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Obama taps spending watchdog, eyes Social Security

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posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
reply to post by centurion1211

I have no clue where you are getting that from. There are multiple threads on this board that involve member testimony about how their socialized health care is, and not one of them ever said they would like to go back to the privatized method.

I guess that's why in our border cities with Canada, the clinics are full of Canadians ...

Lots of members have also posted about that.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

So what do you suggest as an alternative? Do you think privatised health care is really that much better?

what about MedFICO? Do you agree with this? A system where patience will be given a credit risk score, and a low score could effect the quality of your health-care?

What are we doing? Trying to keep ourselves healthy, or just creating new markets to exploit? What incentive do we want, making money, or providing health care?

Is health care a right, or a privilege? To deny someone health care because they can't afford it is completely unethical. It is putting value on Human life.

As far as private health care being better is simply not true. The commonwealth fund lists the US well behind countries with socialised health care last year.

“less than half of U.S. adults with health problems were able to get a rapid appointment with a physician when they were sick. They also were the most likely among adults in seven countries surveyed to report difficulty obtaining health care after hours without going to the emergency department.”

Do you only see two choices for health care?

Well I see a third, self-managed health care. It's been done before...

One of the most, important questions raised by health workers who have been introduced to self-management ideas is WILL THESE IDEAS WORK IN PRACTICE? HAVE THESE IDEAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED IN THE PAST? This leaflet attempts to outline the background of the SPANISH REVOLUTION (1936-‘39) and how health care was delivered in the anarchist (Libertarian Communist) sections of Spain during this period.

Our health and our very existence is being sacrificed to profit. Unless we change our mind set, and quit seeing money as the only motivator, then things will never improve. Before anything will change for the better, we need to change the way we look at things.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 03:28 PM
I understand this much, for the last 8 years nothing in this nation has been under control, that includes everything.

Our government has been on the spending frenzy, warmongering and making the profiteers of anything in this nation filthy rich.

So anything that is coming to us that has to do with control, watchdogs, accountability and transparency is a welcome site and welcome news.

Plus I have been enough involved into this mess call politics, financial and government to know what Obama will be able to do, control and fix so news like Obama eyes on social security is nothing but a way for the media to get attention and get people all in their edge.

Is going to take more than 8 years to fix anything that as to be fix in this nation and even more.

So people don't get your underwear all bunch up yet, this may be welcome news after all.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 04:00 PM
It would seem that Obama is going to need to create some jobs (or forced labor) building more and bigger prisons or 'production prisons' that is.

People won't just be standing in lines waiting for food and checks, they'll be stealing and looting much more than ever. Saving the banks and the auto manufacturers apparently won't stop rioting if things don't "Change" for the little guy.

Many services paid to private industry and services have been abusing the system much more than those who are collecting social security. That would probably mean more state and federal operated hospitals, farms etc.

The major losses in the banking industry far outways any other similar crimes against this country so far.....and they were bailed out....for now.

I sense a disturbance in the force.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:36 PM
My opinion is that the Obama administration will move the qualification for early retirement reduced benefits to age 65 instead of age 62 and qualification for full benefits to age 68 instead of age 65.

The reasoning is that the Baby Boomer bubble has arrived and not enough workers are paying into the ponzi scheme called Social Security to keep it solvent in the future.

My understanding is our government has put their hands in the Social Security cookie jar and have taken a portion of the peoples retirement and spent it on other things and not replaced the monies. If I am not mistaken in the public sector this would be considered theft.

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