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Bush Has Revealed His True Intentions [Please Read]

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posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:20 AM
There are plenty of other things you can beat Bush up about.

And I'm sure a half dozen Indian nationals died during 9/11 but I doubt anyone was asking to hear from the Indian prime minister.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:33 AM
So what has the newly elected "leader of the free world" (that term really gets me irate) said he will do? What has he promised to do about it when he takes office?

By the way, I live in a free, democratic country, am part of the free world, and George Bush is NOT my leader, and Baraq Obama WILL NOT be my leader. The use of that term is just idiotic.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Shocka

It seems after all this this guy has done to and in this country over the past 8 years, plus his stealing a couple of elections, I have to ask myself Is he really touchable?
I wish he was and could be held responsible for his actions, but I don't think it will happen.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:49 AM
You know what, I am sick of people like you starting threads like this just to stir up trouble. If you have been watching this thing from the beginning(like I have been), you should know in a situation like this, you can not send in a brigade of troops to infiltrate a hotel with hopstages, that you know nothing about. From the very beginning, India said "We Got This"so we let them handle it, (while in the meantime giving them whatever they requested)..They can handle their own affairs.

And you know what else, Im sorry to say but those people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That might sound evil, but it is not in mean spirit. The world is a really screwed up place right now, especially in those areas of the world, you wouldnt catch me there unless I was strapped from head to toe. This was a PLANNED ATTACK!

On another note
When bush goes after "terrorists"that killed thousands of our people,(whether they really exist or not) the people on the left complain and say "Oh , he is only trying to start fights, he just needs to stay out of everyone elses buisness"....But when 4 people get blasted for being somewhere that is not exactly Beverly Hills, then all hell breaks loose with you guys.
I really think that you just hate on every decision he makes, even if that decision meant saving the world, you would figure out a way to hate.
Im not saying Bush could be my best friend, all I am saying is that you dont know what kind of decisions he has had to make, hes the Damn President! Just cause it doesnt make sense in your tiny little head, doesnt mean that he is doing the wrong thing.
Personally, I think he did what he needed to do with this one, step back, and let them handle it. They have their own special forces, let them use those soldiers. And if anything major comes from this, and it escalades into something more then they can control, thats when we roll in.

Thread= f-

I just hope you are as critical of our next president. But you probably wont be.
Cause you are Obamanized. He has you lickin the crap out of his hand and enjoying it like its obama candy.
Its all about Ron Paul!!!!!

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 02:23 AM
Oh, Get over it OP. I have it on good authority that Bush is available by phone if they need him.

[edit on 11-29-2008 by Velvet Death]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Shocka
reply to post by Xtrozero

You're ridiculous, this isn't about Bush-bashing and having someone to complain about.

I give the F@ up with you people.

I think you're the one being ridiculous.

I'm having a hard time understanding what your beef is with W on this one. A president is never truly on vacation. You seem like an intelligent person; you should know that. I believe I remember him offering condolences to the loves ones of those murdered and support in what ever way the Indian government wants. What else do you want him to do?? He has ZERO jurisdiction in India. There is not much else he can do. Also, you may do well to remember that a lot goes on in situations like this that the public never hears about.

Also....the post about not leaving the class room once it was determined that we were under attack. WTH else should he have done? He did the right thing by not leaving. If he had been in a news conference, or giving a speech to some gathering of adults, then yes. But leaving the group of kids? Nope. If he had done that then you would have found a way to criticize that.....probably something along the lines of "frightening the children" I'm sure. The man cannot win in your world regardless of what he does.

He's made some mistakes in office, sure, but you are over the top on his one. Patience, Grasshoppa....he only has two months left. At whom then will your hate be directed?

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Ok...what is he suppose to do?

Should we send them a few billion dollars, should we send in the troops, should he fly there and give a speech in front of the hotel?

I'm not sure what it is you think the president should do in this case.

Clear brush in Texas, That is what our tax dollars pay him for isn't it? I have no problem paying to clear land in crawford.

Thank god America is all set so he can take this time to relax anyway. He does not get enough. Good American you are to be happy to pay him to do jack%&#@ 3 out of 7 days a week.

I want a speach or a refund. Make me feel like I am paying for something at least.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Iblis Smiley]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Aquin
There are plenty of other things you can beat Bush up about.

And I'm sure a half dozen Indian nationals died during 9/11 but I doubt anyone was asking to hear from the Indian prime minister.

And yet we did, along with many other world leaders on that day. Wasn't that nice of them to do their job anyway?

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Hugues de Payens

He's made some mistakes in office, sure, but you are over the top on his one.

Jim Jones talked some people into some stuff but you are being over the top!

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by Shocka

You're an idiot, he's a lame duck president now, no president would have done something at this point. I think the real question is where is Obama the Mesiah, can't he go and wave a magic change wand and everything will be better...What is he doing?

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by Iblis Smiley

Originally posted by Hugues de Payens

He's made some mistakes in office, sure, but you are over the top on his one.

Jim Jones talked some people into some stuff but you are being over the top!

Sorry for being slow, but I do not get the analogy here and what it has to do with W's response to the crisis in India.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:37 AM
George W. Bush has made many mistakes in office. His biggest ones in my opinion are in regard to preventing alternative energy programs from taking off -- especially electric cars -- so that we would no longer be in this oil and gas crisis. Electric car technology has always been the answer and those who tried to bring it about were stopped by the automobile and oil industries, in conjunction with the self-serving government. Electric cars require much less maintenance than combustible engine technology and are easier on the consumer pocketbook, as well as much friendlier to the environment.

Bush followed a policy of preventing the emergence of the electric car because he is a Texas oil millionaire with a vested interest. In reaction to the gas crisis, there is once again a movement to make electric cars available in the US, despite certain facets of the state and federal government, the automobile and oil industries, and their rich and powerful lobbies.

People tend to think that the US President is supposed to be some kind of SUPER BEING who is supposed to solve all the world's problems. This is a foolhardy and unrealistic perspective. I also think that many just like to bash others instead of coming up with constructive solutions themselves (which they initiate and/or support), as it is easier to blame others than to take upon the burden of responsibility

Some Americans were killed overseas due to terrorism. How the hell can a US President (anyone, not just Bush) prevent that? The whole point of having a war on terrorism 'overseas' is to make sure that it is indeed 'over there' and not on American soil.

If the non-Americans in here don't like terrorists in their country, then they need to put pressure on their own government, their own President/Prime Minister to keep them secure from al Qaeda terrorism and related terrorist organizations.

As far as keeping the US safe is concerned, Bush has been successful; 9/11 only occurred here once. A key role of a President or Prime Minister is to use the military to defend his or her country. A nation that cannot defend itself is open to losing its sovereignty.

When Barrack Hussein Obama gets in power, we should all remember to bash him whenever any American anywhere in the world becomes a victim of a terrorist attack.

I mean, he is the Messiah after all, right?

Let's all try to look at this situation objectively and take responsibility instead of condemning those who really can't do a whole lot to prevent terrorist attacks from occurring.

Thank you.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
George W. Bush has made many mistakes in office. His biggest ones in my opinion are in regard to preventing alternative energy programs from taking off -- especially electric cars -- so that we would no longer be in this oil and gas crisis. Electric car technology has always been the answer and those who tried to bring it about were stopped by the automobile and oil industries, in conjunction with the self-serving government. Electric cars require much less maintenance than combustible engine technology and are easier on the consumer pocketbook, as well as much friendlier to the environment.

Bush followed a policy of preventing the emergence of the electric car because he is a Texas oil millionaire with a vested interest. In reaction to the gas crisis, there is once again a movement to make electric cars available in the US, despite certain facets of the state and federal government, the automobile and oil industries, and their rich and powerful lobbies.

People tend to think that the US President is supposed to be some kind of SUPER BEING who is supposed to solve all the world's problems. This is a foolhardy and unrealistic perspective. I also think that many just like to bash others instead of coming up with constructive solutions themselves (which they initiate and/or support), as it is easier to blame others than to take upon the burden of responsibility

Some Americans were killed overseas due to terrorism. How the hell can a US President (anyone, not just Bush) stop something like that? The whole point of having a war on terrorism 'overseas' is to make sure that it is indeed 'over there' and not on American soil.

If the non-Americans in here don't like terrorists in their country, then they need to put pressure on their own government, their own President/Prime Minister to keep them secure from al Qaeda terrorism and related terrorist organizations.

As far as keeping the US safe is concerned, Bush has been successful; 9/11 only occurred here once. A key role of a President or Prime Minister is to use the military to defend his or her country. A nation that cannot defend itself is open to losing its sovereignty.

When Barrack Hussein Obama gets in power, we should all remember to bash him whenever any American anywhere in the world becomes a victim of a terrorist attack.

I mean, he is the Messiah after all, right?

Let's all try to look at this situation objectively and take responsibility instead of condemning those who really can't do a whole lot to prevent terrorist attacks from occurring.

Thank you.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Paul_Richard]

This reply really does not apply because it is off topic, but.....Thanks but I'll keep my 400 HP 6.0 litre hot rod.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Hugues de Payens
This reply really does not apply because it is off topic, but.....Thanks but I'll keep my 400 HP 6.0 litre hot rod.

The thread is about US President George W. Bush and my reply was very much on topic.

And electric cars are better than any hybrids, as they don't consume any gasoline or polluting fuel whatsoever. Moreover, they are also more economical.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:35 AM
No no...I was saying my reply was off-topic. Sorry for not being more clear.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:35 AM
Gosh, OP, thanks for opening our eyes to what an evil man President Bush is. You would think after causing 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the Cubs being eliminated in the playoffs, and the economic collapse, that he'd try to be a better person. I'm just thankful there's people like you around to let us know how bad he is. Keep up the good work.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Hugues de Payens

Originally posted by Iblis Smiley

Originally posted by Hugues de Payens

He's made some mistakes in office, sure, but you are over the top on his one.

Jim Jones talked some people into some stuff but you are being over the top!

Sorry for being slow, but I do not get the analogy here and what it has to do with W's response to the crisis in India.

If you consider thousands of dead american civillians and thousands of dead American troops and thousands of dead Iraquis and a dead economy "some mistakes" then all Jim Jones did was suggest a few friends have a drink.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Shocka

Bush has made several comments about the attacks in Mumbai and has offered India help. In, Obama even stands with him. Since you failed to inform yourself I quess I have to do it for you.

Bush 'saddened' by Mumbai attacks, vows to fight extremists

Bush 'saddened' by Mumbai attacks as Americans confirmed dead

Obama fully backs Bush help to India after Mumbai attacks

Bush, Obama condemn Mumbai attacks, U.S. offers help

From Dana Perino at the White House:

It took me less than 5 minutes to find the 5 links listed above. Perhaps you should put away you ignorant, hate filled, emotionally based, left wing idiology for once and learn to think for yourself instead of letting the DNC and ignorant internet forums do your thinking for you!

Bush could have personally flown to India and fought the terrorists himself and you still would have spewed you hate filled left wing ATS approved propaganda.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Shocka
How is that? As people you are taught to trust your government and that they will do good by you. No one was expecting that this man would ruin our whole understanding of the government and every last bit of confidence we had in any government. He deserves to be hanged like Saddam Hussein, and I believe that with all my heart.

I was expecting exactly that.

For the last 8 years much of the world has sat back in shocked amazement at what the American people have allowed him to do to your country.

And now he expects to walk away a rich man and continue his life.

He should be tried as a war criminal, and so should all his puppets.
But they won't, they'll just leave office and walk into highly-paid positions in the corporations they've colluded with.

And as Americans, you'll let them get away with it. Without a whisper of dissent or protest, without a bad word said or an accusation made.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:11 AM
Obama is the one who will be taking his seat very soon. Obama is the one who should have addressed it because he will be the one who has to deal with it.

Bush at this point is a no go for the long haul. That's why they attacked now.

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