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My Top-5 Illuminati-Occult Hollywood productions. This should raise an eyebrow.

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posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by alienj

Sorry to break it to ya buddy, but the movie Stargate was actually based on a real possibility ( i thought of it before the movie was ever even made), the writer talked to some people who thought that idea out, the writer only put it in script form.

However concerning Stargate SG1, that would be somthing I think the OP would have included in his OP, simply because there is a ton of pyramid sun symbology in it.

There is subliminal stuff in movies, but not anything like what the OP pointed out.


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by TravisT

Originally posted by muzzleflash

The Wizard of Oz and the Dark Side album, is just that, a coincidence.

seriously? have you ever actually done it--listened to the album while playing the dvd (start right after the mgm lion roars three times) with the sound off--it will blow your mind it is so spot on--could not possibly be a coincidence!!
Yes, I have done it MANY times. And like I said before, I've also done the Wizard of Oz and Radioheads Kid-A, and it syncs up even better. But I thinks its just a coincidence.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by TravisT]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:30 PM
honestly any movie you watch you can find symbols of almost anything. its a bunch of BS if you ask me...

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

It's pretty far fetched dude. Look at it in another perspective, what *can* they show in a movie nowadays without someone overanalyzing it.
Also, the "pentagram stars" in the fifth element were turned upside down.

Don't overanalyze everything, go outside a bit - not everything is against you

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

It is evident that in our time, in this civilisation we can only regret that the end is near and not much of our findings will be passed to those that might survive what is eminent. We should of read the past and passed it amongst each other instead of creating fear and hope at the same time in order to achieve less knowledge of the coming of the end. With the efforts to hide the truth we could of made possible to mend our future for to be a survivable one, instead, our success is in our diversity. That diversity lead to fear wich is the only reason for not spending time to work on science and resolve the problems that will now leave so few of us and so few of those who are alike, and than again, different. But if the chances will give us survival, there could be time after the end of this age and civilisation to build a better future for the worlds we could of conquered even now. As those in the past that have seen the skies burn, now awaits for us to see how it could of been different, but again, no time to mend it all as our end is near. Those that survive can only hope to have success in rebuilding the world to the future that will conquer other worlds in peaceful knowledge that we posess. The few will become as many as there never was. This world is lost again, by the future that repeats itself. Science was at the very grasp of our hands but even touching it ment nothing for the blind. One day we will see. One day we will go on. So few of us will have that priviledge. The mothers and fathers of the future evolution and time. R

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by TheRandom1

That is what I am saying, its the writer responsible to make something he writes believable, I really dont understand your post unless your claiming( like Sophia Stewart claimed to have written Matrix) that you were the sole writer behind SG1. Im only saying whoever wrote took some facts, mixed in a little scifi and then added some human lore. Mixed it all up and made a great story. Doesnt make it real!!

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Dracula23

Exactly, and its not by coinsidence..... they make an effort to add in these symbolisms to make senarios more plausable. to give the movie the "BASED ON A TRUE STORY" appeal..... Thats what I am trying to say. Now on the flip side there is always a thread of truth to just about everystory... so looking back there may be threads of truth about Freemason being a underground society but there are also many made up facts or associations that dont belong.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:51 PM
All I can say is wow. I have never noticed that before, it is real obvious especially in Fifth Element.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by alienj

Oh, I think I see what you're saying, I still believe beings from another place had there hand in the egyptian cookie jar though.

So I guess you and I agree on the main point madeby both of us though.


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by teknagraphix
This whole thread is stupid.

I could not have said it better...

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by alienj

I also have a cpl of questions? Please someone who believes in this theory pls answer me. Here we go!

If this is real and there is a secret society bent on world domination or masking thier true identity, 1. why then would they want thier cover blown by a movie? 2. Why would they put all this information out there in your face?
3. Would they not want to remain anonymous and rule like they have for hundreds and thousands of years?

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:08 PM
Doomsday2029--I'm glad to see that you're still working hard at making your case. And it's a tough challenge, as has been evidenced by MANY posters in this thread.

My question to those who are clearly upset at what Doomsday is suggesting [and I tend to agree with him]--that Hollywood uses its medium to convey various messages about the so-called "Illuminati"/NWO/et al--why are so many of you so emotional about this?

It goes to show just how "important" the entertainment industry has become that so many people get so worked-up that someone would dare suggest that their precious Hollywood has an agenda, and that agenda is not the betterment of humanity.

It'd be even worse, I imagine, if someone launched criticisms against popular music [everything from Heavy Metal to Hip-Hop...chock full of negativity].

Oh, the horror! Perhaps some of you feel so offended by what's being suggested in this thread because you've chosen to in many ways define who you are by someone else's artistic creation.

I'm certainly not suggesting that all Hollywood movies [and independents, for that matter] or all pop music is "evil." Quite frankly, "evil" is not a label that I like to put on anything. However, the more I contemplate looking at such pervasive elements in our globalized society such as these, setting aside whatever emotional connections I may have with any of it [from Spielberg/Kubricks' Aritificial Intelligence to the "feel-good" anthems of mega-group Coldplay], the more it seems not only obvious but also sensible that the people who ultimately call the shots in the entertainment industry are using these vehicles to advance their agenda.

Music, and film, to a great degree, open up the listener/viewer emotionally, and leaves one especially vulnerable to suggestion and perhaps even flat-out "mind-control" or "brainwashing."

I look back on my younger years. Growing up in the 80's in a predominately black neighborhood, I was fortunate to be exposed the the nascent hip-hop movement, well before the genre overwhelmed the mainstream. Hip-hop has taken a clear path from light-hearted, silly party music to the narcissistic, violent and misogynistic statement that it so often is now. Very much indicative, IMO, of the direction our morality, as a species, has taken.

Yet some would brand me a racist for suggesting such a thing. Which, if you knew me personally, is just laughable.

In conclusion, I still wonder whether some of you can explain to yourself, let alone us, why you're so passionate in your defense of the benevolence you assume is there in Hollywood. Doomsday2029, keep up the good work.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:09 PM
No matter which of these can be viewed as pro-illuminati, or anti-iluminati, it goes to show there are some people willing to go to any lengths to present truths or open thought processes to the public, and to the contrary, those that want anything but.

Most people or so utterly entwined in the overall perception pulled over their eyes, and the establishment that anything the least bit relevant to anything pertaining to anti-establishment thinking causes them to stand, shout, and curse the person bringing this info. This is the way the psychology of such is made to be by the elite, they want to be defended, at any costs.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by teknagraphix
This whole thread is stupid.

This is a great example of the response that so many of you posters have when someone suggests that your holy Hollywood is running its course through the people with a negative and in-many-ways harmful agenda.

teknagraphix seems to upset by the suggestion that he/she can only post a thoughtless one-line post, without making any sort of argument one way or another, and instead just trying to lob out an automatic/reactionary insult, based on nothing.

Way to make my point, tek. There is some value to your seemingly worthless post after all. Keep trying, though.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Freqzer0

Originally posted by teknagraphix
This whole thread is stupid.

I could not have said it better...

Wow, you must not consider yourself very capable of intelligent discourse or analysis. Way to deny intelligence.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:20 PM
OK I really do think there could be a "Hollywood exposed" type section on ATS, where we can dissect every movie out there if need be.

But for one I'm going to blanket state that *** DISNEY *** are behind some of the greatest mind controlling/subliminal/sexualizing children "entertainment" industry I have ever come across. Google will lift the lid on many of Disneys exploits. This filters through to the toys that are also marketed.

Britney Spears and co are huge mind controlled victims. Disney kids.

The recent "mental breakdown" is a prime example of how when a mind controlled victim responds when breaking from her handler/s, and of course you will protect your investment by getting the 'media' to explain that she is a victim of her own circumstance (drugs/sex ect) and in no way indicating others to be to blame for her state.

That is just one example. There are MANY. Also I will state that from all MK-Ultra I have read and studied about, The Wizard Of Oz is a HUGE, HUGE part of the conditioning, and is constantly used to "trigger" the mind controlled victim into trance, or state of whatever that trigger calls upon, eg mentioning the red shoes could trigger the victim into responding a certain way. Also I have heard (and this is speculation) there are several versions of the Wizard of Oz , that only those in the Mind Controlling business (NSA/NASA/CIA) use to put the fear of "God" into their victims as to showing them one reality, from "our" reality. Quite clever, but instantly deceitful. There is even a scene in the wizard of oz where you can see a leprechaun (?) hang himself from a tree in the background... someone can google youtube and paste it I'm sure.

One last thing, mind control goes back eons. But in "Hollywood" it seems rife. Also Judy Garland who played Dorothy was also supposed to be under mind control.

I also suggest David Icke forums for some excellent reading on exactly the topic of this thread. Hope this helps.


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Remember both Oz and Clockwork were movies adapted from books. This may help explain elements in the films that don't "fit" into your perspective of the story telling unless they are directing a "hidden" message. Although there are differences in the films vs the books.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by ItsTheQuestion

Originally posted by teknagraphix
There is some value to your seemingly worthless post after all. Keep trying, though.

I blame poor parenting


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by ItsTheQuestion
Doomsday2029--I'm glad to see that you're still working hard at making your case. And it's a tough challenge, as has been evidenced by MANY posters in this thread.

My question to those who are clearly upset at what Doomsday is suggesting [and I tend to agree with him]--that Hollywood uses its medium to convey various messages about the so-called "Illuminati"/NWO/et al--why are so many of you so emotional about this?

It goes to show just how "important" the entertainment industry has become that so many people get so worked-up that someone would dare suggest that their precious Hollywood has an agenda, and that agenda is not the betterment of humanity.

It'd be even worse, I imagine, if someone launched criticisms against popular music [everything from Heavy Metal to Hip-Hop...chock full of negativity].

Oh, the horror! Perhaps some of you feel so offended by what's being suggested in this thread because you've chosen to in many ways define who you are by someone else's artistic creation.

I'm certainly not suggesting that all Hollywood movies [and independents, for that matter] or all pop music is "evil." Quite frankly, "evil" is not a label that I like to put on anything. However, the more I contemplate looking at such pervasive elements in our globalized society such as these, setting aside whatever emotional connections I may have with any of it [from Spielberg/Kubricks' Aritificial Intelligence to the "feel-good" anthems of mega-group Coldplay], the more it seems not only obvious but also sensible that the people who ultimately call the shots in the entertainment industry are using these vehicles to advance their agenda.

Music, and film, to a great degree, open up the listener/viewer emotionally, and leaves one especially vulnerable to suggestion and perhaps even flat-out "mind-control" or "brainwashing."

I look back on my younger years. Growing up in the 80's in a predominately black neighborhood, I was fortunate to be exposed the the nascent hip-hop movement, well before the genre overwhelmed the mainstream. Hip-hop has taken a clear path from light-hearted, silly party music to the narcissistic, violent and misogynistic statement that it so often is now. Very much indicative, IMO, of the direction our morality, as a species, has taken.

Yet some would brand me a racist for suggesting such a thing. Which, if you knew me personally, is just laughable.

In conclusion, I still wonder whether some of you can explain to yourself, let alone us, why you're so passionate in your defense of the benevolence you assume is there in Hollywood. Doomsday2029, keep up the good work.

Thank you...

I can't believe that on ATS I'm getting replies like: "this whole thread is stupid"

Yes... the music industry is another issue we should discuss. I think it's obvious that gangsta rap had a influence on the black community... But Gangsta Rap is just the begining of the issue... what about Heavy Metal? What about Trance? What about Britney Spears?

Like you said... maybe we need to get rid of the word 'evil' and replace it with 'influence' when dealing with this subject.

There is just so much to cover in the entertainment industry, that I felt it needed it's own board... You can find a film or song with propaganda right?

Maybe some of us would like to focus on what films are pushing out propaganda? I mean, Do people even know why Captain America was created? propaganda.

We can focus on the propaganda... but I'm diving into a realm that has just more than propaganda....

Let me explain...

Now since most of us are conspiracy theorists... Why don't we focus on the big budget movie Conspiracy Theory one more time.

Someone on youtube has suggested that 9-11 symbolism was used in this movie.
Do I believe it? Not really, I think it was probally a coincidence, but I would love to discuss it.

maybe we can have a thread about this insane suggestion?

Anyway... You won't see me on the Alien/UFO board bashing the posters for their ideas.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:06 PM
Of course there is a lot of symbolism in those movies that you provided as examples.

There is a lot of symbolism in everything that remotely approches art. Art IS symbolism.

Some of those symbols might even be masonic or illuminati, egyptian or older. Movies use those symbols because they have a powerful effect on the human mind. We are very receptive to them, so also the movie will impress us more. A symbol is worth a thousand images, hm?

Seriously, think of a movie that does not use at least one symbol, theme, motive that is a few thousand years old. That movie does not exist, or if it does it's gotta be the most boring and unsuccesfull piece of ...erm art ever made.

Also let's not forget that these movies are made by people who have access to our sources of information. If i were a script writer and i wanted to write a movie right now, i would surf the conspiracy boards a little to get some inspiration from there... Also whatever the movie would be about, i would make sure to throw in some piramids in there, but i wouldn't make them too obvious, people love to use the word "subliminal". Also, people love piramids. You can't have enough subliminal piramids in a good movie!

On the other hand, i have to admit Disney is creepy and the Wizard of Oz even more, that book is loaded with symbolism! The movie i didn't have the patience to watch...

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