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Why is everyone making me feel guilty for NOT liking our new president (elect)

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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:54 PM
This is odd! Since when am i not allowed to dislike our president. Everyone is just all over me when i say, I do NOT Like BARACK OBAMA.

I know this election has been so strangely different than past elections. People are so aggressive and passionate. But i don't like people saying i am ignorant and that i should feel ashamed because i do not love Barack Obama. i know WHY i do not like him and it is largely economically and character based.

I mean i just don't see a lot of reason to proclaim this guy our savior yet. he has no proven track record! he does not have a fool proof financial plan. I am not anti democrat, i actually like the alternation, it keeps things balanced. i feel like he has an almost dangerous amount of power with his oratory skills. he can influence people to a stunning degree. its impressive but only if used for good. and i don't exactly trust him YET. I just do not like the guy. But this isn't about why i do or don't like Obama.

Everyone says "Give him a chance before you hate him!" isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Let him prove himself then love him? Im pretty sure this is how the world works. You don't get married to someone then see if you like them.

I want to know why everyone is so insistent that i should love the guy RIGHT NOW and just love him until he messes up... and when i dont do this i am told i am a RACIST, greedy, uneducated, ignorant, word of mouth listener, media influenced, psycho catholic, fool...or any other of the sort. And i am none of the sort.

I should be able to not like Obama and not feel pressured or guilty. Am i a bad person because i don't? well people are sure trying their best to make me feel that way and its starting to creep me out.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Look around here, you are in good company. The ant-Obama crowd has been in full force following the election. Pretty much every angle is being covered on why we are doomed now because of his election. I am sure you can find plenty of company and will get plenty of support in this thread.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:05 PM
Don't let it get to you. I don't care much for the guy either. I don't exactly hate him, but I don't like him either. And the chanting at his speech last night was a bit too 'cultish' for my liking, and for lack of a better word. This contributes to my dislike of him as well. He is extremely charismatic and can sway some people with just a few pretty words. This can be good, but it has the potential to lead to extremely bad situations and if it does many people will walk right into it smiling and chanting the whole way.

I hope that I am wrong about him. I hope that he really is a great president, but I am not convinced at this point in time that he really is the best choice. As of this moment I feel that his speaking skills are what won him the election. With any luck, it will not be the awful thing that many have predicted here and elsewhere. But until he either proves himself worthy of leading this country, which I'm sorry but he hasn't, or proves himself to be all the nasty things we've all heard or read I am trying to withhold judgment. My thoughts on him have nothing to do with race and everything to do with policies, character, attitude, etc. and no one will make me feel bad for not liking him. I haven't been called any names for it, yet anyway, but I refuse to be made to feel bad for not liking someone.

You shouldn't let them make you feel bad either. You aren't the only one in the country who didn't vote for him.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:10 PM
I see more people complaining right along with ya than jumping all over anti obama-ers arses

Listen, I am not THRILLED about this either, but the truth is this. WE WERE and are on a dangerous path right now in this country and any change is better than continuing down this path.

I guess what made me relax with Obama being elected was when he made his appearance after being elected. IT WAS OBVIOUS the man had been WEEPING.... SOBBING. The signs were there although it was obvious he was trying to NOT show it. I have WEPT that way and that kind of weeping comes from someone who is humble and appreciative. I am surprised more people have not talked about it, but then again, I am sensitive to these things and notice signs like that more than most ppl do.

I DO NOT back his ideas, but I am willing to acknowledge that he IS genuine and humble and to give his plans a chance before shutting him out altogether. AT LEAST they are different.. I would almost accept communism at this point just to rid this country of its selfishness and greed. Yes, I am more anti greed/corruption/selfishness than I am pro myself.

I don't LIKE him, but I am humbled by what he tried to hide from the public and for that, he, in my book at least, has earned and in fact has been given the chance to try out his plan. Whether we like him or not, we are all pulling for the same team here ...... the good of our country and its people.

[edit on 5-11-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Don't let it get to you. I'm surprised (sort of) by the reaction- especially here on a conspiracy site where the members are generally suspicious of the powers that be and leaders. However, one thing I have noticed is that if/when you go against the liberal or politically correct crowd (not limited to ATS), you will often be labeled ignorant, a bigot, a xenophobe, your intelligence will be questioned, you will be accused of being behind the times, etc., depending on the issue. It's as if it's some sort of subconscious tactic to shame you into seeing things their way.

On ATS the behavior especially surprises me. Yes, true, America definitely needs a change. In my opinion, though, definitely not the change Obama plans to bring through his promised plans. Anyways, we'll give him a chance because that is the only option we have at this point. But that doesn't mean we have to like him, worship the man, or are prohibited from expressing our disagreement with his politics or from presenting conspiracy theories related to him.

Every other political figure is opened to criticism so I don't believe Obama should be immune... especially around here. It's supposed to be our 'safe haven' to discuss such things.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:39 PM
it's because obama being president stands for what a lot of this site stands for. it's about revolution and the fact that a simple man can make it that far.

why does that count for more than when previous presidents were elected after being farmers? you're right it doesn't it's stupid. but the point is people recognize an upheavel when they see one, and this "appears" to be one.

i would never vote for either of those AHs in a million years, no one with a brain would. i just saw a lady on tv saying " i voted for mc cain but i didn't vote because of race, i made a philosophical decision based on the TWO candidates."

and she was the "wise" person on the news interview. it's just sick, that lady was twice as old as i am and doesn't have a friggin clue.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:40 PM
I hate him. Not for anything else other than where he wants to take this country. America has made a grave mistake and the third time is usually the charm. (elected bush twice and now this)

I have spent extensive time doing my research on all candidates and their history. After today I'm no longer bitter in terms of loosing, but i am bitter in terms of seeing my countries future go down the tubes.

You are not alone my friend, if we stand up and make our voices heard, we will prevail and survive to top off.

[edit on 11/5/2008 by AndrewTB]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:41 PM
I dont know how humble or genuine he is, i think a lot of that is due to his knowledge of how to speak. I can convince people i am a charming genuine guy. Its easy if you got the right technique. i do it every time i hit on a girl. Its the difference of being that creepy guy and that cute charming guy. I am still waiting for him to show me something. Its hard for me to blindly trust someone. I have to have my trust earned.

Im not going to go around saying Obama supporters are bad or uneducated but i wish some people would at least tell me why they like him other than reading the signs with his name on it back at me. I know what they say, but how is he going to change, why do you like his policies. And these are the same people who will go and say i am ignorant. and i can explain why i don't like him in extreme detail and why i believe he will negatively affect our economy and why i was supporting the guy i was. And they just say i am an idiot and that i just listen to many people who don't like him and that i should make my own opinion and they hand me some youtube videos that will change my mind..HAHA those are the worst videos ever, even the anti obama videos. haha

I just feel like its a political war. the for Obamas and then the people who aren't. And your either with it or your going to get left behind. It almost feels like the way the bible talks about the end of times. I'm not saying it is but thats just the way i am being pressured! I don't like the guy and everyone is trying to convince me to like him. That he is such a great guy and he is goign to save the world an how you can now be proud to be an American! Im no more proud than i was yesterday and i dont see much of a reason to be moe proud. I don't go around trying to convince people to not like Obama. not even my own girlfriend.

And i think electing a president because he is black is as bad as NOT electing a president because he is black. thats a terrible reason to pick a candidate. doesent mean in racist.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:45 PM
the least you could do is congratulate the obama fans for the fact that obama won. be sportsmanslike. maybe you can offer something that you like about him while mentioning the things you dont.
it does not reflect well if you act like a sore loser. if you have not been actin like a sore loser then they should just respect your views and call it a day. debates on politics and religion can get very nasty with some people.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
the least you could do is congratulate the obama fans for the fact that obama won. be sportsmanslike. maybe you can offer something that you like about him while mentioning the things you dont.
it does not reflect well if you act like a sore loser. if you have not been actin like a sore loser then they should just respect your views and call it a day. debates on politics and religion can get very nasty with some people.

I've already done so myself. The thread got moved.

I wasn't going to post in a while, but this thread moved me in a sense.

Obama isn't 100% bad, but I really can't come up with any policies or plans he has that will take us forward.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:49 PM
So Policy wise I'd like to know what you're against, and it better be something other than taxes if you make less than $250k.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Are you that easy for people to make you feel guilty about things? Obama may be just another puppet for the NWO but I'm glad he won and not McCain - I didn't bother to vote for way too many reasons. McCain's choice of Palin was a dumb idea, that woman is pathetic and that's just one reason of many on why he lost.

Either way, we have a new president/puppet and at least it's not going to be that clown who is still in office. Obama has won the hearts and minds of the moronic masses, I love it!

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by djpaec
So Policy wise I'd like to know what you're against, and it better be something other than taxes if you make less than $250k.

His health care plan is unrealistic. It will fall through much like the Clintons plan. If it does pass it will fail.

Obama's energy policy is weak. We need to drill on our own land. He may be for it now, but in the beginning he wasn't. Solar and Wind isn't the answer.

I don't make 250K, but it is an issue. All because you make more money doesnt mean you should have to give a higher % of it away. In the end whoever makes more, pays more anyways.

I can go into far more detail, but i'm taking it easy for now.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:54 PM
Dont feel bad. You dont have to like him.

He doesn't have my respect, for I believe respect and trust is earned based on action, character and track record. Therefore, he has done nothing to gain my respect or trust. Title given to someone based on votes does not mean I respect the person holding the title.

I think he is a horrible choice for this country. He has zero experience, bad judgement, zero track record to show he has what it takes to lead this country, protect this country and actually make changes in this country.

I believe he is good at delivering speeches written by others who are trying to sell him. He was a gimmick, a fad, and he was sold and bought.

And now we are stuck with him for the next 4 years - God help us. This is NOT something I am happy about. And really, I wasn't happy about my choices at all. Even that pisses me off. But there is no way im going to sit here with a smile about this.

Maybe after he is in office for a year and has PROOVEN he is everything he was sold to be.....then I will come back and my response will be different. I hope so. But until then........I will continue to live my life as I do now and hope and pray to God that he doesn't screw things up any worse then they are.

Hang in thereghostlandseller

Also, to those talking about "sore looser". Um. This is NOT a game. THIS is the stake of our country. I don't take it lightly. I will wait and see how this all turns out. Its all I can do.

[edit on 11/5/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by djpaec

So Policy wise I'd like to know what you're against, and it better be something other than taxes if you make less than $250k.

brother if that's all you know after being on ATS, you will never catch up..... Look I didn't vote for either candidate, I voted for Ron Paul.... There is so much that Obama stands for that scares the @@%* out of so many...There's not enough space to put it, search ATS you should find it all.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:59 PM
You don't have to like Obama. It'd be worse if you pretended to like him.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by AndrewTB

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
the least you could do is congratulate the obama fans for the fact that obama won. be sportsmanslike. maybe you can offer something that you like about him while mentioning the things you dont.
it does not reflect well if you act like a sore loser. if you have not been actin like a sore loser then they should just respect your views and call it a day. debates on politics and religion can get very nasty with some people.

I've already done so myself. The thread got moved.

I wasn't going to post in a while, but this thread moved me in a sense.

Obama isn't 100% bad, but I really can't come up with any policies or plans he has that will take us forward.

here's one. his entire campaign rallied many people and inspired them to register to vote and be interested in being involved in our political system.

here is another. the fact that he is a person of color/mixed race will inspire many many minorities and bring more and more people into the political arena to share their views.

if you still can't see anything good about him being elected our next president, then you are just being plain stubborn and there will be no changing your views.

i really can't name any plan or policy that will move us either way or the other, i just hope the policies will be different/better then those of the past 8 years, is all i'm sayin.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Don't let it get to you. Stand by your principals. If you are white and feeling guilty that you might not have voted for him because he's black, don't despair. Obama is only HALF Black. You probably voted on principal, on issues you didn't agree with, on his doctrine you didn't agree with, and on his .....YES! lack of experience. But, they are going to try to tell you it was skin color. When I hear this from people, I like to tell them, "Why YES! I did NOT vote for him because he is HALF WHITE!" This shuts that crowd up.

Can you hear that? That is the sound of Israeli F-15 Fighter Bombers warming up their jet engines. I wonder what they are up to? And, why are those Israeli pilots each carrying a copy of "Iran for Dummies" with them? Hmmmmmm!

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by DarthChrisious
You don't have to like Obama. It'd be worse if you pretended to like him.

But, can you imagine the hilarity this could ensue? I'm thinking about Eddie Murphy in white make-up on a city bus. Do you remember that skit on SNL so many years ago.....except...

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 11:48 PM
i personally voted for Ron Paul. I Live in texas and i get to see him speak a lot here. So i would think at least i would get the slight sympathy from Obama fans for not being a McCain supporter. i don't hate mccain though. he seems like a very great person who would be deserving of being president if anyone. Just i don't want more republicans at this time.

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