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Is the earth really over populated?

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posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Well is it?

I was reading something and I can not remember where I saved the URL to it to. But it said you can take everyone on the face of the earth and give them an acre of land and they can fit comfortably in the country of Australia.

Does anyone else remember hearing this? Or what are your thoughts?

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by xweaponx

yes, us humans can never do pure good, we are just like a disease popping up in random spots and any population basically isn't good, but more people = more bad haha

[edit on 2-11-2008 by baseball101]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 11:45 PM
I don't think so. what does it mean to be overpopulated? That we can't sustain most of the population and they die of curable diseases or famine? If so, I'd say no. The people dying right now could be saved but we choose not to save them.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 11:46 PM
I say the earth is really just mismanaged.

If the world was a business we would have gone under a long time ago.

I guess it just all depends on what you believe.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by xweaponx

i had also heard this same thing, if i remeber correctly it said it wouldnt even take up the entire continent, the area (i think) of queensland would still remain open.

this bugs me though because i cant remeber where i had heard this

deff interesting though since the entire so called reasoning behind the NWO is to lower the population......why??

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 12:13 AM
They would fit but you wouldn't be able to feed everyone. More people = more resource demand. See IPCC website etc. After the other thread I'm not gonna waste any more time on this.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 12:43 AM
Yes, If I recall correctly every person living on this earth could be given a half acre of land down under. Queensland would remain uninhabited and the rest of the world would remain untouched.

Are we overpopulated? Yes!!!! I state this only because we are ignorant,destructive, greedy, egotistic & selfish. We are only concerned about "me" and "I". With a half acre each of land theoretically we could grow our own food. If geography did not allow it some type of goods could be produced and traded with others. It's pretty Damn simple!!!!!!!!!!! So much for intelligence lending us an evolutionary hand. Not only will we destroy ourselves we will take all species with us. If there are aliens I wonder if they ever contemplated wiping us out and giving the cockroaches a go at it...

Embarrassed human,


[edit on 3-11-2008 by HypnoAsp]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by robertnesta
deff interesting though since the entire so called reasoning behind the NWO is to lower the population......why??

A reduced population is easier for the NWO to control. I think their target is only about 500 million people on Earth.

If the NWO goes through with this wicked plan of theirs, a lot of people will be dead.

Nuclear war or having people unprepared for disasters is one easy way to kill off the other 5.5 billion people.

I suspect general public access to the internet will vanish after a successful nuclear 'war'. The NWO can easily solidify their power base through the mass disorganization/depopulation of any significant resistance, and having the phones and internet cut off helps. Forget hacked internet, all they need to do is unplug the power!

The PTB will never give up Earth without trying everything, and that includes killing 5.5 billion people. They have no problem with doing this. People are just insects/cattle to them. To them, People are the problem.

The NWO knows they are losing. They've lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ireland is giving them a hard time. A lot of people think they're simply creepy and untrustworthy. Time is running out quickly for them. They know this. Now, they are just wondering and dicussing... When?

[edit on 3-11-2008 by star in a jar]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 12:54 AM
Is the earth over populated Simply answer is yes

I do remember reading some place on the net about Australia is big enough to have every one BUT hey call me greedy i don't want 6.8 billion in my country

As one poster has said we are messing up the place in a big way and i can not see us the human race waking up and smelling the roses in time

Time for mother earth to depopulate the human race

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 01:55 AM
It really depends, depends on how the humans use resources.. if we use resources like most americans it sheavly over populated.. If we conserved them we could probably double the population with no problems..

Civilized societies are very very very wasteful.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 01:56 AM
Ecological deficit and IPCC (Intergovernmental panel on global climate change).....

Search for these and educate yourself. Personally I have an absolute gutful of uninformed opinion around here.

Thats all I have to say about this, the answer is clear.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:01 AM
All people may be able to "fit" comfortably in Australia's borders, but I think the point of the world being "over-populated" is that the earth cannot sustain all of us, at our current rates of consumption. We may be able to live in greater harmony with the earth if we change the way we live, plain & simple. Who knows how many people could live on earth eventually, if only we changed our lifestyles.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by duffster
Is the earth over populated Simply answer is yes

I do remember reading some place on the net about Australia is big enough to have every one BUT hey call me greedy i don't want 6.8 billion in my country

As one poster has said we are messing up the place in a big way and i can not see us the human race waking up and smelling the roses in time

Time for mother earth to depopulate the human race

you volunteering to be among the first?


posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:04 AM
Apparently not. I do believe somehow nature regulates the land load. When a land is overloaded, birth rates mysteriously drop, or disease and famine occur.

To help feed Ethiopians, Somalians, and such, we enable them to overpopulate what the land will support with these artificial food increases. Then when war or funding drops, mass starvation occurs. You in essence create more starvation and suffering.

Often, though it sounds brutal, we do more harm when we try to help. If the land will only support X amount, then it will only support X. Good times or bad.

It all gets back to the lifeboat analogy. The lifeboat will safely handle only so many. To continue to pull in swimmers places the entire boat and everyone in it.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:54 AM
The quotes to which everyone are reffering to about the entire human population being able to live comfortably in Queensland come from Zeitgeist: Addendum.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 03:02 AM
Yes. Let's use a lovely wiki graph to show that there's too many of us:

Hmm, imbedding a PNG doesn't show up all that well, but you can see that the Earth obviously hasn't had to cope with this many humans in all of its 4 billion or so year existence.

Add to the fact that we're all a bunch of polluting, warring, destructive little blights...

As duffster said, I don't suggest everyone piles into Australia.

[edit on 3-11-2008 by mattguy404]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by xweaponx

Ive read the entire population of the globe would fit quite easily inside the state boundaries of Texas -nevermind Australia!
Cheers Karl

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:10 AM
This planet has enough resources to maintain a maximum population at a comfortable level of 11 billion people indefinitely.

However, the problem is that 1% of the world's population owns 40% of the world's wealth. To make matters worse, that 1% does not play well with others, and does not like to share their toys.

It is simple, the amount of food waste the USA throws out every year would feed the 3rd world for 5 years.

As one of the other posters has correctly stated, it is a matter of "good management" - which we ain't got right now.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
reply to post by robertnesta
deff interesting though since the entire so called reasoning behind the NWO is to lower the population......why??

A reduced population is easier for the NWO to control. I think their target is only about 500 million people on Earth.

If the NWO goes through with this wicked plan of theirs, a lot of people will be dead.

Nuclear war or having people unprepared for disasters is one easy way to kill off the other 5.5 billion people.

I suspect general public access to the internet will vanish after a successful nuclear 'war'. The NWO can easily solidify their power base through the mass disorganization/depopulation of any significant resistance, and having the phones and internet cut off helps. Forget hacked internet, all they need to do is unplug the power!

The PTB will never give up Earth without trying everything, and that includes killing 5.5 billion people. They have no problem with doing this. People are just insects/cattle to them. To them, People are the problem.

The NWO knows they are losing. They've lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ireland is giving them a hard time. A lot of people think they're simply creepy and untrustworthy. Time is running out quickly for them. They know this. Now, they are just wondering and dicussing... When?

[edit on 3-11-2008 by star in a jar]

Who is the NWO? I've never heard of such thing. I'd like to educate my self about it. Who is behind the NWO today? And what is there plan? And why?

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:14 AM
I read somewhere... maybe here, that everyone person in the world could fit inside Austrila comfortably with 13 acres a piece.

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