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Against the government?

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posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Why do so many here falsely imagine - due to their own misguided beliefs - that the majority of the American people are "awakened" and "believe" that the U.S. government is an "evil" entity that is lying to them?

Seriously.... just because you hold some false notion that the government has done something to you... why do you imagine that what you feel is projected among everyone else; or that they are in denial among what should be clear to them?

Are you serious?

... or are you just retarded?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:02 AM
My my my, usually the insults come later in the thread. Guess you decided to get it started early.

I can't speak for the majority. I just know that we have been lied to and will continue to be lied to. I don't believe the US is evil. Just some people who run the government who have no concern for the common man. A s long as they can attain more power, fill their pockets with more dollars they will mow over every person in sight. We, as citizens are to blame for this as well because we are so complacent in allowing the same people to recycle themselves through government. Guess we are afraid to lose the help, benefits, or service that the government has grown us accustomed to receiving. The US is still the best and will be for some time. I just hope we can start getting rid of the deadwood that has put a sour taste in our mouth.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:13 AM
I didnt just wake up one morning and decide to myself that I dont trust the government, Nor did I just hear somebody say that and I decided to follow them, My opinions are based on years of research and simply puting 2 and 2 together. My loyality is to the United States and to the Constitution, NOT to the government, I love my country, I just think that its time certain powers that be need to get kicked to the curb.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by logician magician
Why do so many here falsely imagine - due to their own misguided beliefs - that the majority of the American people are "awakened" and "believe" that the U.S. government is an "evil" entity that is lying to them?

Seriously.... just because you hold some false notion that the government has done something to you... why do you imagine that what you feel is projected among everyone else; or that they are in denial among what should be clear to them?

Are you serious?

... or are you just retarded?

They have not really done anything to me...but it is because of all the evil they have done to soo many others. In order to keep its self up, it must step on others.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by logician magician

Me? I'd have to somewhat agree with both of the above [tac109 & jam321]. If there weren't sufficient historical and previously documented instances of such, we probably wouldn't be here having this "discussion" right now ... perhaps give thought to the "pauses to ponder" and "causes for concern" which ultimately bore those facts from fiction.


[Edit: to clarify]

Not against as much as in question thereof ...

[edit on 26-12-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:51 AM
Even the founding fathers thought government was evil. They just felt it was needed to protect and do basic and limited things for the people. That there are basic common interests among the people which can be understood as good for coming together against. This did not include someone managing our lives from craddle to grave in a society that should be "happy with what it's given".

Trying to deny that it is evil by it's very nature such is foolish. It should be kept on a tight leash, otherwise it's like setting your kids loose in the yard with a pack of wolves.

It's really not that hard to understand. It's not that I am exactly against government, or that I hate it. I am just against when it sticks it's nose in places it shouldn't.

It hasn't done me wrong extremely, and I don't intend to let it. It's like the story of the lady who finds a snake half frozen in the ice. Takes the snake home, warms it up and cares for it. The snake gets all healthy and bites her. What did she expect - it was a snake and that is it's nature. Doesn't mean you have to be against snakes, but you should handle with care.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I'm on the other side of the world and I find it unfair that my country has to suffer economic troubles and stuff because of your country. We've only a small population here, and if something ever went wrong, I don't know how we'd get out of it.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:55 AM
Your Government has needed advice on how to govern the mental of its people, they(the government) also, can not think for themselves. Have you seen The Century Of The Self, exellent documentary on the magnitude of the manipulation and the stupidity of all. I love ats, here is cluster of intelligent minds who question and actually think for themselves, makes me feel safer.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by HulaAnglers]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:19 AM
I quit believing the government long ago. I was still in school when JFK was killed. Now I don't know who killed him, or even why they wanted him dead, but I do know that the government lied about it from the beginning. If you read what the press reported, which is what the government fed them to report, you can easily spot lies all through the accounts of what happened.
There was the unlikely lone gunman story. The magic bullet. Lee Oswald's status as FBI informer. Jack Ruby's "coincidental" relationship to the mob. Look Magazine's printing of Zapruder frames out of sequence to show Kennedy's head moving the opposite direction. I can't tell you why the government lied about it. They didn't have to. The American people deserved to know the truth. That is only one example of government lies.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by logician magician
Why do so many here falsely imagine - due to their own misguided beliefs - that the majority of the American people are "awakened" and "believe" that the U.S. government is an "evil" entity that is lying to them?

Ah, disinfo agent at it's finest. Which isn't saying much.

If most politicians, and by extension the government, not liars, why isn't their a law against it? For example, comparatively speaking the crime of fraud isn't really common, but there is still a law against it.

Why has there never been a law, ANYWHERE ON EARTH, that makes a politician who lies worthy of the death penalty?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:17 PM
If you compare the government of say, the United States, Japan, China, and Somalia

1) Which is better? Can you even qualify them?

2) Where would you rather live?

3) Where is your perfect government that actually exists? Anywhere in reality?

...........or just in your deranged head?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:21 PM
I speak from the UK and I hate my government. I view them as all corrupt, all evil and more concerned with lining the nests of themselves and their donors than anyone else, especially in opportunity to the poor, they would rather give an extra classless £30 a week and keep them on the scrap heap for they are scum and filth.

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