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Requesting Another Ruling Bloodline Disclosure

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:17 PM

J: That is a skillful recap of what I was saying there.

Starseed is the english symbol of how the beings in the higher dimentions call humans who have contact with the higher dimentions.

A Walk-in would be one of these spirit beings from the higher dimention.

When there is a configuration of both a starseed (the human, who is also spirit, but still has the ability to incarnate, or generate a physical body) and a walk-in (the higher dimentional being, who is also spirit, but does not have the ability to generate a physical body, and thus experiences the physical not through direct incarnation, but by walking into a human already on the physical plane), these consitiute a composite being which, when all the spirits involved are healthy and mature, result in a viable life form.

The term The One, has a multitude of different meanings, and depending on its usage is a mental understanding of what is going on.

For example, a human without connection to the Mind of God is a One. THere is everything there necessary for that One, an individual, in that case to be a viable being.

A human who has a lower self/ higher self configuration (ie. starseed/walk-in configuration) is also a One, but that One is not localized to the physical body of this One, and therefore not an individual but is spread out. It is possible in the situation that you mentioned that you are this kind of One. Each life within this kind of One has their free will, but one of the personalities will be the most trusted, and thus constitute the role of Controller. Many times it is the human who is controller, sometimes it is not.

The One, as expressed by some teachers, is when a human being has sufficent confidence to speak in behalf of the larger organism made up of the human speaking, higher-dimentional lives, and other humans. Much of the time this is more of an expression of hubris, God-complex, or megamaniacal impulses. When done correctly, it is helpful.

LS: The memory I have of floating around the knees of God is the Walk-In's memory?

J: It probably is. The human's memory is limited to this physical lifetime only so "memories" of experiences that you have not personally witnessed are probably transmitted to you by your Higher Self, the Walk-in.

However, walk-ins can relay to you information about yourself.

Many people think they were the incarnation of Joan of Arc, for example. Memories of this type logically cannot be true because there was only one Joan of Arc (yet so many people have some of her memories). It is instructive of how memory works in Group Minds, where the Controller, in this case Joan of Arc, was the initial Cause of many of these group memories. Many people have laughed at people claiming to be so-and-so, however this is more of a matter of lack of education on psychism, than a proof that these things are false.

LS: What about the sense I have had of a "Council" watching and judging my actions and re-actions and progress? Because this Council was present when I was floating around the knees of God.

J: Councils are common in the higher dimentions, as churches and courts are common here. It is well that such councils exist and dispatch helpers when lives under their jurisdiction are having troubles.

Playing the odds, I would say that it is reasonable to assume that the council you have memory of is a lower council. If this is not assumed then incorrect thinking will arise where many people think that their council is the High Council, and this just leads to chaos.

LS: Also, you said that you could best be described as a Hoaxer. But, if you are of the Seth House and it is a House of Light, then is it not your orientation to shed "light" on darkness and mysteries for those that ask?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:19 PM

J: Actually, my intent was more that it didn't matter to me if I was seen as real article or hoaxer. Rather than waste my time having people accusing me of being hoaxer, I would rather spend my time ministering. You notice I don't have my time wasted in this fashion, people shouting hoaxer (because I've already "admitted" that), and much of my ideas fly under people's radar.

LS: Anyhow, if Love and Light are in different Houses, then how does a Starseed from a House of Love, which I take to be we pretty much deliver and represent unconditional love in the world, operate so that they are operating within a high vibration of Light?

J: By exactly what you are doing now, Little Star. You work within the constraints of your House, yet all have free will. In doing what you are doing, you are feeding Light information into your House. I think this is a positive thing.

LS: Because Love and Light are not the same thing. Love, without wisdom, can bring sadness. I am a bit tired of the whole sacrificial lamb thing.

Yes, and this is what the Love houses have found. It is the reason why they tolerate the Light houses, because they have found that the idea of the Light Houses have brought much good. If the Love Houses are in control, the systems aren't anywhere near as skillful as when Godship of this world is turned over to House Lucifer. Thus the reason why Lucifer is God of this World.

Love without wisdom can bring sadness.

But it works the other way around as well. When the Light does not concentrate on Love, it becomes proud, arrogant, and there is the sin of Hubris, and humanity suffers once again. The Light Houses depend on the Love Houses to give them a Heart and make sure that Mind does not triumph completely over Heart.

Without Jesus being also the God of this World, this world would be a heartless, desolate, well-run place.

Speaking of Love and Light, at the 3rd Initiation of a human being, where their emotions are to be put under the control of mind, there is this concept: Good and Evil. The acheivement of this Initiation is a graduation from this concept, where it is replaced with Light and Darkness.

This concept of Light and Darkness, the point of view of the 4th Initiation, has its uses as well. When someone does something "evil" it is found that it is usually caused by ignorance, and ignorance can be dispelled with Light.

At the 5th Initiation, where a person becomes an Adept, there is only Love and Light, where the person understands that some Houses (that is to say groups of beings) are either swayed by emotion (Love being an emotion) or by mind (Light being mental). Even those groups that are seen as evil, when you get to know them, see how they live, they love their Mothers and their Children much, and when it is explained to you why they are doing what they are doing, it makes a kind of sense.

In the Love Houses, there is Good and Evil. In the Light Houses, there is Light and Darkness. In Houses more advanced than this, there is Love and Light. It is your choice as to how you look at things. Even if your House is a House of Love, you can still think like an Adept if you so choose.

LS: Also, have you ever heard the term "Radiant Boy" or "Radiant" in terms of referring to a human? What do you think of Indigos? I have been told that my son is an Indigo. I suspect that he is not an Indigo, but is something differnt. But, I have yet to hear it described and I can't say why I have this feeling.

J: It could mean that the person is of Light, that is to say of mentality and enlightenment. However Radiance indicates the ability to resonate in other beings Light. This is the Principle of Radience, where it is possible to influence those of Love to be more of the Light. There are skills and ways of doing this.

I like Indigos. I may speak more of them in the future.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:19 PM
LS: He had no idea what it was about, just that it poured out of him and it seemed to be true. He showed it to his Philosophy teacher and she told him it was quantum theory. He had never heard of quantum theory, at least not the philosophical aspects of it.

J: It is imbalanced for a being to channel in this fashion. Any being that decides to be a Gateway to the higher dimentions must be responsible as to what he allows here on our plane. He should be informed of this responsibility.

********** IMPORTANT **************
Quantum theories are prohibited by the Houses to penetrate to the physical plane at this time. Nuclear weapons were a result of humanity's lack of self-control to use such information wisely. Because of this, I feel confident in my assertion that such new theories should be destroyed at the channelling point, UNLESS it is an argument in favor of limiting such disclosures. Until humanity has proven itself wise enough to control their destructive impulses through a complete solution to the nuclear weapons crisis, quantum theories are banned.

I will rarely speak this directly on a subject, unless its imperative for the safety of the human race (and other races). That there is freedom, with freedom comes responsibility, or it is chaos, and not true freedom.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:23 PM
It is the way of humans to ponder the existence of God, "his" relationship with ourselves and the role of our spiritual self in an apparently physical world. We have advanced the sciences to a degree whereby a detailed coherent description of the physical world can be promoted, albeit ultimately unsatisfying, but the questions that relate to our harmony with the universe are still to be answered, certainly in a spiritual sense but also in a secular sense. In spite of the obvious pain and suffering in the world, we must surely believe that there can be something better?

Why does man work against fellow brothers and sisters? How can the detrimental affects we see visited upon us be weighed in favour of the material gains that they appear to provide? What is the nature of the destructive urge that seems to pervade our societies at the moment?

For many years I have looked for answers and I found some in a battered book written some 250 years ago. Although attributed to a single author, it contains references that indicate that some of the text is extracted from contemporary writings and this leads me to conclude that it was the author's attempt to create a "unified theory" even back then, presented as it is as a "testament".

The text includes multiple descriptions of the "creation" of the universe as we know it, describing it as the result of a "conversion" of the "being of God" in entirety to a physical presence by way of a transition through a "chaos" material that precedes the creation of the base matter of the universe. It describes God as "The Undifferentiated Power before all things", and indicates that, "In that place without age or location, nor substance or measure, neither wet nor dry, neither earth, nor air, nor fire, nor light, nor darkness, God being before all things, in entirety as existence without definition created one Substance from the very being of that most holy presence". It diagrammatically indicates a state of existence that we can know nothing about, when there was only God and defines the transition from the unknowable to the knowable as the "Horizon AEternitatis".

The point it makes is that the very substance of God, converted to a physical manifestation, is then the very matter with which the universe is created. The wording of this process indicates then that "we" are all made up of "God's manifestation". It philosophises on the nature of the change, why God ordained it and the weird concept of how "the ages" were created to enable the event to happen (i.e. the creation of "time"). In this light, the philosophy conjectures the nature of man and of all "beasts", of all physical materials, sea, land, sun and moon.

In spite of many other "revelations", this alone may cause you to ponder the absolute nature of mankind and the definition of self. The creation is enumerated by the "Triune"... 3:

- The initial stage of existence is the absolute nature of God represent by "infinity of naught", everything and nothing, i.e. "0".
- The 1st stage of transition is the singularity of creation as "1". It is at this point that "time" is allegedly created.
- The 2nd stage of transition is that of "division" which is metaphorically represented as "2". There are references to the "black" and the "white" which represent the necessary forces of destruction and creation to effect the whole process of generation.
- The 3rd stage of transition is that of "multiplication" which is metaphorically represented by the sum of "1 + 2" which is "3". This transition is not about "magnitude" and there is a prescient allusion in the statement, "By divine manipulation of division was birth given to multiplication and in this do we see the very working of the world about us for does man not multiply by division?" My own thoughts always jump to "cell division" which effectively causes "multiplication".

There are references to what we might call a "priesthood" devoted to this idea and the pursuit of knowledge of the "knowable" God and refers to Biblical statement by Enoch, just as it refers to what we may call "shadowy" groups that would capture the raw material of the "singularity" to try to distil God's power, however, this are probably examples of the extremes of how people react - wanting to be a part of the whole, or stand in isolation against the whole. The debate is philosophical because the omnipotent God always "wins".

There is an allusion to a spiritual growth for the sake of God- us being wholly a part of the being there is no other effect - that God is undergoing a kind of "self-test" of his being, played out by the physical matter and organic species of the universe, also of "higher beings" that represent kind of "maintenance workers" to the engineering of the universe to ensure that specific local resolutions to God's process do not undermine the whole nature of the work. In a way they are like white blood cells in a human. I find this interesting when taken in context with some of the "cell" descriptions that people give to Earth, as if we are living on a cell in a "giant". In a metaphorical sense, this is exactly what the book is saying.

In contrast to some of the statements made by H_H, there is no reference to Earth as a "prison" and in fact the whole process is much more symbiotic than a localised test of individual souls. The effects are prevalent throughout the universe and indeed, detailed by science itself when evidence of effects on certain particles is reflected in a "mirror" particle unconnected and far away. We are literally all part of one "organism" that is the physical manifestation of God, we are mirrored with the rocks and the trees, with the birds and the bees. We destroy and we create. There is no "Evil", likewise, there is no "Good". How we act as humans as a manifestation of God is not the focal point of the universe as such. Yes, we appear to be but transitions for particles of the universe but we are still individuals as creations in this time and this place.

By being yourself, you are being what God always intended.

Now, you can choose to ignore this, or take a little part of it away with you. I don't let it rule my life but I like to think of it.

EDIT: BTW, some of you will see that my signature alludes to what I have written about here - a signature that I have had since joining ATS while back now. It would be nice to pass by fellow alumni on the circuitous route, wending back and forth.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by SugarCube]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by suterlaben

The correct prayer is not to ask or to hope, but simply to give thanks for the discourse that will be given.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Wow, thank you. The Quantum Theory essay my son wrote was more on the sense of reality man holds in relationship to "true time", kind of like relativity. The particle stuff was not part of it. I would have to dig it out to explain what he wrote about. He wasn't trying to channel. He said that the words just came out. But, he did not try to connect with a spirit or anything. He he couldn't sleep and these thoughts were circulating in his maind. So, he got up and started writing it down. He said it was as if he knew this stuff and it was important to get it down even if he didn't understand the content completely, it grew as he wrote it.

When he was five he started talking about the appearence of the speed of one "object" as compared to that of an object going at a slower rate of speed. When he was somewhere between eight and eleven he told me that it was obvious that the "female of the species" was the superior one and that the "male of the species" knew this and did all that they could to bring the female under control. He also told me about previous lives when he was around three and that I should listen to him because he was "in very important ways" far older than I. He was an very entertaining fellow. I just thougt he had a fascinating personality. I didn't attribute it to anything like indigos. Especially, since I had never heard of the term until he was around 13.

I once wrote a poem that just spilled out of me. A few weeks ago, I read a poem that was found in a church during medieval times and the language and the message was very similiar. If I can find it, I will put a link here.

Also, he once saw a green light just hanging out in front of him and then it dissappeared. Any ideas as to what this was?

Thank you so much. Also, HiAliens, thank you for your questions. I am getting alot out of reading the answers you receive.


What you wrote resonated with me as have a great deal of validity.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Little Star]

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Little Star]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:11 PM
Here is the poem that was found in the church:

(found in an old church – dated 1692)

Go placidly among the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others;
even the dull and ignorant they too have their stories.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons
they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself to others
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be both greater and lesser
persons then yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career however humble,
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is
- many persons strive for high ideals
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself especially do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is perennial as grass.

Take kindly the counsel of years
and gracefully surrender the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune
but do not distress yourself with imaginings.

Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle on yourself.

You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and stars.

You have a right to be here;
and whether or not it is clear to you
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with god
whatever you conceive god to be.

And whatever your labors and aspirations
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.

Be careful.

Strive to be happy.

I just did some research and apparently the poem was writen by a guy from Indiana and that lived between 1927 and 1945. Apparrently, the idea that it was found in a church in 1692 was a mistake caused by a notation on the poem by the church the poet attended. His church was founded in 1692.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Little Star]

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Little Star]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:39 PM
Found this interesting on another thread.

"Another thing, I had heard from a friend that on Art Bell's show a while back, an Operation Frankenstein was mentioned. Now I know that they were able to create virtually zombie dogs by removing the blood after death and reviving them, but would the NIA actually want zombies as a shock force? Art Bell has had some interesting thoughts on his show before and was just thinking. Seems bizarre. "

That experiment I was talking about earlier I think was conducted with dogs.

It is so strange how ideas will swirl and resonate all through the Mind of God, and there is a common element in many of them.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:07 PM
JoanTheBlind…..I appreciate your kind words in regards to trust. The feeling is mutual and I believe your responses have been sincere towards me and the others.

Have I ever lied? If I say no I have not…well that would be one whopper of a lie.
I have lied in my life. As a child I have lied to cover up the hurt I felt from having an alcoholic father. And of course the typical little lies to avoid trouble from ones parents.

As an adult I have lied as well. Two kinds of lies. The one that would keep confrontation at bay. Avoiding confrontations at one point in my life was easier than having to deal with other people’s opinions or advice. It also minimized arguments.

The other was about lying to myself to avoid my own confrontations as well as demons.

Today it is a bit difference. The need for lying or fibbing isn’t really necessary. Silence works as well and alleviates guilt trips that are caused from lying to others or self.

Besides that I find lying to one self to always catch up and really it doesn’t solve anything.

Of course there are the little fibs in life one can almost do daily just to not hurt another persons feelings.

Brutal honesty isn’t always the right conduct. Depending on circumstance.

However I have great respect when it comes to Karma… I guess I could say that I am more careful when speaking of things that aren’t quite the truth. That brings me back to silence. Sometimes it is best to say nothing.

Does this make me more honest by admitting I have lied? I don’t know. Seems to me it just means I am honest enough to admit that dishonesty (all levels of dishonesty) is a part of our human lives.

You asked: *How do you suppose it works, based on how I have described it?

What I gather from your explanation is that ones level or intensity of lying or dishonesty can help determine in what House one resides. Kind of like a ladder. You can climb the ladder the more honest you are (among other things as well I am sure) or you can descend. Climbing the ladder to a higher House does not guarantee that a descent cannot occur. The rules of the House are your guidelines. Break the rules to often and there are consequences. Go above and beyond of what the rules require and here too there are consequences. Actions demand reactions.

I am not really sure if I understand the concept of the different Houses. To me the Houses refer to different levels of ones souls progression. But I could be way off on that one.

You stated: The Lucifers have expressed an interest in teaching here.

In simple terms….that’s very cool. Please let them know my heart felt thanks. Even if they won’t or can’t or have changed their minds….it’s the simple fact that they expressed an interest that warrants a thank you.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 12:27 AM
I wanted to add a point here, though I don't believe the thread by H.H was in any way believeable, I do believe it was fine entertainment and a good read nothing more. Consider the message and it's implications in addition to the way it was delivered as well as the "messenger" himself. I'll start with the user name ( hidden hand) this is clearly a start point for conveying such a "hard to swallow" topic, intrigue the reader with a name that screams "cloak and dagger" and the first step is complete the stage is set.

The message itself continued to adapt and be dynamic amid a continious flow of questions, some relevant and some redundant, wich leads me to believe that a team of sorts was in play, possibly 2 or more people with a common goal. One member to quickly retreive data and another to type responces so the writing style never changed( only information obtained re worded to asimilate into the thread seamlessly) While I believe that H.H intention's were not malicious I do feel that they mislead and confuse as many questions were left unanswered ( intentional misdirection?)

The message and what it "did" are two different animals, how many concerned poster's to the thread ( believers) have attempted to pass this information on ? (other then to friends or family) How many concerned poster's dwell on the information given and struggle to find "the answer"?
A victory for the hoaxer(s) if your answer to the last question was yes! and in that there is power, ( not to mention a good laugh) as they/them sit back and watch people scramble around the board wanting more and becoming frustrated when no more comes. I'll admit a bit of jealously for the eloquince displayed by the H.H and that by no means is a motivator for my belief that this was indeed a fraud, possibly a testing ground for further more elaborate "projects".

I look at the message and compare it to the "messenger" and I remain convinced that such information ( if real) would not have been intentionaly delivered in this manner, by a courrier unwilling to provide even the tinyest shread of credential. Countless other better fitting more appropriate ways as well as delivery systems, could be imagined .

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

See this and this

[edit on 22-1-2009 by deBeaufort]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by inja

I: What I gather from your explanation is that ones level or intensity of lying or dishonesty can help determine in what House one resides. Kind of like a ladder. You can climb the ladder the more honest you are (among other things as well I am sure) or you can descend. Climbing the ladder to a higher House does not guarantee that a descent cannot occur. The rules of the House are your guidelines. Break the rules to often and there are consequences. Go above and beyond of what the rules require and here too there are consequences. Actions demand reactions.

J: An interesting aspect of these "rules" is that they are based on natural laws. It is not like you are called before a Council and scolded, and you loose rank or prestige in this way. It actually is based on powers.

Many in the House of Jesus have noticed that when they don't obey the Commandments, that many times their confidence to speak in Church, or even attend Church goes away. They loose that desire to even go to Church, and no one but themselves know as to what their transgression is.

There is a shifting of spiritual lives within the Mind of God, of which they are a part, that actually changes their spiritual constitution.

The rules of the various houses are there for a reason, such that such outflows can be seen as something to be avoided.

Of course the truth lies somewhere between my natural explination, and yours. If someone notices that someone is breaking the rules there can be hell to pay.

I: I am not really sure if I understand the concept of the different Houses. To me the Houses refer to different levels of ones souls progression. But I could be way off on that one.

J: It is my understanding that the symbol Houses is more conceptual than literal. The correct understanding of "bloodlines" has more to do with your spiritual connectivity than some kind of macabre physical intermarriage scheme.

Which House do you belong to? That is a matter between you and The Creator. It is something that is sensed. A particular group here on the physical plane will resonate most strongly with you, and that is your House. If it is a Church, then probably House Jesus. If a University, a House of Light. If a sangha or an ashram, then the Buddha or Krishna.

I: You stated: The Lucifers have expressed an interest in teaching here.

J: That a capable one showed up shows that there is this desire to do this.

I: In simple terms….that’s very cool. Please let them know my heart felt thanks. Even if they won’t or can’t or have changed their minds….it’s the simple fact that they expressed an interest that warrants a thank you.

J: My experience with Lucifers indicates that they have not much motivation for a person being thankful, in that that alone will not invoke them to talk with us. (However, ingratitude they find a bit annoying after what they have tried to do).

If you wish to invoke Master HH again, or have another Hierophant dispatched to minister here, here is what I would say, in order of strength of invocation, would need to happen:

(1) A number of ready individuals who have obviously studied what he said, and are asking, for reasons of inquiry, not devotion, for more information, or clairification of details of what has already been talked about.

(2) An absence of emotions regarding the source of such revelations. In that they are looking for students not disciples.

(3) A chance that their words will result in Free Will.

The Law of Confusion indicates that where there is confusion, there is an absense of Free Will. In that if you don't know what choice A or choice B will do then, there is not choice there. It is chance and not mind that makes the choice. Having Free Will indicates Will, or that you will do something with it.

[edit on 22-1-2009 by JoanTheBlind]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 06:02 PM
If they are left with the impression that though the minds of ATS'ers are agile and swift, if they perceive that their words will only be used to titilate your mind and be used for a meaningless game of mental masterbation, then they will concentrate on other groups.

(4) That you will be respectful of them and yourself. That they are of another House, and that you remain loyal to your own. It is implied with them, that if you feel fear or confusion at their words, that your House is not compatible with theirs. This is OK. No being should have to apologize for where they came from, where they are now, or what they are.

If a contrary force develops on ATS (assuming they return), then they realize that their message isn't for that House, and they would leave graciously. How this force would develop is if you noticed an increase in rudeness, or people saying that they can't wrap their minds around the new ideas, or people loosing interest. This is OK. It just means that they need to focus their attentions somewhere else. That is all.

Now I am guessing here, but my knowledge of their intents is quite extensive, as I have said.

I am here in a ministering function, and I would do the same thing for the Body of Christ, as I have done for House Lucifer. It is an expression of my desire to help others, and I find it honorable and civilized to offer choice through knowledge as to what you people figure you want to add (or possibly subtract) from your spiritual concepts.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 07:19 PM
I have definately "felt" when I have transgressed. I do believe that you lose something in someway when you transgress the rules. I also think that your life will remain in limbo if you do not progress or move more closely to "awakening".

I am working hard these days to "connect the dots" so that I can move on to the next level. The best way I figure I can do this is to put into use what I have learned thus far. At least this is what I am believing at this moment. This is a question Joan, is the above close to what you believe happens, or know?

I found the explanation about going to church especially important. I have found it difficult at times to go to church. Not so much because of transgressions, but wanting to find a church where there are like minded spirits. I ended up attending the church I grew up in because during the service the Spirit of God can be felt quite strongly at times. I love to bathe in this. I have close to bringing tissues to church with me at times so that I am prepared. I have also felt an imperative order not to return to a particular church at times. As though I would become "dirty" from being in the midst of the vibe that was being put out. The church I am referring to was basically "in business" of selling services to help others gain understanding. By this I mean. It wasn't like it was the courses were being taught to help, but were being taught for the money they brought in. There is a difference. There was a lack of sincerity. Maybe it was me that was wrong in my interpertation of what I was feeling. Maybe I was being "chased" away.

Also, for both J and I, a question--have you guys actually experienced someone identifying themselves as being from the house of Lucifer? I mean, I am just curious how conversations regarding all of this might come up. My son has said that he believes he has seen people that were purely evil, just as something he picked up when he walked pass them. I have picked up evil more as an emotion I have seen expressed in the eyes of some people. I guess I am still kind of confused as to how all of this works. Is it that these are "humans" that have awakened to the facts of their origins?

Also, as one that is trying to "awaken" I was wondering the changes that a person can experience. Is this a very personal type thing? What does it depend upon?

[edit on 22-1-2009 by Little Star]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Your post reminded me of something that H.P. Blavatsky once said.

"The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards."

I am reading off and on a book of hers that very much resembles what you have expressed in your post.

It seems to me that the idea that God permeates through out all is a message that has been told through out the ages and every so often comes to the foreground to be heard by many. The deeper I look the more I discover just how old this knowledge really is.

Separation never takes place even though it can feel like it has.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:09 PM
"Separation never takes place even though it can feel like it has."

I think this is true of all humans. However, I think some of us are being aided by the "other" side. Do you think this is true I or J or anyone?

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:41 PM
LS: The Quantum Theory essay my son wrote was more on the sense of reality man holds in relationship to "true time", kind of like relativity. The particle stuff was not part of it. I would have to dig it out to explain what he wrote about. He wasn't trying to channel. He said that the words just came out. But, he did not try to connect with a spirit or anything. He he couldn't sleep and these thoughts were circulating in his maind. So, he got up and started writing it down. He said it was as if he knew this stuff and it was important to get it down even if he didn't understand the content completely, it grew as he wrote it.

J: I have had similar experiences myself. However, I reiterate that a human being should have enough strength of character to realize that what they do has effect. Many humans think that their actions carry little effect. While it is true that most have little effect, it is possible for an idea to have lasting repercusions. Human Beings should realize this an apply wisdom when this happens.

You also mentioned other things about his behavior, especially when he was younger, that indicate to me that you should probe your Mind for wisdom with which to deal with certain aspects of his development.

I think that it does him well to learn "normalacy". You have indicated that he went through a phase of this. I think this proper that he did that. He is increasing his levels of Controllership where there was minimal Controllership. For example, channeling things that you do not understand indicates a lack of Free Will, in that every being should have some say in what is going on around them. If you channel something that is not understood, then no Free Will exists at the channeling point (the Gateway between the physical and whatever dimentions are communicating with the Gateway). This constitutes an unprotected Gateway, through which spirits of any intent can place ideas for possible dissemination on the physical plane.

I applaud him for becoming more human as he grew up. He is a citizen of this plane, and though he might have citizenship on many planes, he must find the way to balance those citizenships in such a way that he does not cause harm on any of them. In the same way that the plane from which the original idea came from does not want destructive human tendancies to penetrate their plane (a la "quarantine" spoken of earlier), they should understand that we too have a desire to not be harmed by potential incompatibilities from their plane.

Your son has a responsibility here for being a Nexus Point. It requires wisdom to do this correctly. Self-control, compatibility, balance, and the courage to say No when he sees an incompatibility occuring.

LS: I also think that your life will remain in limbo if you do not progress or move more closely to "awakening".

I am working hard these days to "connect the dots" so that I can move on to the next level. The best way I figure I can do this is to put into use what I have learned thus far. At least this is what I am believing at this moment. This is a question Joan, is the above close to what you believe happens, or know?

J: That is why I am here, to facilitate the "connecting of dots". This is more than an individual pursuit, but also has group repercussions.

Where there is only nebulous ideas passed around from person to person, there is little chance of a group formation occuring, and our relationships tend to flow from feeling. However, there is a chance for a group agreement to emerge whereby which foundations are laid.

The foundation around here is based on IMO a Pliedian perspective, in that conspiracy theory and the Grey Alien phenominon are the cohesive factors in their culture.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:42 PM

It really is a Babylon around here. Babylon as an idea is translated either as "confusion" or "harmony". How Babylon decides to live, is how it decides to live. If there is confusion, then it will remain in confusion. Even in a confused state, Babylon exists, as it does here, each person of their own private point of view, exersizing politeness and those things that ensure that the group remains cohesive. However, there is little agreement. This leads to neutralization, which can be a good thing.

Contrast this to how the Beast lives. The Beast is highly unified, with its Kings being trusted, and there is Unity of some kind. In the Churches, Jesus is taught, and all bow to him. Being a place of Order, it is also a beautiful place, and there are many who beleive they are in posession of a common Truth.

Balance around here would be saught by a Ruling House. In other words, freedom of thought and Free Will are desirable, but there is a desire to have something in common. Master HH's idea is a common one (it appearing in the Ra and Sethian Materials) and it seems to be a good starting place. Many have said how it is not original. That's the idea behind it, that for their to be a consensus, that it not be wholely original. Or we'd all go to someone like Sugar Cube and say "Here is our leader. Listen to him."

Balance here would be that of finding this correct balance between "I know this" and "We know this". All Christians give the same story, that of their Christ, His Salvation and His Resurrection. What is our story? At this time, the official story of this place is "We're sick and tired of our Government blowing us off and we want to know the Truth of the Aliens."

I beleive that we must as a group, be connecting more group dots. Personalities, such as Maban, Hidden Hand, and others are forming group opinion. In the major leagues, there is Icke and Jones and a few others. It is possible that the consensus will be the telling of interesting stories, as it is now. A form of oral tradition of big Reptiles, Shapeshifting leaders, and elusive Aliens. It would not be the strangest tradition to develop over the history of the Human Race.

However, the group desire seems to be either (1) this is sufficient, I find the stories interesting, and I don't have to go to Church, adhere to a code, nor even act honorably in order to live the the existing order, or (2) WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? I need meaning, gosh darn it! What exactly would Alien disclosure mean to the human race? Another iPod, or a better way of understanding life and purpose?

I think that Hidden Hand's disertation was a good result from his group. He mentioned that his speciality was Spirituality. I feel that his discourse was well along these lines. It might be a good place to start to see if we can inject meaning into what is going on. Or we can continue as a group to be Confused. It will have the effect of neutralizing us, and perhaps a lot of the people would do a service to the Human Race by being neutralized, so they don't get into mischeif elsewhere. I don't know.

LS: Also, for both J and I, a question--have you guys actually experienced someone identifying themselves as being from the house of Lucifer?

J: Yes. Hidden Hand is the latest I have read about.

LS: I mean, I am just curious how conversations regarding all of this might come up. My son has said that he believes he has seen people that were purely evil, just as something he picked up when he walked pass them. I have picked up evil more as an emotion I have seen expressed in the eyes of some people. I guess I am still kind of confused as to how all of this works. Is it that these are "humans" that have awakened to the facts of their origins?

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:43 PM

J: A lot of this is paranoia, however it is based on spiritual sensitivity. The trick is to realize that these feelings of evil are a signal for you to avoid them or limit your exposure to them. They are not evil in how people think of evil, and I think more of a sense of incompatibility.

The odds of encountering a truly evil person are infinitesimally small. However, the world is filled with incompatible spiritual beings. That "spider sense" of your son should be taught as a signal to avoid, rather than label the person as evil. Only true evil can come of this minsunderstanding of empathic impulses.

For example, there was a reason why the mob outside of Pilate's compound demanded the crusifixion of Jesus. They thought he was evil. They considered him a disturber of their ways and a Heretic. Was Jesus evil? No, but the crowd thought he was at the time. They were insufficently trained in the healthy way to deal with these impulses.

A little tip: the guy talking rationally and peacefully is the good guy. The paranoid, out-of-control dude who is shouting "He's evil! He's evil!" waving a gun, is the evil one. If you exersize the Buddhist skill of Self-Observation, many times you can figure this out mentally (if you are the paranoid violent person) and run out the room and walk it off. You would think it would be obvious, but at the time that it happens, its not so obvious.

A: I look at the message and compare it to the "messenger" and I remain convinced that such information ( if real) would not have been intentionaly delivered in this manner, by a courrier unwilling to provide even the tinyest shread of credential. Countless other better fitting more appropriate ways as well as delivery systems, could be imagined .

J: *Out of curiousity, what credentials would have satisfied your criteria for a beleivable teacher, Alyosha?

LS: I think this is true of all humans. However, I think some of us are being aided by the "other" side. Do you think this is true I or J or anyone?

J: I think that we are both aided and hindered by the other side. My spirituality includes the possibility of both. My assistance to the universe is to see the problem with the ArchAngel, and the good side to the Demon. This is balance, and it can be difficult sometimes. It takes much courage to do this.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:57 PM

I was wondering if we were any closer to my original intent of coming here?

"I wish to apply for the job. I beleive I may be of assistance in both educating and entertaining the people here at ATS... If you have any questions about the feasibility of this, please either post here or contact me via U2U and we can discuss this until you are satisfied or dissatisfied that I am of suffient value for your purposes. "

If you think it would be beneficial, we could start a new thread to investigate the teachings provided by the Ruling House, if you beleive that now is the time and that I would be an acceptable OP for such a thread.

I've limbered up and feel somewhat comfortable now in attempting this.

Your thoughts?


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