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Good Triumphs Over Evil? Fairy Tale or Reality?

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:27 AM
I'm with Paul Richard, without being so specific in the jargon

If you truly believe this physical world you perceive with your bundle of human senses is all there is, then perhaps 'evil can triumph over good' or some such.

On the other hand, if you believe this existence is more like a kindergarten for souls to learn and grow, then yeah good will always win, albeit on a 'higher' level. Are we simply being tested in this life?

Of course, there are many who feel this world is more of a prison for souls and should be destroyed, and this peculiar philosophy is actually the true source of most of the 'evil' you speak of. Who knows, maybe they're right and evil is actually good...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Shar_Chi

On the other hand, if you believe this existence is more like a kindergarten for souls to learn and grow, then yeah good will always win, albeit on a 'higher' level. Are we simply being tested in this life?

I think that the "kindergarten for the soul" theory has as much validity as anything else, possibly more. I don't necessarily see how that guarantees that good will triumph in the end though. I seem to remember the bullies getting worse after kindergarten.

Again, I would love to believe with all my heart that Karma exists and that people truly get what they deserve in the end, but I think that requires as much faith as any other mainstream religion.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
On the other hand, if you believe this existence is more like a kindergarten for souls to learn and grow, then yeah good will always win, albeit on a 'higher' level. Are we simply being tested in this life?

Originally posted by Karlhungis
I think that the "kindergarten for the soul" theory has as much validity as anything else, possibly more. I don't necessarily see how that guarantees that good will triumph in the end though. I seem to remember the bullies getting worse after kindergarten.

Again, I would love to believe with all my heart that Karma exists and that people truly get what they deserve in the end, but I think that requires as much faith as any other mainstream religion.

With some investigation blind faith is (thankfully) no longer necessary.

You are right in that those bullies usually do get worse as time goes on, as there really aren't any 'checks and balances' on This Side.

However, what you don't see -- perhaps just don't remember intuitively -- is what evil souls go through after they transition to the Other Side. They are forced through their own moral degradation away from The Light to experience all the emotional feelings of abuse that they inflicted upon others, and from their own retrogression are unable to leave the lower, hellish dimensions. While the spiritually conscientious who were persecuted by them ascend to a relatively higher plane in The Light.

Granted, ascension on the Other Side is all a matter of degree, depending on the growth and development of any given individual.

The Light is not a respecter of groups, beliefs, or affiliations. No bully has ever overcome the rules surrounding The Light although many still try constantly to no avail

Everyone is treated fairly. That is, whether they agree with that appraisal or not (oftentimes a learning experience in itself for the newly transitioned) and regardless of one's belief system, religion, faith, or philosophy.

Which is why near-death experiences occur in every religion, philosophy, and culture.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

I appreciate that you speak with such conviction. Have you personally had a NDE? I have a family member that has and it really did change his life. Interestingly enough though, he has led a very "Karma Challenged" life yet still had a very positive NDE.

NDE's are a fascinating topic.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

This is perhaps slightly off topic, but since the OP himself brought up NDEs, I can not resist quoting horsegiver:

I have had several NDE's, and I can assure you that the human body is simply a vehicle, much like the the car you drive, but it isn't you.
When you die, you 'black out' momentarily,within a second, you will find yourself standing beside your 'body'.
The last time it happened to me, I was 'outside' my body looking back at it with a sense of complete indifference, as I was fully aware that I was in fact, a spiritual being having had a human expereience, and not a human being having a Spiritual experience.

Those are words worth remembering. So go and star that post, people!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:14 AM
Good and evil are sides of the same coin and none can exist without the other.

We need evil to appreciate good, and we need good to recognize evil.

Yin/yang, day/night, male/female. Try picking a winner.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by Paul_Richard

I appreciate that you speak with such conviction. Have you personally had a NDE? I have a family member that has and it really did change his life. Interestingly enough though, he has led a very "Karma Challenged" life yet still had a very positive NDE.

NDE's are a fascinating topic.

I've had After Death Communications (ADC's) and partial astral projections but no NDE yet in this life. I have been waiting for many years to have an NDE in order to finalize some long-term goals (improved over time) in The Light, e.g., the creation of a Secondary Godhead Sun (another topic), before coming back.

One of the more memorable partial astral projections that I have had in recent years gave me the illuminating experience and comfort of what it is like to not have to breathe

I have also had many challenging experiences in the area of discarnate demonic attack over the years. Invariably, these souls, usually combined in Group Entities, weaken themselves (shrink their consciousness) from their unethical application of their energy -- to the point of eventually being indirectly forced to disband. A very frustrating situation for them. This being an illustration of the principle of Universal Law governing The Light at work.

My mother had an NDE in 2002 while lying in the hospital from a relatively minor stroke coupled with pneumonia and type 2 diabetes. She said that all her physical pain went away completely and she found herself in the presence of two old men with long white robes. She told them that she was ready to move on. They replied that she still had things to do and then she found herself back in her body, and had a slow recovery thereafter.

It should be mentioned that not all NDE's are positive. A small percentage are quite negative. Regardless, they all point to a continuation of consciousness and personality after one vacates the body.

Negative Near-Death Experiences

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:40 PM
There is no such thing as good or evil, in my opinion. There are events and perception. The fact that there is no definite seperation and "varying shades of grey" is evidence to this. From a "moral" stance, we would all agree killing is wrong . . . yet, what makes killing/murder evil in some cases and okay in others . . . perception. We (sic) must kill to survive, which is the driving motivator of our existence, be it plant, animal, or human. However, we rationalize some killing as acceptable. Problem is everyone has a different level of acceptence and not all rationalizations apply to all people.

From a psychological standpoint . . . the cycle of action says that we have thoughts, which lead to action, which lead to feelings. The problem that arises in almost all of the world's population, is that the material world disrupts this normal (healthy) cycle. So, for most . . . feelings lead to action, which lead to thought . . . or actions lead to feelings/thought, which lead to thought/feelings. Outside stimuli causes us all to reverse the healthy cycle . . . and then we analyze.

It really comes down to advantage/disadvantage . . . anything that causes us disadvantage we tend to classify as "bad" . . . the "badder" something is (to us) the higher up the "evil" scale it moves. Just the opposite for "good" . . . we base off of advantage.

That's why Karma is represented as a scale . . . not an absolute. If you cause disadvantage/pain to others/world . . . it must be balanced out with disadvantge/pain to you. But . . . that pain/disadvantage is purely based on your perception, as the universe just is. As the Taoists say . . . there is no "right" path, there is no "wrong" path . . . there is just a path.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by solomons path
From a psychological standpoint . . . the cycle of action says that we have thoughts, which lead to action, which lead to feelings.

Or even thoughts that lead to feelings that lead to actions!

Unless you are the kind of person that acts without considering things first!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:42 PM
yes . . . but that would still be unhealthy, according to the action cycle. BTW - the action cycle is highly influential to the work of those like Stephen Covey.

If thoughts lead to feelings . . . you are still acting on your feelings/emotion. When, for balance, your actions should drive your emotions . . . not the other way around.

Think stuff through
Receive the emotion that those actions promote (love, peace, acceptance, belonging, accomplishment, et al)

But I get what you're saying . . .

[edit on 11/12/08 by solomons path]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by solomons path

How can one "think stuff through" without "feeling"?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by nerbot

Great question! That is a common trap we all, including myself, fall into.

Feelings are happiness, sadness, anger, love, etc.

Thoughts are "I want friends", "I love my family", "I want a new job", etc.

So . . . if someone is depressed, they may go to work everyday then just come home. Friends may call but they stay home. Spouses may ask for stuff to be done, but they don't "feel" like it. Their "feelings" are driving their actions . . . which only lead one to think about it. Why don't I have any friends? Why is my spouse mad at me? . . . all of this makes them feel worse, which leads to more destructive action.

Conversely, if someone is depressed and they realize "I do want to see my friends/go out" . . . "my spouse is asking for my help, so I will" and they act on those . . . this will lead to positive emotions/feelings.

So the process should go . . . for someone with no friends
"I want friends"
action: smile, say hello to people, get out of the house and socialize
emotion: happiness, belonging

For most of the population, it's reversed
emotion: sad, isolated
action: frown, stay in, complain about life, maybe abuse drugs/alcohol
"Why don't I have any friends?" . . . "Why does my life suck?"
=more sadness, isolation.

It's all how you perceive events and react to them, and such is "good"/"evil". However, "good"/"evil" are usually taught to us in some way, be it conciously or sub-consciously. So, when we see "good"/"evil" it's an emotional response to an event. A response that clouds/shapes our thoughts and directs our actions. The thoughts that follow the action are the reason people feel regret or vindication. However, at that point it's all rationization.

Pretty general discriptions, but I hope you can see my point. Now, whether you agree or not . . . that's for you to "think" about.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:30 PM
If I look at the world and say, "What a terrible place!" good is lost to me.

I I look at the world and say, "I'll do the best I can." good triumphs with me.

In the end, the only evil we can stop is our own. We only choose how to react to everything else.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:40 PM
Something I should have added above . . .

In regards to how it relates to good and evil, usually we view actions performed out of hatred, fear, ignorance as "evil" . . . unless we are of the same belief structure . . . in that case, we may be indifferent or, to the extreme, "good".

Rhwandan genocide and the invasion of Iraq are two good examples of this.

EDIT . . . Great Post Traveller!!! star for you!!

[edit on 11/12/08 by solomons path]

posted on May, 31 2014 @ 03:34 PM

Good Triumphs Over Evil? Fairy Tale or Reality?

Answer - unknown. We'll find out in the next life which is stronger.
I like to think good is ... at least in the next life.
In this one I'm not so sure.

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