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America once again shows lack of class

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Wrathier
reply to post by themamayada

I think what we in my country understands is, that it is more complicated than that. Your goverment, "bush" is a large part of all the "free house market loans" you could have for some time ago.

Now when the burble is bursting your bad economy is inflicting the whole world and someone must be blamed. Still it is not OK to disrespect the former president or the new one. We need to have this depression sorted out and solved as soon as possible for all of us in the western world.

When we spend time boooooooing :=) at bush and living in the past, India, china etc is running straight trough us all the way to the bank happy that we are not focused on things there really matters: Getting jobs, economy back on track, making people happy and cooping as teams in the Western world.

I do believe Obama will make a difference, even that I do not like him anything speciel. I hopefully trust that he do not owe to many favours to people like the fam. bush and that he has the caracther and the spirit to do what he think is right instead of just blindfolded following orders from generals and advisors. - Even that he is the president he is alaud to think Bush kind of forgot that.

Of course originally he was elected or so it is said on election cheating where the states where not alaud to recount the votes. That might as well has costed "the man" the presidency :=) Ofc after the election bush remade the law. *ROFL* Not to offend the American brothers but somewhere there alot of other countries/people lost respect for the democracy country there could not even have a fair straight election.

You obviously don't understand American economics. Bush didn't create anything that wasn't already there. Some simple reading will get you on the right track if you're so interested. Don't assume that I or anyone else posting on an internet forum are telling you the truth. Research it and educate yourself instead of spewing the same old worn out lines that have NEVER been correct.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:03 PM
The fact of the matter is Bush is the not the sole reason our country on the brink of disaster right now. That is such an ignorant mindset.

Look back to the Clinton years and his policies economically.

Look back to Wilson who allowed the Federal Reserve to form.

Lincoln, although a great man, killed many more Americans than Bush ever did. And you think that war was about slavery? It was about state's rights and Federal Government rights.

Either way Bush bashers are trying to pin all their and the rest of the country's problems on him, when all that serves to do is take your attention off the REAL problems, such as the Federal Reserve and all the economic problems caused by the traders and speculaters as well as the corporations and free trade agreements.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by dankanight13
reply to post by jsobecky

I have to agree with you, I am ashamed of my nation for the first time unlike Michelle Obama.

That shows you how mature Obama supporters are I suppose.

Excuse me, remember the Republican Campaign, Sarah, John, and their hateful speech, inciting fights, threats? How soon you forget.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by themamayada

not only do you seem to have what I've noticed some americans have pity for George Bush--- you fail to realize he is the reason our economy is drowning...

Why does everyone blame "Bush" for the economic shutdown? Here's a fact: 2/3 of our economy is consumer-driven. That means consumers are in essence, in charge of the economy. So did Bush make you swipe your credit card for $1500 a week at 18% interest when you only bring home $900 a week? Did Bush tell you to buy that $500,000 home, when you really could only afford a $250,000 one and are now in foreclosure? Did Bush make you pay only the minimum payment on your credit card instead of paying it off? Did Bush tell you to pay full price for that $1500 suit, when a really nice one could be dept-store bought at $250? Take these bad habits and multiply it by 100,000,000 USA people (or more). Bad consumer spending habits are to blame for the world-wide economic breakdown. Not any one specific world leader.

thats some of the most ignorant crap ive read on here...

the govt has a responsibility to protect each citizen from the actions of other citizens. there wasnt any regulation on the loans that were given to people who obviously could not afford them. the lenders are big fat rich men who dont care about someone losing their home, as long as they get their intrest so they can afford their 3rd billion-dollar yacht, who cares what happens to everyone else.....i dont think thats why our country was started

the govt shouldnt have allowed sooo many "bad consumer habits" to occur. i dont have any credit cards and refuse to ask for credit. i dont want to be in debt for the rest of my life, however, i am now HURTING big time because the govt allowed so many companies to KNOWINGLY lend people money who didnt deserve it.

the housing market has crashed and i happen to work in that market...layoffs are happening left & right around here because no houses are being built, which means we have no income as a company.

the govt isnt solely to blame, but they must surely take most of it...

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by wheazy

Personal responsibility comes into play, too, though.

The government didn't make people over-extend themselves. They didn't make people spend more than they earn.

Yes, the government shoulders some of the burden, but the citizens of this country have to take personal responsibility for their actions, as well.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by antonia
I'll tell ya what i think is classless-spending millions on a party for a new president when this country is "hurting". I could care less about the booing.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by antonia]

[edit on 21-1-2009 by antonia]

Oh, but I'm sure the McCain's would certainly have kept down the spending, right? Geez, Cindy's clothes alone would have cost a fortune.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by jsobecky
...Incredibly, Bush and Cheney, and their wives, were loudly booed when they were introduced to the crowd.

I was ashamed to be an American.

What a total lack of class. With the world watching, Americans had to act like a bunch of immature adolescents.

An historic day, ruined by idiots.

Come, come...the whole world watching was also booing this looser of a leader, as well. Haven't you kept up with what the world has been saying about America and Bush/Cheney over the last few years? Furthermore, I would suspect you would find it repulsive that a few lowly people living under a King would be so inconsiderate as to consider declaring independence from the benevolent England in 1776. Remember those you so flipantly call idiots are your fellow citizens who this neo-con gang of bandits has called unpatriotic for meerly questioning their stripping us of our precious freedoms since 9-11. When I saw the introductions and booing I said, good, but they should by rights all be in prison for treason against the American people. Not to mention their active involvement in 9-11 insself as a pretext to entering Iraq to exact a spoil!

But that said, one should not expect much to change with President Obama. After all he gets his orders from the same OWNERS as did Bush/Cheney. Different actors, same script. Our hope is not in politics or parties or personalities. George Carlin had the best advise in this regard:

A United States, ruined by idiots.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by wheazy

thats some of the most ignorant crap ive read on here...

the govt has a responsibility to protect each citizen from the actions of other citizens. there wasnt any regulation on the loans that were given to people who obviously could not afford them. the lenders are big fat rich men who dont care about someone losing their home, as long as they get their intrest so they can afford their 3rd billion-dollar yacht, who cares what happens to everyone else.....i dont think thats why our country was started

the govt shouldnt have allowed sooo many "bad consumer habits" to occur. i dont have any credit cards and refuse to ask for credit. i dont want to be in debt for the rest of my life, however, i am now HURTING big time because the govt allowed so many companies to KNOWINGLY lend people money who didnt deserve it.

the housing market has crashed and i happen to work in that market...layoffs are happening left & right around here because no houses are being built, which means we have no income as a company.

the govt isnt solely to blame, but they must surely take most of it...

If they had just made "stupid" illegal the economy would not be in the shape it is in today. It is not the government's responsibility to protect people from themselves, eq. bad decisions. That's what parents (supposedly) do for their children.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by paul76
I commend the American public for booing Bush. The American public have every right to be angry with Bush. He's responsible for a lot of death and destruction. He's doesn't give a dam about the American public, so why should the American public give a dam about him?

I commend the American public for being so restrained. Only booing, the American public were entitled to riot with what they've had to put up with over the last ten years. The American public have showed a lot of patience. I can guarantee that if Bush has been the leader in lot of other countries, the people would have been rioting.

Personally, I hope Bush catches some kind of deadly disease. I hope he dies a nasty death. I never talk like this, but this man is a cockroach. This man is a parasite.

I hope I never see him or his god awful inbred family again.

Those lines you've spewed show just how uneducated you are about the man and apparently how you appeal to the lowest common denominator. Ignorance is bliss I suppose. Enjoy your life full of bliss, mate!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by aero56

I didn't vote for McCain. Didn't like that jerk either. Quite frankly i don't think it's the clothes you'd have to worry about. I think her stepford wife programming costs more.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:44 PM
I just want to say that everyone has been right on this thread "TO A CERTAIN EXTENT" so don't get all hyped, saying "YES I AM COOL." In response to semperfortis or what have you, "Do you read any of these posts or threads here on ATS? Yeah it was not only Bush who chose to go to war, your right it was the Congress as well. Trust me they all need to be thrown out. (Now who voted not to go to war?) A few did, but may I mention my favorite politician Ron Paul? O.K. back to this low class thing, Bush definitely does deserve more than booing. He deserves a death sentence from the Supreme Court, especially for his remark on "Not giving a rats a$$ about what the American people think." Him and Cheney both do not deserve to even be among us. Send them to Iraq to fight their war. Trust me Semper you are ignorant of what really goes on aren't you? Read between the lines and you'll see how much crap you have been ingesting. Katrina response time ring a bell? He waited to send relief. Wow, he does not deserve a boo for that. I don't forget and I certainly do forgive, I USED TO BE A BUSH SUPPORTER. I stuck up for his a$$ from 8th grade (9/11) till freshman year in college. But you know what, it was in vain. I DESPISE Bush and the rest of his administration. He crapped on the Constitution numerous times, but the Congress (except for Ron Paul and a few others) voted FOR his trumped up Patriot Act. The only reason why we have not had another "terrorist" attack was because there was no more need for one. Bush and Cheney got what they wanted. SO BOO TO THEM NOW. I understand that "LIBERAL'S" were at the ceremony, but I assure you there were "CONSERVATIVES" as well, booing those P.O.S. off.
I deny ignorance, I research everything I hear and overhear, because unlike most American today, I am not breast fed info from the MSM. I hardly ever reply back on ATS, because all that I will receive is criticism and name-calling. That is what American values are missing today, self responsibility in questioning authority. If you really believe everything Bush has said these past 8 YEARS OF AMERICAN HISTORY, you might also believe that Bush did not deserve the booing. As childish as it seems, booing shows expression. (We have FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in this society.) Thank you for your thoughts Semper but I do not agree with you on almost everything you have said. Sorry for the length of this Post, but I wanted to make sure everyone has heard my opinion. Thanks for listening. Let the criticism begin.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:49 PM
People go to these gatherings to hear andto voice their opinion to those in control. Boos are valid voicing and speaks many words believe it or not. I'm sure the bush's and the others that deserved it got the point....

Lack of Class? No.... Lots of Class. Hats off to you America...('

It could have been worse, I was expecting an assassination....

Maybe they'll try him as a war criminal? Let's hope...


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Jdubbas1

Katrina response time ring a bell?

Were they not warned in advanced to get out? That action itself would have helped a lot in what happened.

"Not giving a rats a$$ about what the American people think."

He never said he didn't care about Americans. Why should he care about what a lot of Monday morning quarterbacks think?

I will receive is criticism and name-calling.

None here. Appreciate your opinion.

That is what American values are missing today, self responsibility in questioning authority.

I agree here and will say that self responsibility period is needed. We can't keep depending on government to solve all of our problems. I also applaud you for mentioning Congresses part in all of this mess.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
I've been a harsh critic of Obama. But this morning, after listening to pre-inauguration interviews with some conservative voices that I respect, I decided to change my mind and give Obama a chance to prove himself. The people I refer to were full of hope and praise for the man and the day, and I carried that feeling for the rest of the morning.

Then the ceremonies began.

Incredibly, Bush and Cheney, and their wives, were loudly booed when they were introduced to the crowd.

I was ashamed to be an American.

What a total lack of class. With the world watching, Americans had to act like a bunch of immature adolescents.

An historic day, ruined by idiots.

Bush and Cheny should not be booed, but imprisoned.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:57 PM
Well, no surprises going on here in ATS. I figured that most posts would be filled with hate and rage, wishing death on Bush and his family, hoping he dies a nasty death. Real class people are showing here.

Originally posted by paul76
Personally, I hope Bush catches some kind of deadly disease. I hope he dies a nasty death. I never talk like this, but this man is a cockroach. This man is a parasite.

I hope I never see him or his god awful inbred family again.

Inbred family? Dude, you're from England. You may want to check out your Royal family when it comes to inbreds.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Nah, it's just radical American behavior.

When Putin and Hu Jin Tao (Chinese PM) came to the US to speak, no American showed respect towards them.

I think you can do this to your own leaders but you can't show disrespect towards foreign leaders because that will truly give a horrible impression of your country.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Gears Of War

Those men don't deserve applause or any kind of respect, they ruined your once great nation in 8 years....8 years!

He did nothing of the sort. In fact, under Bush, the US economy added $5 trillion dollars worth of GNP (the most ever by any president).

The current fiasco is not because Bush "screwed up" (as much as you want to think it.)

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by americanway
reply to post by mr-lizard

How dare you compare the President of the United States to Hitler. It's Obama that has the Hitler like qualities, if anything. Positioning himself as a messiah. What a farce! Check out this Youtube video:

OH that is the BEST PART He is NOT President!!!

Hate to inform you - but that person is FORMER!!! President - and yes that person was just like Hitler. He took away our rights -

but you know what I have realized over the last 8 years, there is no talking to Bush people, I think most have been brainwashed to such an extent - they will never wake up and see the truth. Bush people will always be Bush people, and I just shake my head - and think some no matter what will acknowledge, that the person they voted for was a BAD person. I understand.... you will defend him to the last, because you don't want to admit ...that you made a mistake.

So...there we are.....and interesting enough - all those defend him, are thrashinig Obama. So no more needs to be said.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by skeptic1

why am i paying for the overspending of other citizens???

i didnt overspend, yet my job and my way of life are threatened because of a lack of govt oversight. there is no regulation in place to prevent such ill-advised lending, and there should have been.

it was a con job by the credit card companies, who are now recieving our tax dollars as well. they get it both ways and thats completely unfair and unjust.

i would take the blame if i felt i over spent and maxed out all my credit cards without having a way to pay them back, but that is not the case.

what i dont get is how pelosi still walks around acting like she is hot stuff.....she is worse than bush IMO

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by fnIrish

If they had just made "stupid" illegal the economy would not be in the shape it is in today. It is not the government's responsibility to protect people from themselves, eq. bad decisions. That's what parents (supposedly) do for their children.

youre missing the point....

the govt isnt protecting people from themselves in this case.

the govt is protecting people from OTHER people, which is what the govt is here for.

the housing market has crashed because the govt refused to regulate it. lenders were allowed to give money to people who couldnt afford because realtors were allowed to falsify documents.

i didnt overspend, others did. now IM suffering for what OTHERS have done because the govt CHOSE to ignore the problem. they knew about it, but they chose to ignore it.

its similar to drunk driving...someone who doesnt drink gets killed by someone who did.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by wheazy]

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