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Thoughts/Opinions as to WHY Abductions may happen to specific people/families

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Just starting this thread in response to a reply within a Board Business and Questions Forum thread entitled We need a place for Abductees.

The crux of the question within that reply was:

Originally posted by X-tal_Phusion
reply to post by spacecowgirl

Yes, but... why were certain families selected in the first place? This is the underlying pattern I am most curious about. I would be very surprised if the initial round of selection was random. Since exceptions exist where locations are concerned (urban vs. rural/suburban), then there must be some reason why aliens would be willing to risk being seen in order to abduct certain people who happen to be living in urban settings.
Click Here For Full Reply

I have my own thoughts/opinions as to WHY perhaps abductions may 'run through families' and will certainly post those here soon enough.
I'll have a look through the Gray Area for a similar recent thread in case I am merely duplicating an existing which case I'll have to lockdown my own thread and redirect myself to any existing one...

However - what are your thoughts/opinions as to why perhaps abductions might occur within specific families or to specific people.

Bear in mind that as always questions are welcome...but attacks, inferences, insults and such aren't and will be moderated.


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:46 PM
I believe there are genetics at work, though I won't suppose to what extent or what that may specifically mean to a certain extent.

But I have wondered about is why are some taken many times while others only once or twice? I drew an answer from a program where two women claim to have been abducted many, many times (Sorry I don't remember exactly how many, but it was a lot). What struck me about them is that they continue to lead very normal lives despite being irritated by the abductions.

Perhaps it's because they can "handle" it, making them something of a "curiosity", which could be tied to genetics.

(I know this next thought seems completely unrelated, but it was something of a stream of consciousness.)

Which lead me to the idea that perhaps abduction isn't about experimentation at all. Perhaps it has to do with "bridging" the gap. Creating psychological rifts that allow further communication and exploration. Something like signposts, or markers. Which tied in with reports of extracted alien implants which turn out to be nothing remarkable. Telling me that it isn't the implant that tracks us, but rather the experience.

Sorry, I'm probably going too far off topic and I will be the first to admit that I'm not a student of alien abduction theory, so I'll just leave it for now.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:13 PM
My initial foray on the topic:

Firstly I'll lay some of my cards on the table -

1. I believe aliens exist
2. I believe abductions happen

My context and concept of aliens and abductions however may well vary from other people.

While I believe those things I can not say wth 100 percent certainty that they do. I can not and will not state them as FACT.
Why? Simple - ultimately I can only go by experience. My own experience and experiences of others. I can only go by whatever 'proof' (in whatever form its presented) is provided. And I am conscious that even the most convincing of proof, even the most convincing of experiences, even the most pervasive of beliefs can still be wrong.

For instance: I am pretty certain I cooked and ate porridge for my breakfast this morning.
Indeed proof of that could be reasonably simple to obtain right now. The dishes/pot used to cook the porridge and eat it out of is still sitting soaking in my kitchen sink. If the contents of my stomach were examined I'd be extremely confident that porridge would be found...
...however, until an unbiased team of experts (whomever or whatever they may be) examines my dishes, examines my stomach contents and confirms I did in fact have porridge then there is still the possibility - no matter how remote it may be - that I am wrong. That I merely had a 'false memory' of cooking and eating porridge this morning.

So...that out of the way...I'll start my reply proper...

I've known numerous people both online and in real life who may well have had an (or multiple) abduction experience/s. I have met with and spoken with many of them numerous times. Some I know personally and have done for many years now.
They are people from many different walks of life, backgrounds, contexts, cultures you name it. However what I've found interesting is that for a great many of them there is a rather common theme: Possible spiritual awareness

Hmmm...Spiritual Awareness...there we go with another highly debateable subject. Indeed another that could also be wrong...despite my strong beliefs/experiences around it.

By far the greater majority of people I've personally spoken with/know who may have abduction experiences also may have had experiences of a Spiritual/Paranormal nature. For instance: sensing, seeing, deal with *things/entities/spooks/whatever* etc I'm also conscious that a logical rebuttal to that could be: "Well there you go then. Ghosts and such like are unproven, indeed illogical, and so that person claiming experiences around ghosts and such is merely more evidence that they perhaps have a propensity for flawed perceptions"

I accept the above 'rebuttal' is certainly a valid one.

My own perception (accepting it may well be flawed/wrong) is that I feel 'aliens' are more interdimensional as opposed to intergallactic.

Until I/we find another understanding or reference/context descriptor my own perception is that 'aliens' are more *spiritual* in nature.

I'll get further into my rationale around that later...or else this intial reply will truly be a novel.

However - in brief: I believe that entities we term 'aliens' are more *spiritual* in such it may be those who are sensitive to such *beings/entities/occurances* that may 'encounter' them more.
Briefly as to why - bit like those advisory signs on the back of trucks saying 'If you can't see my mirror I can't see you'...if 'aliens' (perhaps 'spirits) are - for want of a better way of putting it - on your radar, then perhaps you are on theirs. Much like the truck mirror. Again I may get into that further later.

I also believe that genetic disposition doesn't just solely extend to physical characteristics...but to perhaps *spiritual* ones as well...

Anyhoo....those are my initial thoughts...will add more soon enough.


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Thanks for your thoughts on it.

As posted above I also suspect/summise that genetics may have a hand in it.

I'm also conscious that right now its merely something we summise. After all, I am not an 'alien'...and so may well not posess the mind/motivations of an 'alien' and thus all I can summise with is my own human brain, my own human experiences and relate it all back to how I make sense of it all with my limited knowledge/ability...

...I do however believe that I/we are essentially 'spiritual beings experiencing a physical existance'...but thats perhaps a different subject for a totally different forum

Thanks again for your input.


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:35 PM
First off I want to point out this is by far not one of my strong subjects and what follows is just an opinion based on what little I have read on this phenomenon, there are definitely much more qualified people out there that can answer this question, and point out flaws or lack of understanding on my part.

At first I would agree with the genetics aspect, when taken into context of families and the consistency of genetic material being extracted.

However more recent activity indicates larger groups of abductees, which is curious if it was a controlled program. Why the ramp up outside of known lineages? It may also be that there is simply a greater amount of communication channels thru which these experiences can be expressed.

As for it running thru families it may simply be a matter of covering the witnesses, ensuring screen memories or lack of memory remains consistent. When a child moves away it may be simply reinforcement or continued usage of an acquired asset.

Does it run outside of a household i.e. cousins who are 1000 miles away are included when we claim it is running in the family? If it has a global footprint for a family or set of families then it may very well be genetics. However if it is more closely tied to household then it may be that it is not a genetically connected phenomenon.

In many cases it appears someone stumbled upon or became aware of an alien entity, the abductees initiated contact albeit accidentally in many cases. A higher perceptive awareness almost seems to be a prerequisite. I believe at some level this explains why a large portion of cases start with "the first time I was abducted I was between 4-6 years old."

Alternately strange memories surface much later in life surrounding this period in someone’s life. Nothing special, just those children begin connecting and solidifying their awareness of the world around them at this point in time. If aliens or external entities were a part of their first 4 years of development then the initial screen memories would need to be implanted at this point in time. If parents or siblings were abducted then the child by default becomes part of the program. If friends or family members are visiting during abduction they may very well suddenly be included.

Frequency of abduction may be tied into the ability to recall events or whether a screen memory is able to hold without further reinforcement.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by EldersCouncil

Awesome input! Thank you! Certainly much to mull over.

Thanks for your perspectives there...very much appreciated.

The whole 'from a young age' theme is also one I've certainly come across with those I've discussed the topic yes perhaps there is something in that.


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by alien
Read David Icke's books.

Certain families have the desired DNA pattern to allow a melding of alien / human genes.

Possibly certain family traits are higher intellegence, non questioning authority, even a resistence to certain bacteria / virus strains.

Another trait could be the ability to be semi-multidimensional.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:17 PM
Another bit I'll throw into the mix:

I have a friend whom I consider a brother...every bit a brother as my own biological brothers our connection is that deep.

He's an interesting guy. Ex-Military, only child, been through a few heavy experiences/events in his life. Hes currently employed as Embassy/Diplomatic Security.

I've worked in security roles with him previously...and been in some rather hair-raising situations with him both in and outside of any work role. Situations that have posed VERY real threats to our safety...even life.

Yet he is unshakable. Unflinching. Irregardless of it being multiple threats and/or armed threats he just remains cool, calm, collected. He's not one to show fear - at least externally anyway. Its just who and how he is.

Yet he has an incredibly intense fear of 'aliens'. Indeed the picture on the cover of the book Communion.

(I've included the picture referred to, though chose not to link it directly for others possible comfort, I didn't want to perhaps trigger anything for anyone - however, pic is THIS ONE. Please view it ONLY if you feel comfortable doing so).

That picture is like kryptonite to him. Whenever he sees it - or similar - the fear and dread he is visibly overcome with is mindblowing...he starts to shake, sweat, the terror in his eyes and on is face is so apparent...his anxiety just explodes, struggles for breath, the whole lot...he is near petrified. He can barely *speak* about 'aliens' or related topics without obvious discomfort.

Anyway...he and I were talking one evening about the subject. His mother and grandmother were also present at the time. They relayed to me an experience they had that was very interesting.

The story they shared was this:
One evening a few years ago they were all sitting in their lounge watching TV. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Then - they noticed an object outside their lounge window. They described it as being a silver/grey metallic spinning top looking object about the size of a football. It just sort of descended into view, hovered for a moment, and then ascended and disappeared from view.
What I find interesting is that they also told me that none of them - as you might expect if something like that happened - leapt off their chairs to rush to the window and see what it was...or in anyway said anything like "Whoa, what the heck is that?". To them it was like nothing...and they simply saw it, watched it and then went back to watching TV.
I asked them why they didn't think that a strange thing to have happened. They said "Yes, I suppose it was strange, but for some reason it didn't really register as anything".

What was also interesting was the manner in which they told me this story. My friends mother and grandmother in particular are quite *animated* and expressive people when they speak - and yet as they told me about having seen this object they were almost emotionless...blunted affect...almost like they were simply mentioning the weather.
Once they had completed telling me about it they returned back to their usual animated selves.

Very wierd indeed.


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:30 PM
I believe they seek people that have some spiritual awareness (but still cannot truly access their true Knowledge , or soul , or self-awareness as some call it) , are receptive and wouldn't resist it.

It seems that if you use your experiences with them to get insight on what their intentions truly are and/or resist it , they stop happening. Strenghtening the connection you have to your True Self helps you in the mind environment as to resist the mind controlling they could do to make you not resist.
A good skill to develop is to learn to discern your own thoughts , from your soul and from external interference.

I myself see abductions as nothing good at all , people tend to think they are special for being chosen etc , but you are just "another one" to them :/ sorry

I think of them as 3D beings , very physical , just like you and me , but way more developed in the mind environment.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:53 PM
How can they control us like they do ?

How do they know how we tick ?

How do they manage to be one step infront of us every time they come for us ?

Why do they protect us from death ?

Are they what we will become ?

Take care.

Regards Lee

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:08 PM
I was thinking of starting a similar thread as I have a theory.
Please this is just a theory, I want to discuss this and not do the I'm right, you're wrong debate.

I think that the human race is made up of many sub species.
Mainly Homosapien and Neanderthal now.

I think that the people who are abducted are related to the Neanderthals.

Abductees seem to act and think differently to most other people.

There seems to be some links between Neanderthal people and some personality differences and also some link into the Indigo thing.

I will leave it at that for now.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by h3akalee

Why do they protect us from death ?

Thinking about the death, I have stared it in the face a few times and I wonder if it's a setup, each time it's been a freak accident and each time I have walked away with only minor injuries.

How do they know how we tick ?

How do they manage to be one step infront of us every time they come for us ?

We must be monitored, I have tried moving often. Each time I moved home there would be a wave of UFO sightings in the area reported.

Also sitting up all night waiting, but they just wait until you do eventually fall asleep.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:15 PM
I find that tidbit about how matter of fact they retold their experience interesting.

I had a recent experience myself in quite the opposite direction actually, which may have matched closer to your friend’s irrational fear of the communion picture. In general words do not affect me and having been brutally teased for most of my youth, words literally no affect in throwing me off keel. However when I read the Scott Jones Plan C document or some of you may know it as the Rockefeller disclosure initiative, something akin to irrational rage swept over me.

The document in question is located @

The specific portion of the document that had me go haywire, and believe I am and was confused as to why I would have such a strong reaction to the following wording. I point out that at the time I read this it literally read like they were looking to overtly legalize and enforce further experimentation on abductees.

Here is the wording:

"It must be acknowledged that thousands of citizens have had non-consenting relationships with some of the Visiting Others. These encounters appear to have been part of medical and genetic research that we can assume was important to the Visiting Others. Justice is certainly owed to these citizens and their families, and it should come first from the Visiting Others in a form of special psychological and physical health support and benefits"

My reaction to the above was so polarized it shocked me and it took a good 3 months of trying to figure out why and convincing myself that this would never be allowed to occur for me to get to a point where I can read it without wanting to harm the person who wrote it.

The contrast is that in general I can speak about abductions, UFO, global consciousness and thought insemination issues in a very matter fact manner. I can read accounts and remain fairly detached, even though at time portions do resonate with me. Even the ugly side of some of these encounter stories does not get much of a reaction. I do empathize deeply with some and can feel the pain or joy that was experienced, but there has always been a control factor in which I would be able to back away slowly if something did not feel right.

Plan C however was like someone had directly threatened my family and I was literally reacting like a cornered animal ready to do harm, or lash out at potential captors. I still cannot explain the irrationality behind this reaction but it is still there as an undercurrent though much more in control emotionally today in regard to the text.

Interesting what simple text or a picture can do to someone.

I hope this was not too much off topic if so I do apologize.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by EldersCouncil]

[edit on 14-11-2008 by EldersCouncil]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by alien

They picked me up and shoved me into a cupboard similar to what bodies are put into inside a morgue. At first I was frightened and I started to panic, kicking my feet against the door and shouting. After a couple of minutes I realised this was pointless so I just laid there quiet and tried to relax. A short while later they released me and explained it was a test and that I had passed.

It is our fears that restrict us and hold us back.
If we have nothing to fear, then nothing can stop us.

They want us to overcome our fears.
Some terrible things happen to us, but most of the time we walk away with only very minor physical harm.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:32 PM
Are you 25 ?

Take care.

Regards Lee

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by alien

Thanks for the thread. I had contemplated one of my own but lacked the stamina.

I think the reason for abduction running in families is genetic...starting with the lack of RH Factor in the blood. I stumbled on this when I started to reach out to other contactees.

Early on in my experiences with tall greys I asked the usuall question..Why me? The answer I recieved was something like "It's in the blood". I started asking other experiencers that I ran into on various groups on line as to what their blood type was...Negative types were the norm.

Negatives make up less than 14% of the worlds population but from the groups I am involved with they make up more than 75%.

The blood type could be one of the reasons for so many abduction cases in the western countries as the concentration of the negative factor is in the U.K, U.S, Australia and Canada.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:41 PM
No but I had many experiences around that age.

Including my car brakes failing at 100mph down a country lane and I walked away with a few bruises, the car wasn't so lucky.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:47 PM
Lightchild I find that to be a recurring message, among abductees, and in some case the passing of the test is followed up with some interesting stories of what was shown to the abductee.

Let me put a spin on that for you, and when reading it remember it is just a spin not some provable fact or something you should be running to the bank with.

If I want to control the emotional mindset of a large population how would I go about it to do it efficiently in such a way that it would look like it was in their best interest or that the methods used would seem absurd at best.

If the brain is a signal processor, then which signals would I need to record and use in a feedback loop?

You said you stopped moving basically put yourself in a suspended wait and see mode. Although there must have been apprehension you maintained a "there is nothing I can do about this mental state"

If aliens were to overtly take over and rule this world and your brain is fed the "there is nothing I can do about this mental signal" followed up with a "this is for our own good signal" will you be able to override it?

just a wierd spin on the abduction situation

[edit on 14-11-2008 by EldersCouncil]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by alien

why were certain families selected in the first place?


Hi alien,
Interesting subject. If you know the answer then you can understand a lot about this world and all its problems. So far noone seems to put it all together.

I have a friend in high places who gives me much of this understanding but just keeping up with the literature helps too.

We humans are abducted by higher beings who by nature of their superior thinking, technology and mental powers are able to do what they want with us. There are many, many alien species, groups, aliences and etc. Who all these aliens are, their origin and goals is poorly understood. But it is true that abductions occur in a family line, often generation after generation. The reason is that one ET group is responsible for that family. They may have refined the genetic material, they are probably responsible for guiding the souls of the family and abductee. The soul group of the family and the ETs are probably related also. So those ETs are essentially your friends even though they may scare you to death. The soul is eternal, the soul goes through many life experiences this is just one. ETs are the immediate higher power who are your soul guides. (They are not God, they operate at a much lower level.)

They may be involved with your physical body also and may be using the genetics, the body fluids and who knows what all for purposes known only to them.

ETs operate under their own strict laws and moral codes. But there are many ETs each with their own agenda which is permitted. ETs and their human familys are probably responsible for the strange and varied happenings around the country and world. By design ours is not a eutopia but rather a world in constant termoil so that our souls may learn and experience the negatives associated with all the bad (and good) feelings and emotions generated in such an environment.

Sit back and enjoy, it can be an exciting ride!

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 12:23 AM
This thread couldn't have come at a better time and I'm very glad it was started! I'm getting some very interesting information from all of you and, in conjunction with my own experiences, I may be able to start filtering out extraneous information for the first time ever. Many of you seem to have at least one key event to share with the rest of the group, with other minor events branching off from it. I've been rather closed-lipped but I'm starting to feel a bit more comfortable with all of you.

I'm not a spiritual person, by nature. I consider myself to me more analytical than anything so, in that regard, I do not share major personality traits with the rest of you. I do not know what my blood type is (strange, considering my medical history-- I SHOULD know but asking never seems to get me straight answers!). My ethnicity is mostly western European with a little Scandinavian and Native American. I do have a very high IQ but you wouldn't know it most of the time!

I have 2 implants of the terrestrial variety which seem to elicit significant interest on the part of nocturnal visitors. I enjoy reading books by Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, and Brian Greene in what little spare time I get but that's the extent to which I am familiar with higher dimensions. I am a scientist in a field that would be expected, given my own early childhood experiences. One of my earliest memories involves a black and white patterned room that seemed to cave in as I approached the corner (the room shrank around me as I tried to reach a tiny door that was placed there). I remember hearing a strange stuccato chattering laugh and seeing rusty clouds like overturned spoons in the sky. I remember eyes in my walls, terrifying moths, and cold hands on my arms as I lay paralyzed in my bed. I was 10 when I remember seeing dark eyes on a face that glowed in the bluish pre-sunrise light of my room. I did not move, scream, or speak. When it was gone, my hair stood on end as an hot, electrifying buzz raced down my spine. I felt this scalding parasthesia rise each time I saw eyes in the dark and only remembered to breathe when I could no longer see them staring back at me. I was already standing-- awake--each time.

Could I have been asleep? The scientist in me screams, "YES!" Attributing these memories to dreams was always safer than considering the alternative. I saw the cover of "Communion" for the first time in my 8th grade classroom. Someone else had brought it in and, like many of you, I felt torn between staring at it and flipping it over. Eventually, I did flip it over and read the back. Only THEN, did I start to ask questions. But... I kept hitting walls. I don't know if anyone else has tried to ask family members about this stuff but I got the distinct feeling that no one wanted to discuss it seriously. It was sort of like asking about an estranged relative who did something terrible before running away and disappearing. There are some topics that just aren't appropriate to discuss and the grown-ups in your life have a way of quashing your curiosity.

Since I'm still not sure whether or not I want to accept abduction as a possibility, I thought that it might be good to study the topic from a logical perspective. I'm trying to pack away my feelings, hold the topic at arm's length, and dissect it. If a pattern exists, and I can't find a place for myself in it, then I can just disregard the whole thing (Whew! Thought I was really losing my mind there!)! I'm looking for a reason to exclude myself. I already know that I can rule out seizure and sleep disorders based on previous medical testing. So... what's left? If abductees all possess a (collection of) trait(s) and I don't, who cares? I'm perfectly safe (and perhaps able to do something useful with all that information I collected!)! I'd be able to feel bad for the rest of you but at the same time, feel relief that I am safe in my own bed at night/car on the road/etc.

You see, I really don't know what I perceived. It all seemed too vivid to be a dream but I can't say for certain that it wasn't just that. Wouldn't it be nice if we were all just dreaming?

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