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Another look at the Doubletree video(s)!

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Hi Preston,

you wrote in another thread:

"After viewing the video again and again in small and large video sizes, and the input from other people, I have decided that bright object was a light colored car reflecting the sun, traveling faster than what appears to be a truck also reflecting the sun. Of course I could be quite mistaken, but an aircraft even at landing speeds coming at an angle to the camera from North of the Citgo should appear to travel across the screen much faster than that (at least 4 to 5 times faster than the truck)."

Pehaps not, if its distance is further away from the truck - from the observers point of
view!! (A planes apparent speed slows down proportionally in relation to its distance
further and further away from the viewer).

Is it possible for you to bring the CNN Doubletree video to this new thread together with
the Doubletree video presented by cogburn!!

Then we can compare the two, and observe that the CNN video hasn't got any images of any white object in it, contrary to what the cogburn video (for lack of a better word) shows us; in which a white object is clearly visible at the same place in question!

In the CNN video's first frame, we see a truck coming into view up in the left corner.
Between this truck and the subsequent explosion further ahead, a second or so later, we see no car, vehicle or object in any frame that might be able to catch the reflection
from the sun. There's nothing there!

In the cogburn video however, we clearly see a white object between the same truck
and the ensuing explosion suddenly appear, and then seemingly disappear toward the
pentagon, as its virtually impossible to observe this object continuing along the road
at the moment the explosion takes place!

This obvious discrepancy between two videos that apparently should be showing the
same sequence of events, but doesn't, should beg many questions, and it is those I
would dearly like discussed in this new thread.

Can you please help, Preston!

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:29 PM

posted by djeminy
Hi Preston,

you wrote in another thread:

posted by SPreston
"After viewing the video again and again in small and large video sizes, and the input from other people, I have decided that bright object was a light colored car reflecting the sun, traveling faster than what appears to be a truck also reflecting the sun. Of course I could be quite mistaken, but an aircraft even at landing speeds coming at an angle to the camera from North of the Citgo should appear to travel across the screen much faster than that (at least 4 to 5 times faster than the truck)."

posted by djeminy
Pehaps not, if its distance is further away from the truck - from the observers point of view!! (A planes apparent speed slows down proportionally in relation to its distance further and further away from the viewer).

Good point. The truck is eastbound, so it would be on the nearer sections of I-395. The alleged impact point is approximately 2700 feet from the near corner of the Doubletree Hotel, and the actual aircraft for most of its flight path even further away. There are two east bound sections of I-395 (here). However we are not certain as to the height of the camera or which camera, so we cannot be certain which eastbound lanes the truck was on. The alleged impact point is located approximately 2130 feet beyond the further and 2300 feet beyond the nearer to the Doubletree of the east bound lanes of I-395 along the same line of sight. Let's assume the further, so the truck was about 2130 feet from the explosion and about 670 feet from the camera.

posted by djeminy
Is it possible for you to bring the CNN Doubletree video to this new thread together with the Doubletree video presented by cogburn!!

Certainly. This is your thread and your train of thought, so I will attempt to help you as much as I can.

Here is the cogburn version

Here is a version with the CNN report.

The two different video sizes are here from a different video source. (HistoryCommons)

[edit on 11/23/08 by SPreston]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:57 AM
For what it's worth... my video comes directly from the evidence in the Moussaoui trial, all I did was upload it to YouTube with the best quality possible. If no government evidence is to be trusted then just ignore it completely.


EDIT: It begs the question... if there is a plane that ISN'T in accordance with the Government version of events, was it edited out of the video because you should at least see it on approach. I looked at this video for hours in the upper corner and I cannot see anything that leads me to believe that the video was altered. There's no "fingerprints" that are virtually impossible to erase on a video of this low quality. Matching the artifacting is something that hasn't been mastered today, much less 7 years ago.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by cogburn]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Thanks for your help Preston - much appreciated.

I hope all can agree it is the same truck we see in the beginning of both video's.

Also, that we agree a white object becomes visible right in front of the same truck in the cogburn video, but is missing or not observable in the CNN version. This
discrepancy takes place just before the explosion happens.

It appears to me that the magnitude of the two explosion(s) are of the same size. It
appears equally that the truck(s) also are of same size in visible height, such, that it
can be argued that in all probability the white object in fact should be present in the
CNN video as well, because the camera angle seems to be the same in both video's in
spite of the difference in zoom!
Or in other words, even if the video's were taken from two distinct camera positions,
the difference in the height distance between them, should not be so great as to be
able to "hide" the object from view in the CNN video.

According to Preston, the truck was approximately 2130 feet or 650 meters away from
the pentagon explosion, and approximately 570 feet or 174 meters away from the

If we presume that the white object in the cogburn video is in fact the white plane
seen by the witnesses, then we can calculate how far away from the truck it would be
when it comes into view. If we estimate that one second elapses from the time we
first see the white plane till the explosion happens, and that the plane travels around
500 m/h or ca. 800 km/h, then the plane would be ca. 730 feet or 222 mtrs. from the
explosion when we observe it. (And ca. 1970 feet or 600 mtrs. away from the camera).
This is important to bear in mind if we want to estimate or imagine the true size of the
white plane in the video, in relation to the truck!

But for the time being, free from this presumption, let's just call it the white object.

Why is it seen in the one video and not in the other?

To plant it there in order to create confusion, would be highly counter-productive.
People would immediately suspect deception, so that can be ruled out as untenable!

Could it be just a simple case of the perps erasing the white object in the CNN video,
as well as in other copies they might held, but overlooked the cogburn video perhaps as the 'zooming out' made detection so much more difficult, because of the smallness
of the white object in this particular clip?

Was it really just basic incompetence? Or something else?

Much to consider. Please give it a shot!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by cogburn
For what it's worth... my video comes directly from the evidence in the Moussaoui trial, all I did was upload it to YouTube with the best quality possible. If no government evidence is to be trusted then just ignore it completely.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by cogburn]

You mean we should just ignore both video's then!!

Good point cogburn!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:20 PM
I will enlarge the CNN and cogburn videos to 900 x 820 and place them with the other videos so you can compare them.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:30 PM
Our wonderful government in action obeying in December 2006, a FOIA lawsuit, and handing over the Doubletree hotel video; unaltered of course.

But what is this? An apparent explosion seen above the I-395 freeway? FBI Special Agent Maguire promised no video other than the much maligned parking lot videos, showed the impact of Flight 77. Did she lie?

This is wierd. For some strange reason, the Doubletree video jumps the walking pedestrian about 40 feet from frame 9:34:39 over to frame 9:34:41. Obviously something is missing in between besides just one frame.

Then after the next frame, the counter inexplicably jumps from frame 9:34:42 to 9:32:43 and then to 9:34:44. ????? What the heck? Is this an ordinary videocamera? These corrupt imbeciles censored this video from the people for over 5 years because?????
___________________________ Fill in the blank.

What were they hiding? Were Larry, Moe, and Curly handling these videos for the FBI? Is the FBI really this inept or are they just faithfully reflecting the totally incompetent Bush Regime?

FBI Special Agent Jacqueline Maguire swore that the Doubletree video did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon. Of course it could not have in reality, since no aircraft did impact the Pentagon. So does it show the preplanted explosives going off? Did they alter the video to hide the decoy aircraft crossing above the Pentagon roof? Hmmmm. Does anybody doubt that this video was altered? The FBI confiscated it immediately, so the hotel manager did not have time to alter the video. And whose hands was it in for over 5 years?

All together now.

The F B I . . . . . . Anybody surprised?

A security camera atop a hotel close to the Pentagon may have captured dramatic footage of the hijacked Boeing 757 airliner as it slammed into the western wall of the Pentagon. Hotel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video as part of its investigation. It may be the only video available of the attack. The Pentagon has told broadcast news reporters that its security cameras did not capture the crash. The attack occurred close to the Pentagon’s heliport, an area that normally would be under 24-hour security surveillance, including video monitoring.

So was this video the hotel employees were watching in shock and horror really from the Sheraton Hotel instead? The FBI says no, but they usually lie don't they?

[edit on 11/24/08 by SPreston]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Brilliantly spotted Preston!

Now I'm completely convinced that the white object in the cogburn video is in fact
the white plane all the witnesses saw at Sitco and the Annex.

For why in heavens name would they go to so much trouble 'doctoring' a video tape, if
they had nothing to hide!!
Obviously it must be something of the highest importance, and what else but the
concealment of the plane all the witnesses adamantly state with 100% conviction they
saw fly over NOC!

Without a doubt, this categorically proves the fly-over as far as I'm concerned. No ifs and buts.

The more mature of the pseudo-sceptics (if such exist) must surely come over to our
side, one would imagine.

Yeah indeed, even if just by one little tiny step to begin with!

Or am I just dreaming now!!

[edit on 24-11-2008 by djeminy]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:09 PM

posted by djeminy
Brilliantly spotted Preston!

Now I'm completely convinced that the white object in the cogburn video is in fact
the white plane all the witnesses saw at Sitco and the Annex.

For why in heavens name would they go to so much trouble 'doctoring' a video tape, if they had nothing to hide!!
Obviously it must be something of the highest importance, and what else but the concealment of the plane all the witnesses adamantly state with 100% conviction they saw fly over NOC!

Without a doubt, this categorically proves the fly-over as far as I'm concerned. No ifs and buts.

The more mature of the pseudo-sceptics (if such exist) must surely come over to our side, one would imagine.

Yeah indeed, even if just by one little tiny step to begin with!

Or am I just dreaming now!!

One of my friends on another forum spotted it and I just passed it along.

Nah, the pseudoskeptics and shills are not the least bit interested in the truth. They will just ignore this FBI manipulation of the Doubletree video and pretend it never existed. They have done this dozens of times before with other contradictions. They are completely dishonest persons.

Deny deny deny deny are their mottos.

[edit on 11/24/08 by SPreston]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Please give him my warmest regards!

Sadly, I think you are right!

And the reason they're not interested, is because THE TRUTH scares the living daylight
out of them.

In their deep ignorance they are convinced the truth is something to be feared.

They cannot comprehend that fear, anxiety, angst and the like, all are products of
darkness, and therefore does not exist in the sphere where THE TRUTH roams free.

Hence their desire to embrace secrecy, concealments, spin, deceptions, downright lies,
obfuscations, dishonesty, skullduggery, fabrications of all sorts and much more of same
vein, all products of the deepest of darkness.

And therefore it is certainly a real possibility they would prefer to ignore this thread.

Interesting to see what follows!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 08:06 PM
Please watch this video:

Perhaps it will inspire some people to get their finger out!

[edit on 25-11-2008 by djeminy]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:07 PM
Extended Doubletree video - lenght is 4:22

[edit on 27/11/08 by TrueOrFalse]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by TrueOrFalse
Extended Doubletree video - lenght is 4:22

[edit on 27/11/08 by TrueOrFalse]

Yes, now even more easy to understand why the white object at 09:34:07 would have
been mistaken for some kind of a vehicle in this particular video!

Had it not been for the fact that this white object has been removed in the CNN video,
nobody would probably have noticed a thing!

When you lie and deceive you'll always make mistakes.

Deception and mistakes goes hand in hand; as obviously and naturally it is a big big
mistake to be deceptive and/or a lying boofhead boffin twerp!

[edit on 27-11-2008 by djeminy]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:15 PM
Is this subject really to hot to handle? Is it like a hot potato?

Is fear still the all-dominating force?

Like it's OK to talk about the truth, but as soon it confronts you as reality, you recoil
in haste!!

As said before, fear is a product of darkness.

There will come a time in the future when darkness no longer exist, except as
'something' holding distant bad memories, and then found only as a completely
depolarized and inactive "force", precipitated deep deep in the ocean of the Light.

Let us for interest' sake imagine what a world without Darkness would be like, bearing
in mind that to live in such a world we would have to imagine ourselves being far far
more advanced, more mature, more enlightened by a long shot, than we are today!

Well, there would be:

No army everybody would be loving, tolerant and kind to each other.

No weaponry or WMD not being products of the Light.

No police or jails criminality of any kind would be unknown.

No judges People would immediately sort things out themselves.

No lawyers conflict would be a forgotten concept.

No politics goodness and goodwill has no opposition.

No government lust for power would be a forgotten concept.

No banks money would be a forgotten concept.

No stock exchange above

No poverty everybody would be compassionate/ help each other.

No ambitions everybody would be doing things they enjoy.

No insurance there would be nothing to loose.


So you see, all that which causes fear will eventually cease to exist, but you will not!

Your Thought and your Will, your individuality and your personality, your ideals and
your Free will, your astral body and your spiritual body, all these are products of the
extremely fine particles and rapid vibrations of the Light - which is indestructible.

We will all keep growing and we will all keep learning, and sooner or later we will all
leave this Earth for "GOOD"!

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by TrueOrFalse
Extended Doubletree video - lenght is 4:22

And still the extended Doubletree video jumps the walking pedestrian about 40 feet from frame 9:34:39 over to frame 9:34:41. Obviously something is missing in between besides just one frame. After that he just inexplicably disappears. Video manipulation maybe? Anybody disagree? Why would they do that so obviously and then just release it via FOIA lawsuit? Stupidity? 9-11 Truther paranoia and disinformation? Is that video somehow one of ours? Duplicity on our part? Hello? Are there any honest opponents out there?

Then after the next frame, the counter inexplicably jumps from frame 9:34:42 to 9:32:43 and then to 9:34:44 just the same on the extended Doubletree video as the other ones. Does anybody out there including all you faithful government OFFICIAL STORY believers and pseudoskeptics not agree that the Doubletree video was altered and interfered with?

Do you all think that somehow Usama bin Laden did that from his cave on the other side of the earth? Or do you all think that 9-11 mastermind and genius planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed did it somehow?

[edit on 11/28/08 by SPreston]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:09 AM
The pseudo-sceptics, shills, de-bunkers, or whatever other name they're known by,
would by now have combed through both videos with a fine toothbrush, trying to find
faults in or with the evidence presented.

They would have been looking extremely careful to find reasons to debunk.
But finding our observations to be true, must have decided that the best course of
action would be to meet the challenge with their usual dirty tricks: by simply ignoring
the data, followed by deadly silence!

You will all see them in other threads continue in their usual nasty merry ways,
pretending at the same time that this thread never existed.

This is OK with me, for it will clearly show everybody and everyone with some sense,
how truly thoroughly dishonest these people are when you see them....... like, in their
unmasked naked 'reality'!

Indeed, a strange 'reality' it must be, where honour and self-respect are completely unknown concepts! -Or, at the very least, are willfully and totally ignored... as well!

[edit on 29-11-2008 by djeminy]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:20 AM

posted by djeminy
The pseudo-sceptics, shills, de-bunkers, or whatever other name they're known by, would by now have combed through both videos with a fine toothbrush, trying to find faults in or with the evidence presented.

They would have been looking extremely careful to find reasons to debunk. But finding our observations to be true, must have decided that the best course of action would be to meet the challenge with their usual dirty tricks: by simply ignoring the data, followed by deadly silence!

You will all see them in other threads continue in their usual nasty merry ways, pretending at the same time that this thread never existed.

This is OK with me, for it will clearly show everybody and everyone with some sense, how truly thoroughly dishonest these people are when you see them....... like, in their unmasked naked 'reality'!

Indeed, a strange 'reality' it must be, where honour and self-respect are completely unknown concepts! -Or, at the very least, are willfully and totally ignored... as well!

Where are all the defenders and supporters of the Bush Regime OFFICIAL STORY 9-11 official conspiracy theory on this thread? Do they all agree that the Doubletree video was intentionally altered and manipulated? Are they just pretending this thread and this Doubletree video evidence of deliberate fraud by our government does not exist? That is intellectual dishonesty of the worst sort. How do you people go home and look at yourselves in the mirror? How do you look your wives and children in the eye; knowing that you have deliberately betrayed them by believing and supporting a lie? What will your children think of you when they eventually find out?

We know who had the Doubletree video in their custody for 5 years and 4 months.

The F B I

We know who has a history of evidence falsification from a steady stream of whistleblowers.

The F B I

We know who J Edgar Hoover turned into a political tool for corrupt politicians.

The F B I

We know who Hollywood needs to make propaganda flicks for to improve their sordid image.

The F B I

We know who falsified the Doubletree video.

The F B I

We know who did a lousy job falsifying the Doubletree video.

The F B I

Oh where oh where have our OFFICIAL STORY supporters gone?

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by SPreston

Where are all the defenders and supporters of the Bush Regime OFFICIAL STORY 9-11 official conspiracy theory on this thread? Do they all agree that the Doubletree video was intentionally altered and manipulated? Are they just pretending this thread and this Doubletree video evidence of deliberate fraud by our government does not exist? That is intellectual dishonesty of the worst sort. How do you people go home and look at yourselves in the mirror? How do you look your wives and children in the eye; knowing that you have deliberately betrayed them by believing and supporting a lie? What will your children think of you when they eventually find out?

Perhaps they're now irrevocably caught in the web of blatant deceit, dishonesty and lies!

Perhaps the spider has spun its fine thread around them so tightly that they now find
themselves in a cocoon-like state, utterly unable to be liberated from this unenvious
tragic position!

Perhaps they of own free will simply sold their soul and their freedom for the sake of
mammon, and now realizes to their horror that there's nothing to be done about it!
They simply have to say what they have been told to say! Why otherwise the endless
nauseous repetitions of one aspect, and the total ignoring of other very important ones!

If the answer is yes to the above, should we feel sorry for these severely restricted
'servants' finding themselves in this horrendous situation of their own making?

Of course we should.

But we should also feel deeply sad for the children and other family members, who
without a doubt will be ashamed and beyond devastated when the truth becomes
known....... as it naturally always will....... sooner or later!

[edit on 2-12-2008 by djeminy]

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 07:07 AM
Oh where oh where have our OFFICIAL STORY supporters gone?

How odd. Is this the only thread that jthomas has been avoiding like the plague?

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
Oh where oh where have our OFFICIAL STORY supporters gone?

How odd. Is this the only thread that jthomas has been avoiding like the plague?

LoL, THAT needs to be repeated again. What a pearl!

jthomas would have been given strict orders by his handlers only to concentrate on the
"witnesses to the fly-over" question, while simultaneously try to debunk Roosevelts

Hence his tedious nauseous repetitious hammering on about this subject over a very
long time without the slightest regard or consideration to the many absolutely valid,
logical, thought-provoking, very probable, totally reasonable answers suggested over the same long long period.

As jthomas isn't getting anywhere, and his effort appears to be rather counter
productive - to say the least - they most likely view him now as a liability and
therefore unsuitable to deal with the evidence found in this thread!

[edit on 2-12-2008 by djeminy]

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