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A new idea on how the pyramids were constructed

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posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

as far as i know the "future telling" aspects of giza rely on the "pyramid inch" devised by isaac newton. if memory serves me correct he damn near drove himself crazy trying to wrap his head around that. i think there have been several pyramid inch measurements created to try and find meaning to it. that should be your answer there.

i think above all, the pyramids were intented to be a monolith. an undeniable object that's expressive enough without having to make any deductions. sort of like the "messages" left at the beginning of close encounters. the huge boat in the mongolian dessert etc.

to me the pyramids are the fringe. all conspiracies begin and end with them. it's too romantic to be true i'd imagine but i don't have anything at stake so who cares. the only thing i'd be dissapointed with about the mids is if it turned out that the leaders of that day were just as corrupt and sinister as the ones today and that we're spending all this time and energy honoring them.

[edit on 11-12-2008 by Mozzy]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
reply to post by IvanZana

all conspiracies begin and end with them. it's too romantic to be true i'd imagine but i don't have anything at stake so who cares. the only thing i'd be dissapointed with about the mids is if it turned out that the leaders of that day were just as corrupt and sinister as the ones today and that we're spending all this time and energy honoring them.

How true and scarry your reply is. The illuminated ones obviously know something we don't.
I wonder why?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:32 PM
Homer wrote Iliad about the worst scum on the Earth.
Guess what happened?
They were all celebrated as heroes...

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by dooper

Barley/milk/honey bandages?

Oh, you mean like a super glue?

How about the fact that they were practicing brain surgery. Using cutting tools that only recently we have gone back to for plastic surgery?
Eh, I'm not going to argue their medicine, it isn't the point of the thread.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:45 PM
Well, I suppose it is nice to see that someone looked into the inner chambers in relation to this thread.
Unfortunately, it was the person I was backing in the argument. haha.

Seriously though, this "layered" theory simply falls apart when scrutinized in light of everything else Egyptology tells us about the GP.

At best it just illustrates that Egyptologists are ego-centrical and are moving more towards the middle of the debate because they cannot answer the glaring question of time restraints, while at the same time not conceding their point... At worst, it destroys all their credibility because it negates EVERYTHING they have VEHEMINATELY stated to this point.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR

At best it just illustrates that Egyptologists are ego-centrical and are moving more towards the middle of the debate because they cannot answer the glaring question of time restraints, while at the same time not conceding their point... At worst, it destroys all their credibility because it negates EVERYTHING they have VEHEMINATELY stated to this point.

Their beloved c14 tests disprove them

The radiocarbon date of 3809BC on the top of the Great Pyramid is strong evidence that the structure was already finished by that date. Most of the other dates cluster around the 3100-2800BC timeframe. This proves then that the mortar was not used in the construction phase of the pyramid because the pyramid was already finished by 3809BC. The 300 year time span of 3100-2800BC, which dates the mortar found on the pyramid, proves that the casing stones were already removed by that timeframe. There can be no other conclusion from the data presented. If the mortar found throughout the pyramid is dated from 3100-2800BC and yet the pyramid was already finished by 3809BC, what other conclusion can you draw? The casing stones must have been removed prior to 3100BC.
Research more here

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

My original point that you apparently didn't read, was that these primitive farmers suddenly got a dose of engineering brilliance? While all other social developments that deal with the sciences suffered?

As far as primitive brain surgery, this was also common practice in Meso-America, and they have hundreds of skulls with "healed" holes in their heads to prove their successes.

And from my own personal observation, and I'm sure you could agree, there's a lot of folks that post on ATS where you could open up their squashes, look around, and not hurt a damned thing on them, either.

Apparently, for a lot of folks, brain surgery is not exactly brain surgery.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:06 AM
You should view Nassim Harameins theory about the pyramids.

A healty experience would be to view the entire lecture, whereas he connects like, everything.

Also, I have yet to see someone trying to debunk anything of what he says.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:34 AM

Look, every egyptian had their "usual jobs" and then, free willing, after work they would all "give a hand" or "did their part" to the glory of egypt so they worked on the constructions as "part time". Like for instance, every american after work now would, lets say, help in the construction of a new World Trade Center because they wanted to, because they wanted to contribute directly to the "american pride".

The regular workers were paid.

Slaves were a TINY minority just because I dont want to call it a factual error cause certainly there were criminals forced to work and some "personas non gratas" as well, still thinking egypt is founded using slavery is pretty much a common misconception.

Unless of course you're studying egypt from some religious books...
If that is the case, then yes, they were slaves and then came a man that wanted them free, then he cursed egypt and then came the wrath of God and everyone escaped and egypt faced all the curses and the Faraoh's son died and ... well you get the picture...

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:44 AM
Some people hold the odd idea that scientists, and in this thread Egyptologist are a monolistic block of people who all hold the same thoughts, care nothing for science, and are egocentric, nothing could be further from the truth. What we know about the Egyptians came from their centuries of work, not fringe books. They are well aware of the weaknesses and areas were knowledge is weak-one can see that in there own communications. The greatest single strenght they have however, and the single greatest weakness that many fringe believers have, is there understanding of the Egyptian culture. If you don't understand the context in which an idea or concept has come from its very easy to misinterpret it. Cherry picking data and removing it from the context of AE culture is a sure way to get it wrong.

The C-14 tests

Carbon 14 dating of organic material found in the mortar of the joints of the outside blocks of the pyramids which was carried out on two occasions.

The first was in 1984, funded by the Edgar Cayce Foundation and tested at the Southern Methodist University by Dr. Herbert Hass and also at the Eidgennossische Technische Hochschule laboratory in Zurich by Dr. Willi Wolfi.

The second was in 1995, funded by the businessman David H. Koch (see 'Dating the Pyramids' in Archaeology, vol.52, No.5, Sept/Oct. 1999).

A summary of the results can be found here

The two C-14 test programs

In 1984 we conducted radiocarbon dating on material from Egyptian Old Kingdom monuments We then compared our results with the mid-point dates of the kings to whom the monuments belonged

The average radiocarbon dates were 374 years earlier than expected.

In spite of this discrepancy, the radiocarbon dates confirmed that the Great Pyramid belonged to the historical era studied by Egyptologists.

It may have been premature to dismiss the old wood problem in our 1984 study. Radiocarbon dating can only tell us when a tree died, not when it was last used. Wood may lay around for centuries before being burned, especially in a dry climate like Egypt.

Other comments:

Yes the Egyptians used a type of required or forced labor which in modern times was called corvee, or free labor for the landowner. However they were not slaves and they may have worked during the period of the year when the Nile had flooded an normal agricultural work wasn't possible

Pyramids the center of conspiracy - only in the modern age and for some reason the fringe has concentrated on just those few on Giza. The other pyramids around the world are rather neglected.

When comparing the carbon dates one has to combine the data from both studies. Plus the C-14 dates in Egypt have never been calibrated as they were with the C-14 in the SW of America with tree ring, (dendrochronology) verification. In the SW the C-14 dates were shown to be too old. There isn't sufficient old wood in Egypt to do the same type of calibration. Therefore the C-14 dates will tend to be older.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:00 AM
I might be late, but if you haven't seen Nassim Harameins theory on this subject and everything connected, you should. It would be a healthy experience.

I suggest you view the full lecture. As it will connect everything and strengthen his theory about the subject pyramids.
I have yet to see someone trying to debunk anything of what he says.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 07:58 AM
IMO without a shadow of doubt they were built by non terrestrials i.e no of this earth, the egyptians knew this and tried in vain to mimic their "gods" unfortunately to no avail.

My mind races when I think what the ebe's showed them before they left for pastures new. The egytpians probably worked or coexisted on this planet with them for many years.

I believe pyramids were built to activate some form of energy device and definately not for the purpose of being made in to tombs.

No mummy or other human remains were ever found in the Great

[edit on 12-12-2008 by franspeakfree]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

I think the ancient egyptians believed that one day there would be technology to revive the dead. So that's why they perserved the mummies so well and left some of the deceased belongings inside. The ancient egyptians I believe were technologically advanced more so than we think.

Even today we perserve bodies. People with the money can pay to have their dead bodies frozens in the hopes that one day the technology will be developed to bring back the dead.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:10 AM
I think it's preposterous for anyone, with a degree or not, to say how the Great Pyramid was built with an absolute. It's also preposterous for anyone to say why it was built. No one really knows. All you can do is speculate. Some speculation is brought on by evidence(evidence that doesn't directly seem what it is) and other speculation is strictly brought about by imagination.

When you walk down the street and see a name in the cement on the side walk, does it mean that the person whose name you see constructed that part of the sidewalk, or even helped construected? Hell...the person may not have even been alive when the object was constructed. Take simple graffiti for example; it's usually done by someone else, not the creator. I'm simply saying, just because you see etchings on a wall, does not mean the person who put the markings on the wall built the wall, or had anything to do with it. Some people seem to overlook this, experts and novices alike.

The funny thing about this to me is...records. Egyptians kept records of many, many things...but for some strange reason, they do not have records of how the pyramids were built, or why they were built. I guess they probably thought that other civilizations were know why obviously. Well, obviously, they were wrong. Doesn't anyone else find that very funny? They have absolutely zero records that we know of, as to why the pyramids were built, or how. That right there says a lot to me. It could even indicate that the Egyptians did not build the pyramids. But, if not them? Who? And a better question; why?

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:14 AM
This kind of belief is god given to the ruling class.
Make everyone concentrate on the afterlife, while in this life they are easy to organize for "hidden" purposes.
I'd like to know the real purpose for building pyramids, if there is one other than I stated above.

Today, people invest in their "after life" too - pension funds. But look what's happening!

This kind of agenda is more likely. But, revealing the truth about ancient Egyptians is a very political thing, not really archeological.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

preposterous or not that's not the point. i'm sure lots of egyptologists believe in fairy tales and aliens from time to time. no one is just gonna point at it and say "who knows, who cares". that's like saying crick and watson said "we don't know what dna is and it's preposterous to say we do so therefore we're not gonna study it."

maybe there are a FEW people that believe they know the definite answer to the pyramids. i doubt it's more than a handfull though, people wouldn't study it if they weren't taken in by the mystery to begin with. they're just looking for facts and evidence to go off of.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 11:31 AM
I have always felt that the Giza Plateu was a not only a monument to man but a world university.

I cannot imagine that area being developed for a tomb and alot of evidence seems to support this. There was never a body or mummy found within a pyramid anywhere in the world.

The Grand pyramid when found was sealed. These explorers in the 1800's blasted their way in through the wall and removed solid massive granite plugs to get to the kings chamber. Upon entering nothing was found. Nothing!. So they say......

So my beliefs is a monument to man and earth. If man were to ever destroy itself again and again the pyramids could offer a jump start back to civility and advancement with the knowledge it contains.

I also believe that the egyptian pharoas found the pyramids. They could of fixed them up, added to them and made it their own. The information they could of found in the pyramids possibly gave the egyptians that superior advancement in astrology, medice, surgery, technology, etc that still shocks scholars today. Mabey they decided it would be a cool tomb but there is still no evidence or writing in any book or wall that claims the egyptians built the pyramids or even used it as a tomb.

[edit on 12-12-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Mozzy

You're missing what I'm saying...or maybe I didn't make my point clearly.

I don't expect people to just leave it alone, because they don't have any certainties. I expect people to not be so finite or definite with their conclusions about the story of the pyramids. Even some egyptianologist make claims and stand by it, but some of their claims are highly questionable, because of direct evidence and also, because of probability.

In short, I'm saying everyone should keep a very open mind about discussion such as this, simply because no one really knows with absolute certainty what the story is. I'm speaking to the folks who speak as if they do know with certainty what the story is...and I'm telling them, that you do not, specialists and novices alike.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

Hey Han, I believe this video is for you. Keep your mind open.

I couldnt say it better to you than how this gent says it.

[edit on 12-12-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:19 PM

I have always felt that the Giza Plateu was a not only a monument to man but a world university.

Hans: The ruins found there show it was tombs and mortuary temples, there may have been schools for teaching priests but that is pure speculation. Your evidence that it was a 'world university'?

I cannot imagine that area being developed for a tomb and alot of evidence seems to support this.

Hans: Personal incredulity is a poor substitute for evidence. What evident do you have to show it wasn’t a tomb? Not just dismissing evidence that is it, but stand alone evidence that it was built for another purpose? Evidence for the existence of these builders?

There was never a body or mummy found within a pyramid anywhere in the world.

Hans: It was pointed out to you yesterday that the remains of a princess was found in an Egyptian pyramid – did you forget?

Princess Neferuptah's Pyramid, In 1956 the remains of a small pyramid containing the Body of Princess Neferuptah, Amenemhetill's daughter, were discovered 1.2mi/ 2km south of the Hawara Pyramid. It was previously believed that she had been buried in a small sarcophagus found in her father's tomb chamber.

You also seem to have forgotten about K'inich Janaab' Pakal better known as Pacal, who was a Mayan king found in a pyramid. Even old Daniken knew that. A number of others have been found in pyramids. You would be more correct in saying no bodies has been found in the sarcophagus in the three Giza Pyramids.

The Grand pyramid when found was sealed. These explorers in the 1800's blasted their way in through the wall and removed solid massive granite plugs to get to the kings chamber. Upon entering nothing was found. Nothing!. So they say......

Hans: The ancient entry was jammed with rubble and yep they didn’t find anything valuable –so Ivan are you saying the guys who blew there way in were part of the conspiracy?

So my beliefs is a monument to man and earth. If man were to ever destroy itself again and again the pyramids could offer a jump start back to civility and advancement with the knowledge it contains.

Hans: How about a tomb supporting their view of religion and the afterlife –which for an Egyptian was paramount in their lives. Can you point to where the tombs of Menkaure, Khufu and Khafre are then if they are not the three pyramids?

I also believe that the egyptian pharoas found the pyramids.

Hans: Yes you can believe that but the evidence points elsewhere – where is your evidence for the existence of the people who built this? Oh by the way Ivan, your comments above on the C-14 contradict your statement here. If it is the age it is then only the Egyptians were there.

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