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on the increase of personal awakenings

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posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Annee
thanks for sharing with us, Annee; it sounds like you are indeed functioning on a little different level of perception; it would be interesting to get to sit and discuss things with you in person some day.

An aquiantenance of mine used to say that she could see the inner person when she wanted to really look at someone, and I experienced a couple of episodes with her when she would stop dead in her tracks and actually recoil from who ever she was staring at, pointing out an individual each time and telling me they were not good people.

until next we meet


posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
reply to post by Annee
thanks for sharing with us, Annee; it sounds like you are indeed functioning on a little different level of perception; it would be interesting to get to sit and discuss things with you in person some day.

An aquiantenance of mine used to say that she could see the inner person when she wanted to really look at someone, and I experienced a couple of episodes with her when she would stop dead in her tracks and actually recoil from who ever she was staring at, pointing out an individual each time and telling me they were not good people.

until next we meet


I am seriously affected by energies. I actually wasn't fully aware of this until fairly recently when I moved on to 2 acres away from everything and everyone. Because it was always a part of me - I could not separate it - until I separated myself from others.

Being somewhat isolated - I can now look back and recognize my own energy/behavior and how I was affected by others energies. Because I was at such a loss in this world/dimension - my own energies were negative toward other people out of anger and frustration and fear. I was only a young physical human child in this world - - but others felt extremely uncomfortable and disturbed around me - - and of course they could not explain why. Neither could I at the time.

I did learn to adjust somewhat as I grew older - like a stranger in a foreign land. I learned to turn my energy to positive and tone it down a bit.

I don't know if I can fully read others - - but I can tell if their energy is harmonious within themselves.

I do feel a quickening - but I don't pretend to know all there is or the whys. Some seem to be more physically connected to this world and some seem to be in a higher spiritual energy.

Those more physically connected feel heavy in weight to me. While those of higher spiritual energy feel as if they could just float away like a helium balloon. They seem to be casting away their need for being in the physical state.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Annee
it makes sense to me, Annee; some people give off such negative vibes that it affects everyone around them, usually in a very negative way;

I have also noticed that some people seem to react even more in the negative when around me, for I do my best to be happy and positive about all things, and seldom let anything bother me.

I live on 8 acres full of trees and animals, my closet neighbor is out of direct sight; a sunny day in my yard sitting under an oak tree brings me much peace and helps to clear the clutter of daily life, and the distance away from the emotional group field of the masses dealing with their daily dose of drama helps me to clear the shadows they project.

go bare foot when you can, for that puts you back in contact with the energy of mother earth; the heaviness you feel in some people weighs down their spirit and keeps them looking down as the travel instead of looking up and seeing the blue sky and the light for what it is.

i see and feel it also, and those are the souls I reach out to, with a kind word and smile, an encouragement to not give up, we do have a purpose, and they can rise above the dreary ways if they really want to, just have to try and to be loving and positive in all they do,

to not just see the negative, but to realy see and try to understand, to realize that there aren't any problems, just solutions, to choose carefully, and wisely.

thanks for sharing, Annee.


posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:30 PM
Thank you.

I am not book learned - so to speak. Much of what comes from me seems to be channeled and personal experience - - rather then outside knowledge.

Who ever I am connected to (seems to be 3 major entities) - try to prevent me from too much outside knowledge. They tell me they want me pure of mind - and to only receive information from them. Kind of like - beware of false prophets.

Every time I've tried to go to a seminar or retreat - - I am in some odd way stopped from going. When I do read something - - its like they are in my ear telling me what is OK to accept and what is not.

It seems they have let me come here.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:48 PM
Like the previous poster Annee I feel like I was born at the wrong time or something.

I was very strange growing up and felt like I could as well get vibes off of people. I was made by my parents to attend a very conservative school and church. It felt much like the whole time I was there that there was a thick blanket hanging over me.

The Reverend was to me scary and I avoided shaking hands with him because it felt like I was prey and he a hunter. He just seemed very scary. Later I found out he beat his wife and children.

My dad used to argue with me because I would slip out of services and sit in a tree behind the buildings. When asked why I did these things my answer would be that God talked to me outside. It wasn't so much words but, a feeling that being outside brought me peace and harmony.

At 15 or so I left the church because I already found my spirituality. For a lot of years I tried to fit in with the lifestyle the majority chose but, it seemed empty and too much struggle to maintain. Things of this nature didn't occur to me naturally. It seemed to me the true nature of mankind should not be to acquire things but, to care about each other and do what was possible to help each other. It was a struggle everyday to put on the suit of sameness which went against everything I felt inside.

The house we grew up in was awash with poltergeist activity. While the churches claimed it was "demonic activity" I never was frightened and the whole experience living there wasn't much of a deal with me because the spirits/beings or whatever they were seemed like family members. I hardly ever mention it much because I suppose in a way I think it seemed normal to me at the time.

Anyway to this day there are certain people that I won't talk to unless it is necessary because I have an empathetic feeling towards others. If they are extremely bad people I know it before speaking, if they are genuinely jolly people I know that as well. Very crowded malls are overwhelming.

I get vibes of whom people are
Television always seemed like propaganda
Most (not all) religions seemed like control mechanisms
Most people's happiness seemed shallow
Most problems in humanity seem simple to solve
Many times know when someone will pass soon
Never had a problem with death
High interest in other cultures, beliefs
High Interest In Inner Spirituality
High interest in UFO's
High interest in Environment

Something tells me it all began when I described elsewhere the bright blue light that shined on our car when I was a small child listed on another page.

[edit on 30/11/2008 by toochaos4u]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:18 AM
I know many "Awakening" people talk about being outdoors and in the sunlight.

I don't like bright sunny days. Its like it is too much for me. I prefer gray cloudy or foggy days. And I prefer the confines of a shelter. Even though I was raised on the California beaches.

I really feel for anyone who had to suffer through conservative parents/church/school. I was lucky in that regard. I had almost no rules - socially or otherwise. That can be tough for a child - but at least I never had anything to get over or away from.

In my opinion - Religion is man made and has very little to do with an evolved enlightened being(s) - for whatever purpose he/she chose to come to earth or send a representative.

If I could use telepathy all the time - I would. I don't like to talk.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Thank you.

I am not book learned - so to speak. Much of what comes from me seems to be channeled and personal experience - - rather then outside knowledge.

Who ever I am connected to (seems to be 3 major entities) - try to prevent me from too much outside knowledge. They tell me they want me pure of mind - and to only receive information from them. Kind of like - beware of false prophets.

Every time I've tried to go to a seminar or retreat - - I am in some odd way stopped from going. When I do read something - - its like they are in my ear telling me what is OK to accept and what is not.

It seems they have let me come here.

As far as I can remember, I have never received any info from any outside influence, altho my inner voice can and has been very strong at times.

I limit my outside "knowledge", will not watch the news or listen to it on the radio, very seldom watch anything besides the weather forecast, rarely even listen to the radio at all.

the sheer amount of negativity from the MSM I keep walled out, for the vibe is too intense and weighs me down.

I have mixed feelings about thses "entities" as you call them, seeming to control you, yet you also say they have allowed you to come here; are you referring to ATS in general? or specifically to this thread?

Feel free to u2u me about this if you do not want to answer here; I am leary of anything that infringes and/or limits free choice and free will in any way, shape, or form.

take care.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by toochaos4u
I feel that you, like many others (altho not enough of us) were able to resist the programming from 'normal' reality, which makes life difficult at times, for I, like you, never really fit in, couldn't be a part of the crowd because the shallowness and drama made me feel queasy and very out of place;

shopping malls, sporting events, any place with a crowd of people have always been stressful situations for me due to their feelings and general lower vibe. More a feeling of a wolf amongst a herd of sheep would be an apt description, and of always feeling isolated until I did encounter another of like mind and spirit.

But we are not alone on the road we travel, and every day more and more are joining us as we walk; as for why we are drawn to this particular path at this moment in existence, well, that remains to be seen, and a topic for another day.

thanks for sharing with us, friend.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Annee
there were periods in my early years when I avoided the daylight and preferred to work at nite; but as the awareness of something being wrong with everything around me began to surface I found myself wanting to be in the light more and more;

kind of like a butterfly emerging from a coccoon, for I did morph into what I am currently, can look back and see how my perceptions of my slice of reality has changed, how my needs and feelings about people in general and society at large have changed.

I have people in my inner circle now that are as you, for we at times know each others thoughts and save the talk for later.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g

Originally posted by Annee
Thank you.

I am not book learned - so to speak. Much of what comes from me seems to be channeled and personal experience - - rather then outside knowledge.

Who ever I am connected to (seems to be 3 major entities) - try to prevent me from too much outside knowledge. They tell me they want me pure of mind - and to only receive information from them. Kind of like - beware of false prophets.

Every time I've tried to go to a seminar or retreat - - I am in some odd way stopped from going. When I do read something - - its like they are in my ear telling me what is OK to accept and what is not.

It seems they have let me come here.

As far as I can remember, I have never received any info from any outside influence, altho my inner voice can and has been very strong at times.

I limit my outside "knowledge", will not watch the news or listen to it on the radio, very seldom watch anything besides the weather forecast, rarely even listen to the radio at all.

the sheer amount of negativity from the MSM I keep walled out, for the vibe is too intense and weighs me down.

I have mixed feelings about thses "entities" as you call them, seeming to control you, yet you also say they have allowed you to come here; are you referring to ATS in general? or specifically to this thread?

Feel free to u2u me about this if you do not want to answer here; I am leary of anything that infringes and/or limits free choice and free will in any way, shape, or form.

take care.


When I speak of keeping "knowledge out" - - that is specific to this subject. Books on Lightbeings - Awakening - etc. "They" - my guides - say they want me pure and to avoid false prophets. Someone is always trying to make a buck - there is a lot of junk out there. When I do read something - they guide me through it.

These guides or entities have always been with me. I know some people fear it is negative control - but after many many years they have never steered me wrong. Even when I have gone through needed and intentional disruptive life experiences - they pre-warn me and help guide me through it. I have learned to trust them and my intuition implicitly.

Yes - they allowed me to be on this specific thread. Of course I can do whatever I want - I have just learned to listen to them.

Must go - be back later.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 02:32 PM
Regarding sunshine: I had this vision or impression many many years ago.

It was of people living in communal tent like structures - above ground. There was a white stretchy fabric covering and supported by a structure.

It was kind of like the tent-like structure put up today for conventions etc. But this was years before we had anything like that.

It was a special fabric that let light in but filtered out harmful radiation from the sun. I have never been able to discern if it was "future" earth - - or a "home" planet I came from.

I was reminded of how the Japanese lay mats on the floor to sleep - then hang them up during the day using the same space for living. It was very minimal living - and the people wore long white robes.

The living/sleeping structure was built above ground - - with gardens growing underneath. There was an underground communal room and kitchen. This is also where children attended school. There were also underground tube transports - connecting to commerce and other communes.

I don't have a problem with sunshine - - that would be kind of difficult since I live in the desert.

I just have kind of a weary/nervous feeling about being in it too much. Could be from my vision/impression - - or maybe as simple as I'm a redhead

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Annee

that sounds better, for it seems your spirit guides are very close to you and do indeed watch over you;

the question I have is how you found this thread, by browsing or were you led to it? just curious, for I feel that it was time to openly discuss what I have noticed in my comfort zone and what I see happening to others, and it is no suprise to me at how many people are contemplating a move to a similar, simpler, more natural existence away from suburbia.

and how many are seeing past the spin and programming so prevalent around us.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

It feels like we are all one. Every human on earth is part of the collecting consciousness. Love is the guide. I put my faith in God. I also trust Gods love. For this is how things should be. If all of us take 1 day to sit and meditate pure love we could move oceans.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Annee
lol I understand my red headed friend
I spent some time in Arizona outside Quartzite so I know what you mean.

the community you describe is familiar to me for some reason, possibly from some place or story i have read; but is very familiar and sounds like a warm comfortable homeplace.

thanks again, and am waiting until we meet again.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
reply to post by the seeker_713g

It feels like we are all one. Every human on earth is part of the collecting consciousness. Love is the guide. I put my faith in God. I also trust Gods love. For this is how things should be. If all of us take 1 day to sit and meditate pure love we could move oceans.

I also believe we are all connected on some deep level of the sub-conscious, and love is indeed the key; in this world full of self-serving people so busy chasing what they perceive to bring them short term pleasure there is a severe shortage of love and compassion;

jealousy, greed, avarice, hate, and disdain rule, expressing the negative energy and multiplying it to excess.

we are a sorry example as a species for we spend far too much time screwing over everyone, instead of helping and caring as we should.

self-service or service to others; it is a simple choice; I choose service to others, for the true recipient of my kindness and good deeds in the end is not only those I have taken the time to help, but myself.

thanks for sharing


posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 02:10 AM
I'm just surprised someone knows where Quartzsite is.

I'm in Yuma.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Annee
I'm just surprised someone knows where Quartzsite is.

I'm in Yuma.
I've been to Yuma a time or two also along the way; the time I spent in Quartzsite was mostly alone, other than my partner, and it allowed me to do a lot of soul searching and focused meditation, for you can most definitely get away from everything and everyone.

when I did go back to the every day grind it was a reality shock.
we'll have to talk about the desert sometime.


posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g

Originally posted by Annee
I'm just surprised someone knows where Quartzsite is.

I'm in Yuma.
I've been to Yuma a time or two also along the way; the time I spent in Quartzsite was mostly alone, other than my partner, and it allowed me to do a lot of soul searching and focused meditation, for you can most definitely get away from everything and everyone.

when I did go back to the every day grind it was a reality shock.
we'll have to talk about the desert sometime.


I swear there is a vortex or something like that in the area. I was "brought" there.

The energy is phenomenal. Unfortunately - most non-indiginous around those parts will never understand. They weigh heavy in right-wing conservatism.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Annee

That sounds interesting; I do remember that during my time at Quartzite I felt very clear of mind and thought, and much closer to the higher forces at work around us.

Coming back to the deep south was like walking into a strange world, and just seeing and feeling the negativity once more was a lot to deal with.

Thanks, Annee, and tell us more of your experiences.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Annee

duplicate post!

[edit on 12/2/2008 by the seeker_713g]

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