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GST's review of Oliver Stone's "W"

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posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 09:58 PM
Today I went to go see the movie "W". I went with no expectations other than the fact that Oliver Stone usually makes some pretty good movies.

Well, after finishing this movie, I have to say, It wasnt quite what I expected. But that is not neccasarily a bad thing.

The first half I found somewhat boring.W getting hazed to get into a fraternity at yale. W getting drunk at bars.Nothing of any real substance.

But during the second half when he started running for Governer and eventually for Presideng things started getting interesting.

I expected the whole movie to be spent making Bush look like an idiot. While certain parts did, it showed Bush's human side.

It showed that he started out with the intention of doing good. That he started out thinking he could do even better than his dad. But after recieving bad and misleading intelligence along with crummy advice from those that surrounded him through most of his presidency he became known as one of the worst if not the worst president in US history.

The movie shows is growth from a drunken college frat boy into the person we know today.

It comes to an end quite suddenly. So suddnely infact that most people in the theater looked arund in surprised that it just ended.

With out giving away too much I will say that the movie ends with a clever baseball metaphor that sums up his presidency.

All in all I enjoyed the movie. It wasnt quite what I thought it would be, but that is not a bad thing.

I would recommend it but Im not sure everyone would like it. I can see how some might find it boring. I just happened to like it.

I give "W" 3 out of 5 stars.


posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Also, if anyone has seen the movie please post what you thought about it. For those who have yet too see it I hope my little review helps you out.

I saw it and Im glad I did. I hope you go see it too.


posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:32 PM
I went to see the movie on its opening day because I love Oliver Stone movies.

I was very dissapointed by this movie. Hard to believe this was done by Oliver Stone.

Whats wrong with it:

* It can decide what genre it is: Documentary, Movie, Comeday, Drama?

* The acting was abysmal. Especially Condoleeza Rice who was not herself at all.

* The movie offered zero background and only fed us stuff we already know from the msm.

* The jokes were lame...nobody in the audience laughed.

* Oliver Stone didnt bother to interview members of the Bush family or do any deeper research. Add to that, that theres not much to report on his private life...why even make a film out of him? Making a film out of JFK and Nixon makes much more sense.

* His entire last term was left out.

Horrible. Not recommended.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

* It can decide what genre it is: Documentary, Movie, Comeday, Drama?

Certainly you didnt expect it to be a documentary, did you not see the previews? Although it was certainly a movie(wast aware that movie was a genre of movie) with some comedy and drama.

* The movie offered zero background and only fed us stuff we already know from the msm.

Were you expecting some deep dark secretes to be revealed? Well no wonder you were dissapointed. It was just a movie based on what the public knows about president bush.

* The jokes were lame...nobody in the audience laughed.

Really? No one? It was the exact opposite at the theater I went to.

* His entire last term was left out.

Because he wanted to focus on everything up untill the last term....

Horrible. Not recommended.

To each his own I suppose.


[edit on 8-11-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

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