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Is the Search for Warp Drive Dead?

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:02 PM

The search for "breakthrough propulsion" may be officially at an end. First, NASA disbanded the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program, then it eliminated its vestiges, the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, and now it appears the Space Technologies and Applications International Forum could be dead.

When I ran across this article while searching for possible studies going on with the "Anti-Gravity" capabilities and advances, I was a bit stunned to say the least. There has been millions of dollars dumped into this effort and now , as of April 9th, 2008, they are going to call it "quits" for the possible "Realities" of this being a feasible and much sought after source of energy for the advent of extraterrestrial exploration?

I don't understand why they have given up, but I do see their points of views with the Power and cost issues, but it would be like "Trashing" the LHC experiment after it's slight breakdown.

I hope that they decide against this ultimately, but then again, there is little a "Joe-Blow" such as myself can do other than watch and regret the disbanding of such an important discovery.

The website contains a lot of information and different Symposiums and Conference's from before April 2006. Good info blog spot.
Forgot the website , EDITted

[edit on 083131p://3174 by Allred5923]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:54 PM
I certainly hope it's not dead. Going to mars and places beyond would just be impractical using our current technology, if anything it would be necessary to expand our knowledge of our universe.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Rocco21

Those are the exact implication thoughts I had.
Can't see just up and stranding it for lack of a better word.
If you go through some pf the Symposium and Conference meetings listed in the blog, you can see there was a serious deflection of future applications for these results, if we could ever get our thumb put on what had to be done, then, all of a sudden "Sorry, We're Closed" sign comes up?
Hope it isn't true either, "Just don't make any sense at all."

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:28 PM

Just don't make any sense at all.

Makes perfect sence.

They turned it into a black project. they must have made better progress then they imagined and found a military application for the technology.

Then they had a problem in how to hide it so they made to project look like a dead project as a cover for turning it black.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:35 PM
Well lets hope that they do not truely give up. If they do, it is just another example of how our great inspirational NASA agency is not just abandoning cutting edge research, but also abandoning the drive and inspiration of the people. Why even have NASA at all if all they are going to do is promise this, promise that and then suddenly back out and continue to put themselves up on a pillar as leading the way of discovery only by focusing on rocks and hills?!!!

Everyone should write to NASA and demand that they continue the efforts to develop and discover new cutting edge technologies for mankind's future!! It is imperative, and desperately needed in today's troubled world!

I am writting to them right after I hit the "post" button about this, and other issues as well.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:37 PM
Reply to : ANNED

Makes perfect sence.

They turned it into a black project. they must have made better progress then they imagined and found a military application for the technology.

Then they had a problem in how to hide it so they made to project look like a dead project as a cover for turning it black.

Got anything to back this theory up?
I do see your point, but was wondering how you think they could dismiss these "Civilian" and "NASA" programs with not as much as acknowledgements from the people that have been busting their assess trying to produce such alternative energies?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

What do you guys think of the Bob Lazar story? Do you think the govt has geven up on the reverse engg program started in 1979?

Bob Lazar

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Allred5923

This could be NASA's cry for more money. They threaten or actually shut down programs saying they need more funds. Hopefully, they will keep the programs and research teams, as we are a very long way to warp drive (or are we?)

There are many threads on Bob Lazar, sunny_2008ny. I think he is a fraud, but many others think he is the real deal. Read the pro and con and decide for yourself. Scroll down and read Stanton Friedman's take on Mr Lazar:

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by ANNED
Makes perfect sense.

They turned it into a black project. they must have made better progress then they imagined and found a military application for the technology.

Then they had a problem in how to hide it so they made to project look like a dead project as a cover for turning it black.

I agree, although I also have nothing substantial to base that belief on, other than my general understanding of how secretive the military can be, and how the process generally works. In this case, I think with they've had some tiny bit of success creating magnetic or gravity "bubbles" with their semi-public experiments, so the typical thing to do is to announce that it's a dead end, then shift everything over to the Top Secret in-house labs. I suspect that they did the same thing with the Stargate remote viewing project. Because that's what they do. "Nothing to see here, folks. Move along."

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:27 PM
There is work being done using harmonic resonance for levitation by some defense contractors and the government.

Some of the information and patents are available on the web but a lot isn't.

I don't know all the details except that there may already be aircraft in the test phase. They may possibly be large, black, triangular and almost silent.

Sound familiar.

I don't know what speeds this propulsion technology is capable of, but it is highly efficient.

I really doubt it could even come close to a 'warp' type speed, but other work along the lines of 'spooky action at a distance' seems to indicate faster-than-light travel (or at least communication) is possible.

Sorry if that all sounds cryptic. I don't have any details just this tiny juicy bit of speculative info.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:48 PM
Reply to kidflash2008: [My "Reply To" button doesn't seem to be working]

The reason of creating this thread was that the NASA was initially meant for "Civilian" interactions to take place, after the dilemmas of the Cold war with the ruskies, Eisenhower wanted people to be involved with the advent of space and technology. During the time Eisenhower had came up with the idea, he was in cahoots with individuals that had actually produced the very first "Space transmitted" message.

Here's the history of it:

So in April 1958 Eisenhower proposed to Congress to create a civilian space agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), using the existing 8,000-strong National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) as its basis. He would rip out of the military those parts of it that were mainly devoted to fundamental rocketry or space research. Most notable of these were the Army's Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech and von Braun's rocket team at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.

But it does seem as if the "Military Agenda" do put thing's like "Space exploration" and research on the proverbial "Back Burners!!!

The wisdom of Eisenhower's choice was indicated by the fact, that despite the expenditures of hundreds of billions of dollars on these projects, not one of them reached the flight-in-orbit stage. When the budget crunch came, military space projects were always the first to go.

If you read the article , it states that there was literally Billions dumped into this program after being created, and for the life of me, "It just doesn't make any freaking 'GOOD' sense at all!!"

As for the "Bob Lazar" question, "We are 'ALWAYS' interested in new news of the Bobster!!" LOL

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
There is work being done using harmonic resonance for levitation by some defense contractors and the government.
Some of the information and patents are available on the web but a lot isn't.

Here's a little info. for you emsed, and it dates back to the 1946 , there are thing's that have been produced, I firmly agree with that, but this situation is a real mind blower.

The unexpected the occurred .The generator lifted up while still speeding up, broke the union between itself
And the magnets and rose to an altitude of about 50 feet. Here it stayed for a while ,still speeding up and surrounding itself in a pink halo.
This indicated ionization of the air at much reduced pressure. Another interesting side effect caused local radio receivers to switch on ,of their own accord.
This could have been due to the ionizing discharges and electromagnetic induction. Finally the whole generator accelerated at a fantastic rate is believed to have gone off into space.
Since 1952 Searl and his co. workers have manufactured and tested more than ten generators. The largest constructed was 10 meter shaped craft.

So, "What do you think?"

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Allred5923

Sounds like work has been going on for much longer than I realized.

I still think it's very interesting that from 1946-47 onward technology suddenly started accelerating exponentially.

Things that make you say hmmmm...

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:18 PM
Though I do realize that this thread is for the decommissioning of NASA, I have to iterate it is kind of strange that Dr. Searl had tested his invention of the "Searl Effect Generator" just a year before the Roswell incident?

Guess anything is possible, we as civvies just don't have the evidences or the proofs to say one way or the other.

I still think it's very interesting that from 1946-47 onward technology suddenly started accelerating exponentially.

Things that make you say hmmmm...

My thoughts on the head emsed !!

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