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Questions for Christian

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posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:55 PM
To be honest I have been wondering about the topic of Exorcism or the taking the devils out of person. I wasn't share if it was true, I wasn't share if God would give this power to his children. As a soldier of Christ at the end of times. I think its good for us Christians to understand how to take out demons. The question is if its possible???

On this thread I would like others to explain there demons encounters. I question every christian if they have seen a demon or take one out. And if they did, what did they do to do it. If they believe taking out demons is real and they're beliefs. Later I will post my one experience with one.

But here are some basic of Exorcism
look under Exorcism in Christianity
check out section called Exorcism in the New Testament
Its says that Christ gave his disciples the gift of taking our demons. And that he will give us this gift to.

I think its important for this discussion only that at the end of times more demons and devils will be out they're and how can we fight Satan if we don't even have the faith of Christ's disciples????

PS if anybody can list links on the subject I would gladly appreciate it.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 02:35 PM
mmm, you raise some good questions there. How many times though do you actualy see someone who is posessed or something like that? Not many times I bet...
I reckon though, that if we came across such a person God would give us the power to rid that spirit... but In a way he already has, simply by speaking his name can strike fear in to some daemons - well thats what I hear anyhow.
You just have to make sure that your heart is in the right place. You have to be doing things like for nothing more then the glory of God, not for making you look good.

[edit on 12/12/2008 by funky monk]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 02:59 PM
The subject of demons is not widely talked about in Christianity because it is tought that it is better to focus on Jesus.
I can see the logic in this because not many christians are equiped with the knowledge or faith to deal in this subject.

More harm than good can be done if dealing with demons is not done correctly.
It is a subject that i have some experience in and have seen the results of casting out demons. It can be quite nerve racking sometimes and it is not for the faint hearted.

So yes, they are real and it can be done, My wife and i have visited a few houses that have some sort of entity that is bothering the occupants. I have also been present when a demon has been cast out. (not a pretty sight)

As for details, i don't think ATS is the place to put them because i will open myself up to so much ridicule.
People are queing up waiting for these sort of posts.

Anyway, if you want to find out more you will need to look for a church that is active in this subject. You will be surprised at how many are not.

Hope this helps

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:13 PM
I agree with both posters here ..

I dont believe exorcisms need to be done the Catholic way ..
I am not real sure why ..but for some reason ..everytime I see all those rituals etc ..I am reminded of when Jesus cast out the demon in the man who the apostles brought to him ..Jesus just rebuked him ...and said this kind only comes out with prayer and fasting ..(when they asked why they did not have that power to do it ) . Read Matthew 17.............
And that was that ....
If we are in the right frame of mind at the time prayed up and have fasted and have our spirit guarded (pure in heart and wanting nothing but that person to be rid of their demons)
if we say it with the same TONE (authority) as Christ said it ..I think it would work ....

Remember that it is not you who are doing anything is the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT you that does it I let the HOLY SPIRIT do it ....

I also agree that sharing some things on here may not be a really good idea I wont share much about my own experiences either ...

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:33 PM
I think both of your experiences would be good for some to read. Not every christian believes the way we believe. And don't get me wrong I am not trying to run into one and take one out. And of course its the spirit of God doing it. I think anybody with the basic knowledge of God's word and one who is saved of course could do it.

I just think their are some who wont be prepared for when the time comes. End the end of times I believe more devils will be running about. And I think most Christian wont be prepared for it. You don't have to put down what you said when you did it, and what was down. But please put down when you might have saw one, things like how did you know, how did you feel, how did the spirit in you move. What did you first notice when you saw it. Try if you want to put the experiences that might help others in the beginning know what its front of them.

Plus I think the real Christian will know end the end when there is a devil around them. But there are crazy people then the possessed!!!God bless

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

If we are in the right frame of mind at the time prayed up and have fasted and have our spirit guarded (pure in heart and wanting nothing but that person to be rid of their demons)
if we say it with the same TONE (authority) as Christ said it ..I think it would work ....

Remember that it is not you who are doing anything is the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT you that does it I let the HOLY SPIRIT do it ....

I also agree that sharing some things on here may not be a really good idea I wont share much about my own experiences either ...

I agree 100% with what you have said here.
I go into these situations knowing without doubt that Jesus is all powerful and has control over demons.
It is the same with healing. absolute faith is a must.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by jon1

Yes absolute faith for sure ...I believe thats why the bible says lay hands suddenly on no man can be dangerous if your not prepared..

Ok OP I have already shared this once ...for you I will share it once again .

I had never seen demons before the time I am about to tell you ..except in other people .........I was not experienced with calling them out or anything like that so they always got the best of me (I was too chicken and when my ex would beat me he would be like a demon ..I PROMISE even his eyes would turn pure black with no pupil) .....But I would just cower and did not really at that time know much about demonic possession or anything really that deep ..I was only about 20 when that all happened ..

Anyway so I am rolling along and just about 5 years ago ...when my teenage son was home (he was very rebellious and hateful at that time) my house just went to crap he had us all stirred up all the time could sense the presence of nothing but trouble when he was home ... (my new hubby and I got him for about 2 years from his dad who just took him from me for about 4 years) ..well his dad was evil and now so was my son who was about 12 when I got him (for real ..very bad) ...........he was also ADHD (Severe) ..and traumatized from the mental abuse he endured from his dad.

Well one evening I went in and prayed over my son while he slept ...I asked God to deliver him from the demons ..and I believed he would ....I went back to bed and went to sleep ...I woke up suddenly and did not even have time to lift my head in bed when I saw a huge ...thick ...foggy ...entity was like a blur of smog or fog with a horrid face and his hands were trying to claw my face I started fighting it off with my arms ..(just trying to keep its claws from my face ......the face was horrendous looking (was even worse looking than the demons we have all seen on TV even the exorcist) .
And he was MAD AS HECK AT ME >.I could feel his rage ....
When I was trying to keep his claws out of my face ....I noticed that he was not like invisible ..because he was heavy strong .....and was for sure real ..(not a ghost ) ....but it did not have any legs or anything that I could see really kind of looked something like that face of the demon in the smoke of the WTC .....(but uglier) ....
Anyway I started praying in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord and eventually it went away ..I have never been so scared in my life ...not even all those years I was beaten by my ex hubby did not scare me as bad as this ..(and my ex wanted to kill me ...I would not be alive today if angels had not come to my rescue and protected me all those times)..

Anyway it went away and the next day son was so calm and straightened up ....and did very well after that day .......I also started annointing my door posts with (blessed baby oil ) and even my ex when he would come to get my son to see him ..could not even walk in the door lol ..he would stand at the door and yell at me and curse etc ....never seen anything like that ...but that was certainly a blessing for me ..usually he would just walk right in cussing even if I did not invite him (he was always so rude and mean and hateful) .

And I have not seen anything like that again ..dont really want to ...but If I do the Lord will certainly help me ..I have no doubt ...he has been there my whole life and I trust him completely and I am not so scared anymore ..

[edit on 12-12-2008 by Simplynoone]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 09:33 PM
One thing I wanted to add ...if the person who has them is not willing to let them go (accepting Christ into their life (house) and filling their heart mind and soul up with HIS WORD (thy word have I hid in my heart so that I may not sin against thee) ......if not they will come back ...(their door is always open if they do not shut that door and stop letting them in ...) ........sin brings them in more and more and they dwell there as long as they want ..they have a party day and night .....and torment you and others ..

Mat 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

Mat 12:44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished.

Mat 12:45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

I am personally of the opinion that a real true born again believer who really does have the Holy Spirit within them ..cannot be possesed ..
I dont believe that demons and the Holy Spirit can reside in you side by side ..satan cannot stand HOLY and the Holy Spirit is holy and purifies your heart to make it holy too ..with the washing of the WORD OF GOD >>>*symbolic constant baptism by the Holy Spirit in the believer from that day forward ...I cant see satan being able to stand any of that I dont believe he would be in a believer ...

Eph 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
(water representing the Holy Spirit and the word is what does the washing)

Daily FOOD of the word of God and meditating on the Lord and his word and of course effectual fervrent prayer for the lost ....will keep that house full up so satan has no place to come back to and the house (your heart soul and mind) wont be empty when he tries to come back to reclaim his home ... ...

Jam 5:16 Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Ti 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

1Ti 4:13 Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

1Ti 4:14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.

1Ti 4:15 Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.

1Ti 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:57 AM
Slybmatt, I love the avatar.

I'm going to give you a personal experience. I am a huge sinner, commited more lust and other things then most athiest here even.

Say lust for instance, the possesion of lust. If you ever been in the act of masturbation, what goes through your mind is so rough, so nasty, it completely goes away when you're done.

It's a possesion.

So I went several years without sin. Ddin't commit sin once in that span. Iv'e never felt light in my soul in that time, never had joy like that, didn't feal possed.

One interesting thing I noticed is that I cried all throughout mass, cried daily, so much crying because without sin I was producing more love and graces. Because sin eliminated God and his grace,

Now when I went back to sin a while ago, my heart felt hardened again. The crying stopped, the joy was there but in intervals. Stuff like tv, pleasure ect... tried to fill the void of the previous joy I had when I was sin free.

and so what sin does is it blocks graces form a soul. And lust for instane. Some people are so possesed by it, it paralizes their whole day, takes their time up and gets worse and worse.


posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 04:27 PM
Simplynoone thanks for your testimony. I feel bad and sorrow to hear the trials you had to go through. But yet I am glad to know who you are today. And thanks to JesusisTruth Sometimes I wish I could get away from sexual sin. It makes me think I wont be saved. Its funny how I could feel so much in faith that I feel God gives me a huge in a church. Then I feel god might comdmn me???lol God forgive me.

I guess I put the time I believe I saw a devil. I say what I believe is possession of a person.

I was living on the streets at the time I believe. At the time I was in faith alot. I had the bible wherever I went. I was in Las Vegas at the time. On a bus in the back in the middle. And I was reading and in faith at the time. A man came on the bus and sate next to me. I didnt even look at him but with the corner of my eye. And I could tell he could'nt stop moving. right when i notice this I believe God's spirit in me told me a devil was in him. So all I could do (I wasn't share if god would give me the power to take reall devils out of people) was read the bible and pray. I jump in faith so much that I was fulled with joy. And I remember the more I was in faith and reading, the more he couldn't moving. It was like something was really wrong with the guy. So at the end I jump so much in faith I did as hard as I could, and I promise on all I believe that the man within 3 bus stops jumps right up and runs off the bus. Right as the bus dooe open too.

I feel sorry that I didnt get the devil out of him. Maybe god was showing that reall devils and demons are out their. I have known people at the mear mention of God, Christ or the bible they hate it. They scream, I swear they wish I was dead. And those type of people I believe have devils in them.

I guess the next question which Simplynoone made me think is, I didnt even think its was possible to see a devil on its own. I thought to see one that maybe it had to possess someone. I dont believe in ghost because of the bible shows us that when someone dies they are alseep or in hell (JW belief) So maybe those people who say they see ghost are seeing devils. Thoughts?????

Thanks Jesusistruth I wanted to find acouple of Good Christian ones.

[edit on 13-12-2008 by slymattb]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 04:53 PM
I am praying for both of you ...(sly and Jesusistruth) ...I know sexual sin is a very hard thing to overcome when we are so made of flesh ...especially for men are way more in the flesh (physically carnal minded) way more than women ..(at least the ones I have known ) .

My Ex (the beater) used to beat me to a pulp then take me sexually afterwards ..And that was his ultimate climax was horrible ..

So its not that I dont understand ...because I do ..

Just keep praying for deliverance of it and resist resist resist .
If you resist the devil he will flee from you .....

Sly about the ghost thing ...I do believe demons can come in any form ...they can take on a resemblence of dead relatives etc .....
At least thats what I think.... ghosts are ..demons ...

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by slymattb


I am firmly of the belief that the more we grow and stronger we become in our faith, the more of a threat we become to Satan, and he will attack us. We need to be alert and in the spirit.

I have encountered what I believe was Satan twice in my life. The first, I was praying and down on my knees and really deep in the Spirit. I all of sudden felt a cold dark presence enter my room standing behind me. I stood up and didn't see anything but something sure was there. I told him to leave me alone and that he had no hold on me and in the name of Christ to leave me alone. As quickly as the presence came it left and there was a feeling of peace again, but I felt strange and kind of spent for a few hours.

The second time was this past June. I almost died and was put on life support and kidney dialysis for 4 days and a breathing tube. I had a NDE experience during this time and was taken up to heaven with Michael the angel. I had my hand on the gate and Jesus was there and greeted me and told me, "daughter, all you need do is push the gate open and go in." YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD I WANTED TO DO THAT! Jesus was holding my other hand and I asked him "why did you give me such beautiful grandchildren if I can't see them grow up and be a part of their lives?
He then turned to Michael and told him to take me back. Well, sounds great doesn't it. I came back and lived. But there was a power that was so angry that I didn't die and was able to come back. This evil power was in me and told me to take my I.V. tube and wrap it around my neck, and all the while I was laughing and thinking, Ha, that will show them, but deep down in my spirit there was a battle going on for my life and thank God he sent angels again to help me out. This power was not me but it did have a certain amount of control over me. This lasted for about 2-3 days. It was a spiritual battle in the truest of forms. My daughter was there, LeoVirgo, and she can testify to what she heard and saw.

I do agree, that as we enter into the endtimes, Christians do need to be more aware of Demon possession and the evil works of Satan. If we are walking in the path of right and with God then we are empowered with the power of the Holy Spirit who will help us defend the evil around us.

In the Name of Christ,

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:51 PM
Grandma Your sorry sadden me. It reminds me of a Lady I meet in street teen in vegas. Her name was betty and she was a old lady who are getting sicker (idk why) and she would still volunteer at street teens. I remember reminding her of God and Christ. And I remember listening. She even bought me a bible I still have today. 3 years later she dead. And it sadden me.

I believe that you had a great gift of choice to come back. Not everybody gets that Choice. I will pray for you Grandma and the rest in this threat

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by jon1
The subject of demons is not widely talked about in Christianity because it is tought that it is better to focus on Jesus.
I can see the logic in this because not many christians are equiped with the knowledge or faith to deal in this subject.

More harm than good can be done if dealing with demons is not done correctly.
It is a subject that i have some experience in and have seen the results of casting out demons. It can be quite nerve racking sometimes and it is not for the faint hearted.

So yes, they are real and it can be done, My wife and i have visited a few houses that have some sort of entity that is bothering the occupants. I have also been present when a demon has been cast out. (not a pretty sight)

As for details, i don't think ATS is the place to put them because i will open myself up to so much ridicule.
People are queing up waiting for these sort of posts.

Anyway, if you want to find out more you will need to look for a church that is active in this subject. You will be surprised at how many are not.

Hope this helps

Are you a christian or a coward? Afraid of ridicule? No wonder you're scared of demons. Of course I'm no exorcist but your apparent fear of being called out really grates my nerves, as we call each other by the same name.........You will selfishly keep this info to yourself??? someone with your experience should be sharing knowledge not locking it away.....WHERE ARE YOU SOLDIERS!!!!!

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by heyo
Are you a christian or a coward? Afraid of ridicule? No wonder you're scared of demons. Of course I'm no exorcist but your apparent fear of being called out really grates my nerves, as we call each other by the same name.........You will selfishly keep this info to yourself??? someone with your experience should be sharing knowledge not locking it away.....WHERE ARE YOU SOLDIERS!!!!!

I don't mean bad against a brother. But who are you to Judge another brother. I understand your mane point. But name calling is not an act of a true Christian

Bible Quote
Matthew 7
Judging Others
1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

6"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Only God can Judge. We have no right to attack another Christian in the way you did it. There are better words to use to get your point across. And I don't think you read through all his post. Here let me remind you.

Originally posted by jon1
The subject of demons is not widely talked about in Christianity because it is tought that it is better to focus on Jesus.
I can see the logic in this because not many christians are equiped with the knowledge or faith to deal in this subject.

Let me repeat the important part

Originally posted by jon1
I can see the logic in this because not many christians are equiped with the knowledge or faith to deal in this subject.

Again more knowledge from Brother Jon1

Originally posted by jon1
More harm than good can be done if dealing with demons is not done correctly. It is a subject that i have some experience in and have seen the results of casting out demons. It can be quite nerve racking sometimes and it is not for the faint hearted.

Obviously one who deals with demons who does not have enough faith and knowledge can be really bad. AKA if he post that knowledge that means he would be accountable for it.

In fact both Jon and Simplynoone did not want post because of this. And I thinking it might be a little better to share they're experiences in meeting one was good. So if they put that posted that they should give use a little understanding.

Please brother Heyo do not dethread this thread with attacking right now. Please put your thoughts about demons possessions and your experiences with one if you have any??? So that we can get back on topic!!!!!!!!! God bless

[edit on 15-12-2008 by slymattb]

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