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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by antar
The truth is the hardest of all to comit to the writen word as words are their tools and doubt is their trumph card. When truthtelling i have always found that intrusions occour when i press for the truth. The nay sayers will never be swayed in their convictions of their own certenties we can only hope to find our own truths be questioning all that they afferm to be "true".Your courage in this telling is without doubt plain to see i just worrie about naming names as names have power of summoning so please err on the side of caution as those who see do not need the names to be named to know of whom you speak.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by 4shore?

That is what I have attempted to do, not in the beginning but as I experienced what people were going through just reading this, I knew that it would be safer for all if I just kept to my side of the story and not bring in names as you say, I did however have people contact me via u2u who knew exactly what names or families are involved in the circle of people mentioned in this telling.

There are clues happening even now, today which show me that their plan and the gates themselves are continuing to be opened and that many of the less developed or lower astral souls and entities are connecting with powerful people to make this world more to what they wish it to be, a hell hole.

Some people cry out for disclosure of the ET type, but it is so much more than they are willing to accept if the truth be told. I am not saying all ET are that way but which part of disclosure could the Governments share? I dont think it is the type people wish to discover.

As long as these entities are still in control, we are not yet ready and you only have to pick up a newspaper or look online at current affairs to know if it is not in your own backyard just what 'types' the Governments are in line with.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:08 PM
Hello OP.

To become a good intuitive, should we modify our diet plans?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by antar
thankyou for the reply i was meaning the names of the oldest not of the family. i too see the signs but it seems to be the lot of man to repeat the past. I hope that in this age off mass media we may come out of the woodwork and stand together where our weight of numbers shows the nay sayers that they are truelly in the minorrity and it is them not us that should wake up to the true potentiall of what life is about.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:33 AM
Interesting read! I'd believe it but it reads too much like a cheap sci fi novel and lacks details such as any real place or evidence that could prove it to be otherwise. I have a relative with schizophrenia who has events like this that occur when he has missed taking his medication, I think you should seek help.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Ruffian

That is a great question, in short yes.

Let me explain, when a being becomes illuminated, they have the choice to either remain eating meat, flesh which is a very aggressive habit, it makes the sensitivity much more difficult to tune into. This is perhaps why many Enlightened Masters of the past have chosen to come into bodies from the east, because for many eastern societies even if they begin eating meat at an early age it is an accepted norm for them to graduate to a vegetarian diet as they grow older.

It also signifies for those societies how in youth, we are aggressive male yang energy, and as we incorporate a balance and wisdom into our lives we become more passive, receptive, yin energy.

Naturally, when you become more sensitive, open and willing to experience this existence as it is, in its raw form and not the dressed up version we all become attuned with through geographics, religion. politics, traditions, it becomes very difficult to take flesh into your body.

I am in no way stating that in order to be an empath or light worker you must refrain from eating flesh, that is a personal path one chooses, but if you are asking the question then that must mean somewhere inside you there is a conflict.

My suggestion is to do only that which is natural for you. meditate daily, and if you choose to drop or maintain eating meat then that's what you do, there is enough struggle happening in our world, this is not such an important matter, once you become aware, alert and living in your heart, then your body will either drop the flesh eating or continue.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by 4shore?

Even though this thread is about portals and lower astrals developing within our dimensional space, it is also dealing with the connections to the Governments and why they are not able to come clean with the whole ET disclosure, if they do we need to be very much aware of the back room deals and hidden agendas attached to the fuel they feed the UFO community.

If it comes from Governmental level, Military I would not suggest becoming part of it, ignore it completely.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by galah85

Wow, thank you, if only I could have written a cheap sci-fi instead, I wouldnt be worried about paying the bills next week!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by galah85

Wow, thank you, if only I could have written a cheap sci-fi instead, I wouldnt be worried about paying the bills next week!

Actually, speaking as a reader of fiction, an aspiring novelist, and an open-minded skeptic...your writing style and the quality there-of is far above that of "cheap sci-fi". In other words, you're a pretty darn good writer.

And, incidentally, that has absolutely nothing to do with the veracity or believability of your accounts. I've occasionally been criticized for the overly literary way I sometimes talk about myself. That's just how I express myself. It doesn't mean what I'm saying is any more or less true! You can lie about the entire history of the world in one sentence more easily than you can use 5000 words to describe one single, true moment in time.

edit on 27-9-2010 by elliotmtl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by elliotmtl

Actually, speaking as a reader of fiction, an aspiring novelist, and an open-minded skeptic...your writing style and the quality there-of is far above that of "cheap sci-fi". In other words, you're a pretty darn good writer.

Again wow thankyou, I appreciate kudos from fellow writers far more than anyone else, we seem to pull down the best of the best from the ethers at times and that alone is the writers biggest blessing. It just goes to show there is nothing new in the Universe. This however is a true account and so...

And, incidentally, that has absolutely nothing to do with the veracity or believability of your accounts. I've occasionally been criticized for the overly literary way I sometimes talk about myself. That's just how I express myself. It doesn't mean what I'm saying is any more or less true! You can lie about the entire history of the world in one sentence more easily than you can use 5000 words to describe one single, true moment in time.

That is so true my friend, it is never the stuff that hits the individual's experience and retold that is considered non fiction. That is why I always take others work literally at times when it was presented as fiction. It also touches on creating our own reality, as a collective I mean. This explains how the networks can allow some of the worst possible smut, human degradation to be aired while there are wonderful writers out there starving to death.

Thanks for clarifying, I would love to read your work sometime, have you done the short story forum yet? there is a contest going right now on the Halloween theme and it is always great to see new writers join in the fun.

Check it out here please:

You will see the majority of my fiction stuff on that forum is quite different than what I have shared here.

edit on 27-9-2010 by antar because: I messed up on the editing of ellimt's post...

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by antar
It is said that the truth only comes out of the "insane rantings" of the mad and the poor as they have no vested interest to maintain. It is also true that it is easy to critisise but hard to create so unless they have anything to offer instead of denegrating what they will never be able to understand they should just leave the thread and go where their scourn is best applied, in a mirror perhaps. The lower Astrals are here and they have no need to show themselves to those who they already posses so if you have never had an experience that is beyond ordinary explainations then you are already lost. Your soul is very prescious and if you are carefull it will last forever and if your not you will be returned to whence you came alass never to wander on the higher levels that we are aware of and strive to explore. Matter and stuff may be seen as great but they do not last forever, beware. To antar thankyou for encouringing me to commit to the writen word, my tale is convoluted and weaves a tenuous path which would be easy to deny except for moments of ripeness when new levels have been opened along the way. I too have smelt their presence and it was truelly terrifying as it woke me to the truth of the repucussive effects that occour along our path and the consequences that we have to answer too.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by 4shore?

It does smell old doesnt it? Rank and tedious has been their travels through time, our dimension. The real problem is that they really hate us, despise us with everything they have
and you can see it played out through history, if you just look at what is happening worldwide now it makes the atrocities of past seem like practice, I mean take a look at just the recent past:

Rank Death Toll Event Dates
1 55,000,000 Second World War (Some overlap w/Stalin. Includes Sino-Japanese War and Holocaust. Doesn't incl. post-war German expulsions) 1937/39-1945
2 40,000,000 China: Mao Zedong's regime. (incl. famine) 1949-76
3 20,000,000 USSR: Stalin's regime (incl. WW2-era atrocities) 1924-53
4 15,000,000 First World War (incl. Armenian massacres) 1914-18
5 8,800,000 Russian Civil War 1918-21
6 4,000,000 China: Warlord & Nationalist Era 1917-37
7 3,000,000 Congo Free State [n.1] (1900)-08
8 2,800,000 Korean War 1950-53
8 2,800,000 2nd Indochina War (incl. Laos & Cambodia) 1960-75
10 2,500,000 Chinese Civil War 1945-49
11 2,100,000 German Expulsions after WW2 1945-47
12 1,900,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-(99)
13 1,700,000 Congolese Civil War [n.1] 1998-(99)
14 1,650,000 Cambodia: Khmer Rouge Regime 1975-79
15 1,500,000 Afghanistan: Soviet War 1980-89
16 1,400,000 Ethiopian Civil Wars 1962-92
17 1,250,000 East Pakistan: Massacres 1971
18 1,000,000 Mexican Revolution 1910-20
18 1,000,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-88
18 1,000,000 Nigeria: Biafran revolt 1967-70
21 917,000 Rwandan Massacres 1994
21 800,000 Mozambique: Civil War 1976-92
23 675,000 French-Algerian War 1954-62
24 600,000 First Indochina War 1945-54
24 600,000 Angolan Civil War 1975-94
26 500,000 Decline of the Amazonian Indians (1900-99)
26 500,000 India-Pakistan Partition 1947
26 500,000 First Sudanese Civil War 1955-72
29 450,000 Indonesia: Massacre of Communists 1965-66
30 365,000 Spanish Civil War 1936-39
? >350,000 Somalia: Chaos 1991-(99)
? >400,000 North Korea: Communist Regime

Or go back even further:

Our world has had a history of torture while Kings and Royalty go virtually unscathed, why? How can the few capture and enslave the many? The answers are clear if you look:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Prehistoric warfare
Mythological wars
Battle of Zhuolu about 2500 BC
Kurukshetra War, based on warfare in the Kuru kingdom of ancient India, ca. 3000-900 BC
Trojan War, based on events of ca. 1200 BC
Battle of Magh Ithe in Ireland, supposedly 2530 BC
ca. 2500-2450 BC - Border wars between Umma and Lagash
ca. 2492 BC - Battle between Haik and Nimrod
ca. 2330 BC - conquest of Sumer by Lugalzagesi
2300 BC - conquests of Sargon of Akkad
ca. 1720 BC - Kassite attacks on Babylon
1650-1600 BC - conquests of Hattusili I and Mursili I
1600 BC - Hyksos conquest of Egypt
1600 BC - Xia-Shang War in China
1430-1350 BC - Kaska invasions of Hatti
1100 BC - Sea Peoples harrying the Mediterranean; Dorian invasion
1046 BC - Shang-Zhou War in China.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by antar

Question: What if all those wars and all those deaths are just the birth pangs of a new and golden age?

Answer: Nothing is 'just' anything, and pain hurts.

Question: What can men do against such reckless hate?

Answer: Refuse to return it, no matter what?

Question: When is it ok to answer a question with a question?

Answer: When you only know part of the answer.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by antar

Yes, that list has all to do with them. I totally agree. They love wars because they feed on the fear/hate energy. If that energy is missing they begin to starve and go crazy. Their power is dependent on having their "meal".

edit on 28-9-2010 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Your answer is correct and also I have to say that religions have perpetuated the situation throughout the ages.

This is why we forget about making the enlightened beings made 'Saint', they choose people sometimes who only further the atrocities, people like Mother Teresa.

Without war orpans, she would have been nothing in history, they feed on the remains of the wars and that makes them pious?

Change the situation if you can, and they dont. So as said before if your not part of the solution you are part of the problem.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by elliotmtl

I do not agree with that, birth pangs for a positive world would not be a contuinance of the same old patterns which keep man in bondage.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by antar

I say this not to be argumentative but to learn, because I don't know much about Mother Teresa...

in what sense can she be thought of as furthering the atrocities? I don't see how helping a victim of an atrocity is furthering the atrocity in and of itself - so what did she do besides help?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by antar

Im not sure how Mother Theresa is part of he conspiracy though


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by antar

When I said nothing is 'just' anything and pain hurts, I was trying to counter the idea that the ends justify the means, that it's ok to perpetuate violence because its necessary to bring in a better 'new age'. In other words, I was agreeing with you

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:51 AM
Oops I figured that would be a brazen example...

What I am saying is that the Catholic Church, all churches for that matter don't make money and members when everything is going good, they come in handy most when people are in anguish and despair. Now don't go all literal on that, I know there are exceptions.

I am not putting down anyone's faith, I have sampled them all myself in the past, distant past.

Mother Teresa is a perfect example, if the church had not agreed to the wars and blessed those going in, there would have been no orphans in the first place, and without the disfigured and deformed, sick and displaced children of war, Mother Teresa would not have been used by the church to become the saint she was.

What did she change? How are things different? Did she simply follow orders or did she go up against the church and fight for the rights of the children against war and the abominations they created all in the name of God, of a geographic, geopolitical God?

I am not here to console you, but to make you think.

As long as she states that birth control, abortion is not appropriate, the world will continue to follow dead roads leading to death and misery.

Misery makes headlines, misery makes money, and misery makes 20th century Saints.

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