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My Grand Canyon Theory. Anunaki link? MUST SEE!

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posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 04:34 AM
This is great stuff. I am convinced that the Grand Canyon was carved out like a Gold and diamond mine by ancient, ancient civilization or possibly ETS like the Anunaki. Isn't their a great theory that the Anunaki came to Earth for our resources a like gold? Now their is no real explanation on how the Grand Canyon was formed. So I did a little digging up because I was wondering "How was this big whole dugg? It seems like a huge excavation project" So I got to thinking. The Hopie indians are very wise and love the earth, and seem to understand a lot about the universe. so during my very quick investigation on Google I found out that Native Americans actually occupied the Grand Canyons for more then 10,000 years!

Their was an ancient civilization called the The Ancestral Puebloans or
'Anasazi' sounds just like 'Anunaki' to me doesn't it? Now

Modern Puebloan descendants of the Anasazi, including the Hopi have asked that the term Ancestral Puebloan be used instead of Anasazi. Anasazi in Navajo means "enemy ancestor" or "ancient people who are not us."
... Am I on to something people??

Grand canyons: How was it formed?

The truth is that no one knows for sure though there are some pretty good guesses. The chances are that a number of processes combined to create the views that you see in todays Grand Canyon. The most powerful force to have an impact on the Grand Canyon is erosion, primarily by water (and ice) and second by wind. Other forces that contributed to the Canyon's formation are the course of the Colorado River itself, vulcanism, continental drift and slight variations in the earths orbit which in turn causes variations in seasons and climate.

I think these Anunakis raped this Canyon and stripped it of all of its resources, and in the process left a trickle of knowledge for Ancient civilizations like the Myas to pick up on, and thats why they were so extremely advance with astronomy and they knew that the world is in for a big change around 2012, or whats ever.

I don't know. My investigation is still a work in progress, so if any would could add to this theory it'll be greatly appreciated.

I'm going to leave you with a image of the Canyon, and a diamond Mine I would like you to compare and tell me what do you think of it all?

>>Dont mind the red arrow it was on the image already

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 05:52 AM
While I don't have proof one way or the other I question why ETs would come here to mine resources. The asteroids, moons, planetoids, etc found in this and other solar systems seem a more logical place to look for resources using solar furnaces to refine ore and only transport ingots. Just assuming they come from Proxima Centauri, 40 million million kilometers (4.8 light years) is a long way to transport ingots, diamonds or anything as well as to supply necessities of life a mining crew would need.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by king Pop!p
Now their is no real explanation on how the Grand Canyon was formed.

My theory is some Universal Solvent was somehow introduced by combination of existing elements.

I know it sounds crazy, and may have taken millions of years, but hey, ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 06:18 AM
Also, I think on the 3rd Steve Quayle was on Coast to Coast talking about the Book of Enoch, the Book of Giants and his new book LongWalkers: Return of the Nephilim. He proposed that the Anunaki you mentioned were these giants talked about in these other books of the bible. Having heard and read some of the Book of Enoch I looked up the Book of Giants which also referenced the Book of Jubilees and the Book of Jasher. Although this is probably a discussion for another thread by someone who is really into religion it sounds intriguing.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 06:33 AM
Also on C2C, with in the last couple months, there was a Dr (name escapes me) who talked of caves in the GC that had Egyptian artifacts in them. They are still guarded by Indians.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Velvet Death
Just assuming they come from Proxima Centauri, 40 million million kilometers (4.8 light years) is a long way to transport ingots, diamonds or anything as well as to supply necessities of life a mining crew would need.

In that case a habitable planet would be perfect to mine.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:08 AM
Interesting theory. I hope you don't mind if I point out some things that would need an explanation before it is somewhat plausible.

As a matter of fact I watched a documentary on the Anasazi last night on the History channel and found them quite a fascinating bunch, although I seriously doubt they could have been the Annunaki. Firstly, the term Anasazi as you have mentioned was not the name which they gave for themselves, but was given them by other tribes of the region whom saw them as outsiders. They were a migratory bunch and left markings of their journeys all over the valleys. So the explanation that they were merely human outsiders is just as plausible.

The Anasazi were also a fairly recent tribe, going back as early as 800 years. There remain intact corn cobs lying in their abandoned dwellings. So they were not exactly ancient. Although I'm willing to concede that these may merely be descendants. Although these dwellings are in fact fairly primitive and do not indicate that these peoples are descendants of a technologically incredible species.

But I think the biggest problem for this theory is the very highly conclusive evidence that the canyons were merely sculpted by the meanderings of the Colorado river. You would need to show that the seam which has been excavated has any traces of minerals that could be valuable. Gold is not valuable at all as it has very limited practical use. If I'm not mistaken the canyon is solely sandstone, which will have nothing besides caves in it.

So, there's nothing there to mine, it looks like a natural river valley, and the Anasazi are not really ancient...

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by The_Modulus
Interesting theory. I hope you don't mind if I point out some things that would need an explanation before it is somewhat plausible.

As a matter of fact I watched a documentary on the Anasazi last night on the History channel and found them quite a fascinating bunch, although I seriously doubt they could have been the Annunaki. Firstly, the term Anasazi as you have mentioned was not the name which they gave for themselves, but was given them by other tribes of the region whom saw them as outsiders. They were a migratory bunch and left markings of their journeys all over the valleys. So the explanation that they were merely human outsiders is just as plausible.

The Anasazi were also a fairly recent tribe, going back as early as 800 years. There remain intact corn cobs lying in their abandoned dwellings. So they were not exactly ancient. Although I'm willing to concede that these may merely be descendants. Although these dwellings are in fact fairly primitive and do not indicate that these peoples are descendants of a technologically incredible species.

But I think the biggest problem for this theory is the very highly conclusive evidence that the canyons were merely sculpted by the meanderings of the Colorado river. You would need to show that the seam which has been excavated has any traces of minerals that could be valuable. Gold is not valuable at all as it has very limited practical use. If I'm not mistaken the canyon is solely sandstone, which will have nothing besides caves in it.

So, there's nothing there to mine, it looks like a natural river valley, and the Anasazi are not really ancient...

Right now there are questions arising as to whether it was actually a river or not due to the pure size of it. There was also talk that if these canyons were created by the river then nearly every river similar in size or larger would have a similar carving effect of it's terrain and there would be many places like this one.

My question is what if they were formed just as they are now when the planet formed. Or maybe when Pangia broke apart the catastrophic event cause there to be places like this.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by The_Modulus

Actually gold along with silver and copper are used quite often in homepathic medicine to clean the blood stream and knock virus's out of the body. They have been used all throughout our known history as medicine as well as ornamentation. You just arent going to hear about it in the msm because after all if everyone knew it would kill of the big pharma industry; now wouldnt it?

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Darthorious
Right now there are questions arising as to whether it was actually a river or not due to the pure size of it. There was also talk that if these canyons were created by the river then nearly every river similar in size or larger would have a similar carving effect of it's terrain and there would be many places like this one.

That's not entirely true. The canyons are unique because of the unique surface on which the river is flowing, so unless you have the exact same rock with the exact same amount of water flowing over it you're not going to get many of these all around the world. Look at the amazon from a satellite image and compare it with the Colorado, the meanderings are highly similar. If this was an excavation then whoever was involved clearly wanted to deceive people into believing that it is only a river course.

xoxo stacie
I still maintain that gold is not a valuable substance. In terms of homeopathy... right. Find me one placebo controlled test with positive results and I'll be a convert forever. But you'll never find one. And I seriously doubt an alien species would come all the way over here just to mine an aesthetic.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:12 AM
Most likely the Grand Canyon is the result of the growing earth theory.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by The_Modulus
[quotexoxo stacie
I still maintain that gold is not a valuable substance. In terms of homeopathy... right. Find me one placebo controlled test with positive results and I'll be a convert forever. But you'll never find one. And I seriously doubt an alien species would come all the way over here just to mine an aesthetic.

This should be easy to read and it has alot of references at the base of the article of reasearch.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:16 AM
Thanks for the link stacie, although that has nothing to do with homeopathy. But I see where you're coming from, that these base metals can be used for a number of medicinal purposes.

But the challenge remains therefore to provide evidence that the sandstone of the canyon yields any minerals. I've just read the wikipedia entry for Grand Canyon and have found little evidence of any mineral deposits. As the rock is sedimentary, likely from ancient ocean beds, and considering there is little to no volcanic activity (none whatsoever involved in the rocks formation) there is not going to be anything valuable in there. And If the thing was mined like a huge seam, then there would have had to be a horizontal volcanic seam or a tectonic ridge of sorts, which there is no evidence of.


posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Also on C2C, with in the last couple months, there was a Dr (name escapes me) who talked of caves in the GC that had Egyptian artifacts in them. They are still guarded by Indians.
reply to post by Pinktip

I heard the same c2c program and was facinated. I tried to find the area on Google earth. Thier is an area with Eygytian names you can view on Google earth according to the Anthropoplogist but I could not find them.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 04:03 PM
Ok Earthlings so here they come... again. Ever wonder why we tend to be saddled with the burden of cultural amnesia over and over again until the last moment. I believe this is due to design not fate.

Let's think a bit o science fiction:

The Grand Canyon has a little understood layer of geologic time that is simply missing; millions of years gone from the Earth as if they never happened there at all. Known as "The Great Unconformity." Could it be Anunaki have been part of that in some past project here as well as diamond mining. Oh we could imagine an interplanetary dispute of mining rights led to War between other advanced civilizations or interdimentional beings; uprising of our ancestrial brothers led to ethnic cleansing to eliminate the evidence from the legend being prooved and renewed generation to generation, or simply a piece of boulder from the destroyed planet that used to be in the orbit of astroid belt debris was tractored here with the Dark star and the 5 satellites visible today, gravetational pull and made impact with our Earth erasing those millions of years with similar planetary make up leaving little evidence.

Diamond mines are created from volcanic activity and with the super volcanos located in the SW USA deposits could occur as the tetonic plate movement occurred millions of years ago when the Grand Canyon lands were directly above the culdera. So was there an ancient civilization there that had to be removed to promote the cultural amnesia to keep our innocent minds from preparing for the next encounter with Anunaki? Is that why the native Anusazi name was bestowed upon the visitors, not like us, enemy?

Perhaps the Atlantis culture was a culture destined for purging for the very same motivation. Anunaki left Earthlings set up in a great civilization only to sabotage the city for destruction on a timer. Why were the secret knowledge books burned in the great fire of Library in Alexandria. Why is it secret knowledge anyhow, for great power to be utilized by the few who gain control of the mass for their own purpose, is this the lesson we are to understand from the so called creators? Can that trait of the DNA fix be all they bestowed upon us is our culture of WAR.

As an Earthling with some evolutionary primate DNA I may plead ignorance about these types of intentions, but I have suspicions from my sense of fairness. Are we destined to repeat the mistakes of the past by being used as a species as slave labor, or enslaved minds, spirits, and souls? Is this the design of all the illuminati secretiveness and greed?
Are we being punked again?

Could Mars be a raveged planet from earlier mining policys, the atmosphere itself removed to prevent our colonization and exposure to the methods of the past? Is NASA really going to Mars when they could visit Nibiru as it passes through our solar system? I find that hard to believe. For that matter was the astroid belt planet targeted for destruction upon civilization purging or ethnic cleansing of sorts.

But why whould NASA wish to visit Nibiru secretly; could they wish to negociate terms of this encounter leveraging control of the masses with their techniques tryed and tested effective on a population of mind controled and manipulated? Illuminati and ellite dug into the mountains in their bunkers while the expendable suffer to survive with little chance of survival; smaller chance even still without fair disclosure to the reality of the coming calamity played out by the gravity of the encounter. Wonder why Financial markets are so frail, hording and waiting for a better trade day past the events to come. The wizards of the financial world have mined our bank accounts all they can afford to until the dice roll stops.

Grand Canyon is just a hop, the solar system a skip, and the spaceship known as Nibiru and solar system's orbit is the jump. This stuff is played out in long range in time and space. I have hope and faith n U.

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