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The Truth about Aliens and abductions and channeling

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posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:42 PM
francyburo: I have already explained the most common reason for such "implants" in this thread: It is very common that people at some time in their life are involved in some sort of accident where they hurt themselves, and get splinters into their bodies. Many years later after this event has been forgotten, they may discover one of these splinters in their body. And then it will often be in a completely different place than where it originally was located as such pieces can move around in the body during time.

This also goes for strange scars people find on their bodies, if you start examining your body all over you too will probably find some strange scars or marks you never found before.

As an personal example, I once pulled out a strange object from my leg, that seemed to be a long thin "nail" of some sort. This turned out to be a thorn from a plant that had gotten stuck in my flesh many weeks before and I had not even noticed it.

Another example is a large scar I have on my left tigh - this one I got when I was child, but the only reason I know this is because that is what my parents told me long time ago. If they had not told me that, and I had suddenly discovered it, I would have no idea of its origin.


posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 03:03 PM
A friend of mine, called Carlos, living in Quito, told me about his abduction by a strahe civilization similar to the Grays, but a little taller, wearing a sort of white jackets, while he was was in a bed in a strange spaceship. Typical abducytion stpry, but I saw his implant: 10 cm like metal string, like the one that exist in the banknotes, and even a doctor made a x-ray and saw this strange object. The place: just in his COCCYX, under his skin. You must say it is strange indeed


posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 03:10 PM
You WILL understand that these "Channelings" (Riverings) are tools of the Ming-Cho-Ju-Bar influence upon us , you must understand this.

The Hostile Alien Races (Types) and friendly alien rances are at war , with our PLANET (Holy Home) always a constant Contested Battlegrounds for them to wage hatred upon thou art . (Warfare to you humans) You must understand that I play a pivotal role in teaching this to you peoples , I am one of the most powerful entities to ever walk about this Forum

Greetings and Blessed are Ye : )

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 04:38 PM

Yes, it is odd, but still not evidence of any abduction or real physical alien contact - unless the implant was to be extracted and analyzed and turn out to be of non-earthly origin made of unknown material. Then it would be more interesting and be more reason to believe that the person really was abducted and got implanted.

Then the question would be - who abducted him, what agenda do they have, and what was the implant for?

The answer to these question could be many things, from governmental experiments, to time travelers, and to real physical alien contact as far as "who", and why and what agenda well that could be so many reasons its no point speculating without knowing more about the case.


posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 05:14 PM
What about 1947 Roswell case and this book?:

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 08:24 PM
Roswell, interesting story I have to admit, what really happened there back then I do not know. It could have been many things. It could have been real, it could have been staged. However it is somewhat odd that no evidence of the event exists, but this was pretty early and I suppose the general public did not have much of cameras around back then so who knows how quickly the military came to the crash site and got things retrieved before anyone else got there to document anything or collect any pieces of the spacecraft etc.

In either case, if it was real, it is obvious of a rare event that does not take place frequently, or else we would see crafts crash all the time and it would have been properly documented.

For the book you ask about, I have never read it, and it is more than 300 pages long so I cant exactly say much about it. I did read the introduction and down to the first part of the letter from the woman whom allegedly sent these documents to the author though, and it sounds interesting enough for a more in-depth look so I will save it and read it.

From the brief look I had, it does seem like it has a lot of spirituality to it, it could be a channeled book / material which often comes out in this style seen so far.

But, I have to look more into it before I can give any real comment about it.

Thanks for the tip.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Can you give any physical descriptions on the real physical aliens you have seen?

[edit on 16-11-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:21 AM
Thanks for the reply folks.

I like the idea you are a psychology major, I myself have had no formal training and rely on what 23 years of driving a cab has taught me about people and my world. I also spent a good chunk of my younger life studying theology and the occult and have had experience with the tarot. I find this forum to be enlightening and the different views expressed interesting to say the least.
I look forward to many more posts from you and some clearly intelligent discussions. Thank you

I harbour no ill will to a true companion in a discussion. We all have valid points to make and we all see reality through our own eyes. As to aliens in government, wouldn't our understanding of technologies and our ability to jump gaps in logic allow us to understand who they are and not to deify them, I know that no light show or booming voice would make me drop to my knees. I know I needed the guidance of equals to broaden my spiritual horizons. I would hope that the men and women in high places would be as astute, as they are the people that control the direction of our world.

I also believe the church is a major player in all this as one passage still makes me think "and Esekiel saw the wheel".

As for physical abduction I point you in the direction of Betty and Barney hill, this abduction happened back in 1961 and the thing that got me about it was Betty's description of a medical procedure performed on her. Today we call it amniocentesis but in 1961 this procedure wasn't even invented yet.

occultism and theology like I was explaining in my reply to Zerra was my stock in trade when I was a much younger man and seeing traces of visitations in the past has always intrigued me and as for god well many have snickered when I say man invented him to make the night seem less dangerous and to give explanation to the light.

also couldn't the use of implants be the same as the radio collars our scientist use today only it would be far more advanced and powered by the entity it is implanted in.

thank you for the intellectual insight, it is a rare commodity.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:26 AM
interesting theory, i have thought of that scenario b4, im not saying i believe that, but its a plausable theory IMO

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Thanks for the reply folks.

I like the idea you are a psychology major, I myself have had no formal training and rely on what 23 years of driving a cab has taught me about people and my world. I also spent a good chunk of my younger life studying theology and the occult and have had experience with the tarot. I find this forum to be enlightening and the different views expressed interesting to say the least.
I look forward to many more posts from you and some clearly intelligent discussions. Thank you

Wonderful! I think taxi driving brings about a lot of neat experiences, meeting new people, hearing stories, and I bet you've often had to play councellor lol. It is a good way to understand people. Nothing at all can beat the actual experience of mingling with people and talking to them one on one.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:09 PM

The most frequent type I have seen is the human-type, which seem to be widely spread around in the Universe. As I have mentioned before, Pleiadians among many other races share a common ancestor in the distant past and have spread throughout the universe by the ages that have passed.

Another type I have observed while visiting their planet, is one that looks extraordinarly similar to the Jar Jar character of Star Wars - so similar that I wonder how George Lucas (or whomever it was) came up with that specific design for that character - and there are many other interesting similarities between the Star Wars movies and reality too I might add.

In either case, this "Jar Jar" type of beings had a slight difference to them though, they had what seemed as some sort of "growth" on top of their heads. In a sense like a small bulb-shaped growth with some irregularities to it. But except for that they really looked almost identical to Jar Jar, as the image below:

Another type I have frequently seen is robotic and artificial in nature, in different variations but close to what is seen in movies like Terminator - when they are not disguised as humans but appear in their true robot form. I am not sure of their origin as these have been invading other planets and no communication with them have been established.

Third one is a small white being, with sharp teeth, and more carnivous, these are naked and do not appear to have a very developed brain meaning they do not have any technology and are more like animals but they are humanoid in form - perhaps like monkeys here on Earth are humanoid as well but not evolved enough to have any technology or language. The look of these were somewhat like the typical grey, but they were smaller - perhaps up to my waist at most, and their heads were not very large as the "greys" tend to be portraid. These are very unpleasent as they hunt in groups and are flesh eaters, but for some reason they are afraid of water and have been avoided by walking up in rivers and such.

I have never witnessed the commonly reported Greys. Their origin I am not familiar with, they may be spiritual entities as I have suggested before.

Nor have I ever witnessed any of these mentioned aliens nor any other type of alien here on Earth though just so that is noted. With the exception of beings that have incarnated into human bodies, but I suppose these do not qualify as direct "physical" beings.


posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:22 PM
Look at the world - it is filled with religions and believers. People blindly follow without asking questions, they accept tales and deceit as truth and facts, without even researching or looking into what they are offered as The Truth. People in the governments, people whom lead the world, the elite, and so on are also religious and believers - many of these too follow blindly what they are told by yet others, and these others are often what I can only call "spiritual entities". And they worship these, and praise them as their Gods, and work out their agendas into this world.

The Church, the Vatican, these are indeed tools greatly involved with the control and power over the world - and these are also involved with these entities, and falsely pretend to be involved with other entities , such as "The True God", and Jesus, and all these Holy ones from the Bible. They are deeply involved with the occult and esoteric, but they keep the real truth for themselves, so they can manipulate people, keep the control and maintain power.

I am somewhat familiar with the Barney and Betty Hills case. As far I am aware, no physical evidence of the actual abduction was left behind, only memories of it. Correct me if I am wrong on this. Also, one thing I do remember, is that Betty did draw a map she had seen during the experience, showing other galaxies or so, but I can not remember if these were of systems not known back then, or if these ever have been discovered. Perhaps you can enlighten me some on this?

And yes, implants could be used as you theorize, but to my knowledge you should fear this part more from your own governments than from alien beings from other planets.

Best regards,

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by IX-777

Thank you for the Information Friend. It was very Useful.

Peace Follow you,


posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 10:05 PM

I am currently at the moment of writing this on page 50 of the Alien Interview book. Just wanted to post a small notice to let you know I am checking it out, and so far it does seem legitimate. At least as far as the message it delivers goes, either the Roswell case really happened as put forth there or the author must have come across this knowledge somewhere else.

What caught my eye was the mentioning of the alien not actually being a biological alien but rather a thought-based "robot" type of entity, which in my own opinion seem to be a spiritual entity that have manifested physically in line with what I have previously written.

The way it crashed also makes sense, as it seem to have been struck by lightning in our atmosphere which have rendered them unable to control the though-based craft for a moment so they crashed. Spirit is affected by electricity, and when travelling astrally - in spirit form that is - one can experience the strange effect electricity has on ones spirit form / astral body.

So, this means that the craft itself was not of what you would really call technology - and the aliens were not "physical" per se, but manifestations of thought-based energies, such as the ways I have described earlier when it comes to how some aliens and other beings use spirit-based crafts to visit other places. Why it manifested physicall I am not sure of, it seems a bit odd considering the alien states they were here to observe, and in these cases it is highly unlikely that such entities would manifest themselves physically as they would want to remain undetectable. It also takes much more effort to manifest physically than to remain in only astral or spirit form. Perhaps the lightning had something to do with the physical manifestation, I am not sure, or there must have been some other reason for them to manifest physically such as to be able to physically interact in our physical world.

The alien itself seem to be a physical manifestation of some other entity, and this other entity is able to control the physical "robot" version from somewhere else. Either that, or the real entity itself is actually temporarily contained within the physical "robot" aspect of itself, but it does seem to have a connection to its "own" world as it reports sending information back and forth while being here on Earth in the military base so in either case it is still not completely "trapped" here in physical form but is still able to communicate through spiritual means to its own World/Dimension.

The alien also mentions that its "people" could come to Earth within minutes if they needed to, which again supports the case being of primarily "spiritual" nature and not "physical", and thus this would also explain how they could be there so quickly as you can travel anywhere in the universe in the blink of an eye in spiritual form.

Since I am only on page 50 I can not say so much more for now, perhaps the alien will get into some of these issues further into the book, my own question for now is why it manifested physically and how it managed to stay in physical form that long even after the ship had crashed and the other aliens had died , or been "disconnected" so to speak, this aspect of the case is rather unusual as far as I am aware of.

Well in either case thanks for tipping me about this book, I will continue reading it and give any further comments as I see it appropriate.


posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:15 PM
Dear IXX!

I saw your opening post with great joy. It took me a while to read through the whole thread. I also think most alien experiences here have to do with spiritual stuff and are real but nonphysical. Jung pointed towards the same direction in the 1950's.
What I am interested is your reaction to the meaning of my alien dreams. I posted them to another thread - reconpilot - a while ago. I dreamt the first one around 1972 or so, and you should know that I had not been exposed to writings or television about this subject at that age - I grew up behind the Iron curtain, basically without television. The only aliens we ever saw in pictures were hazy montages or images of people retouched crudely in Polish and East German movies. There were not many of them to begin with. Erich von Daniken came soon after this - a couple of volumes were smuggled into Hungary in German. The official position was that maybe space travelers will discover other intelligent species but that Western countries engage in a bit of fantasy play due to capitalism. There is some truth to that. Anyway, what I am interested in is not whether these dreams refer to physical existence - more likely not. What I am interested in is their meaning. You have posted hints at an interesting world view - one where the mainframe of human existence is defined by lower astral entities posing as gods, while more decent beings also get through sometimes to individuals while some of us have had alien lives also. I would like to read more on that.

Here they are, reposted from that thread (unfortunately, reconpilot himself was banned by the time I posted there):

Dream #1: Set in the early 20th century. I am an officer at a British outpost in Western India near a jungle (in retrospect, it could be Brazil), courting the daughter of the former head of the garrison. Her father has disappeared in the forest; his hobby was finding the ancient ruins of an extinct civilisation. Everyone considers him mad except his daughter who believes he has found what he was looking for, a sensational discovery worthy of Schliemann, and was determined to find him despite no one wanting to help. I agree to go with her to the jungle. We talk to natives who say they would not venture beyond a certain point: there are ‘weird spirits’ there. We learn they know more about the Colonel and also about a ‘City of Spirits,’ but that white people would simply never take them seriously. They point out the direction where the Colonel was heading and accompany us to a certain point where they all turn back, frightened.

Soon we arrive at the ancient ruins, no trace of the colonel, though. Among the walls (a mix between Sumerian and Mayan), in the open air, there is a strange machine resembling an old railway track changer: people operate it by pulling levers.
They are overseen by tall Greys patrolling from the top walls. (Up to that point, I have never ever seen a depiction in sci-fi or UFO literature of this kind of creature. This was around 1970 or 1971 in Eastern Europe.) No one tries to escape, anybody working with the machine gets instantly hypnotised. The Colonel’s daughter approaches the machine and tries to talk to the humans – she gets instantly sucked into the hypnosis. I sense danger. The Greys come down for me and peacefully escort me through the top of ruined fortress walls to the head chamber. There is a different alien, I guess it could have been a Reptilian although I am not sure. All I recall is s/he was unlike the others. I briefly talk to this Commander, and s/he reinforces my observation that the humans down there are hypnotised by the machine. I learn they would never leave it, neglecting food and other necessities. Then the Commander instructs his/her troops to let me go. I run back and no one is after me. I try to pull the girl away from the machine; I succeed after quite some struggle. She is literally fighting me. As soon as she is in a safe distance, though, she recovers and thanks me for freeing her. We try to free some more people before the aliens notice but they either collapse as soon as they are pulled away, or directly fight our attempts.
We head back to the forest, afraid the aliens would mount chase, but they do not. We know no one would ever believe us – we do not have to discuss that.

Dream #2: This was very brief but traumatic. I am taken off-planet by a spaceship of Greys and shown how Earth is going to be destroyed soon by mankind’s environmental policies. It literally turns into a stinking industrial desert. I am shocked and cry for a long time when I wake up.

Following this, I had a few visions and a few dreams of aliens, mostly very positive, some transcendent. Not lately though. The above dream (# 1) however brings up some questions in me. Of course a lot of dreams are symbolic, and I am trying to decipher the meaning of this one for decades. Maybe it does refer to the rule of lower astral entities, and the machinery symbolizes the web of meaning people are hypnotized by - language and other symbols with their destructive presuppositions... What is your take?
A last question: do you endorse the first Pleiadean book by Barbara Marciniak? I liked it a lot and it made a great impact upon my life. I read it and re-read it several times.

Warm greetings,


posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:37 PM
It sounds like past-life memories to me.

Interesting the story about the person searching for lost civilization in Brazilian jungles. I myself am researching and trying to locate a place there I know of, which I personally believe have a connection to ancient Atlantis (which itself was part of south america).

Could the Colonel been Fawcett? He was himself a Colonel that searched for this place, and apparentyl even found it. I know the family, and have retrieved secret personal documents that give an actualy description of what really happened, which is quite more interesting and profound than the official story that was released. It involves occult agendas and spirits leading them the way and much more. Fawcett intentionally released the official story to mislead other people so that they would never find the real location. Personally I have the real location mapped down and know exactly where it is.

My own father also explored this area, but he only found ruins and various sculptures, specially some structures made of a black shiny stone was something he took notes of. He did not find any traces of anyone living there.

Regarding the greys and aliens in your dream I can only assume they were spiritual entities.

I have not read the book of Barbara, as I have nothing to gain from reading such things and I do not study other Pleiadian material as I have my own share of knowledge on that myself already.


posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by IX-777

So basically Grey Aliens, Reptilians, Pleiadeans, Lion-like aliens and most of reported accounts are pretty much spiritual entities and do not exist in physical space and and do not physically fly UFOs?
If so and that's how it really is, I can honestly say I am a little disappointed. I always thought of these being to be physical and really do "abduct" people physically (some of them and I heard Reptilians have bases on Earth).

Though I have nothing against them all being spiritual.

Also, this website is interesting about physical extraterrestrial contacts:
and more information:

[edit on 1-12-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 07:49 PM
There has been physical alien contact on Earth in the past, and to a small degree there may be some now too, but in the majority of cases it will be spiritual entities, or entities inhabiting human bodies.

Higher evolved alien beings do not need physical bodies nor physical crafts to come here, though certain beings may come in physical forms for specific reasons that require a physical form, and this may be true in some cases of highly technologically advanced beings whom still are not particularly evolved spiritually or existentially.

The only physical beings I am aware of that are on earth in there true physical bodies, from other planets, are from the human race and thus do not really qualify as "alien being" in my personal opinion, and the reptilian beings are not here physically but they occupy human bodies - thus all the fuzz about "shapeshifting" reptilian beings and so on. They do not temporarily "morph" into human appearance by some sort of technology - they occupy physical bodies like any other human.


posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Dear Maggador,

Thanks for your prompt reply!
Interesting. Fawcett is certainly a candidate for the story of my dream. The odd thing is that when I lived in the United States, during one of my last years there I was stopping at a second-hand bookstore in a small town in the Blue Ridge mountains (Virginia.) There I just walked to a shelf and pulled out a volume to look at - the spine attracted me. It was a volume written my an Englishman who conducted an expedition to Brazil to find Fawcett's traces. They failed, and he attempted to make a humorous account of the entire expedition, but the book awakened something in me.
I used to work in the used book trade myself years before, and while I collected spiritual volumes and good books, I never just pulled out a volume from a shelf and bought it... Plus all my life I had been on a shoestring as far as money goes.
I still have that book somewhere in the house.
My belief systems at the time did not even allow reincarnation or alien entities. I used to be a big-time Castaneda fan. Yet I was flexible enough to have some experiences. Since all my "alien" experiences were in dreams of visions, I think along the same lines of this as your opening post...
It is an added piece that there are reptilians in human bodies too. I saw reptilian energies late night sometimes (these days I can see some stuff with open eyes, especially at night), and I wondered if there can be any physical.

The greys in my dreams were neither small nor really grey. They were more like tall and black, very silent and I felt good around them.

Two more brief descriptions: one (this was still in Virginia) after an OBE dream, I am sucked up into space, near a ship orbiting Earth. I am floating outside but protected by something. A bunch of aliens (similar to the greys, but not completely, as I described above) watch me with friendship through the windows of the craft which is rather big. I am pulled into a big tube with a whizzing sound, then pulled back outside. This is like some medical treatment. While in the tube, I feel my body dissolve into a nice feeling of unity like in meditation. It repeats for some time then I find myself in bed, rested and full of energy.

Another one a few years later: I am exploring a dirt path in a park near a playground in Budapest, Hungary. I follow a young guy who also seems to have a child and is looking for it. We both get outside via some plastic tube which is part of the playset. Suddenly I see an old decrepit small pavilion and I just know we have to enter there. He goes first, then soon leaves very upset and frightened, saying some sort of warning like run for your life. I enter, seeing some aliens and a couple of computers in the room I think. I sense good and shamanic feelings from them. I am asked telepathically to place my hands on the chest of one. It is larger than a human chest, warm, dry and black. Its surface reflects what you think of "aliens". The guy before me had a strange reaction, so the surface of her flat chest was still sticky and weird, but when I keep my palms there it gets dry and smooth. Seems like I passed some test. I want to ask many things, mainly about shamanism, and they give me an answer quickly in a telepathic way (but looking at me with big eyes) then ask me to leave because the next one is coming.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by IX-777

What about the planets in the second link from my previous post?
Do you think they exist?

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