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Supernatural events. Advice/Infomation needed.

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posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 09:18 AM
What follows is a summary of changes and (apparently) supernatural events over the past few years. There have been quite a few more, but these are the main points. I have come to the conclusion that I an in the middle of some awakening process....possibly to do with an activated kundalini. I would like to hear from people who know about this kind of thing.


Changes in vision:

· Over the past few years, I have noticed an increased sensitivity to light. This is expressed in the amount of time that elapses between when I look away from a light source and when its afterimage disappears. Even dimly lit objects can leave an afterimage now.
· I have begun to see auras around people and objects. I usually see faintly coloured auras—often bluish-green—around people. Many people have a yellow aura around their heads—particularly those who seem to have a lot of mental energy. My ability to see auras appears to be linked to the delayed afterimage phenomena in some fundamental way, although they are not the same thing.

Visual Phenomena When I Close my Eyes:

· When I close my eyes, I regularly see fluid energy patterns and shapes. The shapes are often too faint to make out, but sometimes I can see the traces of known objects and, rarely, what appear to be human and humanoid faces. Usually, when I am beginning to focus on one of these objects, conical and ribbed energy shapes move in and crowd it out—this happens almost every time, but a little less often now. I get the sense that these are part of a mechanism that is protecting me and/or preventing me from seeing what I am not supposed to.

Changes in the Body:

· Over the last few years, I have noticed a feeling of increased energy running though my body. I do not mean increased vigour. This is a feeling of a faint current of energy running through my entire body. This is accompanied by increased tension in the muscles.
· Recently, my lower forehead has begun to tingle, as has my crown. Sometimes there is a feeling of pressure in my head. Frequently the tingling sensation behind my brow is accompanied by a feeling of slight pressure beneath it. This may be sinus related, but I do not think so.

Dream Experiences:

· Last year I was having a regular sort of dream. I think I was dreaming that Kim and I were on vacation somewhere. Suddenly the dream cut to a close up image of a multitude of silver crosses on a golden yellow background. This image was like a slide suddenly inserted into the stream of my dream. The crosses (they were the Christian kind) were of many different sizes but fit together perfectly (the image was quite beautiful). The next thing I knew, I was in my bed with a strong current of energy running through me. My upper body and legs were raised in the air and only my midsection was touching the bed. I could not move and I felt like an attempt was being made to pull me upwards out of my body but that I was being held down around my midsection. Then I heard myself say “No, not again” in a firm tone. The voice came from my physical body behind me. I then began trying to shake free of the energy current. After a brief struggle, I freed myself, turned my head and saw a pale fading humanoid shape beside my bed. Despite everything, at no point did I feel any dread or fear. I did not feel that there was any danger to me.
· This experience occurred after a near solid week of quite disturbing dreams. I do not often have nightmares, but the energy in these dreams was distinctly negative. I will not go into details, but suffice it to say that the dreams had a depraved and decadent quality to them. On the night in question, I was having one of these dreams. In the dream, I looked out a window into the sky, which was rather menacing. In the sky I saw many dark circular shapes, but they seemed to be made of the clouds themselves. Suddenly, I was face-to-face with a human-looking figure. I was not able to clearly see his facial features, but I remember a few details. The face was that of a man in his late fifties or early sixties. He had straight salt and pepper hear and a bright pink aura was emanating from under his hairline. Then I was shown a thick and tightly wound spiral of flesh, after which the man reappeared. Now he was holding a large jar that contained a frail-looking grey-green humanoid. I was made to understand that the humanoid was a thought form, and that it was the cause of the disturbing dreams. I will never forget the way the creature looked—it was very frail looking, wrinkled. It did not seem evil, just overwhelmed, pathetic and stunned. The nightmares ceased after that.
· Last year, Kim and I had a couple over for dinner that we enjoy spending time with. We had a pleasant night. I remember feeling particularly warm towards my guests and Kim. At one point in the night, while we were all sitting together, I remember feeling like Kim and I—who were side by side—were encircled by a surge of love energy. Later, when it was time to go to bed, I spontaneously decided to try to meditate. I had not meditated much at this point, so I was not familiar with any techniques. While Kim was falling asleep, I moved to the end of our bed and assumed the lotus position. After a short time, I began to feel a warm energy enter my body from my crown. I felt it travel down into my stomach—which had been bothering me for years—and gather intensity there. I had the distinct impression that my stomach problems were being helped by the energy. I became startled when I realized what was happening, and decided to go to sleep. When I got under the covers, I felt a distinct presence next to me (lying on the bed between me and Kim). The presence felt loving and warm, and particularly affectionate towards me. After a few minutes, Kim woke with a start and said she had a dream that a third person was in the room.
· I woke up in the middle of the night. At the end of the bed was the face of an attractive, dark haired woman. She was a deep blue colour and was looking at us with a smile.
· I woke up and heard a voice lecturing me on how important it was to love. I had the sense that I was getting a crash course regarding the various truths about love (i.e.: love is unconditional, it is all that matters, there is no excuse for failing to love, you must…it is crucial that….etc). As the voice spoke, I saw a block-like sine wave in my mind’s eye. I sensed that the sine wave was in some way related to what the voice was saying, and was part of the process being used to imbed the information.

· I woke up, still partly in the dream state (as often happens to me). I was awake but when I closed my eyes I could see what looked like a beautiful and intricately carved mandala in black and white. This lasted for several seconds. Then—still in black and white—I saw a humanoid with large eyes on a spaceship of some kind standing in front of a screen upon which could be seen the same mandala. The humanoid, which I did not feel threatened by in any way, proceeded to touch the screen. When it did, the screen was filled in with the same conical and ribbed energy shapes I mentioned earlier.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Everything you mention would point to the opening of chakras, which, to take the perceived new age overtones out of for those who need such, are simply points of contact along the natural lanes of energy flow in your body. Essentially the same to me as kundalini, which to me describes the lanes of energy with the chakras acting as entrances and exits.

Thanks for this and your previous post of revelations, which I silently supported since there was nothing for me to say other than, "Yes,".

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Hi...yes I've now read a few books about kundalini, and my symptoms/experiences seem to be right on. I have not had a full awakening, and am not sure I want to try to trigger one. Have you had experience with that yourself?

[edit on 17-11-2008 by Silenceisall]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Silenceisall

In a manner of speaking, yes.

I think I understand your concern as some of the stories related can be frightening. But what often appears so terrifying is the a lack of comprehension and from there the string of questions that can last for years, entrenched in uncertainty and often denial.

But in truth there is nothing any of us need to be concerned with as long as we understand that our understanding is limited, and so view what comes with an open heart and acceptance that what is given us is nothing that is beyond us.

Allow things to progress as you have, naturally in their own time, and I feel certain you'll be perfectly fine.

I hope you find this helpful.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Silenceisall

All of those physical things can easily be explained by known science. I think calling them supernatural without first seeing a doctor and getting that ruled out (though nothing sounds bad - just to rule out the mundane) is a bit of a stretch. How do you know they are not simply natural changes in your body?

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 01:24 PM
Visual halucinations coupled with pressure in the sinus cavity and behind the eyes? Increased pressure and now a tingling in the rest of your body?

While I do not want to discredit your experience.. Have you been checked for tumors in your head within the past few years? My late step-father often complained of pressure in his face and blurred vision. Toward the end he felt more energetic.. and then he began to get halucinations and eventually killed himself.. because of a tumor in his head.

Not saying this is you, just saying its something to watch out for.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 03:11 PM
I think you should rule out any medical conditions before entertaining the thought that what is going on are supernatural events.
I don't disbelieve in supernatural events but if it were me experiencing those types of things, I would run (not walk) to the doctor first to rule out a medical condition and then take it from there.
I disagree that these symptoms are those of "aging". Heck, if they were, nobody would want to reach old age! I know I wouldn't....

Good luck

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:36 PM
Hey - just me couple of questions!

When you say you close your eyes and see shapes / human faces... can you specify this shapes? or particular people? Or just general human faces? How long do they last? Is it at certain times? (ie. sleep, or in general)

Because I get that, but it's usually once as I'm heading off to sleep, the light goes off and I personally think it is just a reaction from light to pitch black which causes the eyes to adjust and focus, which they have to anyway. I'm sure most people know what I'm talking about, because you usually can't make anything out for ten mins or so, and then once they're in focus you can see majority of items in the room. But I digress
(I only know that from military training mainly - firing a rifle in the dark is a pain in the butt when you've just been woken up!) I think this is what you are explaining, is it not? If not, my bad and sorry!

(either that or i've been experiencing kundalini (kinda) for years then, either or!)

[edit on 17-11-2008 by emmy]

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