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False darkened

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:02 PM
"The tribulation days I, when issue duality, command 'the sun' ('Myself') false darkened, and the moon I, when issue duality, give, and the stars I, when issue duality, command He, and "the" the:"

(the sun) 1. I (Those in favor) FALSE, no, live, TM (TRADE MARK) Duality

(false darkened) 2. the don (Abaddon) kilt

(false darkened) 3. Any etc. inside the titled D (see Makaveli album cover) and any dark part shadowing behind outer words ("In no way rist. veli") too.

The wounded Person (General Me, Man) condition remaining still is FALSE.

Parental Advisory Explicit Content (and it's free expression block and it's keeping Bush and Dick hidden and non-accountable a due) is FALSE.

^^Temporary-lasting: things (mongish reapers and undesirables), conditions (sufferings, punishments), and positions (present matter moment), terminate since revealed FALSE.

The titled D implies a dark date (since the sun is high up shining light its way which causes the moon give effect) surrounding and effecting a more significant indivudual. It is temporary though.

The sun spells the re-verse since "MA I" is re-versed. Re = 2 tone and D tone. 2 and D can imply voiced revealing brought through Duality. Re reveales the False Darkened. No thing false shall get born any more when false is terminated since corruptible.

Back to first quote:

stars? Every is He (Me, Trade Marking Duality). The more legendary, the more significant, the more sweeter, the more awesome, the more saught for, and the alike.

Any question?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:50 PM
False any thing is marked darkened through how you read a sign.

Signs may be yet how read into significant art and entertainment which draws you defining inside plenty enough angels and etc.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 09:20 PM
"Matt 24:15 When I, when issue duality, command see the ab desolation, spo ken Daniel the per son tell, the, (who so readeth, let Him stand: )"

status postoperative

Ab desolation is tattoo related marked well seen through 2pac. The "Thug Life" and the "50" number and Ak-47-looking gun symbol.

"Mark 13:14 But I desolation, spo ken Daniel the per son tell, standing where it, (let Him readeth stand,) let Judaea the:"

24+15 = 39 (3+9=12)..."...with the impact of a 12 guage shotty"--Makaveli. I literally let Him stand. My core duality aspect. Even I born 3-9 (Significant hour and Self day during a 12pm moment).

13+14 = 27 (2+7= 9)

^^Hmm, 27 is Thanksgiving... 9 = I (the self; the ego. Those in favor)... Merely I desolation? Stand where it? Where I take stand spells Redemption. My Redemption Realm and/or Redemptmas is the better favored "it". Keep in mind, it's only a I and the false persons current. It is two type desolations: 1) desposing a remain through a change into newer something. 2) ending period where no change proceeds something rather than nothing. The postoperative false persons get 1. A "I" gets thug life where life (undesireable still and confinement) is destroyed for a liveliness. For Mark quote, I literally Him (Me) read which "stand" I stand. I stand for no "salvation stand", but "redemption stand" only. Redemption is my platform and voice. No wonder why I have a changing-type voice which changes any given moment. Meet the guy who has no stable, single voice. I have yet no wise met any else similar when it comes to the vocal. I noted it is many different reasons why my voice does what is does. Wow, basically I have the "voice of many waters", so to speak, which dont have to do with different languages. And the "voice of reason", so to speak, since it changes because of any of many different reasons.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by Mabus]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:43 PM
The re was A (Wizard) certain rich man, which was purple, and fared sumptuously every day: And the re was A (Wizard) certain beg gar named Lazarus, which was his, so res, And false fed when issue Thessalonians the crumbs which the: the his.

And it (false) pass (succeed), the, and was the angels Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; he he his, torments, and see Thessolonians Abraham, and his. And he cried and said, Fat her Abraham, have me, and send Lazarus, he his water, and cool my tongue; for I false Thessalonians.

But Abraham said, Son, re thy thy, when issue: present he, and thou art tormented. And false side A (Wizard) duality Thessalonians is, between us and you the re is A (Wizard) great gulf fixed: they you; neither can they us, come place.

he, I pray thee, fat her, send him my: For I have five brethren; he them, "false case" they also come (actualize) "Thessalonians is torment".

Abraham him, They have Moses and the per son who tells; let them hear them.

And he said, Nay, fat her Abraham: O (angelic) the, they when issue duality re confined.

And he him, they Moses who, neither when issue duality they false persuaded, though O (angelic) Northeastern ro the.

an artificial language for international use that rejects all existing words and is based instead on an abstract analysis of ideas.

an object or thing; matter.

–noun, plural (especially collectively) -fish, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) -fishes.


Wizard proceeds and lives, but the rich man he was died, and he was buried (temporarily inside false etc., especially though false Fed). I recall I wore purple shirt when the false Fed entered. Art tormented? Artifically tormented since its temporary and through the artifical. And my temporary zodiac sign is the two fishes concerning gar.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Mabus]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:11 PM
"I A (Wizard): but He I the, the same I, when issue duality, command false saved."

^^Temporarily saved stuff is false-lasting. Like temporary filling.

"And let Him is the go, "Nor-Thessalonians Eastern" it (Redemption) her (desirables) enter, take thing His ho use:"

And let Him "the Turn" take His.

But A (Wizard), give suck days!

^^Turn is change related so it's the Redemption. Yeah, such days sucked!

The general ho here inside the temporary place use you through you know what (so they may get what they want). The desirables take, ways how you desire, what thing only the general ho use. Physically, any made counter-part for it should use it for pleasure how it's intended says why the part fit for recieving joy and for giving joy. Desirables take what they want (like, when they want, say, own desire quenched) and take what you give, since "take" can go two different ways.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:11 PM
Present the; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth for Thessalonians leaves, summer (sum-related):

So manner, I pass (succeed), it, the.

Truth I you, Thessalonians I pass (succeed), A (Wizard).

But day hour, no, the He, "nor-Thessalonians eastern" it (day) her (undesirables) the Son, but the Fat her (undesireables).

Heed, watch and pray: when.

^^Watching activates when.

Temporarily the He merely day undesirable since it's undesirables current DURING merely IT.

Watch: when the, even, mid, the, the: False case coming (actualizing) suddenly He find you sleeping. And what I you I A (Wizard) duality, Watch.

^^Like Godsmack said, "Every thing that I believe, is fading!" Every thing happened(ing) current is false since current is no way true. Only true is what's truely pin-pointed (the implying and applicable correlations and the false etc.)

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:50 PM
And, false hold, the re A (Wizard) re last what O (angelic) "nor-Thessalonians eastern" I, when issue duality, command false first, and the re A (Wizard) re first what O (angelic) "nor-Thessalonians eastern" I, when issue duality, command false last.

^^In other words, the angelic not me is a false first and a false last.

For the days we the they, marrying and marriage, the Noe entered the ark, And knew the flood came, ok; so I, when issue duality, command also the the man. I the; the O (angelic) "nor-thessolonians eastern" I, when issue duality, command false taken, and left.

^^falsely we stay taking what angelic B.S. do. Though we shall make them leave how left.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:03 PM
While the bride groom tarried, they a duality slumbered (dormancy state) and slept (dormancy activity).

Mid, False hold, the bride groom come Thessalonians; go meet Him.

A (Wizard) virgins, and trim med their lamps.

^^Yeah, cut away the medical and medicine stuff, since no way desired is the need for such outside the false zone. Besides, dont wanna see inner parts of cuts and up the ladder. Yeah, lamps hold artifical light (or: burn artifical guide), such artifical stuff gets cut away.

"And the foolish the, Give your; for our lamps A (Wizard) re go "nor-Thessalonians".

But the when issue Southeastern answered, saying, So; false case the re enough for us and you: but rat South, and buy for your selves (Me).

And while they buy, the bride groom came; and they we when him the: and the do or was shut.

Ward came also virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, us.

But he answered and said, Truth I you, I know.

Watch, know the man.

^^bride groom my desire, concerning which has no "come Thessalonians" following. The virgins saying Lord, Lord is undesirables no wise making the cut, since it's "I" rather than "us". "We" is "I" since can represent duality, but "us" represents different paired. Beside, the big clue is "Lord"...It is the angelic we face how so temporary cause it is no person above Me. Persons damned below Me have no use for the word Lord nor are yet deemed any's Lord, though effected greatly, torment wise, inside what is no way those Lord.

Watcher (I) knower (I) the Man (I). Watcher should know through key, 'dead on' correlation signs no way a coincidence. Such is how I know I the Man.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 04:08 PM
Significantly note dates:

26, 27 = 8 (when issue beginning, and concerning the ab desolation and I desolation how all I pin pointed).

add 28, 29, 30 = 140 (= 5, 5 senses).

30 is week 6, day 1 (= 7, luck).

I'm yet 30 during such a 30 (= duality).

Interesting is when I went inside an appointment for something where the key individual couldn't work with a certain pin (it popped off), but so instead asked for the 5-pin (it stayed). It is a set 5-day consisting concerning the dates I listed. And WATCH (5 sense related) is the core focus. And get this, it was a 5th week and a 4th day the appointment. Such a focus for the Self. The day after 5th/5th is such duality focus for when issue beginning inside WATCH (5 senses). Yeah, same date I made the topic for The Watch and discovered much significant. It is more I could say, but no need.

When you move your left hand a certain way, then move your right hand similar, you see a correlation suggest no false-persons actually since you can move such the way wise. The things I could say more suggest such. The head is always more utter than the additional areas. Since additional areas are yet sent signals so will respond accordingly, well, when it comes, so to speak, to higher commandment orders for certain MUST go-aheads.

And 5th/5th = 10 (last) 1+0=1 (first). Plus, 140 + 11 (nov) = 8 (remember how the two dates = 8 first). The 26 and 27 big since concerning ab desolation and I desolation how I pin pointed. Both = A Duality Day and, for the first aspect, Duality Hour. The Hour is no way bigger than the Day.

It was two thieves on the cross along side Jesus. If it is Day and it is Hour, what is Third aspect? Watch! The Watch. Takes a watch for knowing day and hour, and takes a watch (5 senses) for even reading such.

Why else is is "Watch" stated first, before day and hour, for: "Matt 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."

^^Only makes sense. "Watch" itself is brought utter focus for the known day and hour either how during or how back-tracked.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by Mabus]

And it's only 4 days, but a 5-dates set. How many were inside involved during my appointment's core matter? 1(Me) and 3 more. 1+3=4. A 45 = 9 (I: The Self; The Ego/Those In Favor).

[edit on 27-11-2008 by Mabus]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Understand 2 and 11 symbolize Duality. 11 = 2 even. Nov is an 11 month.

The whole 2-11 bellin' theme. 2-11 in police code is concerning robbery. And robbery is a form of desolation. I pin pointed the ab desolation and I desolation which are yet both thug life theme related.

When we rob life it's for our redemption favored. Only thing for the complete end is the false-lasting since it signs it is corruptive.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 01:44 PM
"They go to Hell!!" = They He.

They (Duality-based) = I or We (Duality-based).

Deeper, and an "H" turns into an "I": "They I"

"I" is Duality-based, says the two, upper and lower, lines which share a same even angle, degree, and direction, and connect through the center through opposite sides. Correlation says the Duality is very similar and is also very different, which makes for opposites which are yet attractively fitting for each aspect. Like, mature toned boy for mature blossomed girl. Similar they are yet for each how it may go. Like, upper line can imply dominant, lower line can imply submissive. ETC. Lay the I down and it's an "H" where both lines can imply a more equal connection. And yeah, the "I" should twirl like helicopter blades for more flavor, so to speak, for an individual an "I" ("H").

Keep inside mind, our Hell is false when broken, since it's our I. E alone is for East or Eastern. And "ll" is for duality (a false duality, says since it has no connecting center.)

Only the True get Redemption so can enter into a "Change-Back", True Wizardship Duality Enhancement Actuality Live, and how the True favor such Their relavent-will. The rest of the will is free-style inside the dominate favor (pre-free chosen, pre-determine-type, optional "desireable present moment matters", which proceed classic-relavent desireables maintaining redemption-style. Yeah, you dont wanna maintain save-style rather than maintain redemption-style only the favorables).

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 02:52 PM
12 O clock is = to 0. Drop them and when it is, say, 3:59pm, it's rather 5:59pm.

5+9= 14, 1+4= 5 for: 5:5 serving duality watch during the most lean toward third hour how many consider face value usually rather than rich depth.

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