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Can a few lightworkers quickly and easily put an end to the entire alien menace, right now?

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posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:09 PM
I have a theory.

It is a simple theory, and only requires a few pieces to be put in place:

1) Any group of things, be they conscious entities or not, can be described as a function of their collective whole. An ocean wave is composed of billions of water molecules. Each has their individual velocties, but collectively the "wave" itself acts as single entity even if many individual water molecules happen to be acting in disagreement with the whole. If the majority of water molecules are headed for shore, it doesn't matter if a few million are headed the other way. The "wave" can still be said to be heading towards shore.

2) Conscious beings may be described this way as well. I can say that a flock of birds is migrating in a certain direction even if some individuals in the group are not.

3) I propose that the majority of individuals in the human system have no particular motion or direction, and are generally indifferent about being pushed in whichever direction the flow of events carries them. I think most of you here would agree with this. And, looking at the example of flocks of birds or herds of sheep, there is a tendendy that whomever happens to be "in front" tends to decide where the rest of go.

4) There is a conspiracy theory that is popular in certain circles which suggests that in the early 50's, president Eisenhower entered into a treaty with a hostile alien force which granted them "permission" to take certain liberties with humanity, perform abductions, etc., in exchange for technology. This theory exists in many forms, and is referenced in many places. Philip Schneider makes this assertion. Alex Collier mentions it in some of his interviews. Project superman makes reference to it as well. It's a popular premise.

5) Alongside this theory, there is a popular spiritual perspective which suggests that because of the nature of the universe, the principal of free will, the law of one, etc., these hostile aliens could not have interfered with humanity for all of these years had we not granted them our consent. Very many posters here on this forum claim to have avoided abductions on a personal basis simply by refusing to allow it.

6) If we assume that all of the above is true, then is seems reasonable to conclude that while a number of leaders individually gave permission for humanity as a whole to be used in this way, the vast majority of humanity itself in largely unaware of the situation, and is too caught up in daily life to assert an opinion one way or another. Thus, just a few individuals decide the reality for humanity as a whole, because most people are unaware or indifferent, and simply "go with the flow."

7) However...such being the case, it is extremely likely that only a very few humans are aware of, and actively giving consent to the current state of affairs. If 10 humans are pushing for consent, and 6.9 billion are indifferent, unaware, or haven't stated their preference, the "net" velocity is consent even though only 10 humans are actually giving consent. The actual number may be ten or it may be a hundred, but whatever the exact number it's extremely likely that's it's a very small number of people actively giving consent for the whole, and choosing the direction for the rest of the herd. seems very plausible that it would also only take a very few humans expressly refusing consent, and actively intending that humanity as a whole not be used by aliens to determine the overall balance of consent in favor of refusal. If only ten giving consent were enough to cause an overall balance of consent in the first place, then only eleven standing up and declaring firmly and insistently to the universe that we absolutely refuse to be used and manipulated should be enough to shift the balance the other way.

When we refuse to be abducted as indiviuals we are not abducted. Why don't some number of us refuse for the collective whole of humanity to be manipulated and used? Revoke any treaties allowing abductions to take place? Why don't some number of us formally and loudly announce to the universe at large that as a race we will not be used, we will not be eaten and we will not be manipulated?

Is it possible that it's really that simple?

Is it possible that a mere dozen or so people standing up right now and firmly asserting our collective refusal to be manipulated is enough to affect the balance for all of humanity?

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:14 PM
Its not easy to go up against an outer worldly power that makes our most sophisticated and powerful arsenal like tiny twigs that are easily broken.

Perhaps we should just ask them to leave us alone..and not make it a demand.

Or perhaps its too late for that.

Or perhaps it was never in the realm of us having a choice to begin with.


posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:20 PM
I second RF ...

if we were JEDI from Star Wars, maybe, but we dont have power like that.

so no, a few lightworkers cannot stand in the way of an alien race.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:22 PM
As a point made in this thread, we have universal free will and it's a cosmic law which they MUST obey, it's not negotiable. They could have all the power and technology they wish but they have to obey free will and cosmic law, the human will. This hypothesis/overlook is very probable. I will actively broadcast my disdain/disagreement for these malevolent ET actions.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:32 PM
Our free will and the fact that they must obey it will not stop them from trying to trick us into changing our minds and handing everything over to them, even our very own lives. And they will use agents of influence and all other tricks of the trade to do it, too.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:34 PM
maybe we start at the bottom and disallow NWO and US bailout and go from there?

Maybe cut of the heads that feed them namely NWO power elite just and join a say no to slavery program

Just a thought

I believe you are on the right track though

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Wally Conley
will not stop them from trying to trick us into
changing our minds and handing everything over to them

The fact that they need to "try" to "trick" us simply confirms that they cannot influence us without our consent. Therefore we simply refuse to give it.

say no to slavery program

Yes, I highly recommend you refuse to be enslaved, whether by alien, or human.

they have to obey free will and cosmic law
I will actively broadcast my disdain/disagreement for these malevolent ET actions.

Excellent! So then, humanity refuses to be interfered with.

So be it.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
However... it is extremely likely that only a very few humans are aware of, and actively giving consent to the current state of affairs...

When we refuse to be abducted as indiviuals we are not abducted. Why don't some number of us refuse for the collective whole of humanity to be manipulated and used? Revoke any treaties allowing abductions to take place? Why don't some number of us formally and loudly announce to the universe at large that as a race we will not be used, we will not be eaten and we will not be manipulated?

Is it possible that a mere dozen or so people standing up right now and firmly asserting our collective refusal to be manipulated is enough to affect the balance for all of humanity?

How very strange.

Just recently I became aware that my childhood experiences, which I had previously discounted, were, in fact, real. As a result, I had developed in just the past few months a paralyzing fear of the dark, of sleeping, and especially of being outdoors at night.

Then, in the past few days I made a conscious decision to simply post "Keep Out" signs all over my psyche. I declared myself immune to any ill intent or abduction attempts. I simply decided that I would not consent - and I empowered myself. I now know they have no power or jurisdiction over me.

Tonight, again fearless and under a starry sky, I was walking the dog. "They don't represent ME," I thought. "The contract is invalid. Therefore I refuse to be bound to its stipulations." I was thinking that I want a right to contract, or in this case, to NOT contract, independent of the select few in government who made this deal in the first place - or those who currently maintain any contractual agreements with greys or other aliens. "I thought, I wish we could form a new group - NOT the government since they no longer represent us anyway. And then we could choose to tell them to go away and leave us alone."

And BTW during my initial experience, I had to consent before they could take me. Now, in my case, there was no fear; I had a desire to meet them and see their ship, so it was not wholly a kidnapping type situation. I remember that I clearly understood that I could say NO and they would have left me alone. Now, I don't know if I met some especially friendly aliens, or maybe they were from a less dangerous/less hostile faction. But I do remember being cognizant of the fact that I had a choice.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 01:06 AM
I know from experience that evil power seeking entities mortal or not hate being laughed at

also there are records of an ancient druidic tradition of dealing with oppressive corrupt leaders which mockery to the death

the bard would mock the person in song and publicly until that person killed themself

so I'm recommending laughter ,it works

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 03:33 AM
I agree that something like this may be possible, but I think it's more important not to worry about the alien menace specifically, but rather the whole power grid that keeps humanity enslaved., composed of humans and possibly E.D.E.s. as well. There are some who say the greatest conspiracy is the one that keeps us ignorant of our true power.

[edit on 17-11-2008 by HiAliens]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 07:25 AM
I understand what you are saying and take your points, so I don't want to sound argumentative but I have a couple of considerations.

Firstly, the few people that might have made the contract with the aliens may have had more collective power than the rest of us put together. The only way I can think of to say what I mean is to think of a lever and how much more 'power' can be accessed if you use one.

Secondly since the government at the time was, presumably, democratically elected they may have been seen to have the power to speak for those who elected them.

Thirdly, there is the assumption that they would have had a proper contact with aliens who were prepared to negotiate with them. How many ordinary people could be so sure of who and what aliens are?

If you are going to fight these things it would be a considerable advantage to 'know' not just 'believe' they exist and to speak with them on equal terms.

I hope I've not been too negative - if what you theorise is true I'd be all for supporting the 'fight-back'.

Edit to add: 'disproportionate power' was the term I was looking for in my first point.

Another thought - if light-workers came forward on ATS to volunteer for the job perhaps we could all 'vote' for them so that each one represented several individuals who had consented to this representation.

[edit on 17-11-2008 by berenike]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by berenike

I am on this page as well and I have come up with a set of ideas I think might work but I haven't hammered it out to a point that I can propose it just yet.

I had a pretty productive night last night I wrote a song and had an epiphany about this problem . I am right now working on how to present it ,I'll get back to you all

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:24 AM

the few people that might have made the contract with the
aliens may have had more collective power

It's possible. But why would you think so?

In any case, they certainly are more powerful than those who allow others to make decisions for them.

Another thought - if light-workers came forward on ATS to volunteer for the job perhaps we could all 'vote' for them so that each one represented several individuals who had consented to this representation.

I personally wouldn't agree to abide the consensus of a vote. I wouldn't ask or expect anyone else to either. I'm going to do my own thing. I encourage everyone else to do their own thing too. There's no need to formally "organize." Water molecules in a wave don't have formal discussions over which direction the wave is going to go. They each simply go, and the wave is defined by their collective action.

If you really want to "vote" then vote with action. The whole premise here is that the "whole" of humanity behaves like a single entity. The sum of individual actions defines this behavior. So there's really no need to vote to decide whether or not to act. Action is the vote.

if what you theorise is true I'd be all for supporting the 'fight-back'.

Well, since there's no way to know other than to try...I guess you're in, huh?

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:40 AM

I declared myself immune to any ill intent or abduction attempts. I simply
decided that I would not consent - and I empowered myself.

Yes. It does seem to work. But, in declaring you you would not consent, you have empowered yourself. Maybe it's time to declare that humanity will not consent.

I was thinking that I want a right to contract, or in this case, to NOT contract, independent of the select few in government who made this deal in the first place - or those who currently maintain any contractual agreements with greys or other aliens.

Interestingly...I've often read the claim that our entire legal system is based on the idea that we, as indivduals, are all completely above, beyond and exempt from legal action. To get around this, "corporations" are created and asigned to us. This is why legal documents and ID all use all capital letters. All caps signifies that it is a corporate entity, not a real person that is referred to. Consequently, if you "identify" yourself as the corporation that has your name, legal action, fines, incarceration, etc can be applied to the corporation, which you are choosing to identify with.

The theory is that one can get out of fines, paying taxes, arrest, and other legal actions simply by not identifying with the corporation, and refusing to accept the action upon you.

Which of course seems very similar to refusal to allow aliens to manipulate and drain your energy. I sometimes wonder if there is an extremely fundamental thing going on here that would completely change our world if only we would allow ourselves to realize it.

during my initial experience, I had to consent before they could take me

I don't personally have any memory of ever having granted consent. But I've often suspected that spiritual law allows for anyone to do anything to anyone else provided they choose to allow it happen. If aliens try to take you away, and you choose to do nothing to stop them, I suspect that there is no "consequnce" to them, and nobody is going to come running to try and save you. It seems very much like the interplay between masculine and feminine. When masculine energy applies itself to the feminine, the feminine may accept or reject it. I think people may be this way too. "God" allows for both pleasant and unpleasant experiences. "God" does not judge this. If a person chooses to accept misery, that is their choice. It is free will. An alien who abducts someone who does not resist is simply applying themselves as a masculine force upon an feminine one. The resulting experience, pleasant or not, is simply the "child" of the interaction.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket

the few people that might have made the contract with the
aliens may have had more collective power

LB: It's possible. But why would you think so?

Answer: The lever analogy was the best I could do. It seems to me that some people have access to knowledge that is hard for the rest of us to find. Not to say it's impossible to find it, just not made easy by those who may wish to keep it to themselves.

LB: If you really want to "vote" then vote with action. The whole premise here is that the "whole" of humanity behaves like a single entity. The sum of individual actions defines this behavior. So there's really no need to vote to decide whether or not to act. Action is the vote.

Answer: I didn't mean to vote on whether or not to act. I meant if we could vote for an individual to represent each one of us then that person would have the backing of several people before they acted. So if they came into contact with any entities they could say, accurately, that they represented x amount of people, thus giving more strength to their protest.

LB: Well, since there's no way to know other than to try...I guess you're in, huh?

Answer: I'd like to be in, but I have no idea on how to go about it. There might be a lot of people like me and we'd all be happy to support our 'candidate' when they went into action. A bit like migrating birds, you know how they have a formation to support each other.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:31 PM
I reject all 'solutions' devised by any agency of the elite corporatocracy,that are 'for the benefit of mankind or the environment'

Some examples
the killing of 30,000 mustangs that The BLM gathered but were unable to adopt out

or the slashing of wages and benefits ,to keep jobs

or surveillance programs to keep us free

My mental >action paradigm is

the antidote to hunger is food

the antidote to war is peace

the antidote to poverty is wealth

the antidote to oppression is freedom

the antidote to ignorance is knowledge..and well you get the picture

you can't kill something and save it too, so any solution to anything that involves rhetoric like we have to kill them so they won't suffer, is

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:19 AM
If we have a working stargate, we could covertly transport the 'uncorrupted' portion of the populace to another habitable planet.

And then... exercise a 'scorched Earth policy' literally. We blew up the whole planet by rigging nuclear devices deep underground in fault lines or would focus seismic waves from the blast and obliterate the planet's crust.

Or if it's possible, cause the Sun to go Nova and destroy the whole solar System.

If our technology have advanced enough, we could even create a 'micro universe' stay inside it, while we blew the 'old' universe from existence and so are all the evils in it.

It's quite clear we've lost, the best thing we could do, is to let them have the best of humanity X/ they've treated us like we're nothing now, we'll turn them to nothing!

Then we'll rebuild the universe as it is. The next human race will be taught to be self-sufficient without leaders, they will be given very long life spans so the new teachings will be easily corrupted. They will be taught what is good and the concept of living and sacrificing for one another. Knowledge and technology will not be withheld from them.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by ahnggk]

[edit on 19-11-2008 by ahnggk]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

nope, I reject your post ,this thread is about light warriors you defeatist little demon you

you lose and we will win ,nah nana nah

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 10:09 AM
Have you got any solid proof that there is any alien species we no of ? let alone a threat made by them, i can entertain the notion but i need to see the solid evidence first. and what is the threat something specific? i am probably more of a believer than a sceptic just so you know.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by stealthyaroura

come to this thread and play bugs are messing with our minds with us

I don't know if it's true but it's fun!

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