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Holy Hanna go to the DOCTOR!

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posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 07:58 AM
it's 3;41 am as I begin this rant.

About twenty minutes ago I went back to bed (for the second time) and tried to fall asleep.

My man....goodness love him...I will kill him myself if he doesn't get his rear end to a doctor and get the snoring checked out.

It's not just's a mixture of rather frightening GAGGING sounds, followed by coughing, a few grumbles and then right back to snoring.

He stops breathing periodically throughout the night at least 40 times!! and I'm not exaggerating.

yes yes I KNOW it's CLEAR indicator that there is something wrong...

He had a heart attack about 5 months ago...refused to go to the Hospital, brushed it off as indigestion or low blood pressure...

Day two I dragged him in to the ER...yep heart attack. Can you believe they offered him FREE and IMMEDIATE MRI and he refused????????

He hates hospitals and doctors and was rude and obnoxious while there...

Imagine refusing an MRI???? FREE NO WAIT OMG...he didn't want to wait the hour it took to set up and collect a short medical history.

He has WPW - Wolfe Parkinson White...had two ablations that failed and decided all doctors were useless.

I sleep with ear plugs in. I hate it because if he does stop breathing one night and has an arrhythmia I'll wake up to a corpse.

I tell him often how really sh*tty it would be for me to have to call his two girls and tell them he's dead...nadda.

I've tried nagging.

Refusing sex is not an option ever so forget that suggestion.

I've tried making appointments for him...nadda.

Tonight...I threw the covers off and stomped out of the room...I'm exhausted and REALLY want to the same right I know he can't help snoring, and he has to work in the morning whereas I'm out of work with a bum knee/hip and spend all day thinking about how BORED I am and surfing ATS... in short I end up feeling guilty.

It's not like we PAY here in Canada for most basic medical treatments or Doctor's visits ...

Short of being a real biotch until he does something about it...

Getting him to go to a doctor is the fastest route to a big argument...

suggestions - and I repeat sex is never withheld as punishment between us.

I really KNOW he needs to see a doctor - the snoring is all night , every night...he wakes tired and sore, gets headaches, and above all it's NOT good for his heart!

What avenue to take?

[edit on 11/8/2008 by justgeneric]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by justgeneric

Wow! This is almost IDENTICAL to what I go through with my husband, minus the heart attack. He also snores unbelievably loud, I have to wear ear plugs while sleeping with him (and also throughout the day but for other reasons), he has heart problems (something called a micro valve prolapse- not sure if that is the correct term but it's something like that), he stops breathing in his sleep, and alternates between extremely loud grunts and snoring. I can literally hear him snoring across the house and through closed doors when he goes to bed before I do. It's almost impossible to fall asleep with that level of noise right next to you. I'm looking forward to comments from our medical experts here. My husband absolutely will not listen to me even though it is wearing on us both.

I wear ear plugs, put these strips on his nose that are supposed to curb snoring, give him nose drops, and pinch his nose and kick him a couple dozen times each night to get him to stop snoring... to no avail. That's all I really know to do because he will not see a doctor about it.

I totally understand your pain, JG.

Someone... help! lol

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 10:22 AM
I am betting your husband also does the "earthquake in bed" move's a subconscious thing most snorers do to wake themselves just enough to stop snoring momentarily.

Snoooooore, grunt, gasp, gag, snore, *earthquake* mumble, etc etc etc...

There have been nights when I'm so tired I take my emergency zopilclone (I am an insomniac no less) just to make sure I'm asleep before he is. Even then it is so LOUD it often wakes me up.

It's horrible seeing him wake up literally exhausted, from all the constant twitching and moving, lack of REM (proven that REM cannot occur when a person is snoring) and lack of oxygen...yet he won't DO anything but ignore it.

I'm going to video tape it and see if my doctor can set up a referral to a specialist based on the recording and video. My HI8 does 8 hours...that should be enough proof of a serious problem?

It'll be easy as pie too on accounta my hubby passes out within five minutes of his head hitting the pillow. Stays pretty much asleep all night unless I poke him to roll over.

Gonna charge the battery and get a fresh tape right now while he's still asleep (I have yet to go to sleep)

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 10:33 AM
He sounds like he's suffering from

I bet he's tired all the time and falls asleep on the chair watching TV a lot too.

They will give him a monitor which he will fix to his chest and finger to confirm this.
Fix it up at home,record the results and go back for the diagnosis.

My dad is now on a machine that gently blows air into his mouth which stops his airways closing.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by justgeneric

Hm. Not sure about the 'earthquakes.' In fact, it's typically just the opposite in his case- a foghorn sounded one inch from his ear won't make him budge. A swift kick in his sleep usually gets him to shift just enough to get him to stop snoring for about 2-3 minutes at a time but that's about it. Yes, I know that sounds awful of me but it's worn thin after six years. lol

reply to post by AGENT_T

Yes, sleep apnea. And that is exactly what he does- crashes to sleep instantly. He truly can't help it. Can't remember the last time we made it through an entire movie without him falling asleep on the couch. Or he walks in the door after dark and collapses into bed. Or he will be sitting at his desk, lean back, then he's out like a light. It's a lot like narcolepsy if I didn't know any better but I know that's not it. lol If he sits still or lays down, it's almost a guarantee he'll be asleep in less than ten minutes. Or watching a movie he can make it about 30 minutes. Do you know what the cause of that is?

[edit on 11/8/2008 by AshleyD]

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