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My family, including myself, has a history of alien abduction

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posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:43 PM
Why am I posting here? Because I am both a defender and a seeker of Honesty. I hold myself to a higher standard when it comes to honesty, and I hold others to that same standard.

When I discovered that the bloody nose was physically possible, what did i do? I didn't sit on the information and let others assume it was impossible. I stated the TRUTH of it. I laid out the EVIDENCE that backed up that I could not disprove her claim with the research I made.

Had I merely sat on the information, I would be just as guilty of deceit as those I believe to be deceivers, which would make me no better.

So, like a TRUE scientific observer of my reality, when I come to evidence that does not support my claim (which in the case it did NOT), I admit it and change my hypothesis, if needed.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:44 PM
I feel frustration for both sides of the discussion. There is a demand for proof, and one who has had experiences that are similar (not the blood out the nose thing though) I DID go to great lengths to look into OTHER possible explanations. I get frustrated by the seemingly indifferent attitude of the OP to consider that many of these things MAY have other explanations.

As for gaining proof...good lord do you know how hard it is to GET medical records? During my pregnancy I had to go to two different ERs, had multiples of Ultrasounds, and you know what I've even contacted the hospital where my daughter was born and they cannot find ANY records at all...they were apparently sent somewhere and no one can give me a satisfactory explanation as to WHERE they were sent. I have contacted all previous doctors, all of the hospitals and the only records I can find and secure only relate back as far as 1991 when we moved to Vancouver.

None of my medical records nor my daughter's prior to 1991 can be located.

I am assured they were sent somewhere...but all leads have said the same thing..."we do not have them". Someone's got em...but damned if I can find them.

I have only a birth record for my daughter in form of birth certificate, but the actual records are gone. I have only a paper detailing an artificial surfactant study she was in as she was 1 LB six oz at birth and I received it 7 years after her birth as it was a 7 year double blind study. Even the doctors who conducted the study have no other records.

So medical proof IS hard to come by especially if you've moved more than once or changed doctors at any point.

Anyway...everyone has to try to be open to possibilities on both sides...research.

Calihan...I agree that your family should look more into this and start gathering info both for AND against what you've all experienced. It helps to solidify the experiences...I'm wary of any argument or reluctance to and against further research be it psychological, medical or physical.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:45 PM
well i can respect you hank mccoy, for looking it up and trying to see how it would be possible. that makes sense. people can and should research. but at the same time, some people are asking me for evidence that i just dont have. and if i did have it , it wouldnt make a bit of difference in anyones mind. so its just a battle i cant win.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by justgeneric

As for gaining proof...good lord do you know how hard it is to GET medical records? During my pregnancy I had to go to two different ERs, had multiples of Ultrasounds, and you know what I've even contacted the hospital where my daughter was born and they cannot find ANY records at all...they were apparently sent somewhere and no one can give me a satisfactory explanation as to WHERE they were sent. I have contacted all previous doctors, all of the hospitals and the only records I can find and secure only relate back as far as 1991 when we moved to Vancouver.

So medical proof IS hard to come by especially if you've moved more than once or changed doctors at any point.

Thats what I was trying to say. I have moved more than 15 times in my life, theres no way i could gain those records, I would have no clue where to even look.

as for evidence, we have evidence. but would it make a difference if i showed people that evidence?? probably not.

[edit on 5-11-2008 by alien]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by calihan123

Yes sometimes people need to share their stories, and people like to hear them. It does get annoying when people beg for proof, it's ok to ask a couple of times and question the story, but non stop proof comments is too much. Would you do that if you were listening to your friends story? no, because you would respect her/him. So because It's impossible for me to know if your lying or not, I cannot come to a real conclusion. If I disbelieve you or believe you 100%, that would be ignorant, because I cannot truly know. But I should respect you as a person and listen to your story, and thank you for sharing.

You never said you had proper proof. Proof is not always easy, even normal stories are hard to prove, for example I had a shower today. But I have no proof that I really did. But it did happen. Even the simplest story sometimes cannot be proven, how do we expect to share our stories everyday, if everyone wants proof that you cannot provide. Should we all just shut our mouths? nobody EVER talk?

By the way incase you don't know, there is also a, where people talk about random entertaining things and it's has a way more laid back atmosphere than ATS, ATS has become very serious lately haha.

[edit on 3-11-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:56 PM
yes. i do have evidence from other incidences, but you kept asking about the medical records.

mainly a picture my dad took of a ufo. a loss of time that was accounted for by people other than my family. a book my mom wrote about all of our families strange experiences, whos pages were mysteriously glued together one day when my mom came home, and no one had been home yet that day.

we have plenty of evidence from other peoples stories, other people witnessing things aside from my family... but im not sure what kind of evidence you are asking for. The alien itself? i mean ... what kind of evidence am i suppose to show you?

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:19 PM
and by the way thats not an excuse. thats the truth. i dont have a close relationship with my dad.. so if i hear back from him or not.. it wouldnt be for a while im sure

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Good grief. Let's get to the bottom line, here. If she does in fact have any evidence of these encounters she has made it clear that she does not intend to present it here. That leaves us with the following options:

A. Fuss and fret about it

B. Take her at her word

C. Don't take her at her word

D. Leave it as an open possibility, neither proven nor disproven

If you choose option A, I'd say you ought to settle down a bit. Granted, any discussion in which the participants vehemently disagree on something can lead to a bit of an argument, that's natural. But for the past two or three pages most of the responses from both sides of this discussion have been repetitive and have added little or nothing of value to the discussion. Although I was planning to put in a good word for you, Hank McCoy, for posting empirical data that contradicts your earlier hypothesis. I agree that honesty is vital to any truly skeptical viewpoint.

If you choose option B, I'd say you might be a little too quick to jump to conclusions. There could be other possibilities, information that you don't know about. Calihan, I suspect there could be a series of coincidences leading to this result... emphasis on the word, "could." For the sake of this post I'm not doubting what you've experienced, but there may be other causes you haven't fully considered; we must always remember that the mind can play tricks on us. Mine certainly has, and I might come back to that later. We must treat all possibilities with equal fairness before we judge them.

If you choose option C, I'd say you're too quick to dismiss the possibility that she could be right about most or everything she's saying. The moment we start thinking we know everything about what's going on around us is the moment we cross over from the land of scientific inquiry into the land of fools. Since we have only her word to go on, and what we do know about the universe tells us that an alien presence could be a very real possibility, it is difficult or, perhaps in this case impossible, to deny that she might be right.

I say, go with option D. There's just not enough evidence to go on, here, to formulate any kind of conclusion with any certainty. Maybe that means it's pointless to participate in this thread... if you feel that way, that's fair enough. I, for one, am interested in what else she may have to say, if only to indulge my own imagination.

That said: Calihan, if I were to assume that these "abductions" were in fact extraterrestrial as you have suggested, I'm curious to know what your reaction is. How do you feel about it? Do you feel a pressing urge to prevent them from reoccurring, or to reveal them as a reality to other people? Or have you come to just accept them or put up with them as a part of your life that you cannot control or affect?

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by calihan123

Ah abducted by aliens huh? hmmmmm....... cant say that i know how that is like but jeez id love to find out

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:45 PM
as for the whole thread, i don't think it was started inorder to prove alien abductions. it was simply somebody sharing their own experiences, and as the OP clearly stats, for those who have had a simular experience.

i have no way of knowing if alien abductions do occur, therefore if they are real, where would you go if it happened to you? where would you find people who have experienced something simular?

obviously somewhere that has a community of u.f.o. believers is a good start, a community where others have claimed to of had abduction experiences.

if the thread had started out claiming they could prove it then i could understand the need for it to be proven. however the intensions were set from the start. to share an experience.

you either believe it or you don't. maybe the only people this whole thread will relate to is those who have had abduction experiences if they do indeed happen.

now i'm certainly NOT going to stand in the way of that. if they do happen i can totally understand a need to find someone simular or who has simular occurences.

i have had a u.f.o. experience in my time. however if i wanted to share what happened that dos'nt mean i am claiming i can prove it.

the whole purpose of sharing experiences is just that, sharing. you either choose to believe or you don't.

it should'nt turn into a fisty cuff for proof.

ive read the OP's experience. i have no idea if it is true or not.
i have listened and taken on board their thoughts, there is no way possible they could prove it to me.

the only people who will know is those who have experienced the same or something simular. threads like these never claim to beable to prove it.
it's just some sceptics demand proof at every whim when that was not the point of the thread.

this is no different to the thread which discussed dreams. i took part in that too, i shared my dream experiences, however there is no way on earth i could ever prove them.

[edit on 3-11-2008 by lifeform]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:53 PM
Yes, that is exactly all I was trying to do. Share my experience. Not prove to mankind that I have proof of alien existence.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 08:28 PM


posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by lifeform

I was being sarcastic with my post.
I agree the only evidence to alien abductions are witnesses , but to say that every single witness in the world is delusional or only seeking attention is a liittle stupid , we are talking about reports from all over the world related to abductions , and if every single report is a lie then there really has to be a new type of brain diasease , something i really doubt.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 08:39 PM
yeah, i doubt that so many people would have some undetected brain disease like that.. just makes zero sense at all.

besides how would a brain disease be cause for the physical evidence, such as marks in peoples arms etc?

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by dracodie
reply to post by lifeform

I was being sarcastic with my post.
I agree the only evidence to alien abductions are witnesses , but to say that every single witness in the world is delusional or only seeking attention is a liittle stupid , we are talking about reports from all over the world related to abductions , and if every single report is a lie then there really has to be a new type of brain diasease , something i really doubt.

ah, i see where your coming from. i apologise for misjudging your post.
when people start to attack people for daring to think differently or simply sharing experiences you start to read every post as having the same intension.

i should of took a deep breathe stood back and read it again. sorry.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by calihan123

lol, hardcore skeptics would probably say that the marks are done by the crazy abductees.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:11 PM
The rules for the gray category, which is what this is now posted in is the opposite. No one is supposed to demanding proof, and she may share her story freely with those interested in participating and perhaps a little constructive skepticism where alternatives may be considered.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by calihan123

It is difficult at best for many people to accept what you have described and I am one who truly believes that the vast majority of abduction cases have an alternate and non-paranormal answer, but some of what you have described is consistent with those cases that cannot be explained away in such a fashion.

When I went to investigate this phenomenon back in the 90’s, I went to Walter Andrus of MUFON in Seguin, TX. (I lived nearby) and we spoke at length about abductions. While he tried to remain objective, he acknowledged that the reports seemed to indicate that there was a genetic implication to abductions and that multiple members in a family may very well be abducted multiple times over the years. Persons such as Bud Hopkins, Whitley Strieber, and Raymond Fowler all seem to share this same opinion and written several books on the subject.

You can follow that research yourself to see if what you are experiencing, is consistent with what they have written about.
Eagan Thorn

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by calihan123

Listen, I don't want to be a jerk and I've probably done a pretty good job in making people think I am. I intend to stay open minded from now on, on this topic. I think there may in fact be something to it but it's just hard for me to grasp that these abductions could be going on, especially since they kind of exploded from the 1950's on, when greys became mainstream. It has to make you wonder. I think you are being honest but I still can't be completely convinced that it is alien or an active imagination. I mean without proof I cannot make an assessment because I do not know you. And since I do not know you I will no longer judge. I would like to see the photo so we can all have a look, but if you do not share that is your choice. I wish I could see it though

I just think all if not many of these abductions are the mind because it is impressionable in the state between sleep and wake. However, I was having an outward bias over the whole thing because of this, when clearly your experience/s do not fall into this category.

I am sorry if I didn't best represent myself throughout this topic by seemingly being close minded. I realize there is the paranormal out there and my own experiences do not have proof so I shouldn't judge yours even though you do have the proof. I understand you are not close with your father. I didn't know my biological father for over 21 years.

.....I'm probably not making sense right now.....I'm so tired.....

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by SkepticalSteve

nobody is forced to believe anything. however what some people cannot get is that just because THEY have not experienced something and there is currently no proof(in their mind) it dos'nt mean it is not happening.

i for one do not think that many people would all lie about the same thing knowing all they are going to do is make themselves a target.

i really do believe that whatever is going on is REAL, real interms that the people it happens to really do experience the event and it felt as real as real can be.

i don't pretend to have any answers, but at the same time simply cannot ignore that many calls from people saying they are being abducted. the only way to find out what is happening is to take people seriously and encourage them to come forward and share their experiences and any proof(if they have it) or signs(implants/markings).

it could be something to do with the mind for all i know(although implants and markings suggest otherwise), and your certainly not wrong for considering it.

it's the people who claim to know better, who try to brandish everybody crazy and close down debate by making people fear discussion that yank my chain.

i have dreamt of aliens before, however i know it was a dream. but at the same time i have no idea if what i experienced and put down to a dream was the same as what people who claim to be abducted experience.

what they descibe certainly dos'nt sound the same. thats all i know.

nobody is saying don't be sceptical, but there becomes a point where it turns into bullying

[edit on 5-11-2008 by alien]

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