the amount of years ago(being a fifth) isn't very important unless we have a time reference of when to start counting the precession.

The indigenous calendar that is so famous by now, belonging to many peoples from Mesoamerica, begs to be just such a reference.

If the calendar can be interpreted as the counting of the precession, as so many believe(including me), than 3150 B.C. would be darn near close to one fifth the precession counting backwards from the end of 2012.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 06:12 AM
Thanks for the input all

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 01:32 PM
I found something interesting indicating the constellation of Cancer and it's mention of heavenly time period associated with Sirius and naming it as the beginning of the Egyptian new year. It is another angle of the day of sirius as July 23rd.

The fourth sign of the Zodiac (June 22-July 23). The Crab is the final resolution of material manifestation, symbolized by the depth of the sea or the lake between the mountains. It is the sign of the soul's incarnation and the beginning of material life

The soul's incarnation, interesting.

All the other creatures of the Zodiac move in a forward direction, but the Crab is able to move backwards and sideways as well. This indicates that Cancer is the sign of the time-traveler.

Time travel, eh?

For the Egyptians, Cancer, coinciding with the rising of Sirius, was the "Theme of the World", the universal horoscope (what today we call the "mundane chart") in which, according to Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, the planets, etc. were in the position they occupied at the very beginning, long before the Age of Aries. It is therefore, associated with Sirius, the Dog Star, or beginning of the Egyptian year.

Sirius, thought of as the theme of the world seems to hold important meaning. The theme of the world is a strong term.

Famous Cancerians: Alexander the Great, John the Baptist, Count von Zeppelin, Mary Baker Eddy, George Orwell, Helen Keller, P.T. Barnum, Jean Cocteau, Rousseau, Pirandello, Charles Laughton, James Cagney, Buckminster Fuller, Ingmar Bergman, Jerry Rubin, Hermann Hesse, Kafka, Hawthorne, Proust, Thoreau, Rembrandt, Barbara Stanwyck, Ginger Rogers, George McGovern, Marshall McLuhan, Rube Goldberg and Nicola Tesla.

I added this last part because of the importance of the names of a few mentioned above.

As many know John the Baptist is thought by many to be the true Christ, like the son behind the son. As well as Alexander the Great who it is claimed was a son of divine intervention. Also Nicola Tesla whom it was claimed by the genius himself that he was in contact with off world beings.

Now we have some references to Buddah being tied in with these mysteries.

As an adjective, intelligent, wise, clever, fully awake; hence a wise or instructed person, a sage. In mythology, Budha is represented as the son of Tara (or Rohini), the wife of Brihaspati (the planet Jupiter). Tara was carried off by Soma (the Moon), which led to the Tarakamaya -- the war in svarga (heaven) -- between the gods and asuras (the latter siding with Soma against the divinities).

Tara comes into play. There is of course a thread about her as well by skyfloating.

The gods were victorious and Tara was returned to Brihaspati, but the parentage of the son she gave birth to was claimed both by Brihapati and Soma: he was so beautiful he was named Budha (cf SD 2:498-9). Upon Brahma's demand, Tara admitted that Budha was the offspring of Soma. Budha became the god of wisdom and the husband of Ila (or Ida), daughter of Manu Vaivasvata, and in one sense stands for esoteric wisdom

Keep in mind here that the word Ida is of the ida and pingala known as part of the system of the pineal glands activation, which is implicated in time travel through the properties of said gland.

Budha is also a name for the planet Mercury and its regent. Sirius was termed the star of Budha, "called the great instructor of mankind before other Buddhas

And here we have Sirius named as the star of budha, aka the great instructor of man.

Seems to be a common theme that perhaps the influence of Sirius is that which was very predominant in the intellectualization of early man.

I am sure it has already been said somewhere on the thread that Sirius is also known as the Star of Isis, Which makes since phonetically with the letters involved with both isis and sirius.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:24 PM
From Philip K. Dick's "VALIS"...

50. The primordial source of all our religions lies with the ancestors of the Dogon tribe, who got their cosmogony and cosmology directly from the three-eyed invaders who visited long ago. The three-eyed invaders are mute and deaf and telepathic, could not breathe our atmosphere, had the elongated misshapen skull of Ikhnaton, and emanated from a planet in the star-system Sirius. Although they had no hands, but had, instead, pincer claws such as a crab has, they were great builders. They covertly influence our history toward a fruitful end.

And a conversation:

"Entry number twenty-four," Fat said. "In dormant seed form, as living information, the plasmate slumbered in the buried library of codices at Chenoboskion until--' "

"What is 'Chenoboskion'?" Dr. Stone interrupted.

"Nag Hammadi."

"Oh, the Gnostic library." Dr. Stone nodded. "Found and read in 1945 but never published. 'Living information'?" His eyes fixed themselves in intent scrutiny of Fat. " 'Living information,' " he echoed. And then he said, "The Logos."

Fat trembled.

"Yes," Dr. Stone said. "The Logos would be living information, capable of replicating."

"Replicating not through information," Fat said, "in information, but as information. This is what Jesus meant when he spoke elliptically of the 'mustard seed' which, he said, 'would grow into a tree large enough for birds to roost in.' "

"There is no mustard tree," Dr. Stone agreed. "So Jesus could not have meant that literally. That fits with the so-called 'secrecy' theme of Mark; that he didn't want outsiders to know the truth. And you know?"

"Jesus foresaw not only his own death but that of all--" Fat hesitated. "Homoplasmates. That's a human being to which the plasmate has crossbonded. Interspecies symbiosis. As living information the plasmate travels up the optic nerve of a human to the pineal body. It uses the human brain as a female host--"

Dr. Stone grunted and squeezed himself violently.

"--in which to replicate itself into its active form," Fat said. "The Hermetic alchemists knew of it in theory from ancient texts but could not duplicate it, since they could not locate the dormant buried plasmate."

"But you're saying the plasmate--the Logos--was dug up at Nag Hammadi!"

"Yes, when the codices were read."

"You're sure it wasn't in dormant seed form at Qumran? In Cave Five?"

"Well," Fat said, uncertainly.

"Where did the plasmate originally come from?"

After a pause Fat said, "From another star system."

"You wish to identify that star system?"

"Sirius," Fat said.

"Then you believe that the Dogon People of the western Sudan are the source of Christianity."

"They use the fish sign," Fat said. "For Nommo, the benign twin."

"Who would be Form I or Yang."

"Right," Fat said.

"And Yuragu is Form II. But you believe that Form II doesn't exist."

"Nommo had to slay her," Fat said.

"That's what the Japanese myth stipulates, in a sense," Dr. Stone said. "Their cosmogonical myth. The female twin dies giving birth to fire; then she descends under the ground. The male twin goes after her to restore her but finds her decomposing and giving birth to monsters. She pursues him and he seals her up under the ground."

Amazed, Fat said, "She's decomposing and yet she's still giving birth?"

"Only to monsters," Dr. Stone said.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 04:48 PM
When asked by a students on Enlightenment, the mystic Gurdijeff once cryptically said: "You have to bury the Dog deeper". Nobody seemed to have a clue what he was talking about.

I found that interesting in this context.

[edit on 24-6-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:21 PM
I found this to very interesting while doing some research on th Dogon Tribe

From Jason King's Cannabible 3

Are You Sirius?

Take a look at the word cannabis. Ever wonder what it means? Cannabis is a Greek word, though its root is African. In Greek, canna means "canine," or "dog," and bis or bi is the number two. So cannabis is the "two dog plant!" That in itself is interesting to me. But the pot thickens. There is a cannabis-loving tribe in Mali, West Africa, called the Dogon Tribe. A fairly well-documented group, the Dogons were visited by Herodotus, a Greek traveler and chronicler, around 300 BCE. He was fortunate enough to have visited the Dogons during a yearlong celebration that took place every 50 years. Explaining their celebration, the Dogons pointed to the brightest star in the winter sky, Sirius, and said it was the "Two Dog Star," and that it was the home of the "two dog plant," cannabis. The two dog plant, they said, was brought to our planet by the goddess from the Two Dog Star. Their yearlong celebration was in honor of that star. All of this would be easy to dismiss if not for the fact that the Dogons possessed specific knowledge about the Sirian system for thousands of years before scientists with modern telescopes and equipment could catch up and prove them right. The Dogons had specific knowledge about Sirius B, a white dwarf star, which they call Po Tolo. They knew that it was white, that it was extremely small, and that it was the heaviest star in its grouping. (As it turns out, it's three hundred times denser than diamonds.) They were able to describe its elliptical orbit with Sirius A, its fifty-year orbital period, and the fact that the star rotated on its own axis. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye and is so difficult to observe, even through a telescope, that no known photographs were taken of it until 1970.

They also describe a third star in the Sirius system, which they called Emma Ya. In 1995, when two French astronomers published the results of a multi-year study of what was apparently a small, red dwarf star within the Sirius star system, the Dogon idea of there being a Sirius C, aka Emma Ya, was suddenly taken much more seriously. If the Dogons were correct in all of their other knowledge about Sirius, why would they not be dead on with their claims of cannabis being from Sirius? It is, after all, named after that Two Dog Star! Think about it: The Dogons were celebrating the fifty-year orbital period of the Sirius system for thousands of years before astronomers could even detect Sirius B. How did they know this? The Dogons claim that their astronomical knowledge was given to them by the Nommo, amphibious beings sent to earth from Sirius for the benefit of mankind.

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