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Everything you learned about New World Order is wrong

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posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 12:06 PM
Chris White explains how you may have been thinking your getting to know the truth but your going towards the dark side. check out this vid. it will shift your whole perspective comments?

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 12:51 PM
This was great. All ATSers much watch.
Star and Flag.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Meh... he's just another fundamental Christian who's anti-astro-theology.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Sroek
Meh... he's just another fundamental Christian who's anti-astro-theology.

Maybe so, But this video has some serious truth to it.

I'd like to thank JonathanC for posting this video. Because I fall into this category. I had been falling out of the faith by watching all this anti-Jesus, anti-Christian, anti-Bible crap that dealt with the New World Order.

I watched Zietgiest (part One) and found myself thinking the Bible was created by some evil Illuminati group. I watch David Icke talk about a way to defeat the NWO is to let go of the Christian religion.

Nobody is saying that Christians are perfect. We all know the churches aren't. But the true Church according to the Bible is you. Not the building you worship in.

In fact Jesus (Luke 7:36 - 7:50) explains how people who have been forgiven many sins compared to a little amount of sin tend to love him that much more (my favorite passage).

It says in the Bible that in the last days Deception will be at an extremely high level (I forget the exact quote). I don't nessasarily believe in the rapture, but if the rapture is real... GUESS what ya'll people left behind will be saying? "IT WAS ALIENS!!!"

This is by far the most meaningful video I've ever seen when doing research on these types of subjects... Looks like I need to just do more research on the Bible, and I guess I need to pray more.

IMO... This video was damn near 100% accurate.

[edit on 4-11-2008 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 03:28 PM
It matters not how many videos we watch nor how much research we do because people will ALWAYS believe what they choose to believe. For this reason we will never really unite. How could we if we all believe something different whether its about God, aliens, or the government? Chris White is definitely right about there being ONLY ONE TRUTH. Unfortunately, we won't know what that truth is until whatever is destined to happen on this earth finally happens.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Truthseeker31
It matters not how many videos we watch nor how much research we do because people will ALWAYS believe what they choose to believe. For this reason we will never really unite. How could we if we all believe something different whether its about God, aliens, or the government? Chris White is definitely right about there being ONLY ONE TRUTH. Unfortunately, we won't know what that truth is until whatever is destined to happen on this earth finally happens.

What scares me is that if somehow we ever did Unite... Who's the dictator?

Unity in the World = NWO.

I don't mind uniting... What I have a problem with is being deceived into uniting with something that has a hidden agenda behind it.

But hey... according to the Bible we will encounter the 7 years of tribulation... 3 and a half years of peace... and 3 and a half years of uhhhh.... hell?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 01:58 AM
So basically this guy is saying the zeitgeist movement is trying to turn people against jesus and god and that NWO is BS? Well what if your atheist and don't even believe in god or the bible but believe purely in science? He still doesn't disprove the NWO. That was a waste of 25mins attacking people that seek truth, not worth the watch.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

Originally posted by Sroek
Meh... he's just another fundamental Christian who's anti-astro-theology.

Maybe so, But this video has some serious truth to it.

I'd like to thank JonathanC for posting this video. Because I fall into this category. I had been falling out of the faith by watching all this anti-Jesus, anti-Christian, anti-Bible crap that dealt with the New World Order.

I watched Zietgiest (part One) and found myself thinking the Bible was created by some evil Illuminati group. I watch David Icke talk about a way to defeat the NWO is to let go of the Christian religion.

Nobody is saying that Christians are perfect. We all know the churches aren't. But the true Church according to the Bible is you. Not the building you worship in.

In fact Jesus (Luke 7:36 - 7:50) explains how people who have been forgiven many sins compared to a little amount of sin tend to love him that much more (my favorite passage).

It says in the Bible that in the last days Deception will be at an extremely high level (I forget the exact quote). I don't nessasarily believe in the rapture, but if the rapture is real... GUESS what ya'll people left behind will be saying? "IT WAS ALIENS!!!"

This is by far the most meaningful video I've ever seen when doing research on these types of subjects... Looks like I need to just do more research on the Bible, and I guess I need to pray more.

IMO... This video was damn near 100% accurate.

[edit on 4-11-2008 by Doomsday 2029]

jesus said many things...some good..some bad..if you like to quote him or use his words to influence your view of life...use all his words...dont cherry pick the nice stuff.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:36 AM
Ok, lets make another question, witch will take this Video back to in to its roots.

If you are Elite, you want to know that you are real. How you do that, if there is no evidence from it available? Or anybody even know that its possible, how can you know that youa are, and what you really are capable of?

Lets put it another way.

Your son is growing to Elite, that you represent. He lives his childhood, go schools, learns the world. Then comes the Order. Importance of bloodlines and works from past history to being continued...

You show the other world. You talk to your son about conspiracy and acts of New World Order... And he is not believing them, like most of people doesnt. But then you show evidence, all the members of Elite near your family gtahers together with their sons, and they show the proofs: Yes, we are true, and you are with us in the truth!

How can you calculate your power, if nobody even know thats for real? How can you understand the value of your knowledge and power in society without common knowledge of existance?

I see that even if they want everybody to know something about them self, doesnt mean that it helps the agenda directly to anywhere. Secrets always leaks, but its different question, can those leaks destroy the secrets?

In egoism there is always a will to show, or tell someone what you are up to. Its natural to seek justification to your acts, and to be proud what you have done. That touches also secret society and its members. Theres the leaks.

I see that in thinking about conspiracy, there is nothing to believe, there is only things we should know and understand. Believers are to the religions! Not for truth, thats much more difficult task to understand.

This guy have open the questions from totally wrong directions, when he have started to believe to some thoughts in his way to truth... How can you believe to anything, because everywhere you see just lies? Believing things is the way you loose the truth!

I am just now asking this question, all over again, in question about Russia and NWO. Russia is asking people to believe that they are against NWO, but really, are they, or is it just part of Agenda? If you not believe, you will not act. Thats the problem, because time is running out. Decide your self...

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:52 AM
Well after listening to the video I must say I'm not buying but he's selling. Especially about the part where all the crucified god are concerned. He give no proof, first of all and if you just us common sense you would realize that the suns passage through the seasons can not be faked and as this is the basis for all the solar myths it is hard for me to conceive that the christians were the first to recognize the fact. Around many of these we find the 12 apostle or tribes etc which represent the 12 signs of the zodiac which the sun also passes through. Also he is trying to say that in the case of Horus the sun god of the Egyptions were carved into the walls of many of the tombs sometime after the date Jesus is supposed to be born on. Many weren't even discovered until the 18 and 19 centuries. So for the Catholic church to have forged them would be impossible. I think this man means well but is slightly deluded. Don't let him delude you. By all means check and verify what I'm saying and what he has said. He mentions secular historians mention of Jesus, but many of the quotes that I have read by historians have been very vage only mentioning the christos not jesus in very general terms. Sorry but I think he is very miss guided if not with another agenda. Once again only spouting his beliefs with no evidence. I have not included any either so go do some research and I think you will find the truth. S&S

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:31 PM
what a video! good job good post! i dont see all of it from my point of view but i do take some good information from this.

[edit on 6-11-2008 by born2BWild]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:27 PM
Jesus, if he was real, is never coming back out of the eastern sky on the back of a heavenly motorcycle at the world's grimmest hour because he's just a bunch of moldy bones lying in a crypt in Jerusalem, and, brother, he's not the Ghost Rider.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:44 PM
It's the same old arguments for Christianity.

The first thing wrong with this video is when he states that "they" are controlling your mind and turning you anti-christian by letting you see stuff that appears anti government, yet everything you see is what "they" approve of. Then that would include this video? If this video managed to escape "their" notice then why couldn't all of the other underground videos?

The other thing wrong with that is most of the anti-government/anti-nwo stuff is put out by Christians.

Then you have to wonder. Who is this "They"? He implies that the UFO and other myths are started by an organized group, but in fact the new age movement and conspiracy movement is much less organized that the Christians who produced this video.

He is saying that you have to believe in Jesus just because you can't find evidence against him! By that logic I also have to believe in big foot and reptilians. He is making the same argument for Jesus that he says not to use for aliens and other beliefs.

He tries to vilify the Catholic church while separating "other" Christian factions from it and saying that these "real" Christians are an innocent minority. However compared to all of the worlds religions, Born again Christians and Catholics are closer than any other faiths. LOL

Then he attacks Gnostics and associates them with the catholic church. As someone studying Gnosis, I can tell you that Gnosis has a very different interpretations of things than the catholic chruch and Christianity. In fact, compared to other world views, Modern Gnosis is much closer to Hindu and Toaism.

The fact is that the Christians "minority" religion systematically oppressed other faiths in America. Witches and indigenous peoples around the world have been unable to practice their beliefs openly for a long time because of Christians. There is a reason why people want to get rid of Christianity, and it is because of it's own intolerance towards other faiths and lifestyles. Christianity is even much more intolerant than Islam, and you don't have to take my word for that. Speak to an Islamic person and they will not try to turn you into a Muslim or say that you will go to hell for not being Islamic. Christians on the other hand will condemn everyone else to hell.

He uses the old "Christians have been persecuted" argument. Every group has been persecuted! Just because a group has been persecuted doesn't mean that it's ideology is correct. Jews have been enslaved and persecuted much longer than Christians. And black people have been slaves on every continent in the world since civilization began, does that make black's right about everything?

Then he bashes Zietgiest which is a very accurate and well researched documentary. He just simply says it's wrong and expects you to go with it because he said so.

Listen people. If you are finding that you are not liking Christianity, then think to yourself why? Is it really because some video told you not to? If so then you need to stop watching videos.

Or is it because of all the oppression that Christianity has caused around the world. Maybe it's because you could be physically attacked for being a Pagan or gay in middle America or the bible belt. Maybe it's because you truly want to liberate your mind for the constraints of one religion and study the bible and other religious texts with your own interpretations, with the freedom to accept what you want and reject what you don't, without anyone telling you what you can and can not accept or reject.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:06 AM
Well that is 17 minutes I will never get back.... (SIGH) Good thing I only watched half of it.



This video, and things like it, is why I have such a strong distaste for christianity and oganized religion in general. I wonder why they have such strong desires to see others conform to their religious ideology. Is it fear? Are they afraid that they are wrong, so they feel the need to constantly reinforce their beleifs by indoctrinating others? Is it the need to feel superior? Literally 'Holier Than Thou'? Why do christians in general feel the need for it to be "Us verses Them"?
I would honestly BE a christian right now if I had been allowed to make my own mind up. If christians as a whole actually lived the message of peace and humility and understanding, then I would BE a christian. Unhesitantly, unflinchingly. That right there is why I don't believe them. Because if there were a god, he wouldn't invite people such as that into his kingdom. 'Kingdom' itself is a fallacy. If god were really omnipotent and omniscient then it wouldn't BE a 'kingdom', it would just BE. He wouldn't NEED your worship, because only flawed beings with egos, need to have those egos stroked by the worship of 'lesser beings'. IF god were all knowing and all wise, then he wouldn't need subservience. Only flawed beings feel the need to be superior. That is why we are not created by god in his image, 'God' was created by man, in the image of man. I live in America, where (for the moment) your free to beleive whatever you want to. So feel free to do so, BUT as an American, I have to say: "Keep thy religion to thyself, and I will keep my boot out of thy backside" Sound fair?


posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 06:05 AM
I'm just glad that we don't all agree on the same thing. So long as we argue, we can't have one world government.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:23 AM
I found that video very thought provoking, thank you for posting it.. deffinatly something to think about I found it put across very well, even though I am not a Christian.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:29 AM
This video has A LOT of validity to it. Everyone on earth does need to make a very well informed and very well founded decision SOON!!!!!! Time is running out. Open your mind, and try to see the bigger picture.

Even if you are an atheist, the issue at hand will be once and for all RESOLVED, and everyone WILL BE affected!

There is no neutral ground. So, not believing does not mean you are safe.

OH, what is the issue at hand? well, without getting too deep....

Satan wants you to believe that we don't need God, that we can govern ourselves without Gods guidance. Well, history is a testament of our human rulership, right?

again, make an informed decision

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:33 AM
Absolutely awesome video. Sad thing is, soo many will never buy it. So many will continue to see things they have been brainwashed to do.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Great video! Very imformative in its points. I must say this is helpful information that I can take in and acknowledge. But I cannot help but still just live my life of doing right and finding ones greater self. If people classify that as being "neutral" then so be it. I will never confirm to something that i do not know for sure is "right". All i can do is try and live a righteous and good-living life, loving and appreciating all that is good, and appreciating people and their life, and loving life itself.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 11:59 PM
All this conspiracy stuff is used as a huge distraction.

In the end... ATS could very well help the NWO.

your only weapon agaist this kind of evil is prayer.

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