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I Can No longer Trust Extra Terrestrial Beings Can You?

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posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:16 AM
My world is changing.......

Life for me has changed over the last few months therefore,I have had to take time off from ATS because life was getting to much, by that I mean all the cryptic messages I was receiving whilst channeling. I have tried to bury my head in the sand and forget about everything. Unfortunately though this has deemed to be an impossible task!.

Everywhere I have been and nearly all that I have spoken to have dragged me back in, whether it be discussions on 911,aliens,coincedences you name it I have heard about it. The other day I went for a meal with my mates, all was going well we having a chat and good old drink but then I heard on another table someone talking about E.T! Then whilst I was in the supermarket I heard someone talking about the conspiracy with 911, then whilst I was talking to my other mates about how I didn't want to talk about anything E.T related they told me about a new film that was to grace the screens. I forgot what its called but it stars Keanu Reeves as an E.T that comes to destroy the Earth. Great!
no matter how deep my neck is buried I cannot hide from it.

Why am I hiding? I am hiding because I am completely gutted! I have been a ufologist for over 17 years I have had a connection with UFO'S,E.T eversince I was a teenager. I consider myself intuitive and above average on the way life is perceived. I went through the ego meditation barrier at the age of 16 and I have been channeling for 10+ years.

All my life I have been convinced that E.T. was going to help us. However, very recently I received a wake up call. That call was "live life as full as you can now" I received (whilst channeling) detailed information about my finances,what we call heaven life after death e.t.c, and what to do and how to do it to get the most out of my life. I haven't had such a wake up call since I was 17 and started reading tarot.

Words cannot explain how gutted/sad I am to find out that E.T is not going to help us in anyway. Instead many of them will continue to manipulate the human race in order to fulfil their agenda. Whilst others watch Its got nothing to with government disclosure its got everything to do with the government protecting us from the truth and that is E.T are not the friendly galactic neighbours everyone makes them out to be.

For over 1000 years they have been visiting us, manipulating us, getting the most out of us as possible. The question is why? Its far to complicated to explain I could never put it into human words, only images and analogies but I believe it has everything to do with creation and a living non human word type energy source (its not the right word but it is the only thing I can think off) that connects everything together. However, it doesn't stop there thats only one energy source, that we name GOD there are infinite sources that connect these sources and within those different sources there are more humans like us and so on and so on. (Its to much to comprehend because there are no words to describe it)

The way I now perceive the truth it is that we are bacteria infesting on a glactic jewel and the jewel needs to be cleaned and disinfected. The truth is that I no longer perceive E.T as my friend. Now when I look up to the sky I feel scared and frightened thinking when is it going to happen and how?

I have had such a strong feeling for the past 6 months that I should stock up on drink and food and supplies and think about what my family should do in the event of anything that may shake this world. Within the last month or so this feeling has kind of overpowered me and our family is now getting prepared. It sounds crazy to write this and I realise this sounds completely over the top but, its not just me my whole family is taking this seriously and they are stocking up aswell. They believe me because they too have a sense and its a little out of character for me to discuss these things openly I am not forcing and telling whoever reads this to go and stock up I am just saying it the way I feel.

Life is getting stranger everyday for me and the more I am plugged in and charged up the more I see just how much we have been manipulated, in fact in truth, how do I know that the messages I have received about all this impendent doom and gloom on the earth is indeed true, it could be another manipulation process.

These ebes are extremely advanced than us and they know how to do it and when to do it in order to get maximum potential out of us, they have turned us against each other and they have supressed us for centurys. Its not all about the government and secret societys it goes much deeper than that, in the realms of higherstates of awareness and glactic conciousness (that word sounds stupid but its the only word I can use to describe my thoughts), a bit like starwars the movie but on a massive scale, involving many many other races and energy thoughts (again no the right word)

I don't for one minute regret channeling or meditation but sometimes it would be nice to go back to living in the box and keep my blinkers on.

Why am I writing this? I have no idea? I just wanted to get it out of my head so that there is room for more thought. (I tend to be able to shift the thoughts on to a page when I write).

Have you had these thoughts or feel that something isn't right?

[edit on 8-12-2008 by franspeakfree]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Asside from the claims you made in the post, Im not going to address them but instead address the premise of the thread, the trust of extra terrestrials.

Avoiding the whole UFO/Alien argument for a second, and for the sake of discussion just accepting extra terrrestrials as a reality, I have one question.

There seems to be a certain section of UFOology that seems to think the aliens are here to help us. Here to warn us about the environment, or nuclear war, ot famine or what have you.

Why? Assuming, merely for the sake of argument that the aliens really are visting Earth why would anyone assume theyd be here to help us?

You might say "well they have the power to! look how advanced they are" etc etc. Ok. so?

Look at Earth. The US, UK, Europe, rich nations.

In the money weve spent on the Iraq war we could have fed tons of hungry, housed the homeless, given money for better education of children in poor nations, helped the same. In other words we could have helped a awful lot of people. We didnt though. Why? Because nations have a tendency to for the most part, look out for their own interest, so whil nations do give some to these causes its not nearly as much as they could, as is illustrated by the fact that we had this money to spend on a war or other things.

So given this, where the advanced nations of the war arent exactly jumping up and down to help the less advanced, why should aliens be anymore altruisitic and virtous? Does being from a different planet from Earth all of a sudden make you a better species, or more virtous?

Is there something about being an Alien that places the demand upon them but not us?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:01 AM
Damn straight, exactly! look at places like, Mumbai, Johannesburg,capetown,,Kenya poverty stricken areas amongst thriving money making enterprises. Its disgusting, there is enough food to feed the world so why do people starve? there is enough land to build a house for each person in this world but why do people live on the streets?

Why should E.T. intervene as long as it doens't effect them they just will alwasy sit on the side lines and admire from afar. The truth is there is no truth because the truth we think we know is nothing but what they want us to believe is the truth and when I say 'they' I don't mean the governement/illuminati I mean E.T no human beings, they are the ones running the show they are the ones that make the decisions we are just the worker bees.

[edit on 8-12-2008 by franspeakfree]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

I never trust any anomalies.

Channelling?? I wish I could lay my head down long enough to try something like that. Those aliens with "the psychic" in my head make snore sounds come out me, when I lay my head down. The only way to get to sleep is to get enough liquor. I could use liquor to lay my head down, though, as it doesn't seem to solve the problem, just seems to get me a little sleep at night.

I try to lower the liquor dosage, but if I try 7 shots instead of 8, then that darn "psychic" starts doing his thing again, so I have to get another shot.

Man, if them aliens left me alone, I probably wouldn't mess with this nonsense. The days when my life was normal were great... no folks chasing me around with sillyness, no "psychic" in the head to drive me nutty 24/7, no stomach growling 24/7... just peace of mind.

Yeah, those aliens are pretty terrible. When they make folks disappear, I mean, they like totally vanish. Even their account gets banned... forget banned, it's just deleted. And for no reason, too. I've seen it happen twice already.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by MegaCurious

What the heck are you talking about? This crypic inuendo is annoying. Please tell me what you've experienced in detail.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:48 AM
Yeah, I feel you man. I have become 99,99% sure that we are doomed. The sun will burn up all its energy and the aliens will do NOTHING to help us. Makes me wonder why they are here in the first place.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:50 AM
I haven't trusted them for about a week now. They keep asking me to pull their fingers when I try to talk to them...not to mention the ask-me-if-i-want-a-stick-of-gum gag is getting old as well...

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:57 AM
While I don't think trust should be blindly given and that in the presence of wolves, we should be wise foxes, not sheep and cattle, however, while some may be negative, there are probably none as negative as the renegades running things behind the scenes on this planet. The others, I don't think so.
We need to wake up and not give our agreements to the bad mismanagement of our world and insist that everyone lives equally. We just need to start breaking free and shining our lights with each other. I do believe that some of the people watching over us will notice this.
(Stargate 2012) is a good thread concerning our planet.
I think we're getting some help.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 09:39 AM
I am not sure why you put your trust in them to begin with. When you know nothing about them, why would you come to a conclusion without any evidence?
Ok so there is some evidence that they have helped out in the past, but they have also presented themselves as gods and allowed people to worship them as such. Personally I trust NOTHING. You have to be cautious when dealing with things that are unknown. Not doing so is just foolish.

BTW you sound like you took the movie teaser a bit too seriously.

Hollywood does not equal reality.. okay? ok.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Something to consider as well, is that our friends from out of town helped us set up this society. It's not their responsibility to walk us through the whole time.

Kind of like a parent to a child... At some point, the child has to live their life. you can give advice but they don't have to follow it.

I think that they have given us more than opprotunity to help us, our nature is too violent and they will let it come to it's ends... When the dust clears, they'll still be around to pick up the pieces and try again.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:25 AM
I've been through some BS and changes in my life that appeared to be due to someone such as 'these' manipulating things. Without seeing the whole picture and as to exactly why, I'm lost, confused and angry.

I feel as if I've been robbed of some huge fortune by people in my own government as if I was sold just for the purpose of making them money.

ETs may know that many of us will die and have done what they can for now. Our undertsanding of life and death may be totally different from them. Especially if they already have died and are entities using whatever means necessary to fulfill whatever agendas or gifts they have.

There's probably so much they could but can't do for us due to timing or the outcome.

Someone had told me that I can't save the whole world. People are dying every day. Many have children that obviously shouldn't because of the high mortality rate. But maybe they see things differently, I don't know. I've heard some say: "better them than me."

Would you sit and watch many people die if you couldn't help them?
The sinking of the Titanic is a good example of the way we think and treat our own in the business of greed and elitism.

Many of us are numb by what we've been hearing about Africa most of our lives as if that's just the way it is there and or "it's their own fault." The same feelings are probably true with these alleged Ets.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

They're probably are some who don't care, just as much as we do, as if they're slaves or tired of the whole thing. Why do good cops go bad?

There's always reasons and there's always lame excuses.

There may actually be a war we can't understand, possibly even between the same species as we are with empathy, logic and futility. 150 whales beach themsleves? why? ( I haven't heard the conclusions yet) And yet the Japanese are looked down on for taking some as food.

Maybe their agenda changed from when they first came here. Maybe their system or planet died for the same reasons. Giving a planet and species such as ours the tools to destroy themselves and or even use as an excuse to let us die, seems like a human trait and agenda also.

The movie: When the earth stood still, is depressing by it's trailer. I seriously doubt this would be another species agenda, or they would have done it already. Although, scientology or whomever, suggests some type of energy harvest?

There's a lot of negative energy in the world lately and it's affecting many people. (and now animals?)

God or Ets, the christ messiah message was more about the next life or afterlife as if immortality and ascension we all need to go through like some nasty flu bug. The christ figure as if showed by example another life and resurection. If this was an example by these Ets, than we're missing the point and purpose of religion and it's exact origin.

You can probably fit more ghosts on a UFO than living people anyway. Is rapture of a physical being really necessary? Heavenly bodies may just mean spritually.

People write about NDE and OOBE as if painless. Maybe for many it will be that way. In the movie When the earth stood still, their deaths were very quick and most likely painless.

I'm not saying that the OP should give up and die, but change their understanding of this type of event. Assuming the worse case scenario and agenda, just isn't helping you or us now.

I know this point is always made by someone, but maybe we just keep forgetting about it?


[edit on 8-12-2008 by aleon1018]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:39 AM
franspeakfree I join you in your "condition".

Mystiq's words were wise and I will take strength in them.

Can I trust an alien? Of course, without a doubt. I trust him to be what he is. This does not mean I believe they are all caring and loving beings.

I trust the alien as I do a snake, rat or furry rabbit. They are predictable and will do what they will do.

The main thrust of our association with aliens is that we are given choices. We make decisions and we must live with the results of those decisions.

I believe it is the decisions we make that color our world and attract negative or positive feedback from our observers.

This world is ours to enjoy just as the glass tank of water in my house is the world I have given some lucky gold fish. It's theirs to enjoy. I try to make them self sufficient but still have to clean up their environment once in a while. I put them in that world for my pleasure.

For whose pleasure are we here?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:48 AM
I think we have more problems on this planet than just whoever may be an outsider to our way of thinking. This planet is riddled with problems and there is enough history to suggest why. The link I gave is one. Here's another with some similar information, though more without a conclusion, whereas I think a conclusion as to the renegade nature of these guys can be drawn:
(Ancient Extraterrestrials )

We need to wake up and pay attention to this planets problems more.

Edit to add: We're living on a slave planet with at least 2/3rds of the population enduring the most unbelievable hardship, so a tiny portion may live like kings, and they don't care if they destroy this planet, though I imagine they're trying to escape it. Lets not do what they expect from us, and start to let them know they're standing alone, because we refuse to stand with them.

[edit on 8-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree I forgot what its called but it stars Keanu Reeves as an E.T that comes to destroy the Earth. Great! :

"The Day the Earth Stood Still"

The original was a great story... I bet they will mess it up this time around though. And they didn't come to destroy the Earth

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:13 AM
Dear franspeakfree, your message rings many bells into my head.
You seem sad, but do not be. Aliens were never meant to help us, it is against their interest and against our will to do so.

We will never receive external help (as in aliens) if we do not ask it consciously. Here I mean all people of Earth not just one or two. I cannot force my will onto you, the same goes with aliens, they cannot force us do or see what we do not want to accept.

An alien contact, world wide, would create something we would not want to accept, thus, it will never happen in this current paradigm. When we will be prepared we will meet them, until then, nothing will change on this planet.

As you said, yes there are higher energies in the universe, that we in our common language do not even have proper words to give. Because in those realms of existance language is not used to communicate, feelings and images are more likely to be used.

But be certain there is a plan, and you, by being here are part of that plan. You chose to be here. You placed too much hope in aliens. They are not here to help us, we have to help ourselves. They are here for different reasons, most of which we can't even understand.

This planet, and us, the people, ignorat as we are, will face big changes in the near future. Many who came to Earth in this time came so that they can witness this change. It is a very important time in our existance.

Do not be angry, enjoy life, as you said, sometimes, at least on this planet, the purpose is for YOU to realize certain truths, not the masses, here on Earth there is no consensus in consciousness and awareness. Earth is not a place where people come to realize they are all united with limitless potential, Earth is a place were differences and lack of connection with that which is all is king.

Follow your own message: "live life as full as you can now" There is a reason why they said NOW. Nothing matters, but the NOW moment on the Earth plane. Enjoy it, do not think of other future or past "NOWs".

This is how Earth is, this is what you choose to see and experience, seek the higher purpose and understading in your existence. There is one in us all. You were given great knowledge, do not be scared of it. It has its own purpose. Think why you received it, maybe because you asked for it, yes you did, it is impossible to receive/happen something to you without your acceptance and consent.

Higher energies are all over, we do not see them, some are even parts of our own self, which is much more grander than what a human life is.

Enjoy life, it is a gift, a way to knowing yourself.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:14 AM
are " extra terrestrials " some homogeneous mass with no variation in goals , ethics etc etc ?

i do not care if ths sounds rude - but a blanket statement like :

` I Can No longer Trust Extra Terrestrial Beings `

is a silly as saying

` i can bo longer trust negroes `

` i can no longer yrust people with ginger hair `

thats how daft it is

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

All my life I have been convinced that E.T. was going to help us. However, very recently I received a wake up call.
That's a positive sign.

Words cannot explain how gutted/sad I am to find out that E.T is not going to help us in anyway.
It's even sadder, for humanity to depend on another race! that's for sure. I don't think your getting the right channeling at all. it's your own inner voice fighting with you.

Instead many of them will continue to manipulate the human race in order to fulfil their agenda.

The cosmos, is not black or white. Even though it appears that way from a viewing point. Until you come up close all colours are revealed. No one or race is fully bad or fully good like here on this planet. Everyone one including E.Ts has thier agenda's. There is nothing special or extraordinary about that.

Be greatful that your alive, and given the gift to question what we are, most important given the opportunity to live a the human experience. Not many of us question humanity. E.Ts are facinated by our existence.

There is a divine race, the creator. The higher dimensional realms who claims the order of the universe. All you need to do is trust the universe. Life will become much clearer.

Whilst others watch Its got nothing to with government disclosure its got everything to do with the government protecting us from the truth and that is E.T are not the friendly galactic neighbours everyone makes them out to be.
And you know for a fact?

For over 1000 years they have been visiting us, manipulating us, getting the most out of us as possible. The question is why? Its far to complicated to explain I could never put it into human words, only images and analogies but I believe it has everything to do with creation and a living non human word type energy source (its not the right word but it is the only thing I can think off) that connects everything together.
YOUR not in contact with aliens
. The aliens who are in contact with us have been in contact since at least the beginning of the dinosaurs. They have shaped the path of this earth for our existence. We are created in their image.

The question as to why they are with us, is because we must learn from each other.

You have to stop this black and white good vs bad snydrome of E.Ts.

The way I now perceive the truth it is that we are bacteria infesting on a glactic jewel and the jewel needs to be cleaned and disinfected. The truth is that I no longer perceive E.T as my friend. Now when I look up to the sky I feel scared and frightened thinking when is it going to happen and how?
This your fear, and you going to have to come to terms with this fear. It's not projected by us, or the E.Ts.

As I said you have issues with your own inner voices not the aliens.

I have had such a strong feeling for the past 6 months that I should stock up on drink and food and supplies and think about what my family should do in the event of anything that may shake this world.

These ebes are extremely advanced than us and they know how to do it and when to do it in order to get maximum potential out of us, they have turned us against each other and they have supressed us for centurys.

No we have turned ourselves against each other. They do however rise us to the opportunity of challenges, so we can learn from the adversity between us all on this planet.

They gave us potential. You have to think bigger than it's their potential. They gave us free will. We are the most unique creation of the clan. We are the fifth race.

Five points on our bodies,
Head, four limbs
Four fingers and a thumb.

All represent five. Five represents humanity. Humanity is now proceeding into the fifth dimension. If you become awakened however.

The signs are all around you. The proof will be provided once you become the enlightened.

Its not all about the government and secret societys it goes much deeper than that, in the realms of higherstates of awareness and glactic conciousness (that word sounds stupid but its the only word I can use to describe my thoughts), a bit like starwars the movie but on a massive scale, involving many many other races and energy thoughts (again no the right word)
We are in the middle of it all.

Thats the unique thing about our race. We have been visited by all of them.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:21 AM
meh... I need to learn to read before I post replies.

O.o hello world

[edit on 12/8/08 by mortalengine]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by NavalFC
There seems to be a certain section of UFOology that seems to think the aliens are here to help us. Here to warn us about the environment, or nuclear war, ot famine or what have you.

re: nuclear war

I think there are good reasons why they maybe warning us away from nuclear weapons/war. Why ? Because there is a subset of UFO encounters surrounding the disablement of nuclear weapons. It seems like a lesson to me.

I agree with the most of the rest of your post though. If humans can't save themselves, aliens aren't going to step in and do it for us. I think the majority of aliens are neutral or benign, although I won't rule out the possibility a few may have a serious dislike towards our species.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Schaden
. If humans can't save themselves, aliens aren't going to step in and do it for us. I think the majority of aliens are neutral or benign,

Im so tired of people insulting me and undermining the us as a species. I'm a human being and I don't need to be saved, and I don't expect E.Ts to save me either. This is why they channel through me (and other's who are evolved) and give me wisdom, because they know I believe. I understand what we are and who we are here to be.

We are not hopeless.
We are unique.

Are you all ready to live a real human experience, or shall we keep re writing the same history for the last 2,000 years.

although I won't rule out the possibility a few may have a serious dislike towards our species.

I doubt they are even at that physical level of hating us. The only ones that dislike us would be not much more advanced than us.

I dont see any universal reasoin as to why other more advanced races to hate us.

In a real logical sense. They would make themselves known if they truly did, believe me. In many ways you could not believe. Signs of E.Ts contacting us, is literally all over this globe.

That's if you can truly believe.

[edit on 8-12-2008 by mind is the universe]

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