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The Kelly-Hopkinsville Incident, 1955, Family Terrorised By Alleged ET's

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posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 07:24 AM
I think the skeptics conclusions in this case, are way more out there than the witness descriptions, I mean cmon, a monkey in a silver suit?

Think about it for a second, if a monkey that had been dressed in a silver suit to entertain visitors to a carnival, then where are the witnesses who visited the carnival and saw a monkey dressed in a silver suit? thats something I wouldn't forget for a long time, and unless it is the worst carnival in history, then there should be at least hundreds of people who saw it, and surely they would have come forward after the report to say so.

This is one of those cases where you have a feeling of the sincerity of the witnesses and what they saw, I cant comment further on it, because I have never met these folks, or know what their personality is like, I certainly wont say they were faking or mistaken, that would be unethical.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 07:58 AM
I like this case for one reason in particular; the explanations don't fit the witnesses' descriptions. Their story is either completely fabricated, or it did happen. It's almost as simple as that.

You may also check Barry Conrad's Monsters of the UFO: Incident at Kelly DVD here.

Here's full, 45 minute documentary you refer to:

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:16 AM
Sorry to rain on parade (again), but consider the following: The sheriff was in on the hoax along with however many others (obviously including the "skeptics"). In 1955, soon after the (clearly legitimate) '52 sightings of crafts over DC (that Shirley Maclaine winessed from a Virginia suburb), there were a lot of ignorant, religious redneck rural conservatives who were pants-crapping by the scores. Disinformation was their psychological "healing" that was akin to what they would consider warding off demons or evil spirits.

THINK about it: Eyes that are almost on the sides of the head for bipeds makes NO sense. There's a HUGE blank space that would be too cumbersome or impossible to view things dead center; thereby bumping into whatever objects... And the sudden reaching out of the clawed hand is strait out of every cheesy horror flick ever made. Or please let me know if I've missed some convincing details(s). Cheers and peace.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Lightworth
THINK about it: Eyes that are almost on the sides of the head for bipeds makes NO sense. There's a HUGE blank space that would be too cumbersome or impossible to view things dead center; thereby bumping into whatever objects... And the sudden reaching out of the clawed hand is strait out of every cheesy horror flick ever made. Or please let me know if I've missed some convincing details(s). Cheers and peace.

If we hypothetically accept that these are aliens beings, then we have no idea what evolutionary advantage eyes on the sides of the head might have. On our planet it is to do with predation usually and maybe they were once a preyed upon species who evolved out of it but never evolved forward facing eyes. Or maybe there is an environmental factor we cannot take into account.

It's also possible that their eyes can see forward through some uncommon structure like mirrors. We have found some rare species on earth who have evolved mirrors for vision. Maybe they don't use vision as their major sense etc etc.

That's all hypothetical of course assuming this isn't a hoax and ignoring any possible shared hallucination.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:33 AM
For some reason, I do not think ET's are humanoids.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:53 AM
Thats an interesting one and ImaginaryReality1984 has effectively hit the nail on the head.

The thing is that binocular overlap is normally indicative of prevalence of predation in humanoids but that is only in humanoids, there are plenty of examples in the animal kingdom that do not conform to that rule.

Chameleons. Flatfish etc.

However in this case you'll acknowledge that we do not have any good examples of visual geometry. All we have is witness testimony and drawings of large eyes... the actual mechanism or physics of which are unknown.

For example, some herbivores are known to have almost 360 degree vision with eyes places on opposite sides of their heads, horses are good for this..however that is only non binocular when one presumes that each eye only has an FOV of 180 degrees and the alignment is exact.. which is rarely the case.

(If I'm remembering correctly mud skippers or guppy fish have completely crazy optical systems with both 360 deg vision and a overlap of almost 120 deg when they are looking at a single object.)

Humans in these cases can be considered to have 210 FOV since its not the eye itself that determines the reception its the lens of the eye, which sits forward of the face.. (Slightly bug eyes for want of a better term, even better look at a Cat's eyes and see where their lenses actually are.)

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Half an hour after they had departed, they arrived back at the house with the police and a staff photographer. A detailed search occured but nothing was found apart from one unusual thing, a luminous patchnear a fence where one of the creatures had been shot at. There were spent casings of bullets everywhere.

My question is where is this patch now??? Were there any tests done on it?

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:22 AM
Hey guys, there's also another possibility here.

You're talking about what good would these features be in living beings, but what if they weren't living beings? We send probes (robots) to Mars and other places, other civilizations might send probes of their own too.

I mention this because some of the descriptions of the creatures seem kinda robotic:

The creatures generally moved in a peculiar fashion. The legs appeared to be inflexible and when they ran, movement was accomplished almost totally by "hip motions."

The two men who were closer described the creatures as less "stockier" than the others, and Billy Ray said one had antennae.

Also might explain why they weren't armed by the shots, if they were robots of some sort.

Not saying this is what it was, or even what these people saw, we have no way of knowing that, but just putting this out there thinking of different possibilities.

[edit on 18-1-2009 by converge]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
True or not, the story begs the question of how exactly could a peaceful, trusting First Contact ever occur? How could we be reassured of peaceful intent?

Our weapons are obviously impotent against their vehicles and against the aliens themselves (assuming the account is true) so I doubt they're concerned about our "intent".

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:15 AM
There are also similarities with a less known case, the The North Canol Road abduction. We had the luck to talk about the case with the guy who investigated on it, Martin Jasek: the rellevant discussion can be found here:
The North Canol Road Abduction Yukon, Canada

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Lightworth
The sheriff was in on the hoax along with however many others (obviously including the "skeptics"). In 1955, soon after the '52 sightings of crafts over DC there were a lot of ignorant, religious redneck rural conservatives who were pants-crapping by the scores.

That is quite the claim there. Do you have any evidence that 2) the sheriff was in on any hoax; or b) that "religious redneck rural conservatives" were gripped with a paroxysm of fear after the '52 sightings? And what is your basis for calling anyone involved with the case an "ignorant redneck," outside of your own ignorant stereotypes of people living in Kentucky?

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by DarkSide

Originally posted by Kandinsky
True or not, the story begs the question of how exactly could a peaceful, trusting First Contact ever occur? How could we be reassured of peaceful intent?

Our weapons are obviously impotent against their vehicles and against the aliens themselves (assuming the account is true) so I doubt they're concerned about our "intent".

You misunderstand. I was referring to their intent. An aggressive introduction at least has the merit of honesty. It's not open to interpretation
A peaceful overture would be open to question. Make no mistake, a peaceful overture is the option I'd prefer but naturally there would be concerns

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Sorry I was away for a bit... There are certain subtle details that make some UFO or close encounter cases more believable than others. This case has all the subtlety of a turd in the punchbowl. Basically I'm disinclined to believe all the MOST outlandish-sounding tales without sufficient corroberation... including the witnesses expressing their willingness to tesify in a court of law AND take a polygraph... The anti-redneck political angle is admittedly speculation. It could have simply been a bunch of yahoos having a good laugh...

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by internos
There are also similarities with a less known case, the The North Canol Road abduction. We had the luck to talk about the case with the guy who investigated on it, Martin Jasek: the rellevant discussion can be found here:
The North Canol Road Abduction Yukon, Canada

It's interesting. Mr Jasek certainly exists. He's mentioned in his professional capacity on several sites wholly unrelated to UFOs. It seems the story exists through luck and happenstance. Jasek met Kevin at a UFO conference and believed Kevin's story enough to follow it up and go to the location.

Neither one has extended a career in UFOs. Neither made money from the case and the story hasn't become part of a straw man concept like Serpo. It's distinct from the norm due it's almost mundane retelling. In the years since it became known, I can't find any mention of fraud or hoax. As usual we're left with speculation without solution! No wonder UFOlogy is full of lunatics, it's enough to drive everyone mad. It's like having sex using the withdrawal method...ultimately disappointing...and a bit messy

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:15 PM
I was born 45 minutes from Hopkinsville and the area is a hotbed for weird occurances which regularly go unnoticed, except by the locals. I even got to enjoy a stay at the Hopkinsville State Sanitorium after one of several of my own encounters with the unexplained. During the detailed experience I had, I heard sounds which could be identified as "artillary being fired" what's more I obtained thick clear glass with dark parrallel lines running through its center, as well as smoky grayish brown glass of the same quality and thickness with the same lines running through it, I kept the glass pieces, which I found all over the many areas where I heard the sound, but, no one I showed them to could identify them or even recognized what they could be for. The odd feature of them is that when struck the pieces which broke off would spark and the "dust" would dissipate, leaving no debris to be had. After my experience and the contacts which took place, the glass pieces, except for the ones I kept, all disappeared.
I find their story very plausable, if only from personal experiences. What I find hard to believe are the explanations. Monkeys, even though investigation reports were very clear, there were no footprints. And owls, even though the owls talons would have done serious injury to the people attacked by them, as their handlers need gloves since the owl's talons can pierce human skin to the bone, and possibly crush the bone, too. Where are the injury reports? And how do people not tested or found to be on acid or the like, which corpses can be spinal tapped or hair tested, even now to determine and/ or rule out that aspect, then how do non hallucinogenic drug infected people not recognize a bird from a humanoid. Please. Some people really don't think before they conclude.
I can't confirm or deny their experience, even based upon my own, but, I can certainly understand it. It seems more justifiable than not.

What's more, where are the shell casings and the ballistics reports? If they fired those shots, even if ballistics were crappy at the time, wouldn't those shells have had impact damage, and wouldn't it have contact material embedded on it to rule out hitting trees and the like. What about blast marks to account for and ruling out shots which hit obviously local targets, what then of any shots which might show impact due to non local targets and maybe, no impact damage at all, or even, impact damage with no contact material on the bullets at all.
Just how seriously are these things investigated anyway?

[edit on 18-1-2009 by PhyberDragon]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:52 PM
Hmm... Looks like "hermes" technology to me, lol.

Hermes is a Greek God who had a winged helmet, he was a trickster and a thief as well, he could also "float in the air".

To me these seem like fairies though, yeah I know, sounds silly and whatnot, but it sounds like the fairy version of our "little grey men".

[EX]Many of the Irish tales of the Tuatha Dé Danann refer to these beings as fairies, though in more ancient times they were regarded as Goddesses and Gods. The Tuatha Dé were spoken of as having come from Islands in the north of the world, or, in other sources, from the sky. After being defeated in a series of battles with other Otherworldly beings, and then by the ancestors of the current Irish people, they were said to have withdrawn to the sídhe (fairy mounds), where they lived on in popular imagination as "fairies.[/EX]

Fairies are also very well known to abduct humans too.


posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
1. Either this happened with some strange beings or it was an amazing group hallucination. I somehow doubt the hallucination as the witnesses accounts were so similar and the dog was scared, which says something happened.
We don't have the dog's account.

Sorry for nit-picking, but if we only have the witnesses report that the dog was scared then we cannot consider it as a separate report, and if they were all hallucinating (which I doubt) then the hallucination could include the dog being scared.


I don't really know if this case can be considered an Aliens case or just a strange creatures case, there is nothing to point to an extraterrestrial origin of what those people saw that night.

But it's an obviously interesting case, and being one of those without more details, one that I think will be forever a mystery.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
I remember reading about this case and thinking two things.

1. Either this happened with some strange beings or it was an amazing group hallucination. I somehow doubt the hallucination as the witnesses accounts were so similar and the dog was scared, which says something happened.

2. Why did they immediately start firing? I know this might sound silly but if the creature had it's arms up then doesn't that indicate surrender? It's hard to say what any of us would do in such a situation but i would hope if a creature approaches with it's arms held high that our first action would not be to shoot at it.

Maybe the creatures spent the night running on and around the home to teach them a lesson or something. They seemed able to sense fear so maybe that was their revenge? Or maybe the entire thing was some strange beings having a lot of fun.

Quite simply i have no idea what happened in this case, and we never will.

If you look up the works of Dr.'s Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna
Such as at:

You'll find in their work and that of others like them, that hallucinogenics vary by experience, dependant on the degree. Certain Hallucinogens cause on to see and interact with cat and snake- like creatures, while others may cause one to see and interact with fairies, pixies, brownies, and the like. This was found to be true even when the isolated peoples of the world had never seen, heard of, or even encountered such creatures. Such as an experiment of the Eskimo Inuit tribes when first discovered to exist who, when given the African based psylocybin mushroom hallucinogenics, in exchange for their own religious concoctions and hallucinogen- based recipes, reported and drew seeing and interacting with cat and snake like creatures, though never having encountered such creatures in their natural environments. and Australian Aboriginal tribes, given European derived psylocibin mushroom hallucinogenics, who, never having fairies, pixies, or brownies in their environment or cultural histories reported and drew them seeing and interacting with them.

Leading one to wonder if the powers that be don't have similiar hallucinogenics which temporarily induce these UFO, USO, and CE experiences, for some sociological experiment or other. And shouldn't be ruled out.

Yes, mass hallucinations can occur, though, no reported hallucinogen causes these types of hallucinations. And if such a hallucinogen does not exist and cannot be manufactured, then, no, hallucinogens were not the cause. Not now, not ever.

As for it's or their running about the farm. Maybe, the upraised arm were an act of surrender to show no ill will, after being fired upon with no effect, the creature could have retaliated, but, did not. Therefore, it was attempting to convey that it harbored no ill will, even after being shot at. The talon grabbing the man indicates it was probably drawing him near to show that it was not going to harm him. Seeing it was having no sucess in communicating, it left, wary to return among us again until a better way of getting us to understand it's intent could be had. How would you communicate to an Animal or Non Human, who couldn't even pick up on your non verbal communication cues much less your verbal ones or the like, much less you their's communicate?
we assume intelligence would develop on par with our own, how arrogant. Maybe, they assume the same thing about us? They don't have to hide, we don't appear to be able to even slow them down much less stop them. So they avoid us for our benefit, not theirs.

As to why a farmer rather than a world leader, who knows why they pick us. But to believe they even understand us, much less, our hierarchy's is an arrogance too.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by PhyberDragon
How would you communicate to an Animal or Non Human, who couldn't even pick up on your non verbal communication cues much less your verbal ones or the like, much less you their's communicate?
I would let them approach me instead of being myself the one who was approaching the other party.

At least that was what I used to do with kittens, when I wanted to get them near enough for me to catch them.

PS: no kittens were harmed during those events.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:30 PM
If these things had any peaceful agenda then why show up in the dark of the night. The dog was also scared that should tell you something about
the creatures and their motives that night.I always go with my gut feeling,
they were scared so was the dog, if these creatures were intelligent they
should have known what effect they were having on these humans.
One thing we are over looking here is these creatures would glow brighter
when shot at or when the people were more scared than usual. Maybe they
get energy from our fear.

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