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Can you sense when someone you know is nearby before you see them?

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posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:43 AM
Have you ever had that feeling were you hear footsteps coming and you already know who its going to be? What is that feeling? It happens to me all the time. Im out somewhere and before I even see the person I know they are one of my family or friends because I can feel their "presence".

Has this ever happened to you and how do you explain this phenomenon?
Or is it natural???

[edit on 18-1-2009 by SuperSlovak]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:50 AM
I have the ablity to know who it is just by listening to the footsteps. From what i have noticed, everyone walks diffrent, and they tend to walk like that until someone points it out to them, or they become aware of it.

When i was young, at night my dad would shuffle his feet like ice skates through the den to get a snack from the kitchen at night, but then walking on trails in the woods you wouldnt even hear his steps. i call that, his situational walking stance.

I had a bad roommate for a while and he did this really creepy walk where he would step lightly and very slowly. where i sit at work is a high traffic area and I usually know who is coming around the corner just by hearing.

If you hear someones steps long enough, it is quite possible you will come to reconginze the patterns, like a drum beat.

also, i know who pulls up at my apartment by listening to the noises the car makes, breaks, lose belts, bass bumping, haha.

[edit on 18-1-2009 by drsmooth23]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:51 AM
All the time. I know when someone close to me is going to show up usually 5 minutes or so before they arrive. Often with phone calls its the same way. Though it can't be forced.

Its a very strong signature that is picked up, really hard to explain. Different than just regularly vibing on someone though.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 11:12 AM
I guess in some cases like that there could be a natural explanation to it.


The link will provide a basis for getting started there's alot of information on it.

But it's essentially a heightened state of awareness of your surroundings. things we would have not otherwise been "consciously" aware of we are.

not to be confused with paranoia. as often time it can be diagnosed as it.

I am not implying that this particular condition can explain EVERY detail. but it might give a natural explanation to certain things we would otherwise say is paranormal.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 11:46 AM
Humans have a funny quirk of remembering every time we were right in a "prediction" ..... and conveniently forgetting all the occasions we were wrong.

Serendipitous anomalies catch our attention ...... the banal does not.

If you seriously want to test this hypothesis , keep a small notebook and pen on your person at all times . When you "feel" something , write it down exactly ...were you correct ? you must be honest with yourself, after a few weeks review your notes.

It might be fun.

Studies of Long term memory have shown it to be re-constructive in nature . Experiments conducted by Marcia Johnson (1979) and more recently re; recollection of events of Sept 11, suggests that what we remember is what we reconstruct from the meanings that we have stored in our memories , and those meaning change over time.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 11:58 AM
Another interesting thing to do is test your own awareness, intuition or whatever you choose to call it, is the phone. When it rings, do not look at the caller ID and "guess" who is calling. Keep a tally and see how you do. I have heard some people find no pattern at all and others are as high as 90% accurate.

I do think we are able to sense things in energy that is all around us. It is simply a matter of attuning to it. We have all had that experience of thinking of a friend we have not spoken to in a very long time and they suddenly call within hours or days of that thought. I don't believe in coincidence.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Closest I get is sometimes I will think the phone rang and go get it only to find it had not rung yet and then like 30 seconds later it rings. My wife laughs at this all the time but I think its odd.

I can also tell footsteps like somebody else said above and I had about a 90% accuracy rate. In my old office at work we were upstairs and I could hear the door open and then hear people walk up the stairs. My employee's were always amazed because they could rarely even hear the footsteps or the door and I would always call out who it was before they appeared.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:13 AM
Its happens to me all the time. Even if I'm in my house alone and my wife comes from work, I can feel that I'm no longer in the house a lone. Or if I'm some where totally alone I can feel when some one pops up.

I personally think Air is like Water and its something like an invisible 'ripple effect' that happens or like a spider web.

To answer the "knowing when some one calls you before it happens" phenomenon I think we as humans have radio frequencies that we can pick up with our brain. We must have a biological antenna. I am convinced of that. It happens to me so often that I feel like my 6th sense is just as normal as my other 5. Constantly knowing what and who is coming or is bound to happen.


posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by king Pop!p

I do as well. I think it's the high-pitched buzz/ringing of the screen. I can't sleep with the T.V. on because of it. Love your Avatar BTW!

My job puts me in public places a lot. I get a heightened sense of awareness a few minutes before I run into someone I know. Then I find myself looking at those around me more intently, trying to find the person I know.

And yeah, the phone thing happens all of the time as well. I think I'll keep a log as suggested above to see how accurate I am.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:57 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.


Not all of the time, but a lot of it I will know when someone I know is approaching me long before I see them and sometimes know if they are just in my general vicinity and I don't see them at all.

For many years now I've been able to know when my home land-line is going to ring and it will be someone I know - to the point where I am sometimes able to work round it and think "I've just got time to do this before...."

Oddly, my mobile ringing comes as a complete suprise - and you'd think it would be the other way round what with us all being bathed in electromagnetic energy.

The weirdest thing though is the radio. Every now and then a song I've heard - and it could be many many years old - will pop into my head and if I turn the radio on its playing on the last station I was listening to, at the exact same point in the song as its reached in my mind. Bizzare.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:48 AM
Thanks for the complement.

Yea when I got to public places like a mall for example, I always feel as if I'm going to bump into some one I know. I live in queens NYC but if I got to another boroughs shopping mall like Manhatten, I will catch my self assuming that I'm going to see an old friend. Weird. lol

Keep a phone logg. Now since your mind is more open to it it will occur more often, watch. Since I started meditation I found it to heighten my psychic abilities more.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posteke ikd by neformore

The weirdest thing though is the radio. Every now and then a song I've heard - and it could be many many years old - will pop into my head and if I turn the radio on its playing on the last station I was listening to, at the exact same point in the song as its reached in my mind. Bizzare.
That happened to me ALL THE TIME! lol Even with episodes from old T.V shows. Any ideas on how does it this happen? is it purely psychic?

I think so. I think the song enters your head because you liked it in the so much in the past and you minds eye is telling you "Oh look turn on the radio their gonna give that song you always loved". Make sense don't it?

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Mysterysoul

Hypervigilance, or expecting someone to show up at that time, for example, they're late, actually interfers for me with being hit with the feeling of the person, minutes before they are anywhere near our street, if they're driving.
I remember dating a guy who I didn't know was psi, and was thinking of him one evening. Well, I quickly learnt to absolutely control my thoughts! I suddenly felt he was going to phone as I stepped out of the bath. Sure enough,
the phone rings, have to run downstairs in a towel. He asks me if I was thinking of me, and we ended up the strangest conversation about vibing on people and psi abilities and both discovered the same gifts in each other. I told him I had felt him thinking of me too. I think we both learnt to control our thoughts a bit.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:57 PM
I have this ability, too, especially with the phone. It's been a recent thing, within the last 4 or 5 years where I can just say "Gee I think so and so is about to call me." Sometimes it's minutes later, sometimes it's within the day.

I've always had the ability to predict what's going to be on TV. For example, say the movie "The Goonies" pops into my head. Low and behold, within the week it's usually on the network at some point. I've been able to do that since I was little. Odd.

As for sensing people, it's probably something to do with our quantum energy signature (aka soul) able to pick-up on a similar vibrating frequency. I.E Best friends, family, co-workers, what have you. Just my opinion though, I'm sure the scientists have come up with some fabulous explanations.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:28 PM
I wounder if there is anyway to stimulate this hypervigilance part of the brain so that it works better? Maybe hypervigilance is linked to telekenisis somehow?

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:37 PM
I work in the medical field. I get "feelings" all the time. Certain ones are not good at all and usually pan out that way......I hate that. Then there are times that I will be thinking of someone and about 1-5 minutes later that person crosses my path. Its like our minds have touched somehow. I will not think of a person for a long time and then a few minutes later the phone will ring and that person is on the line. Weird. I have many similar things almost on a dailey basis....I wish it worked in football and I would not lose so much money.......these feelings don't work with gambling, trust me.


posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Yes. Also, I could tell how many people there were behind closed door in a room and where they stood. But noticed that I am not as good anymore, probably because I stopped doing it. So it all comes to "use it or lose it", just like with everything else. How about seeing or visualizing things, or conversations before they happen?

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Very Mild Superpowers

An Irish comedian singing about the phenomenon .
Its good for a giggle.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by king Pop!p
Its happens to me all the time. Even if I'm in my house alone and my wife comes from work, I can feel that I'm no longer in the house a lone. Or if I'm some where totally alone I can feel when some one pops up.

I personally think Air is like Water and its something like an invisible 'ripple effect' that happens or like a spider web.

To answer the "knowing when some one calls you before it happens" phenomenon I think we as humans have radio frequencies that we can pick up with our brain. We must have a biological antenna. I am convinced of that. It happens to me so often that I feel like my 6th sense is just as normal as my other 5. Constantly knowing what and who is coming or is bound to happen.


Dude, I hate to use Dude as an expression for right now. This ripples like water in the air, is exactly the way I describe my uncanny spacial senses. I feel like a shark or dolphin with my sense of space and what moves in it near me. * Seen or Unseen*

I this week explained it those terms.

As far as the TV sensitivty, no I don't get that. I do get microwave oven, computer sceen, and faulty wiring feelings of too much EMF.


posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 10:53 PM
I can actually feel a change in the energy when my sister is approaching. I have very bad hearing, and she walks very quietly. I sometimes feel this energy thing with a phone call too. I have learned over the years to trust my intuition; it never fails me. Ever. But so many times in the past I have ignored it. Not any more.

I think this has something to do with our energies.

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