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Wait a second?... How is it that I'm the one that's crazy, insane, delusional, and brainwashed?

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posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by cashlink
reply to post by TravisT

All fingers point to the Bush administration, you need to do some research however, it is this administration that has the most to hide about 911. The Bush administration will “not” allow an investigation into 911 they have stonewall every inquiry and independent investigation that has tried to get some simple answers. The Bush administrations has profit very well from 911 and has formed a bigger Government against the citizens of the United States like,( Home land security, spying on Americans, and trying their best to destroy the Constitution.)

Allright, I am done. Cashlink, you are the epitome of what the truth movement does not need. You have NO proof, you speak in nothing but assumption and want to do nothing but blame the BUSh administration.

What did they gain? What? How did they profit? Please give some facts. Anything. Something. There is nothing because you have no proof short of your conjecture that you believe in and are promoting to others.

You have not researched anything short of typing 9/11 conspiracy into Google and going to any left wing antio american site you can find.

You have done nothing but attack others and then you are attempting to blame it on everyone else, kind of like blaming the current admin for 9/11.
To add insult to injury, you created a quote and attributed it to me to make me look bad when it was YOU who lied. LIED man, like those you accuse.

Back off the other posters who question you and be a man, be honest. If not, you are no better than those you accuse.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Absolutely, dear Truther. You go! And no, it's not paranoia (clinically) when a person's negative hunch of danger is tested and true. There are points of contention about 9/11, but many absolute proofs of skulduggery, about the circumstances (called circumstantial proofs of the hypothesis) and many absolute forensic direct proofs (called direct evidence of the hypothesis). Sometimes snakes are snakes and they are poisonous, though you don't want them to be. In THAT case, facing up is the safest route, not the insane paranoid running from reality route. You are right: the other person is paranoid ABOUT your truthfinding. They are scared of thinking it; you are scared by real threat. Right on.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by TravisT

I am not going to do the research for you, until then you will never know. As far as names, no one is going to admit to anything, so the only thing left is to who profit from 911, because it was not the Muslims now, was it! One, only needs to look no further than Dick Cheney, who gave contracts, after contracts to all his oil buddies. Meanwhile little Bushy was busy in the back rooms, deciding what part of the constitutions he was determine to take away from (We the People.) I am sure Prescott Bush would have been very proud of his grandson destruction of the constitution

There is nothing that George W Bush, McCain or Obama can do to change the tide now...for it has turned into a tsunami against America. The Grand Chessboard game is over, finished, and the US has lost in a rout. Our nation has blown through trillions of dollars (of new debt) with little to nothing accomplished to pursue a bogus, contrived war that was designed to take over in excess of $15 trillion in Caspian Basin oil and natural gas. The sheer cost of the failed 'war' and scheme to take over the Caspian Basin has ruined the value of the dollar, buried the US in debt and a myriad of ancillary problems, skyrocketed the cost of oil, utilities, food, and shredded the reputation of the United States around the world. By any measure, it is a catastrophe

They say greed makes people do stupid things. I guess we can all conclude that 'really stupid greedy people' do REALLY stupid things. This screw-up is colossal. Only an MBA president like the Great Decider, who bankrupted every company he ever ran, could do such a thorough job of wrecking the world's largest economy and that of much of the rest of the world, too.

Well, we Americans cannot "only knew" when we have blatant liars as leaders and a gutless mainstream media that puts career promotions or 'talking head status' as being more important than the truth. Bill O'Reilly gets over $50 million a year to lie to and mislead America. The stakes are high for this criminal cabal
They are liars, folks. Our leaders are blatant, outrageous, psychopathic, unrepentant liars.

Dr. Reynolds, who holds three U.W.-Madison degrees, and who is currently Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, will present evidence that top Bush Administration officials orchestrated the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and the murder of almost 2,500 Americans, as a pretext for initiating their pre-planned "long war" in the Middle East.

"While more Americans doubt the 9/11 story every week, evidence abounds that many have a mental block against rational examination of the evidence about 9/11" writes Dr. Reynolds in a recent article. This mental block, he thinks, amounts to willful ignorance-not just about 9/11, but about history.

"Governments throughout history have provoked or staged attacks on their own people to serve the powers behind the throne ('the money power'), glorify themselves, engage in vast government spending, reward friends, exert domestic control, stimulate the juices of war, annex neighbors and pursue vast geostrategic rearrangements (the 'global domination project)" Reynolds asserts. He notes that every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on the "Operation Northwoods" plan to murder Americans in fake "Cuban terrorist" attacks in 1962. The planned Operation Northwoods murders of ordinary Americans in fake terrorist bombings and a fake "airliner shoot-down" would have involved hundreds of military and intelligence personnel. Yet the existence of Operation Northwoods was successfully kept secret from the American people for forty years until James Bamford revealed it in his book Body of Secrets, published in January 2002.

Though government officials have historically been able to successfully conceal their fake or arranged war-trigger attacks long enough to avoid being hanged for treason, Reynolds thinks the 9/11 cover-up has already unraveled. "Skepticism about conspiracy, small or large, is somewhat beside the point in the case of 9/11 because the official Osama-and-Nineteen-Young-Arabs (ONYA) conspiracy tale is so farcical and impossible. Nearly everyone in America has easy access to the internet and hundreds of websites expose the 9/11 fraud." (Morgan Reynolds, "Conspiracy and Closed Minds on 9/11": )

Reynolds argues that the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 were destroyed in a manner that can only be explained by controlled demolition with pre-planted explosives-which should not be surprising, since no steel framed high-rises have ever collapsed in the way the three World Trade Center buildings did for any other reason. In his article "Why Did the World Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse?" Reynolds writes that among the many features of the WTC demolitions that suggest explosives, rather than jet-fuel fires, are:

Daschle Says Bush And Cheney
Urged No 911 Inquiry
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney urged Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle four months ago not to push for an investigation into the events of Sept. 11, Daschle said on Sunday.

Appearing on the NBC program "Meet the Press," Daschle flatly contradicted Cheney, who last week denied he had warned Daschle off an investigation.

Daschle and other Democrats favor a special commission into the official handling of pre-Sept. 11 terror warnings. Both Cheney and Bush have in recent days argued publicly against a the idea, opting instead for an ongoing inquiry by the intelligence committees of Congress.

Daschle, a South Dakota Democrat, said Cheney telephoned him on Jan. 24 to urge that no Sept. 11 inquiry be made, and that Bush had followed up on January 28 with a similar request during a breakfast meeting at the White House.
U.S. national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, appearing on "Fox News Sunday," said the administration opposed any probe outside the congressional intelligence committees because a war against terrorism was still underway.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:41 PM

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:45 PM
A professor of economics is going to present evidence. Oh thats an open and shut case there. As we all know the study of economics directly relates to government conspiracies and controlled demolitions. Anyone notice that its economic professors, philosophy professors and water lab technicians that the truth movement puts their faith in when it comes to 9/11????

BTW, the reason why the President didnt want a 9/11 investigation is because in the end we could have ended up indicting four of the last six Presidents, two or three hundred former/current Congresscritters, a dozen or so Cabinet members and every other idiot that believes that radical Islam can be negotiated with for criminal negligence.

[edit on 4-1-2009 by Swampfox46_1999]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by cashlink

contrived war that was designed to take over in excess of $15 trillion in Caspian Basin oil and natural gas. The sheer cost of the failed 'war' and scheme to take over the Caspian Basin has ruined the value of the dollar, buried the US in debt and a myriad of ancillary problems, skyrocketed the cost of oil, utilities, food, and shredded the reputation of the United States around the world.

There you go, the above is an outright lie. We have no desire to "take over" the Caspian Basin. Pretty sure that Russia and a few other countries would object..........

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

There you go, the above is an outright lie. We have no desire to "take over" the Caspian Basin. Pretty sure that Russia and a few other countries would object..........

Really! Besides, spouting off your ridiculous “opinions” how about backing it up?

You say it is a lie then PROVE IT. (Oh, that’s right, you can’t!)

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by cashlink

Once again, you get confused. It is up to you to prove your ridiculous idea that our invading Iraq and Afghanistan was contrived to allow us to seize the Caspian Basin since neither of those countries border the Caspian Sea.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by Raytracer

You are right, I am not going to provide you with names that are not already public domain.

So, what's the big deal? If it's already in the public domain you shouldn't have a problem with that, right?

As for the crack about no one has imploded a building the size of the towers, thats an unobjective fact.

You stated it. I just asked.
edit: by the way, what does "unobjective" mean?

The tallest building on record was 26 stories (439 feet). The tallest structure ever imploded was a 1,217 feet tall transmission tower, which yes, was a comparable height to the towers, however, from the link below, it was nowhere near the type of construction of the Towers.

That's why I'm asking how in hell YOU know how one would go about to implode the twin towers.

Better yet, here is the report of a professional in regards to the subject:

What about trying to implode a building hiding the very fact it is rigged?
Wouldn't wireless detonators be the most logical tech to use?

[edit on 5-1-2009 by Raytracer]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

I confess that I haven’t read everything on 9/11 but I wish to ask - just where is all this MAN POWER, where is it now, who would it have been and what happened to them? I am not disputing that there may have been a conspiracy but please can someone tell where has all the MAN POWER gone?
Thank you
George Lancaster

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Raytracer

Breaking out the crayons once again....

How would I know how to go about imploding the towers? I wouldnt, I would leave it to the professionals. Yet, there are not any professionals that have attempted to demolish a building anywhere near the size of the towers.

So, appearantly, your idea is to taken a group of people who have never demolished a building, have them secretly plant thousands of charges, forego cutting any building supports prior to the charges being set off, setting up a secure wireless system (which would involve having a receiver/descrambler on each charge), pressing the button and hoping for the best..........I'm were saying something about logic?

And as I said, I am not going to name the friends who havent already been mentioned in connection to as having knowledge of controlled demolitions. I did that once with a buddy of mine who was a Navy officer at the Pentagon and it took months to get the conspiracy nuts to leave him alone...I am not doing that again.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by Swampfox46_1999]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by cashlink

Guess the nerve has been struck that you have no idea what you are talking about with this issue. I have not lied about anything. You can ask other posters or look through my posts. I do not *SNIP* nor do I lie. I have opinion however and since it does not fit conspiracy, I usually have to fight off people like yourself.

However, you took someone elses quote and you attributed it to me to make me look like I was attacking you. That is garbage man, pure garbage. I never once said I was closed minded but you state I am. I have not hand waved anything away but you state I have.

The more you talk and post, the more you seem like the type of disinfo agent the US would use to make easily influenced people follow your lead.

I have asked this question 2 times now and you cannot answer.

WHAT DID THE US GAIN if they masterminded and implemented 9/11? PLEASE TELL ME>>>>>

It is almost 8 years later and there are no tanks in the streets or uniformed and armed men on each corner or kicking in doors. This was not about the administration as much as it was about pure hatred of the US. Terrorism is real.

Now, do I blindly go into the night thinking that there are no CIA ops abroad? No, because there are. And now that there is a DHS it will allow communication between law enforcement and these organizations. I can still make phone calls and surf porn and find plans on how to build an EMP online so I do not think my rights are being taken away.

If you had a post that was longer than 4 sentences or 30 words maybe you could make a point but you show your ignorance already by stating you will not read what I post. It is a real shame....


Lets try to all play nice and continue this discussion.

Mod edit: Removed quoted offending post, and offending portions of this reply.

[edit on 1/6/2009 by Hal9000]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

A few questions going back to the OP

1. What happened to Flight 93?
2. Where is there evidence (physical) of explosives
3. How many people were involved in the coverup?

THese are simple questions that need to be answered, not with links, but with your own ideas. The worst part about having a discussion like this is the prejudice I receive because I do not believe our government masterminded 9/11.

Also, The war in Iraq was in it's planning stages in the late 90's. Big Oil raped us, not GW, and the housing crisis came from allowing loan companies to not verify the loans, something that was instituted in the early 90's. None of this had anything to do with 9/11 so keep it out of the consversation.

We needed to go into Iraq because of the regions instability and future threats as well as removing a dictator who killed for fun, including gassing his own people. Ask someone who works at Centcom for the last 10 years and see what they say..

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by Raytracer

Breaking out the crayons once again....

Yeah, sorry for the inconvenience.

How would I know how to go about imploding the towers? I wouldnt, I would leave it to the professionals. Yet, there are not any professionals that have attempted to demolish a building anywhere near the size of the towers.

Yet it seems you know a lot about that. Enough to state that this or that is impossible.

So, appearantly, your idea is to taken a group of people who have never
demolished a building,

That you know of... I never stated I know any demo team. You did.

have them secretly plant thousands of charges,

Again, that number... we don't agree on that.

forego cutting any building supports prior to the charges being set off, setting up a secure wireless system (which would involve having a receiver/descrambler on each charge), pressing the button and hoping for the best..........I'm were saying something about logic?

There is nothing illogical in what you said there. It may be S.O.P. but without the wires.

If I were the perpetrator I would want to rig the building without being noticed and I'd want to "implode it" making it look like it was a "natural cause" due to the plane impact.

Again, am I suggesting it is what happened that tragic day? Hell no!
But before saying "this or that is impossible" I would be much more careful than you are.

You see, it really doesn't matter if going wireless it's common practice.
In a scenario like 911 what matters is that the building has to come down. And it would go down even without "thousands of charges" or "miles of wires".
After all, the towers only needed to be damaged on the upper floors and wait just about one hour to go down, due to the fire weakening the rest of the structure.
Both towers did that.
Both towers went down in a similar way although being struck at different speeds/heights, both with different kind and degree of damage, but nevertheless they came down in the same way.
No wires required, no detonators. An airliner and jet fuel.

And as I said, I am not going to name the friends who havent already been mentioned in connection to as having knowledge of controlled demolitions. I did that once with a buddy of mine who was a Navy officer at the Pentagon and it took months to get the conspiracy nuts to leave him alone...I am not doing that again.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by Swampfox46_1999]

Fair enough... name the ones that were already mentioned then...
Now we know one of your contact is a Navy Officer at the Pentagon (and I'm doing you a big favor believing it).
I thought you were referring to demo experts... so that won't cut it.

Oh wait, are you saying that the military has a branch of demo experts? Who would have thought of that! Military personnel handling cutting edge tech and explosives... what a far fetched idea! Silly me

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

WHAT DID THE US GAIN if they masterminded and implemented 9/11? PLEASE TELL ME>>>>>

I'm not going to point fingers, but the military complex had to gain a lot from it... as well as the oil companies (which by the way are both very close friends with the bush family).

Now I don't know who did it or how they did it.

All I know is we are being lied to, and frankly that's all there is to know.
There is no point going "how they did this or that, who were they, how many people". How the hell do we know? We didn't pull it off.

I want the heads of the ones who were in charge that morning. If it's not an inside job, someone screwed up big time, and in their hands are thousands of innocent lost lives.

If it is an inside job, the very persons in charge that morning have to be accounted for it, because with their help the events of 911 took place, and in their hands are thousands of innocent lost lives.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 12:55 PM
Perhaps no one has seen this...

But I assure all participants that the guidelines governing the 9/11 Conspiracies Forum will be enforced.

Civility and decorum will be the order of the day.


posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Raytracer

You said: "Now I don't know who did it or how they did it.
All I know is we are being lied to, and frankly that's all there is to know.
There is no point going "how they did this or that, who were they, how many people". How the hell do we know? We didn't pull it off."

Wouldn't it be reasonable to base an opinion on logic rather than "feelings." Both towers collapsed the way they did because both towers were damaged in a similar fashion. The tower hit second came down first because it was hit lower down and more weight impinged on the damaged section. The videos that all the detectives use as evidence show that the failures began at or above the impact areas. "Bombs-in-the-basement" arguments are disproved because they would have caused the entire building to start falling at the same time. It is difficult to believe that prepositioned demolitions at the impact areas would be able to survive the impact, wait around, undamaged, for hours in a jet fuel fire, an then be detonated on command. Until there is actual physical evidence [real, not imagined by Prof Jones] the only conclusion is that the aircraft and resultant fires were the only causes of collapse.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:47 PM
When it comes to the “official” 9/11 story line, observations combined with the physical world DO NOT match the official explanation. Consequently, I have a lot of questions that go unanswered but I'll continue to look.... Here's one example.

How do both buildings collapse due to “high temperature creep” when the highest possible flame temperature is ~1800F (adiabatic flame temperature for a pile of debris soaked in fuel oil). At that temperature, structural steel will loose ~½ of its yield strength, yet a structural engineer designs a building like that with safety factors of 100 or greater?

I have a likely answer and high temperature creep is not part of it. Instead I'll use observations of those on the ground and in videos, the squibs observed in various videos, collapse time, the organized vertical fall, and pyroclastic clouds for starters and I end up with a one word explanation. DEMOLITIONS!

Great thread. Keep up the great work of asking questions until the answers fit the physics....

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by DocsInn

Then it is up to you to explain how three buildings were wired for demolition, 267 stories of building that would take thousands of charges to bring down....all with no one noticing.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:59 PM

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